diff --git a/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py b/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
index 7fc7cd61dceb10ad09ca8d952053a609f9818d4f..0e61873329082b90ecb3b74b04c14344abc62ca8 100644
--- a/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
+++ b/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from traceback import format_exc
 from urllib.parse import urlparse
 import json
 import logging
+import re
 from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPError
 from tornado.platform.asyncio import AsyncIOMainLoop, to_asyncio_future
@@ -268,19 +269,7 @@ class InstantiationOptionsNode(Configurable):
 class ManagedKeysNode(Configurable):
-    # Keys managed on detector DAQ devices.
-    DAQ_KEYS = {'DataDispatcher.trainStride': 'daqTrainStride'}
-    @UInt32(
-        displayedName='DAQ train stride',
-        unitSymbol=Unit.COUNT,
-        defaultValue=5,
-        allowedStates=[State.ACTIVE],
-        minInc=1)
-    async def daqTrainStride(self, value):
-        self.daqTrainStride = value
-        background(get_instance_parent(self)._set_on_daq(
-            'DataDispatcher.trainStride', value))
+    pass
 class ManagedKeysCloneFactory(ProxyFactory):
@@ -317,6 +306,16 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
+    daqDevicesPattern = String(
+        displayedName='DAQ devices pattern',
+        description='Regexp pattern for the DAQ data aggregators of this '
+                    'detector, the formatting placeholder '
+                    '\'detector_identifier\' may be used. Leave empty to '
+                    'disable DAQ interaction.',
+        defaultValue='^{detector_identifier}/DET/\d*CH0$',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
     classIds = Node(
         displayedName='Class IDs',
@@ -437,6 +436,15 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
         self._correction_class_id = self.classIds.correctionClass.format(
+        # Concretized pattern for device IDs of data aggregators.
+        if self.daqDevicesPattern:
+            # Match function of compiled pattern.
+            self._is_daq_device = re.compile(self.daqDevicesPattern.format(
+                detector_identifier=self.detectorIdentifier.value)).match
+        else:
+            # Always False.
+            self._is_daq_device = lambda x: False
         # Set of data aggregators associated with the managed detector.
         self._daq_device_ids = set()
@@ -500,8 +508,7 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
             self.state = State.ACTIVE
     def _check_new_device(self, device_id, class_id):
-        if class_id == 'DataAggregator' and \
-                device_id.startswith(self.detectorIdentifier.value):
+        if class_id == 'DataAggregator' and self._is_daq_device(device_id):
             # This device is a data aggregator belonging to the detector
             # installation
@@ -561,6 +568,18 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
         return {key: max(set(values), key=values.count) for key, values
                 in key_values.items()}
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_managed_daq_keys():
+        # List of tuples [remote key, local key, descriptor]
+        return [
+            ('DataDispatcher.trainStride', 'daqTrainStride',
+             UInt32(displayedName='DAQ train stride',
+                    unitSymbol=Unit.COUNT,
+                    defaultValue=5,
+                    allowedStates=[State.ACTIVE],
+                    minInc=1))
+        ]
     async def _inject_managed_keys(self):
         """Attempt to retrieve the correction device's schema and insert
         part of it as managed keys.
@@ -598,28 +617,45 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
                 f'or loadable by device server `{corr_server}`')
-        # Collect the keys to be managed and build a nested hash
-        # expressing its hierarchy, leafs are set to None.
+        # Collect the keys to be managed including the nodes leading up
+        # to them. To do this a new hash is constructed with the managed
+        # key paths, filling in the node gaps in between.
         managed_keys = set(managed_schema.hash['managedKeys', 'defaultValue'])
-        managed_tree = Hash(*chain.from_iterable(
-            zip(managed_keys, repeat(None, len(managed_keys)))))
-        managed_paths = set(managed_tree.paths())
+        managed_paths = set(Hash(*chain.from_iterable(
+            zip(managed_keys, repeat(None, len(managed_keys))))).paths())
         # Reduce the correction schema to the managed paths.
         managed_hash = managed_schema.hash
         for path in managed_hash.paths():
             if path not in managed_paths:
+                # Remove unmanaged path.
                 del managed_hash[path]
+            else:
+                # Set owner and remote name (identical for corrections).
+                managed_hash[path, '__owner'] = 'corrections'
+                managed_hash[path, '__remote'] = path
         # Retrieve any previous values already on running devices in
         # order to update the defaultValue attribute in the schema just
         # before injection.
-        prev_vals = await self._get_shared_keys(
+        prev_values = await self._get_shared_keys(
             self._correction_device_ids, managed_keys)
-        if self._daq_device_ids:
-            prev_vals.update(await self._get_shared_keys(
-                self._daq_device_ids, ManagedKeysNode.DAQ_KEYS.keys()))
+        # Add in managed DAQ keys, if enabled.
+        if self.daqDevicesPattern:
+            remote_keys = []
+            for remote_key, local_key, descr in self._get_managed_daq_keys():
+                remote_keys.append(remote_key)
+                _, attrs = descr.toSchemaAndAttrs(None, None)
+                managed_hash[local_key] = 0
+                managed_hash[local_key, ...].update(
+                    attrs, __owner='daq', __remote=remote_key)
+            if self._daq_device_ids:
+                prev_values.update(await self._get_shared_keys(
+                    self._daq_device_ids, remote_keys))
         # Retrieve the attributes on the current managed node. The
         # original implementation of toSchemaAndAttrs in the Node's
@@ -644,20 +680,22 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
         # Walk the managed tree to and sanitize all descriptors to our
         # specifications.
         def _sanitize_node(parent, tree, prefix=''):
-            for key, value in tree.items():
+            for leaf_key, value in tree.items():
                 # Fetch the descriptor class, not its instance!
-                descr = getattr(parent.cls, key)
+                descr = getattr(parent.cls, leaf_key)
-                full_key = f'{prefix}.{key}' if prefix else key
+                local_key = f'{prefix}.{leaf_key}' if prefix else leaf_key
+                remote_key = managed_hash[local_key, '__remote']
                 if isinstance(descr, Node):
-                    _sanitize_node(descr, value, full_key)
+                    _sanitize_node(descr, value, local_key)
                 elif isinstance(descr, Slot):
-                    async def _managed_slot_called(parent, fk=full_key):
-                        background(self._call_on_corrections(fk))
+                    async def _managed_slot_called(parent,
+                                                   remote_key=remote_key):
+                        background(self._call_on_corrections(remote_key))
-                    _managed_slot_called.__name__ = f'managed.{full_key}'
+                    _managed_slot_called.__name__ = f'managed.{local_key}'
                     # Managed slots can only be called in the ACTIVE
@@ -671,13 +709,18 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
                         # Add a callback only if the original descriptor
                         # is reconfigurable.
-                        async def _managed_prop_changed(parent, v, k=key,
-                                                        fk=full_key):
-                            setattr(parent, k, v)
+                        async def _managed_prop_changed(
+                            parent, new_value,
+                            leaf_key=leaf_key,
+                            remote_key=remote_key,
+                            setter=getattr(self, '_set_on_' + managed_hash[
+                                local_key, '__owner'])
+                        ):
+                            setattr(parent, leaf_key, new_value)
                             if self.state != State.INIT:
                                 # Do not propagate updates during injection.
-                                background(self._set_on_corrections(fk, v))
+                                background(setter(remote_key, new_value))
@@ -691,14 +734,14 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
                         # If there's been a previous value before
                         # injection, use it.
-                        descr.defaultValue = prev_vals[full_key]
+                        descr.defaultValue = prev_values[remote_key]
                     except KeyError:
                     self.logger.warn(f'Encountered unknown descriptor type '
-        _sanitize_node(managed_node, managed_tree)
+        _sanitize_node(managed_node, managed_hash)
         # Inject the newly prepared node for managed keys.
         self.__class__.managed = managed_node