diff --git a/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py b/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py
index 79ad47833a242f40f99435a0dd44332a1eb78f8d..276c223a6702e95a25e92aa06736c8c7bc0417ae 100644
--- a/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py
+++ b/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@ import timeit
 import numpy as np
 from karabo.bound import (
-    Hash,
-    Schema,
+    ImageData,
 from karabo.common.states import State
diff --git a/src/calng/base_correction.py b/src/calng/base_correction.py
index 5ce2bdf8459d050e0b8429bec62316a5d5df0888..3f12c65744e04559907c719e85a5e99a9fdb9777 100644
--- a/src/calng/base_correction.py
+++ b/src/calng/base_correction.py
@@ -567,13 +567,13 @@ class BaseCorrection(PythonDevice):
         # TODO: put this under lock so dictionary doesn't change shape underneath us
         for constant_name, constant_data in self._cached_constants.items():
+            self.log.INFO(f"Reload constant {constant_name}")
             self._load_constant_to_gpu(constant_name, constant_data)
         self._has_updated_shapes = True
     def _update_rate_and_state(self):
         if not self.get("state") is State.PROCESSING:
-            self._rate_update_timer.delay()
         self._buffered_status_update.set("performance.rate", self._rate_tracker.get())
@@ -582,7 +582,6 @@ class BaseCorrection(PythonDevice):
         # trainId should be set on _buffered_status_update in input handler
-        self._rate_update_timer.delay()
         if (
             timeit.default_timer() - self._last_processing_started
diff --git a/src/calng/gpu_utils.py b/src/calng/gpu_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c945aee1a5bf8b64fa2621de49cf19511cabd41b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/calng/gpu_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import re
-import pycuda.driver
-import pycuda.gpuarray
-_gpuptr_re = re.compile(
-    r"GPUPTR:(?P<gpu_pointer>\w+)" r"DEVID:(?P<device_id>.+)" r"SHAPE:(?P<shape>.+)"
-def get_shape_from_ipc_handle(handle_string):
-    match = _gpuptr_re.match(handle_string)
-    return tuple(int(num) for num in match.group("shape").split(","))
-class IPCGPUArray:
-    """Context manager providing a GPUArray opened from string encoding IPC handle
-    Arguments:
-    handle_string: String encoding a "GPU pointer" (IPC address) plus some more
-    stuff.  This is "parsed" using _gpuptr_re.
-    dtype: self-explanatory (but make sure it is correct)
-    aray shape is parsed from the handle_string
-    """
-    def __init__(self, handle_string, dtype, gpu_pointer_re=None):
-        match = _gpuptr_re.match(handle_string)
-        assert match is not None
-        self.dtype = dtype
-        self.handle_address = bytearray.fromhex(match.group("gpu_pointer"))
-        self.shape = tuple(int(num) for num in match.group("shape").split(","))
-        # assuming contiguous C-order strides probably
-        # TODO: smarter
-        self.open_handle = None
-        self.gpu_array = None
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.open_handle = pycuda.driver.IPCMemoryHandle(self.handle_address)
-        self.gpu_array = pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray(
-            self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, gpudata=self.open_handle
-        )
-        return self.gpu_array
-    def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
-        self.open_handle.close()
-class GPUContextContext:
-    def __init__(self, gpu_context):
-        self.gpu_context = gpu_context
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.gpu_context.push()
-        return self.gpu_context
-    def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
-        self.gpu_context.pop()
diff --git a/src/calng/utils.py b/src/calng/utils.py
index 202ed9e6d689d1965ca9505f7167e18e7b866ba7..7c4c78e5f47e1b338f9da54afe172632f72064dc 100644
--- a/src/calng/utils.py
+++ b/src/calng/utils.py
@@ -86,43 +86,8 @@ def shape_after_transpose(input_shape, transpose_pattern, squeeze=True):
     return tuple(np.array(input_shape)[list(transpose_pattern)].tolist())
-class DelayableTimer:
-    """Start a timer which can be extended
-    Useful for reverting to state after inactivity, for instance.
-    timer defaults to timeit.default_timer - it should be a timer returning
-    globally increasing number of seconds.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, timeout, callback, timer=timeit.default_timer):
-        self.timer = timer
-        self.stop_time = self.timer() + timeout
-        def runner():
-            now = self.timer()
-            while now < self.stop_time:
-                diff = self.stop_time - now
-                time.sleep(diff)
-                now = self.timer()
-            callback()
-        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=runner)
-        self.thread.start()
-    def set_timeout(self, timeout):
-        """Delay stop time to now + timeout
-        If now + timeout is sooner than already set timeout, this does nothing"""
-        self.stop_time = self.timer() + timeout
-    def add_timeout(self, timeout):
-        """Simply add timeout to current stop time"""
-        self.stop_time += timeout
 class RepeatingTimer:
-    """Similar to DelayableTimer, but will keep running with pre-set intervals"""
+    """A timer which will call callback every interval seconds"""
     def __init__(self, interval, callback, timer=timeit.default_timer, start_now=True):
         self.timer = timer
@@ -132,24 +97,21 @@ class RepeatingTimer:
         if start_now:
-    def delay(self):
-        self.stop_time = self.timer() + self.interval
     def start(self):
         self.stopped = False
-        self.stop_time = self.timer() + self.interval
+        self.wakeup_time = self.timer() + self.interval
         def runner():
             while not self.stopped:
                 now = self.timer()
-                while now < self.stop_time:
-                    diff = self.stop_time - now
+                while now < self.wakeup_time:
+                    diff = self.wakeup_time - now
                     if self.stopped:
                     now = self.timer()
-                self.stop_time = self.timer() + self.interval
+                self.wakeup_time = self.timer() + self.interval
         self.thread = threading.Thread(target=runner)
@@ -158,32 +120,6 @@ class RepeatingTimer:
         self.stopped = True
-class Throttler:
-    """Similar to DelayableTimer, but will keep running with pre-set intervals"""
-    def __init__(self, interval, timer=timeit.default_timer):
-        self.timer = timer
-        self.interval = interval
-        self.latest_call = None
-    def ready(self):
-        if self.latest_call is None:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return self.latest_call + self.interval <= self.timer()
-    def update(self):
-        self.latest_call = self.timer()
-    def ready_update(self):
-        time = self.timer()
-        if self.latest_call is None or self.latest_call + self.interval <= time:
-            self.latest_call = time
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
 class ExponentialMovingAverage:
     def __init__(self, alpha, use_first_value=True):
         self.alpha = alpha