diff --git a/TZPGcalc.py b/TZPGcalc.py
index 5ce4ff65a202ecb1f8995b1f33ad86580b267855..18acdef07d3b49ee22e8f335a2ece8ff68e20b44 100644
--- a/TZPGcalc.py
+++ b/TZPGcalc.py
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ class TZPGcalc():
         fig, (self.ax_sam, self.ax_det) = plt.subplots(1, 2, num='TZPGcalc', figsize=(6,3))
+        # display scale
+        self.scale = 1e3 # displayed distances in [mm]
         self.ax_sam.set_title('Sample plane')
         self.ax_det.set_title('Detector plane')
@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ class TZPGcalc():
         self.detLines = {'module': self.ax_det.add_patch(Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fill=False, facecolor='k')),
                 'Vfilter': self.ax_det.add_patch(Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, facecolor="blue", alpha=0.4)),
                 'Hfilter': self.ax_det.add_patch(Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, facecolor="blue", alpha=0.4)),
+                'diamond': self.ax_det.add_patch(Rectangle((-8, -8), 16, 16, facecolor="blue", alpha=0.4, angle=45))
         # 5x5 membranes
@@ -109,15 +113,14 @@ class TZPGcalc():
             xRight: x position of the right corner
             yTop: y position of the top corner
-        scale = 1e3 # displayed distances in [mm]
         xw = np.abs(xLeft - xRight)
         yw = np.abs(yTop - yBottom)
-        rect.set_xy((scale*xLeft, scale*yBottom))
-        rect.set_height(scale*yw)
-        rect.set_width(scale*xw)
+        rect.set_xy((self.scale*xLeft, self.scale*yBottom))
+        rect.set_height(self.scale*yw)
+        rect.set_width(self.scale*xw)
     def UpdateBeams(self, Beams, Z, conf):
         """ Update the position and size of the beams.
@@ -172,14 +175,15 @@ class TZPGcalc():
         # x module axis is vertical, y module axis is horizontal
         # the module 15 is +0.91 mm vertical from the beam and 4.233 mm horizontal from the beam
-        offset_h = 4.233e-3 #[mm]
-        offset_v = 0.91e-3 #[mm]
+        offset_h = 4.233e-3 #[m]
+        offset_v = 0.91e-3 #[m]
-        moduleHw = 256*0.236e-3 #[mm]
-        moduleVw = 128*0.204e-3 #[mm]
+        moduleHw = 256*0.236e-3 #[m]
+        moduleVw = 128*0.204e-3 #[m]
-        filterW = 7e-3 #[mm]
-        filterL = 160e-3 #[mm]
+        filterW = 7e-3 #[m]
+        filterL = 160e-3 #[m]
+        diamondW = 16e-3 #[m]
                    -moduleHw - offset_h + Xoff, offset_v + Yoff, -offset_h + Xoff, moduleVw + offset_v + Yoff)
@@ -187,6 +191,9 @@ class TZPGcalc():
                    -filterW/2 + Xoff, -filterL/2 + Yoff,  filterW/2 + Xoff, filterL/2 + Yoff)
                    -filterL/2 + Xoff, -filterW/2 + Yoff,  filterL/2 + Xoff, filterW/2 + Yoff)
+        # moving rotated rectangles is a pain in matplotlib
+        self.detLines['diamond'].set_xy((self.scale*Xoff, self.scale*(Yoff - diamondW/2*np.sqrt(2))))
     def SampleUpdate(self, w, p, Xoff, Yoff, thickness=0.525):
         """ Draw the sample.