diff --git a/Load.py b/Load.py
index 62ec295c9db1d8ad071b14a16634d352809c0fec..a26a487b4a4b7ff7f62f6cf9ae568ecfd0b91890 100644
--- a/Load.py
+++ b/Load.py
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
     Copyright (2019) SCS Team.
 import numpy as np
-from karabo_data import RunDirectory, by_index
+from karabo_data import by_index, RunDirectory
+from karabo_data.read_machinery import find_proposal
 import xarray as xr
+import os
 mnemonics = {
     # Machine
@@ -362,23 +364,20 @@ mnemonics = {
                     'dim': ['gott_pId','pixelId']}
-def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB, semesterNB, topic='SCS', display=False,
-    validate=False, runpath='/gpfs/exfel/exp/{}/{}/{}/raw/r{:04d}/',
-    subset=by_index[:], rois={}):
+def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB, subFolder='raw', display=False, validate=False,
+         subset=by_index[:], rois={}):
     """ Load a run and extract the data. Output is an xarray with aligned trainIds
             fields: list of mnemonic strings to load specific data such as "fastccd", "SCS_XGM",
                 or dictionnaries defining a custom mnemonic such as
                 {"extra": {'SCS_CDIFFT_MAG/SUPPLY/CURRENT', 'actual_current.value', None}}
-            runNB: run number as integer
-            proposalNB: string or int of the proposal number e.g. 'p002252' or 2252
-            semesterNB: string or int of the semester number where the proposal data are saved
-            topic: string of the topic
-            display: boolean, whether to show the run.info or not
-            validate: boolean, whether to run karabo-data-validate or not
-            runpath: a string to fromat the run folder path with topic,
-                semesterNB, proposalNB and runNB
+            runNB: (str, int) run number as integer
+            proposalNB: (str, int) of the proposal number e.g. 'p002252' or 2252
+            subFolder: (str) sub-folder from which to load the data. Use 'raw' for raw
+                data or 'proc' for processed data.
+            display: (bool) whether to show the run.info or not
+            validate: (bool) whether to run karabo-data-validate or not
             subset: a subset of train that can be load with by_index[:5] for the
                 first 5 trains
             rois: a dictionnary of mnemonics with a list of rois definition and the desired
@@ -389,15 +388,18 @@ def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB, semesterNB, topic='SCS', display=False,
             res: an xarray DataSet with aligned trainIds
-    if type(proposalNB)==int:
+    if isinstance(runNB, int):
+        runNB = 'r{:04d}'.format(runNB)
+    if isinstance(proposalNB,int):
         proposalNB = 'p{:06d}'.format(proposalNB)
-    runFolder = runpath.format(topic, semesterNB, proposalNB, runNB)
+    runFolder = os.path.join(find_proposal(proposalNB), subFolder, runNB)
     run = RunDirectory(runFolder).select_trains(subset)
     if validate:
         get_ipython().system('karabo-data-validate ' + runFolder)
     if display:
+        print('Loading data from {}'.format(runFolder))
     keys = []