diff --git a/doc/BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination.ipynb b/doc/BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination.ipynb
index ae50811741325895f8d86564f63a559e8c1d4273..56c558cbd51a269ecd98a9d04d001caa5439470c 100644
--- a/doc/BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination.ipynb	
+++ b/doc/BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination.ipynb	
@@ -39,6 +39,16 @@
     "import os"
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "import sys\n",
+    "print(sys.executable)"
+   ]
+  },
    "cell_type": "markdown",
    "metadata": {},
@@ -65,21 +75,6 @@
     "rois_th = 4"
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 2,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "proposal = int(proposal)\n",
-    "darkrun = int(darkrun)\n",
-    "run = int(run)\n",
-    "module = int(module)\n",
-    "gain = int(gain)\n",
-    "sat_level = int(sat_level)\n",
-    "rois_th = int(rois_th)"
-   ]
-  },
    "cell_type": "code",
    "execution_count": 3,
@@ -1536,7 +1531,7 @@
  "metadata": {
   "celltoolbar": "Tags",
   "kernelspec": {
-   "display_name": "xfel",
+   "display_name": "xfel (Python 3.7)",
    "language": "python",
    "name": "xfel"
diff --git a/doc/Dask DSSC module binning.ipynb b/doc/Dask DSSC module binning.ipynb
index 4a75edb22b2bcfe6942a109bbd07f8a96eb707f9..c7f20a0457ec8c58e4006fbb0d92c1cff4ec5649 100644
--- a/doc/Dask DSSC module binning.ipynb	
+++ b/doc/Dask DSSC module binning.ipynb	
@@ -26,6 +26,16 @@
     "import xarray as xr"
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "import sys\n",
+    "print(sys.executable)"
+   ]
+  },
    "cell_type": "code",
    "execution_count": 2,
@@ -116,12 +126,6 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "proposalNB = int(proposalNB)\n",
-    "dark_runNB = int(dark_runNB)\n",
-    "runNB = int(runNB)\n",
-    "module_group = int(module_group)\n",
-    "bin_width = float(bin_width)\n",
-    "\n",
     "moduleNB = list(range(module_group*4, (module_group+1)*4))"
@@ -229,7 +233,7 @@
  "metadata": {
   "celltoolbar": "Tags",
   "kernelspec": {
-   "display_name": "xfel",
+   "display_name": "xfel (Python 3.7)",
    "language": "python",
    "name": "xfel"
diff --git a/doc/changelog.rst b/doc/changelog.rst
index f47a502d6371714072a0f05542ac06340a63b235..ee15b95d23f0bfd464d2a3fc6f40c3af3757251b 100644
--- a/doc/changelog.rst
+++ b/doc/changelog.rst
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ unreleased
     - fix :issue:`45` SLURM scripts embedded in and download link available from documentation :mr:`171`
     - fix :issue:`8` regarding azimuthal integration with pyFAI and hexagonal DSSC pixel splitting by providing an example notebook :mr:`174`
     - fix :issue:`46` with a change in dask groupby mean behavior :mr:`174`
+    - fix :issue:`47` SLURM script not using the correct kernel :mr:`176`
 - **Improvements**
     - update version of BAM mnemonics :mr:`175`
     - update version GATT-related mnemonics, add `transmission_col2` :mr:`172`
     - reorganize the Howto section :mr:`169`
+    - improve SLURM scripts with named arguments :mr:`176`
 - **New Features**
diff --git a/doc/howtos.rst b/doc/howtos.rst
index e157a9d0205e2f61b5c9d325bd538abd3f58ab0e..5ce280acfa51e2fa0e230cf5f3a9aa0006a61753 100644
--- a/doc/howtos.rst
+++ b/doc/howtos.rst
@@ -52,13 +52,14 @@ It is launched with the following:
 .. code:: bash
-    sbatch ./bin_dssc_module_job.sh 180 179 0
-    sbatch ./bin_dssc_module_job.sh 180 179 1
-    sbatch ./bin_dssc_module_job.sh 180 179 2
-    sbatch ./bin_dssc_module_job.sh 180 179 3
+    sbatch ./bin_dssc_module_job.sh -p 2719 -d 180 -r 179 -m 0 -x delay -b 0.1
+    sbatch ./bin_dssc_module_job.sh -p 2719 -d 180 -r 179 -m 1 -x delay -b 0.1
+    sbatch ./bin_dssc_module_job.sh -p 2719 -d 180 -r 179 -m 2 -x delay -b 0.1
+    sbatch ./bin_dssc_module_job.sh -p 2719 -d 180 -r 179 -m 3 -x delay -b 0.1
-where 180 is the dark run number, 179 is the run nummber and 0, 1, 2 and 3 are
-the 4 module group, each job processing a set of 4 DSSC module.
+where 2719 is the proposal number, 180 is the dark run number, 179 is the run
+nummber and 0, 1, 2 and 3 are the 4 module group, each job processing a set of
+4 DSSC module, delay is the bin axis and 0.1 is the bin width.
 The result will be 16 \*.h5 files, one per module, saved in the folder specified
 in the script, a copy of which can be found in the *scripts* folder in the
@@ -121,9 +122,10 @@ reads as:
 It uses the first notebook and is launched via slurm:
-``sbatch ./boz_parameters_job.sh 615 614 3``
+``sbatch ./boz_parameters_job.sh -p 2937 -d 615 -r 614 -g 3``
-where 615 is the dark run number, 614 is the run on 3 broken membranes and 3 is
+where 2937 is the proposal run number, where 615 is the dark run number,
+614 is the run on 3 broken membranes and 3 is
 the DSSC gain in photon per bin. The proposal run number is defined inside the
 script file.
diff --git a/doc/scripts/bin_dssc_module_job.sh b/doc/scripts/bin_dssc_module_job.sh
index 247cfe67d304cae6a02eb4f0f7f74eff5c4e566f..c5d321a9c3d52409d1716adb5d6c94d174645e63 100644
--- a/doc/scripts/bin_dssc_module_job.sh
+++ b/doc/scripts/bin_dssc_module_job.sh
@@ -5,21 +5,49 @@
 #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
 #SBATCH --output=logs/%j-%x.out
+while getopts ":p:d:r:k:m:x:b:" option
+    case $option in
+        p) PROPOSAL="$OPTARG";;
+        d) DARK="$OPTARG";;
+        r) RUN="$OPTARG";;
+        k) KERNEL="$OPTARG";;
+        m) MODULE_GROUP="$OPTARG";;
+        x) XAXIS="$OPTARG";;
+        b) BINWIDTH="$OPTARG";;
+        \?) echo "Unknown option"
+            exit 1;;
+        :) echo "Missing option for input flag"
+           exit 1;;
+    esac
+# Load xfel environment
 source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
 module load exfel
 module load exfel_anaconda3/1.1
 echo processing run $RUN
-mkdir $OUTPATH/r$RUN
+PDIR=$(find-proposal $PROPOSAL)
+PPROPOSAL="p$(printf '%06d' $PROPOSAL)"
+RDIR="$PDIR/usr/processed_runs/r$(printf '%04d' $RUN)"
+mkdir $RDIR
-# Run papermill
-python3 -c "import papermill as pm; pm.execute_notebook('Dask DSSC module binning.ipynb', \
-'$OUTPATH/r$RUN/output$MODULE_GROUP.ipynb', \
-parameters=dict(proposalNB='$PROPOSAL', dark_runNB='$DARK', runNB='$RUN', module_group='$MODULE_GROUP', \
-path='$OUTPATH/r$RUN/', kernel='xfel'))" 
+NB='Dask DSSC module binning.ipynb'
+# kernel list can be seen from 'jupyter kernelspec list'
+if [ -z "${KERNEL}" ]; then
+	  KERNEL="toolbox_$PPROPOSAL"
+python -c "import papermill as pm; pm.execute_notebook(\
+  '$NB', \
+  '$RDIR/output$MODULE_GROUP.ipynb', \
+  kernel_name='$KERNEL', \
+  parameters=dict(proposalNB=int('$PROPOSAL'), \
+                  dark_runNB=int('$DARK'), \
+                  runNB=int('$RUN'), \
+                  module_group=int('$MODULE_GROUP'), \
+                  path='$RDIR', \
+                  xaxis='$XAXIS', \
+                  bin_width=float('$BINWIDTH')))"
diff --git a/doc/scripts/boz_parameters_job.sh b/doc/scripts/boz_parameters_job.sh
index f8c199a10f4883798c5e415c8195a5110123b64f..ef7fd34a26e4efc87037523a089f30fe3294919c 100644
--- a/doc/scripts/boz_parameters_job.sh
+++ b/doc/scripts/boz_parameters_job.sh
@@ -5,14 +5,29 @@
 #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
 #SBATCH --output=logs/%j-%x.out
+while getopts ":p:d:r:k:g:t:s:m:" option
+    case $option in
+        p) PROPOSAL="$OPTARG";;
+        d) DARK="$OPTARG";;
+        r) RUN="$OPTARG";;
+        k) KERNEL="$OPTARG";;
+        g) GAIN="$OPTARG";;
+        t) ROISTH="$OPTARG";;
+        s) SATLEVEL="$OPTARG";;
+        m) MODULE="$OPTARG";;
+        \?) echo "Unknown option"
+            exit 1;;
+        :) echo "Missing option for input flag"
+           exit 1;;
+    esac
+# Load xfel environment
 source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
 module load exfel
 module load exfel_anaconda3/1.1
@@ -24,20 +39,20 @@ RDIR="$PDIR/usr/processed_runs/r$(printf '%04d' $RUN)"
 mkdir $RDIR
 NB='BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination.ipynb'
-#activate the proposal environment
-source $ACITVATE
+# kernel list can be seen from 'jupyter kernelspec list'
+if [ -z "${KERNEL}" ]; then
 python -c "import papermill as pm; pm.execute_notebook(\
   '$NB', \
-	'$RDIR/output.ipynb', \
-  parameters=dict(proposal='$PROPOSAL', \
-                  darkrun='$DARK', \
-                  run='$RUN', \
-                  module='$MODULE', \
-                  gain='$GAIN', \
-                  rois_th='$ROISTH', \
-                  sat_level='$SATLEVEL', \
-                  kernel='$KERNEL'))"
+  '$RDIR/output.ipynb', \
+  kernel_name='$KERNEL', \
+  parameters=dict(proposal=int('$PROPOSAL'), \
+                  darkrun=int('$DARK'), \
+                  run=int('$RUN'), \
+                  module=int('$MODULE'), \
+                  gain=float('$GAIN'), \
+                  rois_th=float('$ROISTH'), \
+                  sat_level=int('$SATLEVEL')))"