# TZPGcalc Interactive jupyter notebook widget to calculate transmission zone plate grating (TZPG, also known as beam splitting off-axis zone plate) beam sizes and position at the sample and detector planes for the SCS instrument.  The so far implemented features are: * calculates geometric beam propagation for diffracted beams by the grating (1st, -1st and 0th order) * calculates geometric beam propagation for focused and unfocused beams by the off-axis zone plate (1st, 0th order) * calculates beam sizes and position for 2 energies * calculates sample position (membrane size and pitch) as well as etched facets * calculates position of the DSSC module 15 as well as filter bar position * calculates focal length change due to the KBS * calculates beam focusing by KBS for the zone plate 0th order * calculates beam and sample shape for sample at non-normal incidence angle