From 0513477a7d3df5ab045e9b7fbae4ad5ee560acac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Hammer <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:37:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix weighted ss / fs indices (thought I did already)

 src/calng/kernels/ | 113 ++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/calng/kernels/ b/src/calng/kernels/
index 7d172c9e..a07bdfb3 100644
--- a/src/calng/kernels/
+++ b/src/calng/kernels/
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
 class MaskedImageFrame {
 	const float* data_start;
-	const unsigned short num_rows;
-	const unsigned short num_cols;
-	__device__ MaskedImageFrame(const float* data_start, const unsigned short num_rows, const unsigned short num_cols):
-		data_start(data_start), num_rows(num_rows), num_cols(num_cols) {}
+	const unsigned short ss_dim;
+	const unsigned short fs_dim;
+	__device__ MaskedImageFrame(const float* data_start, const unsigned short ss_dim, const unsigned short fs_dim):
+		data_start(data_start), ss_dim(ss_dim), fs_dim(fs_dim) {}
 	__device__ bool is_masked(const unsigned short i, const unsigned short j) {
-		return isnan(data_start[i * num_cols + j]);
+		return isnan(data_start[i * fs_dim + j]);
 	__device__ float get(const unsigned short i, const unsigned short j) {
-		return data_start[i * num_cols + j];
+		return data_start[i * fs_dim + j];
 	__device__ float get(const unsigned short i, const unsigned short j, const float fallback) {
 		if (is_masked(i, j)) {
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ public:
 extern "C" __global__ void pf9(const unsigned short num_frames,
-                               const unsigned short num_rows,
-                               const unsigned short num_cols,
+                               const unsigned short ss_dim,
+                               const unsigned short fs_dim,
                                const unsigned short window_radius,
                                const float min_peak_over_border,
                                const float min_snr_biggest_pixel,
@@ -73,37 +73,37 @@ extern "C" __global__ void pf9(const unsigned short num_frames,
 	// execution model: one thread handles one pixel in one frame
 	const unsigned short frame = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
-	const unsigned short row = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
-	const unsigned short col = blockDim.z * blockIdx.z + threadIdx.z;
+	const unsigned short ss_index = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
+	const unsigned short fs_index = blockDim.z * blockIdx.z + threadIdx.z;
 	if (frame >= num_frames ||
-	    row < window_radius || row >= num_rows - window_radius ||
-	    col < window_radius || col >= num_cols - window_radius) {
+	    ss_index < window_radius || ss_index >= ss_dim - window_radius ||
+	    fs_index < window_radius || fs_index >= fs_dim - window_radius) {
 	// wrap thin helper class around for convenience
-	MaskedImageFrame masked_frame(image + frame * (num_rows * num_cols),
-	                              num_rows,
-	                              num_cols);
+	MaskedImageFrame masked_frame(image + frame * (ss_dim * fs_dim),
+	                              ss_dim,
+	                              fs_dim);
 	// candidate should not be masked
-	if (masked_frame.is_masked(row, col)) {
+	if (masked_frame.is_masked(ss_index, fs_index)) {
-	float pixel_val = masked_frame.get(row, col);
+	float pixel_val = masked_frame.get(ss_index, fs_index);
 	// candidate should be greater than immediate neighbors
-	// with tie breaking: in case of equality, lowest row, col is candidate
-	if (pixel_val <= masked_frame.get(row-1, col-1, -INFINITY) ||
-	    pixel_val <= masked_frame.get(row-1, col, -INFINITY) ||
-	    pixel_val <= masked_frame.get(row-1, col+1, -INFINITY) ||
-	    pixel_val <= masked_frame.get(row, col-1, -INFINITY) ||
-	    pixel_val < masked_frame.get(row, col+1, -INFINITY) ||
-	    pixel_val < masked_frame.get(row+1, col, -INFINITY) ||
-	    pixel_val < masked_frame.get(row+1, col, -INFINITY) ||
-	    pixel_val < masked_frame.get(row+1, col, -INFINITY)) {
+	// with tie breaking: in case of equality, lowest row, fs_index is candidate
+	if (pixel_val <= masked_frame.get(ss_index-1, fs_index-1, -INFINITY) ||
+	    pixel_val <= masked_frame.get(ss_index-1, fs_index, -INFINITY) ||
+	    pixel_val <= masked_frame.get(ss_index-1, fs_index+1, -INFINITY) ||
+	    pixel_val <= masked_frame.get(ss_index, fs_index-1, -INFINITY) ||
+	    pixel_val < masked_frame.get(ss_index, fs_index+1, -INFINITY) ||
+	    pixel_val < masked_frame.get(ss_index+1, fs_index, -INFINITY) ||
+	    pixel_val < masked_frame.get(ss_index+1, fs_index, -INFINITY) ||
+	    pixel_val < masked_frame.get(ss_index+1, fs_index, -INFINITY)) {
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void pf9(const unsigned short num_frames,
 	// (full border for window radius 2, less for higher)
 		float border_max = -INFINITY;
-		masked_frame.fun_ring(row, col, window_radius, [&] (unsigned short, unsigned short, float val) {
+		masked_frame.fun_ring(ss_index, fs_index, window_radius, [&] (unsigned short, unsigned short, float val) {
 			border_max = max(border_max, val);
 		if (pixel_val - min_peak_over_border <= border_max) {
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void pf9(const unsigned short num_frames,
 		unsigned short count = 0;
 		float M2 = 0;
-		masked_frame.fun_ring(row, col, window_radius, [&] (unsigned short, unsigned short, float val) {
+		masked_frame.fun_ring(ss_index, fs_index, window_radius, [&] (unsigned short, unsigned short, float val) {
 			float delta = val - mean;
 			mean += delta / static_cast<float>(count);
@@ -147,44 +147,47 @@ extern "C" __global__ void pf9(const unsigned short num_frames,
 	// whole peak should have sufficent SNR
-	float peak_weighted_row;
-	float peak_weighted_col;
-	float peak_total_mass = pixel_val - mean;
+	float peak_weighted_ss;
+	float peak_weighted_fs;
+	float peak_total_mass = 0;
 		/* TODO: more compact form */
-		float peak_weighted_row_nom = static_cast<float>(row) * pixel_val;
-		float peak_weighted_col_nom = static_cast<float>(col) * pixel_val;
-		const float peak_pixel_threshold = mean + min_snr_peak_pixels * sigma;
-		for (unsigned short layer=1; layer<=window_radius; ++layer) {
-			float total_mass_before = peak_total_mass;
-			masked_frame.fun_ring(row, col, layer, [&] (unsigned short i, unsigned short j, float val) {
-				if (val > peak_pixel_threshold) {
-					float val_over_mean = val - mean;
-					peak_total_mass += val_over_mean;
-					peak_weighted_row_nom += val_over_mean * static_cast<float>(i);
-					peak_weighted_col_nom += val_over_mean * static_cast<float>(j);
-				}
-			});
-			// in case nothing was added, stop expanding
-			if (peak_total_mass == total_mass_before) {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
+		float peak_weighted_ss_nom = 0;
+		float peak_weighted_fs_nom = 0;
+		// expand peak in rings
+        {
+            const float peak_pixel_threshold = mean + min_snr_peak_pixels * sigma;
+            for (unsigned short layer=1; layer<=window_radius; ++layer) {
+                float total_mass_before = peak_total_mass;
+                masked_frame.fun_ring(ss_index, fs_index, layer, [&] (unsigned short i, unsigned short j, float val) {
+                    if (val > peak_pixel_threshold) {
+                        float val_over_mean = val - mean;
+                        peak_total_mass += val_over_mean;
+                        peak_weighted_ss_nom += val_over_mean * static_cast<float>(i);
+                        peak_weighted_fs_nom += val_over_mean * static_cast<float>(j);
+                    }
+                });
+                // in case nothing was added, stop expanding
+                if (peak_total_mass == total_mass_before) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
 		if (peak_total_mass <= mean + min_snr_whole_peak * sigma) {
 		if (peak_total_mass == 0) {
-			float peak_weighted_row = static_cast<float>(row);
-			float peak_weighted_col = static_cast<float>(col);
+			peak_weighted_ss = static_cast<float>(ss_index);
+			peak_weighted_fs = static_cast<float>(fs_index);
 		} else {
-			peak_weighted_row = peak_weighted_row_nom / peak_total_mass;
-			peak_weighted_col = peak_weighted_col_nom / peak_total_mass;
+			peak_weighted_ss = peak_weighted_ss_nom / peak_total_mass;
+			peak_weighted_fs = peak_weighted_fs_nom / peak_total_mass;
 	unsigned int output_index = atomicInc(output_counts + frame, max_peaks);
 	unsigned int output_pos = frame * max_peaks + output_index;
-	output_x[output_pos] = peak_weighted_row;
-	output_y[output_pos] = peak_weighted_col;
+	output_x[output_pos] = peak_weighted_ss;
+	output_y[output_pos] = peak_weighted_fs;
 	output_intensity[output_pos] = peak_total_mass;