From 20c42486b82d00bc6dfef799d8fda99f72a75f55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laurent Mercadier <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 21:43:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Adds axisRange parameter, returns fitting function when

--- | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 224b8a8..e7b906b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.special import erfc
 from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
+import bisect
-def knife_edge(nrun, axisKey='scannerX', signalKey='FastADC4peaks', p0=None, full=False, plot=False):
+def knife_edge(nrun, axisKey='scannerX', signalKey='FastADC4peaks', 
+               axisRange=[None,None], p0=None, full=False, plot=False):
     ''' Calculates the beam radius at 1/e^2 from a knife-edge scan by fitting with
-        erfc function: f(a, u) = a*erfc(u) or f(a, u) = a*erfc(-u) where 
+        erfc function: f(a,b,u) = a*erfc(u)+b or f(a,b,u) = a*erfc(-u)+b where 
         u = sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0 with w0 the beam radius at 1/e^2 and x0 the beam center.
             nrun: xarray Dataset containing the detector signal and the motor 
@@ -19,22 +21,24 @@ def knife_edge(nrun, axisKey='scannerX', signalKey='FastADC4peaks', p0=None, ful
             axisKey: string, key of the axis against which the knife-edge is 
             signalKey: string, key of the detector signal.
-            p0: list, initial parameters used for the fit: x0, w0, a. If None, a beam
+            axisRange: list of length 2, minimum and maximum values between which to apply
+                       the fit.
+            p0: list, initial parameters used for the fit: x0, w0, a, b. If None, a beam
                 radius of 100 um is assumed.
             full: bool: If False, returns the beam radius and standard error. If True,
                 returns the popt, pcov list of parameters and covariance matrix from 
-                curve_fit.
+                curve_fit as well as the fitting function.
             plot: bool: If True, plots the data and the result of the fit.
             If full is False, ndarray with beam radius at 1/e^2 in mm and standard 
             error from the fit in mm. If full is True, returns popt and pcov from 
             curve_fit function.
-    def integPowerUp(x, x0, w0, a):
-        return a*erfc(-np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0)
+    def integPowerUp(x, x0, w0, a, b):
+        return a*erfc(-np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0) + b
-    def integPowerDown(x, x0, w0, a):
-        return a*erfc(np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0)
+    def integPowerDown(x, x0, w0, a, b):
+        return a*erfc(np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0) + b
     #get the number of pulses per train from the signal source:
     dim = nrun[signalKey].dims[1]
@@ -46,22 +50,38 @@ def knife_edge(nrun, axisKey='scannerX', signalKey='FastADC4peaks', p0=None, ful
     sortIdx = np.argsort(positions)
     positions = positions[sortIdx]
     intensities = nrun[signalKey].values.flatten()[sortIdx]
+    if axisRange[0] is None or axisRange[0] < positions[0]:
+        idxMin = 0
+    else:
+        if axisRange[0] >= positions[-1]:
+            raise ValueError('The minimum value of axisRange is too large')
+        idxMin = bisect.bisect(positions, axisRange[0])
+    if axisRange[1] is None or axisRange[1] > positions[-1]:
+        idxMax = None
+    else:
+        if axisRange[1] <= positions[0]:
+            raise ValueError('The maximum value of axisRange is too small')
+        idxMax = bisect.bisect(positions, axisRange[1]) + 1
+    positions = positions[idxMin:idxMax]
+    intensities = intensities[idxMin:idxMax]
     # estimate a linear slope fitting the data to determine which function to fit
     slope = np.cov(positions, intensities)[0][1]/np.var(positions) 
     if slope < 0:
         func = integPowerDown
-        funcStr = 'a*erfc(np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0)'
+        funcStr = 'a*erfc(np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0) + b'
         func = integPowerUp
-        funcStr = 'a*erfc(-np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0)'
+        funcStr = 'a*erfc(-np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0) + b'
     if p0 is None:
-        p0 = [np.mean(positions), 0.1, np.max(intensities)/2]
+        p0 = [np.mean(positions), 0.1, np.max(intensities)/2, 0]
     popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, positions, intensities, p0=p0)
     print('fitting function:', funcStr)
     print('w0 = (%.1f +/- %.1f) um'%(popt[1]*1e3, pcov[1,1]**0.5*1e3))
-    print('x0 = (%.3f +/- %.3f) mm'%(popt[0], pcov[0,0]**0.5*1e3))
-    print('a = %e +/- %e '%(popt[2], pcov[2,2]**0.5*1e3))
+    print('x0 = (%.3f +/- %.3f) mm'%(popt[0], pcov[0,0]**0.5))
+    print('a = %e +/- %e '%(popt[2], pcov[2,2]**0.5))
+    print('b = %e +/- %e '%(popt[3], pcov[3,3]**0.5))
     if plot:
         xfit = np.linspace(positions.min(), positions.max(), 1000)
@@ -78,6 +98,6 @@ def knife_edge(nrun, axisKey='scannerX', signalKey='FastADC4peaks', p0=None, ful
     if full:
-        return popt, pcov
+        return popt, pcov, func
         return np.array([popt[1], pcov[1,1]**0.5])