From 193264ed1165d5e54c3d88a0d62f32a0f24dc085 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Hammer <>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 15:49:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Adding Philipp's proposed changes to TrainMatcher for merging

 src/calng/ | 157 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 156 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/calng/ b/src/calng/
index 3d481ccd..faac1195 100644
--- a/src/calng/
+++ b/src/calng/
@@ -1,17 +1,106 @@
-from karabo.bound import KARABO_CLASSINFO
+import re
+import numpy as np
+from karabo.bound import (
+    Hash,
+    Schema,
+    State,
 from TrainMatcher import TrainMatcher
 from . import shmem_utils
 from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+def merge_schema():
+    schema = Schema()
+    (
+        BOOL_ELEMENT(schema)
+        .key("select")
+        .displayedName("Select")
+        .assignmentOptional()
+        .defaultValue(False)
+        .reconfigurable()
+        .commit(),
+        STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+        .key("source_pattern")
+        .displayedName("Source pattern")
+        .assignmentOptional()
+        .defaultValue("")
+        .reconfigurable()
+        .commit(),
+        STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+        .key("key_pattern")
+        .displayedName("Key pattern")
+        .assignmentOptional()
+        .defaultValue("")
+        .reconfigurable()
+        .commit(),
+        STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+        .key("replacement")
+        .displayedName("Replacement")
+        .assignmentOptional()
+        .defaultValue("")
+        .reconfigurable()
+        .commit(),
+    )
+    return schema
 @KARABO_CLASSINFO("ShmemTrainMatcher", deviceVersion)
 class ShmemTrainMatcher(TrainMatcher.TrainMatcher):
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        (
+            TABLE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("merge")
+            .displayedName("Array merging")
+            .allowedStates(State.PASSIVE)
+            .description(
+                "List source or key patterns to merge their data arrays, e.g. to "
+                "combine multiple detector sources or digitizer channels into a single "
+                "source or key. Both source or key patterns may be regular expressions,"
+                " but only one may have multiple matches at the same time. The merged "
+                "source or key is substituted by the replacement value."
+            )
+            .setColumns(merge_schema())
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue([])
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+        )
     def initialization(self):
+        self._compile_merge_patterns(self.get("merge"))
         self._shmem_handler = shmem_utils.ShmemCircularBufferReceiver()
+    def preReconfigure(self, conf):
+        super().preReconfigure(conf)
+        if conf.has("merge"):
+            self._compile_merge_patterns(conf["merge"])
+    def _compile_merge_patterns(self, merge):
+        self._merge_patterns = [
+            (
+                re.compile(row["source_pattern"]),
+                re.compile(row["key_pattern"]),
+                row["replacement"],
+            )
+            for row in merge
+            if row["select"]
+        ]
     def on_matched_data(self, train_id, sources):
+        # dereference calng shmem handles
         for source, (data, timestamp) in sources.items():
             if data.has("calngShmemPaths"):
                 shmem_paths = list(data["calngShmemPaths"])
@@ -23,4 +112,70 @@ class ShmemTrainMatcher(TrainMatcher.TrainMatcher):
                     dereferenced = self._shmem_handler.get(data[shmem_path])
                     data[shmem_path] = dereferenced
+        # merge arrays
+        for source_re, key_re, replacement in self._merge_patterns:
+            # Find all sources matching the source pattern.
+            merge_sources = [
+                source for source in sources.keys() if source_re.match(source)
+            ]
+            if len(merge_sources) > 1:
+                # More than one source match, merge by source.
+                if key_re.pattern in sources[merge_sources[0]][0]:
+                    # Short-circuit the pattern for performance if itself is a key.
+                    new_key = key_re.pattern
+                else:
+                    # Find the first key matching the pattern.
+                    for new_key in sources[merge_sources[0]][0].paths():
+                        if key_re.match(new_key):
+                            break
+                merge_keys = [new_key]
+                new_source = replacement
+                to_merge = [
+                    sources[source][0][new_key] for source in sorted(merge_sources)
+                ]
+                if len(to_merge) != len(merge_sources):
+                    # Make sure all matched sources contain the key.
+                    break
+            elif len(merge_sources) == 1:
+                # Exactly one source match, merge by key.
+                new_source = merge_sources[0]
+                new_key = replacement
+                merge_keys = [
+                    key for key in sources[new_source][0].paths() if key_re.match(key)
+                ]
+                if not merge_keys:
+                    # No key match, ignore.
+                    continue
+                to_merge = [sources[new_source][0][key] for key in sorted(merge_keys)]
+            else:
+                # No source match, ignore.
+                continue
+            # Stack data and insert into source data.
+            try:
+                new_data = np.stack(to_merge, axis=0)
+            except ValueError as e:
+                self.log.ERROR(
+                    f"Failed to merge data for " f"{new_source}.{new_key}: {e}"
+                )
+                continue
+            sources.setdefault(new_source, (Hash(), sources[merge_sources[0]][1]))[0][
+                new_key
+            ] = new_data
+            # Unset keys merged together across all source matches.
+            for source in merge_sources:
+                for key in merge_keys:
+                    sources[source][0].erase(key)
         super().on_matched_data(train_id, sources)