from setuptools import setup, find_packages with open('README.rst') as f: readme = with open('VERSION') as f: _version = _version = _version.strip("\n") basic_analysis_reqs = ['numpy', 'scipy',] # and is readily available in Karabo advanced_analysis_reqs = [ 'pandas', 'imageio', 'xarray>=0.13.0', 'psutil', 'h5py', 'h5netcdf',] interactive_reqs = ['ipykernel', 'matplotlib', 'tqdm',] maxwell_reqs = ['joblib', 'papermill', 'dask[diagnostics]', 'extra_data', 'extra_geom', 'euxfel_bunch_pattern>=0.6', 'pyFAI',] docs_reqs = ['sphinx', 'nbsphinx'] setup(name='toolbox_scs', version=_version, description="A collection of code for the SCS beamline", long_description=readme, author='SCS team', author_email='', url="", keywords='XAS, xgm, DSSC, FCCD, PPL', license="GPL", package_dir={'': 'src'}, packages=find_packages('src'), package_data={}, install_requires=basic_analysis_reqs, extras_require={ 'advanced': advanced_analysis_reqs, 'interactive': interactive_reqs, 'maxwell': advanced_analysis_reqs + interactive_reqs + maxwell_reqs, 'docs': docs_reqs, 'test': ['pytest'] } )