From 90c9a732e22b0295c5e43ca255e1706a4e36ad48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laurent Mercadier <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 21:37:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] introduce extract_fadc, extract_adq412, etc...

 src/toolbox_scs/ | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/toolbox_scs/ b/src/toolbox_scs/
index e9c9417..8c4d96e 100644
--- a/src/toolbox_scs/
+++ b/src/toolbox_scs/
@@ -40,12 +40,16 @@ def load(proposalNB=None, runNB=None,
-         extract_tim=True,
-         extract_laser=True,
+         extract_adq412=True,
+         extract_fadc=True,
-         tim_bp='sase3',
-         laser_bp='scs_ppl',
+         adq412_bp='sase3',
+         fadc_bp='scs_ppl',
+         extract_tim=None,
+         extract_laser=None,
+         tim_bp=None,
+         laser_bp=None,
     Load a run and extract the data. Output is an xarray with aligned
@@ -82,12 +86,12 @@ def load(proposalNB=None, runNB=None,
                              'dim': ['ref_x', 'ref_y']},
                      'sam': {'roi':by_index[1050:1210, 535:720],
                              'dim': ['sam_x', 'sam_y']}}}
-    extract_tim: bool
-        If True, extracts the peaks from TIM variables (e.g. 'MCP2raw',
+    extract_adq412: bool
+        If True, extracts the peaks from ADQ412 variables (e.g. 'MCP2raw',
         'MCP3apd') and aligns the pulse Id with the sase3 bunch pattern.
-    extract_laser: bool
+    extract_fadc: bool
         If True, extracts the peaks from FastADC variables (e.g. 'FastADC5raw',
-        'FastADC3peaks') and aligns the pulse Id with the PP laser bunch
+        'FastADC3peaks') and aligns the pulse Id according to the fadc_bp bunch
     extract_xgm: bool
         If True, extracts the values from XGM variables (e.g. 'SCS_SA3',
@@ -103,6 +107,12 @@ def load(proposalNB=None, runNB=None,
         bunch pattern used to extract the TIM pulses.
         Ignored if extract_tim=False.
+    extract_tim: DEPRECATED. Use extract_adq412 instead.
+    extract_laser: DEPRECATED. Use extract fadc instead.
+    tim_bp: DEPRECATED. Use adq412_bp instead.
+    laser_bp: DEPRECATED. Use fadc_bp instead.
     run, data: DataCollection, xarray.DataArray
@@ -194,16 +204,26 @@ def load(proposalNB=None, runNB=None,
     data = xr.merge(data_arrays, join='inner')
     data.attrs['runFolder'] = runFolder
-    tim = [k for k in run_mnemonics if 'MCP' in k and k in data]
-    if extract_tim and len(tim) > 0:
-        data = tbdet.get_tim_peaks(run, mnemonics=tim, merge_with=data,
-                                   bunchPattern=tim_bp)
-    laser = [k for k in run_mnemonics if 'FastADC' in k and k in data]
-    if extract_laser and len(laser) > 0:
-        data = tbdet.get_laser_peaks(run, mnemonics=laser, merge_with=data,
-                                     bunchPattern=laser_bp)
+    # backward compatibility with old-defined variables:
+    if extract_tim is not None:
+        extract_adq412 = extract_tim
+    if extract_laser is not None:
+        extract_fadc = extract_laser
+    if tim_bp is not None:
+        adq412_bp = tim_bp
+    if laser_bp is not None:
+        fadc_bp = laser_bp
+    adq412 = [k for k in run_mnemonics if 'MCP' in k and k in data]
+    if extract_adq412 and len(adq412) > 0:
+        data = tbdet.get_digitizer_peaks(run, mnemonics=adq412, merge_with=data,
+                                        bunchPattern=adq412_bp)
+    fadc = [k for k in run_mnemonics if 'FastADC' in k and k in data]
+    if extract_fadc and len(fadc) > 0:
+        data = tbdet.get_digitizer_peaks(run, mnemonics=fadc, merge_with=data,
+                                         bunchPattern=fadc_bp)
     xgm = ['XTD10_XGM', 'XTD10_XGM_sigma', 'XTD10_SA3', 'XTD10_SA3_sigma',
            'XTD10_SA1', 'XTD10_SA1_sigma', 'SCS_XGM', 'SCS_XGM_sigma',