diff --git a/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py b/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
index 9056987c4701be6d56ef9e8266f5a8aa1b66e880..09b6b74ce08e8825e8c3df3972ed0cb0222faea2 100644
--- a/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
+++ b/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
@@ -946,7 +946,6 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
                     Hash('fsSelect', True,
                          'fsSource', input_source_by_module[vname])
                     for vname in modules_by_group[group]]
-                config['pathToStack'] = 'image.data'
                 if self.restoreMatcherSources:
@@ -977,6 +976,8 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
                 config['input.connectedOutputChannels'] = [
+                config['shmemHandlePaths'] = ['image.data']
                 if not await self._instantiate_device(
                     server, class_ids['bridge'], bridge_device_id, config
diff --git a/src/calng/ShmemToZMQ.py b/src/calng/ShmemToZMQ.py
index c69fdd28c734600a9370f4780505462d4133857e..8740a4f840921e7ab47006b9f896a8468dbb5590 100644
--- a/src/calng/ShmemToZMQ.py
+++ b/src/calng/ShmemToZMQ.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 import threading
 from time import time
-from karabo.bound import KARABO_CLASSINFO
-from PipeToZeroMQ import PipeToZeroMQ, conversion
+import shmem_utils
+from PipeToZeroMQ import PipeToZeroMQ, conversion, device_schema
 import shmem_utils
@@ -14,107 +15,99 @@ class ShmemToZMQ(PipeToZeroMQ.PipeToZeroMQ):
     def expectedParameters(expected):
         super(ShmemToZMQ, ShmemToZMQ).expectedParameters(expected)
+        (
+            VECTOR_STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("shmemHandlePaths")
+            .displayedName("Paths containing shmem handles")
+            .description(
+                "For each data package, each of these paths (if present) will be "
+                "assumed to contain shmem handles. These will be decoded and the path "
+                "will be replaced with the data referenced by the handle."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(["image.data"])
+            .commit()
+        )
     def initialization(self):
-        self.KARABO_SLOT(self.activate)
-        self.KARABO_SLOT(self.deactivate)
-        self.KARABO_SLOT(self.reset)
-        self.KARABO_SLOT(self.requestScene)
-        # ON_DATA is a bit more convenient I think
-        self.KARABO_ON_DATA("input", self.on_data)
-        self._source_to_shmem_name = {}
+        super().initialization()
+        self._shmem_handle_paths = list(self.get("shmemHandlePaths"))
         self._source_to_shmem_ary = {}
         self._source_to_shmem_mem = {}
         self._buffer_lock = threading.Lock()
-    def on_data(self, data, metadata):
-        source = metadata["source"]
-        if source not in self.sources:
-            self.log.INFO(f"New direct source encountered: {source}")
-            schema = self.getFullSchema()
-            self.appendSchema(PipeToZeroMQ.timestamp_schema(schema, source))
-            self.sources.add(source)
+    def _get_shmem_buffer_data(self, source, shmem_handle):
+        # TODO: handle failure if this was not a shmem handle
+        name, dtype, shape, index = shmem_utils.parse_shmem_handle(shmem_handle)
+        with self._buffer_lock:
+            # may have to open shared memory buffer
+            if source not in self._source_to_shmem_ary:
+                self.log.INFO(f"Opening buffer {name} for source {source}")
+                try:
+                    mem, ary = shmem_utils.open_shmem_from_handle(shmem_handle)
+                except OSError:
+                    self.log.WARN(f"Failed to open buffer {name}")
+                    return None
+                self._source_to_shmem_mem[source] = mem
+                self._source_to_shmem_ary[source] = ary
+            elif self._source_to_shmem_ary[source].shape != shape:
+                self.log.INFO(f"Updating buffer shape for {source} to {shape}")
+                self._source_to_shmem_ary[source] = self._source_to_shmem_mem[
+                    source
+                ].ndarray(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
+            # grab data from shared memory buffer
+            return self._source_to_shmem_ary[source][index]
+    def onInput(self, input_channel):
         actual = self.getActualTimestamp()
         input_tic = time()
         self.info["inputUpdated"] += 1
-        self._time_info(metadata, actual, self.info)
+        self.info["dataRecv"] = input_channel.size()
+        all_meta = input_channel.getMetaData()
-        new_meta = {}
-        new_data = {}
+        data = {}
+        meta = {}
-        # stacked data from ModuleStacker
-        for source, handle_string in zip(data.get("sources"), data.get("image.data")):
+        for idx in range(input_channel.size()):
+            # Read metadata
+            metadata = self._extract_metadata(all_meta, idx)
+            source = metadata["source"]
             if source not in self.sources:
-                self.log.INFO(f"New original source encountered: {source}")
+                schema = self.getFullSchema()
+                self.appendSchema(device_schema.timestamp_schema(schema, source))
+            self._time_info(metadata, actual, self.info)
+            # Read data
+            hash_data = input_channel.read(idx)
+            # filters
             if self.allowed_sources and source not in self.allowed_sources:
+            forward, ignore = self._filter_properties(hash_data, source)
-            forward, ignore = self._filter_properties(data, source)
-            new_meta[source] = conversion.meta_to_dict(metadata)
-            new_meta[source]["ignored_keys"] = ignore
-            new_meta[source]["source"] = source
-            (
-                shmem_name,
-                shmem_dtype,
-                shmem_shape,
-                shmem_index,
-            ) = shmem_utils.parse_shmem_handle(handle_string)
-            with self._buffer_lock:
-                # may have to (re)open shared memory buffer
-                if source not in self._source_to_shmem_ary:
-                    self.log.INFO(
-                        f"Opening shmem buffer for {source} from handle: "
-                        f"{handle_string}"
-                    )
-                    try:
-                        mem, ary = shmem_utils.open_shmem_from_handle(handle_string)
-                    except OSError:
-                        self.log.WARN(f"Failed to open buffer {shmem_name}")
-                        continue
-                    self._source_to_shmem_mem[source] = mem
-                    self._source_to_shmem_ary[source] = ary
-                    self._source_to_shmem_name[source] = shmem_name
-                elif self._source_to_shmem_ary[source].shape != shmem_shape:
-                    self.log.INFO(
-                        f"Updating buffer shape for {source} to {shmem_shape}"
-                    )
-                    self._source_to_shmem_ary[source] = self._source_to_shmem_mem[
-                        source
-                    ].ndarray(shape=shmem_shape, dtype=shmem_dtype)
-                # grab data from shared memory buffer
-                buffer_data = self._source_to_shmem_ary[source][shmem_index]
-            # conversion separates array stuf into separate dict, "arr"
+            meta[source] = conversion.meta_to_dict(metadata)
+            meta[source]["ignored_keys"] = ignore
+            # only this bit differs from PipeToZeroMQ.onInput
             dic, arr = conversion.hash_to_dict(
-                data, paths=forward, version=self.version
+                hash_data, paths=forward, version=self.version
-            # and image.data was list of strings (in dic), to be replaced
-            del dic["image.data"]
-            arr["image.data"] = buffer_data
-            new_data[source] = (dic, arr)
-            # note: assumes version "2.2" of the PipeToZeroMQ packing format
-        # additional unstacked sources
-        if data.has("unstacked"):
-            for source in data.get("unstacked").getKeys():
-                forward, ignore = self._filter_properties(data, source)
-                new_data[source] = conversion.hash_to_dict(
-                    data.get(f"unstacked.{source}"), paths=forward, version=self.version
+            for shmem_handle_path in self._shmem_handle_paths:
+                if shmem_handle_path not in dic:
+                    self.log.INFO(
+                        f"Hash from {source} did not have {shmem_handle_path}"
+                    )
+                    continue
+                actual_data = self._get_shmem_buffer_data(
+                    source, dic[shmem_handle_path]
-                new_meta[source] = conversion.meta_to_dict(metadata)
-                new_meta[source]["source"] = source
-            data.erase("unstacked")
+                del dic[shmem_handle_path]
+                arr[shmem_handle_path] = actual_data
+            data[source] = (dic, arr)
         # forward data to all connected ZMQ sockets
-        self._send(new_data, new_meta)
+        self._send(data, meta)
         output_tic = time()
         self.info["onInputTotal"] = 1000 * (output_tic - input_tic)