diff --git a/DEPENDS b/DEPENDS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..adead8b96d81197f033bdccf55a7921887c14b23
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+TrainMatcher, 1.2.0-2.10.2
+PipeToZeroMQ, 3.2.6-2.11.0
+calngDeps, 0.0.3-2.10.0
+calibrationClient, 9.0.6
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4a09a144da1115a598849e46e4c73125e8112c2d..5933bd80822722eb9565d323d09ca6bda7bf3ab0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
 # calng
 calng is a collection of Karabo devices to perform online processing of 2D X-ray detector data at runtime. It is the successor of the calPy package.
+# CalCat secrets and deployment
+Correction devices each run their own `calibration_client.CalibrationClient`, so they need to have credentials for CalCat.
+They expect to be able to load these from a JSON file; by default, this will be in `$KARABO/var/data/calibration-client-secrets.json` (`var/data` is CWD of Karabo devices).
+The file should look something like:
+	"base_url": "https://in.xfel.eu/test_calibration",
+	"client_id": "[sort of secret]",
+	"client_secret": "[actual secret]",
+	"user_email": "[eh, not that secret]",
+	"caldb_store_path": "/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store"
+For deployment, you'll want `/calibration` instead of `/test_calibration` and the caldb store as seen from ONC will be `/common/cal/caldb_store`.
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ff0f3c85f9d5fdefa7af2d7435e8d0c5e8f8f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from os.path import dirname, join, realpath
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+from karabo.packaging.versioning import device_scm_version
+ROOT_FOLDER = dirname(realpath(__file__))
+scm_version = device_scm_version(
+    join(ROOT_FOLDER, 'src', 'calng', '_version.py')
+      use_scm_version=scm_version,
+      author='CAL team',
+      author_email='da-support@xfel.eu',
+      description='',
+      long_description='',
+      url='',
+      package_dir={'': 'src'},
+      packages=find_packages('src'),
+      entry_points={
+          'karabo.bound_device': [
+              'AgipdCorrection = calng.AgipdCorrection:AgipdCorrection',
+              'DsscCorrection = calng.DsscCorrection:DsscCorrection',
+              'ModuleStacker = calng.ModuleStacker:ModuleStacker',
+              'ShmemToZMQ = calng.ShmemToZMQ:ShmemToZMQ',
+          ],
+          'karabo.middlelayer_device': [
+              'CalibrationManager = calng.CalibrationManager:CalibrationManager'
+          ],
+      },
+      package_data={'': ['kernels/*']},
+      requires=[],
diff --git a/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py b/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36edc80d124a71e09aeaab51454b656bc42888bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+import enum
+import cupy
+import numpy as np
+from karabo.bound import (
+    State,
+from . import base_gpu, calcat_utils, utils
+from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+from .base_correction import BaseCorrection, add_correction_step_schema, preview_schema
+class AgipdConstants(enum.Enum):
+    SlopesFF = enum.auto()
+    ThresholdsDark = enum.auto()
+    Offset = enum.auto()
+    SlopesPC = enum.auto()
+    BadPixelsDark = enum.auto()
+    BadPixelsPC = enum.auto()
+    BadPixelsFF = enum.auto()
+# from pycalibration's enum.py
+class AgipdGainMode(enum.IntEnum):
+class BadPixelValues(enum.IntFlag):
+    """The European XFEL Bad Pixel Encoding
+    Straight from pycalibration's enum.py"""
+    NO_DARK_DATA = 2 ** 3
+    CI_EVAL_ERROR = 2 ** 6
+    FF_GAIN_EVAL_ERROR = 2 ** 7
+    FF_GAIN_DEVIATION = 2 ** 8
+    FF_NO_ENTRIES = 2 ** 9
+    CI2_EVAL_ERROR = 2 ** 10
+    VALUE_IS_NAN = 2 ** 11
+    VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE = 2 ** 12
+    DATA_STD_IS_ZERO = 2 ** 14
+    ASIC_STD_BELOW_NOISE = 2 ** 15
+    INTERPOLATED = 2 ** 16
+    NOISY_ADC = 2 ** 17
+    OVERSCAN = 2 ** 18
+    NON_SENSITIVE = 2 ** 19
+class CorrectionFlags(enum.IntFlag):
+    NONE = 0
+    THRESHOLD = 1
+    OFFSET = 2
+    BLSHIFT = 4
+    REL_GAIN_PC = 8
+    GAIN_XRAY = 16
+    BPMASK = 32
+class AgipdGpuRunner(base_gpu.BaseGpuRunner):
+    _kernel_source_filename = "agipd_gpu.cu"
+    _corrected_axis_order = "cxy"
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        pixels_x,
+        pixels_y,
+        memory_cells,
+        constant_memory_cells,
+        input_data_dtype=cupy.uint16,
+        output_data_dtype=cupy.float32,
+        bad_pixel_mask_value=cupy.nan,
+        gain_mode=AgipdGainMode.ADAPTIVE_GAIN,
+        g_gain_value=1,
+    ):
+        self.gain_mode = gain_mode
+        # default gain only matters when not thresholding (missing constant or fixed)
+        # note: gain stage (result of thresholding) is 0, 1, or 2
+        if self.gain_mode is AgipdGainMode.ADAPTIVE_GAIN:
+            self.default_gain = cupy.uint8(gain_mode)
+        else:
+            self.default_gain = cupy.uint8(gain_mode - 1)
+        self.input_shape = (memory_cells, 2, pixels_x, pixels_y)
+        self.processed_shape = (memory_cells, pixels_x, pixels_y)
+        super().__init__(
+            pixels_x,
+            pixels_y,
+            memory_cells,
+            constant_memory_cells,
+            input_data_dtype,
+            output_data_dtype,
+        )
+        self.gain_map_gpu = cupy.empty(self.processed_shape, dtype=cupy.float32)
+        self.preview_buffer_getters.extend(
+            [self._get_raw_gain_for_preview, self._get_gain_map_for_preview]
+        )
+        self.map_shape = (self.constant_memory_cells, self.pixels_x, self.pixels_y)
+        self.gm_map_shape = self.map_shape + (3,)  # for gain-mapped constants
+        self.threshold_map_shape = self.map_shape + (2,)
+        # constants
+        self.gain_thresholds_gpu = cupy.empty(
+            self.threshold_map_shape, dtype=cupy.float32
+        )
+        self.offset_map_gpu = cupy.zeros(self.gm_map_shape, dtype=cupy.float32)
+        self.rel_gain_pc_map_gpu = cupy.ones(self.gm_map_shape, dtype=cupy.float32)
+        # not gm_map_shape because it only applies to medium gain pixels
+        self.md_additional_offset_gpu = cupy.zeros(self.map_shape, dtype=cupy.float32)
+        self.rel_gain_xray_map_gpu = cupy.ones(self.map_shape, dtype=cupy.float32)
+        self.bad_pixel_map_gpu = cupy.zeros(self.gm_map_shape, dtype=cupy.uint32)
+        self.set_bad_pixel_mask_value(bad_pixel_mask_value)
+        self.set_g_gain_value(g_gain_value)
+        self.update_block_size((1, 1, 64))
+    def _get_raw_for_preview(self):
+        return self.input_data_gpu[:, 0]
+    def _get_corrected_for_preview(self):
+        return self.processed_data_gpu
+    # special to AGIPD
+    def _get_raw_gain_for_preview(self):
+        return self.input_data_gpu[:, 1]
+    def _get_gain_map_for_preview(self):
+        return self.gain_map_gpu
+    def load_thresholds(self, threshold_map):
+        # shape: y, x, memory cell, thresholds and gain values
+        # note: the gain values are something like means used to derive thresholds
+        self.gain_thresholds_gpu.set(
+            np.transpose(threshold_map[..., :2], (2, 1, 0, 3)).astype(np.float32)
+        )
+    def load_offset_map(self, offset_map):
+        # shape: y, x, memory cell, gain stage
+        self.offset_map_gpu.set(
+            np.transpose(offset_map, (2, 1, 0, 3)).astype(np.float32)
+        )
+    def load_rel_gain_pc_map(self, slopes_pc_map, override_md_additional_offset=None):
+        # pc has funny shape (11, 352, 128, 512) from file
+        # this is (fi, memory cell, y, x)
+        slopes_pc_map = slopes_pc_map.astype(np.float32)
+        # the following may contain NaNs, though...
+        hg_slope = slopes_pc_map[0]
+        hg_intercept = slopes_pc_map[1]
+        mg_slope = slopes_pc_map[3]
+        mg_intercept = slopes_pc_map[4]
+        # TODO: remove sanitization (should happen in constant preparation notebook)
+        # from agipdlib.py: replace NaN with median (per memory cell)
+        # note: suffixes in agipdlib are "_m" and "_l", should probably be "_I"
+        for naughty_array in (hg_slope, hg_intercept, mg_slope, mg_intercept):
+            medians = np.nanmedian(naughty_array, axis=(1, 2))
+            nan_bool = np.isnan(naughty_array)
+            nan_cell, _, _ = np.where(nan_bool)
+            naughty_array[nan_bool] = medians[nan_cell]
+            too_low_bool = naughty_array < 0.8 * medians[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
+            too_low_cell, _, _ = np.where(too_low_bool)
+            naughty_array[too_low_bool] = medians[too_low_cell]
+            too_high_bool = naughty_array > 1.2 * medians[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
+            too_high_cell, _, _ = np.where(too_high_bool)
+            naughty_array[too_high_bool] = medians[too_high_cell]
+        frac_hg_mg = hg_slope / mg_slope
+        rel_gain_map = np.ones(
+            (3, self.constant_memory_cells, self.pixels_y, self.pixels_x),
+            dtype=np.float32,
+        )
+        rel_gain_map[1] = rel_gain_map[0] * frac_hg_mg
+        rel_gain_map[2] = rel_gain_map[1] * 4.48
+        self.rel_gain_pc_map_gpu.set(np.transpose(rel_gain_map, (1, 3, 2, 0)))
+        if override_md_additional_offset is None:
+            md_additional_offset = (hg_intercept - mg_intercept * frac_hg_mg).astype(
+                np.float32
+            )
+            self.md_additional_offset_gpu.set(
+                np.transpose(md_additional_offset, (0, 2, 1))
+            )
+        else:
+            self.override_md_additional_offset(override_md_additional_offset)
+    def override_md_additional_offset(self, override_value):
+        self.md_additional_offset_gpu.fill(override_value)
+    def load_rel_gain_ff_map(self, slopes_ff_map):
+        # constant shape: y, x, memory cell
+        if slopes_ff_map.shape[2] == 2:
+            # TODO: remove support for old format
+            # old format, is per pixel only (shape is y, x, 2)
+            # note: we should not support this in online
+            slopes_ff_map = np.broadcast_to(
+                slopes_ff_map[..., 0][..., np.newaxis],
+                (self.pixels_y, self.pixels_x, self.constant_memory_cells),
+            )
+        self.rel_gain_xray_map_gpu.set(np.transpose(slopes_ff_map).astype(np.float32))
+    def set_g_gain_value(self, override_value):
+        self.g_gain_value = cupy.float32(override_value)
+    def load_bad_pixels_map(self, bad_pixels_map, override_flags_to_use=None):
+        # will simply OR with already loaded, does not take into account which ones
+        # TODO: inquire what "mask for double size pixels" means
+        if len(bad_pixels_map.shape) == 3:
+            if bad_pixels_map.shape == (
+                self.pixels_y,
+                self.pixels_x,
+                self.constant_memory_cells,
+            ):
+                # BadPixelsFF is not per gain stage - broadcasting along gain dimension
+                self.bad_pixel_map_gpu |= cupy.asarray(
+                    np.broadcast_to(
+                        np.transpose(bad_pixels_map)[..., np.newaxis],
+                        self.gm_map_shape,
+                    ),
+                    dtype=np.uint32,
+                )
+            elif bad_pixels_map.shape == (
+                self.constant_memory_cells,
+                self.pixels_y,
+                self.pixels_x,
+            ):
+                # oh, can also be old bad pixels pc?
+                self.bad_pixel_map_gpu |= cupy.asarray(
+                    np.broadcast_to(
+                        np.transpose(bad_pixels_map, (0, 2, 1))[..., np.newaxis],
+                        self.gm_map_shape,
+                    ),
+                    dtype=np.uint32,
+                )
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    f"Unsupported bad pixel map shape: {bad_pixels_map.shape}"
+                )
+        else:
+            self.bad_pixel_map_gpu |= cupy.asarray(
+                np.transpose(bad_pixels_map, (2, 1, 0, 3)), dtype=np.uint32
+            )
+        if override_flags_to_use is not None:
+            self.override_bad_pixel_flags_to_use(override_flags_to_use)
+    def override_bad_pixel_flags_to_use(self, override_value):
+        self.bad_pixel_map_gpu &= cupy.uint32(override_value)
+    def set_bad_pixel_mask_value(self, mask_value):
+        self.bad_pixel_mask_value = cupy.float32(mask_value)
+    def flush_buffers(self):
+        self.offset_map_gpu.fill(0)
+        self.rel_gain_pc_map_gpu.fill(1)
+        self.md_additional_offset_gpu.fill(0)
+        self.rel_gain_xray_map_gpu.fill(1)
+        self.bad_pixel_map_gpu.fill(0)
+    # TODO: baseline shift
+    def correct(self, flags):
+        if flags & CorrectionFlags.BLSHIFT:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Baseline shift not implemented yet")
+        self.correction_kernel(
+            self.full_grid,
+            self.full_block,
+            (
+                self.input_data_gpu,
+                self.cell_table_gpu,
+                cupy.uint8(flags),
+                self.default_gain,
+                self.gain_thresholds_gpu,
+                self.offset_map_gpu,
+                self.rel_gain_pc_map_gpu,
+                self.md_additional_offset_gpu,
+                self.rel_gain_xray_map_gpu,
+                self.g_gain_value,
+                self.bad_pixel_map_gpu,
+                self.bad_pixel_mask_value,
+                self.gain_map_gpu,
+                self.processed_data_gpu,
+            ),
+        )
+    def _init_kernels(self):
+        kernel_source = self._kernel_template.render(
+            {
+                "pixels_x": self.pixels_x,
+                "pixels_y": self.pixels_y,
+                "data_memory_cells": self.memory_cells,
+                "constant_memory_cells": self.constant_memory_cells,
+                "input_data_dtype": utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(self.input_data_dtype),
+                "output_data_dtype": utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(self.output_data_dtype),
+                "corr_enum": utils.enum_to_c_template(CorrectionFlags),
+            }
+        )
+        self.source_module = cupy.RawModule(code=kernel_source)
+        self.correction_kernel = self.source_module.get_function("correct")
+class AgipdCalcatFriend(calcat_utils.BaseCalcatFriend):
+    _constant_enum_class = AgipdConstants
+    def __init__(self, device, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(device, *args, **kwargs)
+        self._constants_need_conditions = {
+            AgipdConstants.ThresholdsDark: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.Offset: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.SlopesPC: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.SlopesFF: self.illuminated_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.BadPixelsDark: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.BadPixelsPC: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.BadPixelsFF: self.illuminated_condition,
+        }
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_schema(
+        schema,
+        managed_keys,
+        param_prefix="constantParameters",
+        status_prefix="foundConstants",
+    ):
+        super(AgipdCalcatFriend, AgipdCalcatFriend).add_schema(
+            schema, managed_keys, "AGIPD-Type", param_prefix, status_prefix
+        )
+        (
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.memoryCells")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(352)
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.biasVoltage")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(300)
+            .commit()
+        )
+        (
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.acquisitionRate")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(1.1)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.gainSetting")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(0)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.photonEnergy")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(9.2)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.gainMode")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("ADAPTIVE_GAIN")
+            .options(",".join(gain_mode.name for gain_mode in AgipdGainMode))
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.integrationTime")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(12)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.acquisitionRate")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.gainSetting")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.photonEnergy")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.gainMode")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.integrationTime")
+        calcat_utils.add_status_schema_from_enum(schema, status_prefix, AgipdConstants)
+    def dark_condition(self):
+        res = calcat_utils.OperatingConditions()
+        res["Memory cells"] = self._get_param("memoryCells")
+        res["Sensor Bias Voltage"] = self._get_param("biasVoltage")
+        res["Pixels X"] = self._get_param("pixelsX")
+        res["Pixels Y"] = self._get_param("pixelsY")
+        res["Acquisition rate"] = self._get_param("acquisitionRate")
+        # TODO: remove this workaround after CalCat update
+        integration_time = self._get_param("integrationTime")
+        if integration_time != 12:
+            res["Integration Time"] = integration_time
+        gain_mode = AgipdGainMode[self._get_param("gainMode")]
+        if gain_mode is not AgipdGainMode.ADAPTIVE_GAIN:
+            res["Gain Mode"] = 1
+        # TODO: make configurable whether or not to include gain setting?
+        res["Gain Setting"] = self._get_param("gainSetting")
+        return res
+    def illuminated_condition(self):
+        res = self.dark_condition()
+        # note: can consider always setting memory cells to 352 for FF
+        # (deviation on constants in database should remove need for this, though)
+        # for now, FF constants don't care about gain mode
+        if "Gain Mode" in res:
+            del res["Gain Mode"]
+        res["Source Energy"] = self._get_param("photonEnergy")
+        return res
+@KARABO_CLASSINFO("AgipdCorrection", deviceVersion)
+class AgipdCorrection(BaseCorrection):
+    # subclass *must* set these attributes
+    _correction_flag_class = CorrectionFlags
+    _correction_field_names = (
+        ("thresholding", CorrectionFlags.THRESHOLD),
+        ("offset", CorrectionFlags.OFFSET),
+        ("relGainPc", CorrectionFlags.REL_GAIN_PC),
+        ("gainXray", CorrectionFlags.GAIN_XRAY),
+        ("badPixels", CorrectionFlags.BPMASK),
+    )
+    _kernel_runner_class = AgipdGpuRunner
+    _calcat_friend_class = AgipdCalcatFriend
+    _constant_enum_class = AgipdConstants
+    _managed_keys = BaseCorrection._managed_keys.copy()
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        (
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.memoryCells")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(352)
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("preview.selectionMode")
+            .setNewDefaultValue("cell")
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        (
+            OUTPUT_CHANNEL(expected)
+            .key("preview.outputRawGain")
+            .dataSchema(preview_schema)
+            .commit(),
+            OUTPUT_CHANNEL(expected)
+            .key("preview.outputGainMap")
+            .dataSchema(preview_schema)
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        AgipdCalcatFriend.add_schema(expected, AgipdCorrection._managed_keys)
+        # this is not automatically done by superclass for complicated class reasons
+        add_correction_step_schema(
+            expected,
+            AgipdCorrection._managed_keys,
+            AgipdCorrection._correction_field_names,
+        )
+        # additional settings specific to AGIPD correction steps
+        (
+            BOOL_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("corrections.relGainPc.overrideMdAdditionalOffset")
+            .displayedName("Override md_additional_offset")
+            .description(
+                "Toggling this on will use the value in the next field globally for "
+                "md_additional_offset. Note that the correction map on GPU gets "
+                "overwritten as long as this boolean is True, so reload constants "
+                "after turning off."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(False)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("corrections.relGainPc.mdAdditionalOffset")
+            .displayedName("Value for md_additional_offset (if overriding)")
+            .description(
+                "Normally, md_additional_offset (part of relative gain correction) is "
+                "computed when loading SlopesPC. In case you want to use a different "
+                "value (global for all medium gain pixels), you can specify it here "
+                "and set corrections.overrideMdAdditionalOffset to True."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(0)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("corrections.gainXray.gGainValue")
+            .displayedName("G_gain_value")
+            .description(
+                "Newer X-ray gain correction constants are absolute. The default "
+                "G_gain_value of 1 means that output is expected to be in keV. If "
+                "this is not desired, one can here specify the mean X-ray gain value "
+                "over all modules to get ADU values out - operator must manually "
+                "find this mean value."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(1)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue")
+            .displayedName("Bad pixel masking value")
+            .description(
+                "Any pixels masked by the bad pixel mask will have their value "
+                "replaced with this. Note that this parameter is to be interpreted as "
+                "a numpy.float32; use 'nan' to get NaN value."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("nan")
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            NODE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("corrections.badPixels.subsetToUse")
+            .displayedName("Bad pixel flags to use")
+            .description(
+                "The booleans under this node allow for selecting a subset of bad "
+                "pixel types to take into account when doing bad pixel masking. "
+                "Upon updating these flags, the map used for bad pixel masking will "
+                "be ANDed with this selection. Turning disabled flags back on causes "
+                "reloading of cached constants."
+            )
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        AgipdCorrection._managed_keys.add(
+            "corrections.relGainPc.overrideMdAdditionalOffset"
+        )
+        AgipdCorrection._managed_keys.add("corrections.relGainPc.mdAdditionalOffset")
+        AgipdCorrection._managed_keys.add("corrections.gainXray.gGainValue")
+        AgipdCorrection._managed_keys.add("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue")
+        # TODO: DRY / encapsulate
+        for field in BadPixelValues:
+            (
+                BOOL_ELEMENT(expected)
+                .key(f"corrections.badPixels.subsetToUse.{field.name}")
+                .assignmentOptional()
+                .defaultValue(True)
+                .reconfigurable()
+                .commit()
+            )
+            AgipdCorrection._managed_keys.add(
+                f"corrections.badPixels.subsetToUse.{field.name}"
+            )
+        # mandatory: manager needs this in schema
+        (
+            VECTOR_STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("managedKeys")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(list(AgipdCorrection._managed_keys))
+            .commit()
+        )
+    @property
+    def input_data_shape(self):
+        return (
+            self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.memoryCells"),
+            2,
+            self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.pixelsX"),
+            self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.pixelsY"),
+        )
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        super().__init__(config)
+        # note: gain mode single sourced from constant retrieval node
+        self.gain_mode = AgipdGainMode[config.get("constantParameters.gainMode")]
+        try:
+            self.bad_pixel_mask_value = np.float32(
+                config.get("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue")
+            )
+        except ValueError:
+            self.bad_pixel_mask_value = np.float32("nan")
+        self._kernel_runner_init_args = {
+            "gain_mode": self.gain_mode,
+            "bad_pixel_mask_value": self.bad_pixel_mask_value,
+            "g_gain_value": config.get("corrections.gainXray.gGainValue"),
+        }
+        # configurability: overriding md_additional_offset
+        if config.get("corrections.relGainPc.overrideMdAdditionalOffset"):
+            self._override_md_additional_offset = config.get(
+                "corrections.relGainPc.mdAdditionalOffset"
+            )
+        else:
+            self._override_md_additional_offset = None
+        self._has_updated_bad_pixel_selection = False
+    def _initialization(self):
+        self._update_bad_pixel_selection()
+        super()._initialization()
+    def process_data(
+        self,
+        data_hash,
+        metadata,
+        source,
+        train_id,
+        image_data,
+        cell_table,
+        do_generate_preview,
+    ):
+        """Called by input_handler for each data hash. Should correct data, optionally
+        compute preview, write data output, and optionally write preview outputs."""
+        # original shape: memory_cell, data/raw_gain, x, y
+        pulse_table = np.squeeze(data_hash.get("image.pulseId"))
+        if self._frame_filter is not None:
+            try:
+                cell_table = cell_table[self._frame_filter]
+                pulse_table = pulse_table[self._frame_filter]
+                image_data = image_data[self._frame_filter]
+            except IndexError:
+                self.log_status_warn(
+                    "Failed to apply frame filter, please check that it is valid!"
+                )
+                return
+        try:
+            self.kernel_runner.load_data(image_data)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            self.log_status_warn(f"Failed to load data: {e}")
+            return
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log_status_warn(f"Unknown exception when loading data to GPU: {e}")
+        buffer_handle, buffer_array = self._shmem_buffer.next_slot()
+        self.kernel_runner.load_cell_table(cell_table)
+        self.kernel_runner.correct(self._correction_flag_enabled)
+        self.kernel_runner.reshape(
+            output_order=self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.outputAxisOrder"),
+            out=buffer_array,
+        )
+        # after reshape, data for dataOutput is now safe in its own buffer
+        if do_generate_preview:
+            if self._correction_flag_enabled != self._correction_flag_preview:
+                self.kernel_runner.correct(self._correction_flag_preview)
+            (
+                preview_slice_index,
+                preview_cell,
+                preview_pulse,
+            ) = utils.pick_frame_index(
+                self.unsafe_get("preview.selectionMode"),
+                self.unsafe_get("preview.index"),
+                cell_table,
+                pulse_table,
+                warn_func=self.log_status_warn,
+            )
+            (
+                preview_raw,
+                preview_corrected,
+                preview_raw_gain,
+                preview_gain_map,
+            ) = self.kernel_runner.compute_previews(preview_slice_index)
+        # reusing input data hash for sending
+        data_hash.set("image.data", buffer_handle)
+        data_hash.set("calngShmemPaths", ["image.data"])
+        data_hash.set("image.cellId", cell_table[:, np.newaxis])
+        data_hash.set("image.pulseId", pulse_table[:, np.newaxis])
+        self._write_output(data_hash, metadata)
+        if do_generate_preview:
+            self._write_combiner_previews(
+                (
+                    ("preview.outputRaw", preview_raw),
+                    ("preview.outputCorrected", preview_corrected),
+                    ("preview.outputRawGain", preview_raw_gain),
+                    ("preview.outputGainMap", preview_gain_map),
+                ),
+                train_id,
+                source,
+            )
+    def _load_constant_to_runner(self, constant, constant_data):
+        # TODO: encode correction / constant dependencies in a clever way
+        if constant is AgipdConstants.ThresholdsDark:
+            field_name = "thresholding"  # TODO: (reverse) mapping, DRY
+            if self.gain_mode is not AgipdGainMode.ADAPTIVE_GAIN:
+                self.log.INFO("Loaded ThresholdsDark ignored due to fixed gain mode")
+                return
+            self.kernel_runner.load_thresholds(constant_data)
+        elif constant is AgipdConstants.Offset:
+            field_name = "offset"
+            self.kernel_runner.load_offset_map(constant_data)
+        elif constant is AgipdConstants.SlopesPC:
+            field_name = "relGainPc"
+            self.kernel_runner.load_rel_gain_pc_map(constant_data)
+            if self._override_md_additional_offset is not None:
+                self.kernel_runner.md_additional_offset_gpu.fill(
+                    self._override_md_additional_offset
+                )
+        elif constant is AgipdConstants.SlopesFF:
+            field_name = "gainXray"
+            self.kernel_runner.load_rel_gain_ff_map(constant_data)
+        elif "BadPixels" in constant.name:
+            field_name = "badPixels"
+            self.kernel_runner.load_bad_pixels_map(
+                constant_data, override_flags_to_use=self._override_bad_pixel_flags
+            )
+        # switch relevant correction on if it just now became available
+        if not self.get(f"corrections.{field_name}.available"):
+            # TODO: turn off again when flushing
+            self.set(f"corrections.{field_name}.available", True)
+        self._update_correction_flags()
+        self.log_status_info(f"Done loading {constant.name} to GPU")
+    def _update_bad_pixel_selection(self):
+        selection = 0
+        for field in BadPixelValues:
+            if self.get(f"corrections.badPixels.subsetToUse.{field.name}"):
+                selection |= field
+        self._override_bad_pixel_flags = selection
+    def preReconfigure(self, config):
+        super().preReconfigure(config)
+        if config.has("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue"):
+            # only check if it is valid; postReconfigure will use it
+            try:
+                np.float32(config.get("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue"))
+            except ValueError:
+                self.log_status_warn("Invalid masking value, ignoring.")
+                config.erase("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue")
+    def postReconfigure(self):
+        super().postReconfigure()
+        # TODO: move after getting cached update, check if necessary
+        if self.get("corrections.relGainPc.overrideMdAdditionalOffset"):
+            self._override_md_additional_offset = self.get(
+                "corrections.relGainPc.mdAdditionalOffset"
+            )
+            self.kernel_runner.override_md_additional_offset(
+                self._override_md_additional_offset
+            )
+        else:
+            self._override_md_additional_offset = None
+        if not hasattr(self, "_prereconfigure_update_hash"):
+            return
+        update = self._prereconfigure_update_hash
+        if update.has("constantParameters.gainMode"):
+            self.gain_mode = AgipdGainMode[update["constantParameters.gainMode"]]
+            self._update_buffers()
+        if update.has("corrections.gainXray.gGainValue"):
+            self.kernel_runner.set_g_gain_value(
+                self.get("corrections.gainXray.gGainValue")
+            )
+            self._kernel_runner_init_args["g_gain_value"] = self.get(
+                "corrections.gainXray.gGainValue"
+            )
+        if update.has("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue"):
+            self.bad_pixel_mask_value = np.float32(
+                self.get("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue")
+            )
+            self.kernel_runner.set_bad_pixel_mask_value(self.bad_pixel_mask_value)
+            self._kernel_runner_init_args[
+                "bad_pixel_mask_value"
+            ] = self.bad_pixel_mask_value
+        if any(
+            path.startswith("corrections.badPixels.subsetToUse")
+            for path in update.getPaths()
+        ):
+            self.log_status_info("Updating bad pixel maps based on subset specified")
+            if any(
+                update.get(
+                    f"corrections.badPixels.subsetToUse.{field.name}", default=False
+                )
+                for field in BadPixelValues
+            ):
+                self.log_status_info(
+                    "Some fields reenabled, reloading cached bad pixel constants"
+                )
+                with self.calcat_friend.cached_constants_lock:
+                    for (
+                        constant,
+                        data,
+                    ) in self.calcat_friend.cached_constants.items():
+                        if "BadPixels" in constant.name:
+                            self._load_constant_to_runner(constant, data)
+            self._update_bad_pixel_selection()
+            self.kernel_runner.override_bad_pixel_flags_to_use(
+                self._override_bad_pixel_flags
+            )
diff --git a/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py b/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd519b395bdd93340064383b8214f31e0978d16e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1323 @@
+# Author: schmidtp
+# Created on August 06, 2021, 05:06 PM
+# Copyright (C) European XFEL GmbH Hamburg. All rights reserved.
+from asyncio import gather, wait_for, TimeoutError as AsyncTimeoutError
+from collections import defaultdict
+from collections.abc import Hashable
+from datetime import datetime
+from inspect import ismethod
+from itertools import chain, repeat
+from traceback import format_exc
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import json
+import logging
+from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPError
+from tornado.platform.asyncio import AsyncIOMainLoop, to_asyncio_future
+from pkg_resources import parse_version
+from karabo.middlelayer import (
+    KaraboError, Device, DeviceClientBase, Descriptor, Hash, Configurable,
+    Slot, Node, Type,
+    AccessMode, AccessLevel, Assignment, DaqPolicy, State, Unit,
+    UInt16, UInt32, Bool, Double, Schema, String, VectorString, VectorHash,
+    background, call, callNoWait, setNoWait, sleep, instantiate, slot, coslot,
+    getDevice, getTopology, getConfiguration, getConfigurationFromPast,
+    get_property)
+from karabo.middlelayer_api.proxy import ProxyFactory
+from karabo import version as karaboVersion
+from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+from . import scenes
+Device states:
+ - INIT: When the device is starting up
+ - ACTIVE: When the device is ready to manage a calibration pipeline
+ - CHANGING: When the device is actively changing the pipeline configuration
+ - ERROR: Recoverable error, only allows server restart
+ - UNKNOWN: Unrecoverable error
+# Copied from karabo MDL source (location depending on version)
+# Will be part of MDL's public API in 2.12
+def get_instance_parent(instance):
+    """Find the parent of the instance"""
+    parent = instance
+    while True:
+        try:
+            parent = next(iter(parent._parents))
+        except StopIteration:
+            break
+    return parent
+class ClassIdsNode(Configurable):
+    correctionClass = String(
+        displayedName='Correction class',
+        description='Device class to use for corrections.',
+        defaultValue='{}Correction',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    groupMatcherClass = String(
+        displayedName='Group matcher class',
+        description='Device class to use for matching the stream output of a '
+                    'module group.',
+        defaultValue='TrainMatcher',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    bridgeClass = String(
+        displayedName='Bridge class',
+        description='Device class to use for bridging the stream output out '
+                    'of Karabo.',
+        defaultValue='ShmemToZmq',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    previewMatcherClass = String(
+        displayedName='Preview matcher class',
+        description='Device class to use for matching the output of a preview '
+                    'layer.',
+        defaultValue='ModuleStacker',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    assemblerClass = String(
+        displayedName='Assembler class',
+        description='Device class to use for assembling the matched output of '
+                    'a preview layer.',
+        defaultValue='FemDataAssembler',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+class DeviceIdsNode(Configurable):
+    correctionSuffix = String(
+        displayedName='Correction suffix',
+        description='Suffix for correction device IDs. The formatting '
+                    'placeholders \'virtualName\', \'index\' and \'group\' '
+                    'may be used.',
+        defaultValue='CORRECT{index:02d}_{virtualName}',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    groupMatcherSuffix = String(
+        displayedName='Group matcher suffix',
+        description='Suffix for group matching device IDs. The formatting '
+                    'placeholder \'group\' may be used.',
+        defaultValue='MATCH_G{group}',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    bridgeSuffix = String(
+        displayedName='Bridge suffix',
+        description='Suffix for group bridge device IDs. The formatting '
+                    'placeholder \'group\' may be used.',
+        defaultValue='BRIDGE_G{group}',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    previewMatcherSuffix = String(
+        displayedName='Preview matcher suffix',
+        description='Suffix for preview layer matching device IDs. The '
+                    'formatting placeholder \'layer\' may be used.',
+        defaultValue='MATCH_{layer}',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    assemblerSuffix = String(
+        displayedName='Assembler suffix',
+        description='Suffix for assembler device IDs. The formatting '
+                    'placeholder \'layer\' may be used.',
+        defaultValue='ASSEMBLE_{layer}',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+class ModuleRow(Configurable):
+    virtualName = String(
+        displayedName='Virtual name')
+    group = UInt32(
+        displayedName='Group')
+    aggregator = String(
+        displayedName='Aggregator name')
+    inputChannel = String(
+        displayedName='Input channel')
+    inputSource = String(
+        displayedName='Input source')
+class ModuleGroupRow(Configurable):
+    group = UInt32(
+        displayedName='Group')
+    deviceServer = String(
+        displayedName='Device server')
+    withMatcher = Bool(
+        displayedName='Matcher?')
+    withBridge = Bool(
+        displayedName='Bridge?')
+    bridgePort = UInt16(
+        displayedName='Bridge port',
+        defaultValue=47000,
+        minInc=1024,
+        maxInc=65353)
+    bridgePattern = String(
+        displayedName='Bridge pattern',
+        options=['PUSH', 'REP', 'PUBLISH'],
+        defaultValue='PUSH')
+class PreviewLayerRow(Configurable):
+    layer = String(
+        displayedName='Preview layer')
+    outputPipeline = String(
+        displayedName='Output pipeline')
+    deviceServer = String(
+        displayedName='Device server')
+class DeviceServerRow(Configurable):
+    deviceServer = String(
+        displayedName='Device server')
+    webserverHost = String(
+        displayedName='Webserver host')
+class WebserverApiNode(Configurable):
+    statePollInterval = Double(
+        displayedName='Status poll interval',
+        description='Time between subsequent polls of the webserver API when '
+                    'a device server is expected to reach a particular state.',
+        defaultValue=0.5,
+        minInc=0.2,
+        unitSymbol=Unit.SECOND,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE)
+    downTimeout = Double(
+        displayedName='Down timeout',
+        description='Time to wait for a device server to stop gracefully '
+                    'after a \'down\' command and until the \'kill\' command '
+                    'is sent.',
+        defaultValue=5.0,
+        minInc=1.0,
+        unitSymbol=Unit.SECOND,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE)
+    killTimeout = Double(
+        displayedName='Kill timeout',
+        description='Time to wait for a device server to stop after a '
+                    '\'kill\' command and until the server is deemed '
+                    'unrecoverable.',
+        defaultValue=5.0,
+        minInc=1.0,
+        unitSymbol=Unit.SECOND,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE)
+    upTimeout = Double(
+        displayedName='Up timeout',
+        description='Time to wait for a device server to start successfully '
+                    'after being down and until the server i deemed '
+                    'broken.',
+        defaultValue=5.0,
+        minInc=1.0,
+        unitSymbol=Unit.SECOND,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE)
+class InstantiationOptionsNode(Configurable):
+    restoreMatcherSources = Bool(
+        displayedName='Restore matcher sources',
+        description='Attempt to retrieve and restore the last known '
+                    'configuration for slow and fast sources of matcher '
+                    'devices when the pipeline is instantiated.',
+        defaultValue=False,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE)
+    autoActivateGroupBridges = Bool(
+        displayedName='Activate bridges automatically',
+        description='Whether to activate all group bridges immediately after '
+                    'instantation.',
+        defaultValue=False,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE)
+    autoActivateGroupMatchers = Bool(
+        displayedName='Activate group matchers automatically',
+        description='Whether to activate all group matchers immediately after '
+                    'instantation.',
+        defaultValue=False,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE)
+class ManagedKeysNode(Configurable):
+    # Keys managed on detector DAQ devices.
+    DAQ_KEYS = {'DataDispatcher.trainStride': 'daqTrainStride'}
+    @UInt32(
+        displayedName='DAQ train stride',
+        unitSymbol=Unit.COUNT,
+        defaultValue=5,
+        allowedStates=[State.ACTIVE],
+        minInc=1)
+    async def daqTrainStride(self, value):
+        self.daqTrainStride = value
+        background(get_instance_parent(self)._set_on_daq(
+            'DataDispatcher.trainStride', value))
+class ManagedKeysCloneFactory(ProxyFactory):
+    Proxy = ManagedKeysNode
+    SubProxy = Configurable
+    ProxyNode = Node
+    node_factories = dict(Slot=Slot)
+class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
+    __version__ = deviceVersion
+    interfaces = VectorString(
+        displayedName='Device interfaces',
+        description='Interfaces implemented by this device.',
+        defaultValue=(
+            ['DeviceInstantiator']
+            if parse_version(karaboVersion) >= parse_version('2.11')
+            else []),
+        accessMode=AccessMode.READONLY)
+    availableScenes = VectorString(
+        displayedName='Available scenes',
+        displayType='Scenes',
+        requiredAccessLevel=AccessLevel.OBSERVER,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.READONLY,
+        defaultValue=['overview', 'managed_keys'],
+        daqPolicy=DaqPolicy.OMIT)
+    @slot
+    def requestScene(self, params):
+        name = params.get('name', default='overview')
+        if name == 'overview':
+            # Assumes there are correction devices known to manager
+            scene_data = scenes.manager_device_overview_scene(
+                self.deviceId,
+                self.getDeviceSchema(),
+                self._correction_device_schema,
+                self._correction_device_ids,
+                self._domain_device_ids,
+            )
+            payload = Hash('success', True, 'name', name, 'data', scene_data)
+        elif name.startswith('browse_schema'):
+            if ':' in name:
+                prefix = name[len('browse_schema:'):]
+            else:
+                prefix = 'managed'
+            scene_data = scenes.recursive_subschema_scene(
+                self.deviceId,
+                self.getDeviceSchema(),
+                prefix,
+            )
+            payload = Hash('success', True, 'name', name, 'data', scene_data)
+        else:
+            payload = Hash('success', False, 'name', name)
+        return Hash('type', 'deviceScene',
+                    'origin', self.deviceId,
+                    'payload', payload)
+    detectorType = String(
+        displayedName='Detector type',
+        description='Type of the detector to manage.',
+        options=['AGIPD', 'LPD', 'DSSC', 'Jungfrau', 'ePix100', 'pnCCD',
+                 'FastCCD'],
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    detectorIdentifier = String(
+        displayedName='Detector identifier',
+        description='Name of this detector in CalCat and device ID domain '
+                    'for the corresponding data aggregators, if applicable. ',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    classIds = Node(
+        ClassIdsNode,
+        displayedName='Class IDs',
+        description='class IDs to instantiate for each role. A formatting '
+                    'placeholer may be used to indicate the capitalized '
+                    'detector type, e.g. Dssc or Jungfrau')
+    deviceIds = Node(
+        DeviceIdsNode,
+        displayedName='Device IDs',
+        description='Templates for the member field of the device IDs in the '
+                    'pipeline, which is appended to the same device ID root '
+                    '(DOMAIN/TYPE) as the manager instance itself.')
+    modules = VectorHash(
+        displayedName='Modules',
+        description='Individual modules constituting this detector. A module '
+                    'is the boundary on which correction constants are '
+                    'calculated, and in general equivalent to PDUs. Only the '
+                    'virtual name and group columns are obligatory, if left '
+                    'blank the aggregator name is set to '
+                    'f\'{detector_type.upper()}{index:02d}\', the input '
+                    'channel is set to '
+                    'f\'{detector_identifier}/DET/{index}CH0:output\' and the '
+                    'input source '
+                    'f\'{detector_identifier}/DET/{index}CH0:xtdf\'.',
+        rows=ModuleRow,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    moduleGroups = VectorHash(
+        displayedName='Module groups',
+        rows=ModuleGroupRow,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    previewLayers = VectorHash(
+        displayedName='Preview layers',
+        rows=PreviewLayerRow,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    @VectorHash(
+        displayedName='Device servers',
+        rows=DeviceServerRow,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    async def deviceServers(self, value):
+        self.deviceServers = value
+        self._servers_changed = True
+    geometryDevice = String(
+        displayedName='Geometry device',
+        description='[NYI] Device ID for a geometry device defining the '
+                    'detector layout and module positions.',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
+        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
+    calcatUrl = String(
+        displayedName='CalCat URL',
+        description='[NYI] URL to CalCat API to use for constant retrieval, '
+                    'set by local secrets file',
+        accessMode=AccessMode.READONLY)
+    webserverApi = Node(
+        WebserverApiNode,
+        displayedName='Webserver API',
+        description='Configurations for the webserver API to control device '
+                    'servers.')
+    instantiationOptions = Node(
+        InstantiationOptionsNode,
+        displayedName='Instantiation options',
+        description='Optional flags controlling the pipeline instantiation.')
+    doNotCompressEvents = Bool(
+        requiredAccessLevel=AccessLevel.GOD,
+        accessMode=AccessMode.READONLY,
+        defaultValue=False,
+        daqPolicy=DaqPolicy.OMIT)
+    @Slot(
+        displayedName='Restart servers',
+        allowedStates=[State.ACTIVE, State.ERROR])
+    async def restartServers(self):
+        self.state = State.CHANGING
+        background(self._restart_servers())
+    @Slot(
+        displayedName='Instantiate pipeline',
+        allowedStates=[State.ACTIVE])
+    async def startInstantiate(self):
+        # Slot name is mandated by DeviceInstantiator interface.
+        self.state = State.CHANGING
+        background(self._instantiate_pipeline())
+    @Slot(
+        displayedName='Apply managed values',
+        description='Set all managed keys to the values currently active on '
+                    'the manager, replacing any manual change.',
+        allowedStates=[State.ACTIVE])
+    async def applyManagedValues(self):
+        background(self._apply_managed_values())
+    managed = Node(
+        ManagedKeysNode,
+        displayedName='Managed keys',
+        description='Properties and slots managed on devices in the pipeline.')
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        # Take the manager's device ID root (DOMAIN/TYPE) as the root
+        # for all devices it manages.
+        self._device_id_root = self.deviceId[:self.deviceId.rfind('/')].value
+        # Concretized class ID for correction devices.
+        self._correction_class_id = self.classIds.correctionClass.format(
+            self.detectorType.value.lower().capitalize())
+        # Set of data aggregators associated with the managed detector.
+        self._daq_device_ids = set()
+        # Set of devices in the same domain as the manager, i.e. having
+        # the same device ID root.
+        self._domain_device_ids = set()
+        # Set of correction devices for the managed detector, i.e. being
+        # in the same domain and having the specified class ID.
+        self._correction_device_ids = set()
+    async def onInitialization(self):
+        self.state = State.INIT
+        if parse_version(karaboVersion) < parse_version('2.11'):
+            # Compatibility with 2.10 and before, where onInitialization
+            # is awaited during device instantation.
+            background(self._async_init())
+        else:
+            await self._async_init()
+    @coslot
+    async def slotInstanceNew(self, instance_id, info):
+        # A new instance has appeared in the topology.
+        await super().slotInstanceNew(instance_id, info)
+        if info['type'] == 'device':
+            self._check_new_device(instance_id, info['classId'])
+    @slot
+    def slotInstanceGone(self, instance_id, info):
+        # An instance is gone from the topology.
+        super().slotInstanceGone(instance_id, info)
+        if info['type'] == 'device':
+            self._daq_device_ids.discard(instance_id)
+            self._domain_device_ids.discard(instance_id)
+            self._correction_device_ids.discard(instance_id)
+    async def _async_init(self):
+        # Populate the device ID sets with what's out there right now.
+        await self._check_topology()
+        # Set-up Tornado.
+        if hasattr(AsyncIOMainLoop, 'initialized'):
+            if not AsyncIOMainLoop.initialized():
+                AsyncIOMainLoop().install()
+        self._http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
+        # Check device servers and initialize webserver access.
+        await self._check_servers()
+        # Inject schema for configuration of managed devices.
+        await self._inject_managed_keys()
+        if self.state == State.INIT:
+            self._set_status('Calibration manager ready')
+            self.state = State.ACTIVE
+    def _check_new_device(self, device_id, class_id):
+        if class_id == 'DataAggregator' and \
+                device_id.startswith(self.detectorIdentifier.value):
+            # This device is a data aggregator belonging to the detector
+            # installation
+            self._daq_device_ids.add(device_id)
+        elif device_id.startswith(self._device_id_root):
+            # This device lives under the same device ID root as this
+            # manager instance.
+            self._domain_device_ids.add(device_id)
+            if class_id == self._correction_class_id:
+                # This device is also a correction device.
+                self._correction_device_ids.add(device_id)
+    async def _check_topology(self):
+        for i in range(10):
+            try:
+                devices = getTopology()['device']
+            except AttributeError:
+                # Not ready yet
+                await sleep(1.0)
+            else:
+                if not devices:
+                    await sleep(1.0)
+                else:
+                    break
+        else:
+            self._set_fatal(f'Topology not available after {i+1} tries')
+            return
+        self.logger.debug(f'Topology arrived after {i+1} tries')
+        for device_id in devices:
+            self._check_new_device(device_id, devices[device_id, 'classId'])
+    async def _get_shared_keys(self, device_ids, keys):
+        """Find the most common property values on devices."""
+        key_values = defaultdict(list)
+        for device_id in device_ids:
+            try:
+                config = await wait_for(getConfiguration(device_id),
+                                        timeout=2.0)
+            except AsyncTimeoutError:
+                # Ignore this device if the configuration can no longer
+                # be obtained.
+                continue
+            for key in keys:
+                value = config[key]
+                if isinstance(value, Hashable):
+                    # Value must be hashable to determine the most
+                    # common one below.
+                    key_values[key].append(value)
+        return {key: max(set(values), key=values.count) for key, values
+                in key_values.items()}
+    async def _inject_managed_keys(self):
+        """Attempt to retrieve the correction device's schema and insert
+        part of it as managed keys.
+        """
+        correction_device_servers = [
+            server for _, server, _, _, _, _ in self.moduleGroups.value]
+        up_corr_servers = await self._get_servers_in_state(
+            'up', servers=correction_device_servers)
+        if up_corr_servers:
+            # At least one correction server is up.
+            corr_server = next(iter(up_corr_servers))
+        else:
+            # None of the correction servers is up, try to start the
+            # first one.
+            corr_server = correction_device_servers[0]
+            try:
+                await wait_for(self._ensure_server_state(corr_server, 'up'),
+                               timeout=self.webserverApi.upTimeout.value)
+            except AsyncTimeoutError:
+                self._set_fatal(f'Could not bring up correction device server '
+                                f'`{corr_server}` for schema retrieval')
+                return
+        # Obtain the device schema from a correction device server.
+        managed_schema, _, _ = await call(corr_server, 'slotGetClassSchema',
+                                          self._correction_class_id)
+        # saving this for later
+        self._correction_device_schema = Schema()
+        self._correction_device_schema.copy(managed_schema)
+        if managed_schema.name != self._correction_class_id:
+            self._set_fatal(
+                f'Correction class ID `{self._correction_class_id}` not known '
+                f'or loadable by device server `{corr_server}`')
+            return
+        # Collect the keys to be managed and build a nested hash
+        # expressing its hierarchy, leafs are set to None.
+        managed_keys = set(managed_schema.hash['managedKeys', 'defaultValue'])
+        managed_tree = Hash(*chain.from_iterable(
+            zip(managed_keys, repeat(None, len(managed_keys)))))
+        managed_paths = set(managed_tree.paths())
+        # Reduce the correction schema to the managed paths.
+        managed_hash = managed_schema.hash
+        for path in managed_hash.paths():
+            if path not in managed_paths:
+                del managed_hash[path]
+        # Retrieve any previous values already on running devices in
+        # order to update the defaultValue attribute in the schema just
+        # before injection.
+        prev_vals = await self._get_shared_keys(
+            self._correction_device_ids, managed_keys)
+        if self._daq_device_ids:
+            prev_vals.update(await self._get_shared_keys(
+                self._daq_device_ids, ManagedKeysNode.DAQ_KEYS.keys()))
+        # Retrieve the attributes on the current managed node. The
+        # original implementation of toSchemaAndAttrs in the Node's
+        # superclass Descriptor is used to avoid Node-specific
+        # attributes in the attributes that are not valid in the
+        # property definition.
+        # The value are then obtained from the Node object again since
+        # enums are converted to their values by toSchemaAndAttrs, which
+        # in turn is not valid for property definition.
+        _, attrs = Descriptor.toSchemaAndAttrs(self.__class__.managed,
+                                               None, None)
+        managed_node_attrs = {key: getattr(self.__class__.managed, key)
+                              for key in attrs.keys()}
+        # Build a proxy from the managed schema, and create a new node
+        # based on it with the original node attributes. This code is
+        # heavily inspired by deviceClone.
+        managed_node = Node(
+            ManagedKeysCloneFactory.createProxy(managed_schema),
+            **managed_node_attrs)
+        # Walk the managed tree to and sanitize all descriptors to our
+        # specifications.
+        def _sanitize_node(parent, tree, prefix=''):
+            for key, value in tree.items():
+                # Fetch the descriptor class, not its instance!
+                descr = getattr(parent.cls, key)
+                full_key = f'{prefix}.{key}' if prefix else key
+                if isinstance(descr, Node):
+                    _sanitize_node(descr, value, full_key)
+                elif isinstance(descr, Slot):
+                    async def _managed_slot_called(parent, fk=full_key):
+                        background(self._call_on_corrections(fk))
+                    _managed_slot_called.__name__ = f'managed.{full_key}'
+                    descr.__call__(_managed_slot_called)
+                    # Managed slots can only be called in the ACTIVE
+                    # state.
+                    descr.allowedStates = [State.ACTIVE]
+                elif isinstance(descr, Type):
+                    # Regular property.
+                    if descr.accessMode == AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE:
+                        # Add a callback only if the original descriptor
+                        # is reconfigurable.
+                        async def _managed_prop_changed(parent, v, k=key,
+                                                        fk=full_key):
+                            setattr(parent, k, v)
+                            if self.state != State.INIT:
+                                # Do not propagate updates during injection.
+                                background(self._set_on_corrections(fk, v))
+                        descr.__call__(_managed_prop_changed)
+                    # Managed properties are always optional,
+                    # reconfigurable and may only be changed in the
+                    # ACTIVE state.
+                    descr.assignment = Assignment.OPTIONAL
+                    descr.accessMode = AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE
+                    descr.allowedStates = [State.ACTIVE]
+                    try:
+                        # If there's been a previous value before
+                        # injection, use it.
+                        descr.defaultValue = prev_vals[full_key]
+                    except KeyError:
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    self.logger.warn(f'Encountered unknown descriptor type '
+                                     f'{type(descr)}')
+        _sanitize_node(managed_node, managed_tree)
+        # Inject the newly prepared node for managed keys.
+        self.__class__.managed = managed_node
+        await self.publishInjectedParameters()
+        self._managed_keys = managed_keys
+        self.logger.debug('Managed schema injected')
+    def _set_status(self, text, level=logging.INFO):
+        """Add and log a status message.
+        Suppresses throttling from the gui server.
+        """
+        self.status = text
+        self.doNotCompressEvents = not self.doNotCompressEvents
+        self.logger.log(level, text)
+    def _set_error(self, text):
+        """Set the device into error state and log an error message."""
+        self.state = State.ERROR
+        self._set_status(text, level=logging.ERROR)
+    def _set_fatal(self, text):
+        """Set the device into unknown state and log an error message."""
+        self.state = State.UNKNOWN
+        self._set_status(text, level=logging.CRITICAL)
+    def _set_exception(self, text, e):
+        """Set the device into error upon an exception."""
+        return self._set_error(f'{text}\n{format_exc()[:-1]}')
+    def _get_server_api_url(self, name):
+        """Get API URL for a device server."""
+        return '{host}/api/servers/{api_name}.json'.format(
+            host=self._server_hosts[name],
+            api_name=self._server_api_names[name])
+    async def _get_server_info(self, name):
+        """Get info for a device server.
+        Args:
+            name (str): Device server (Karabo) name.
+        Returns:
+            (dict) Information returned by webserver for this server.
+        """
+        try:
+            reply = await to_asyncio_future(self._http_client.fetch(
+                self._get_server_api_url(name), method='GET'))
+        except (ConnectionError, HTTPError) as e:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                f'Failed retrieving server info of {name} on '
+                f'{urlparse(self._server_hosts[name]).hostname}: {e}')
+        body = json.loads(reply.body)
+        if not body['success']:
+            raise RuntimeError(f'Request to retrieve server info for {name} '
+                               f'failed')
+        self.logger.debug(f'Obtained server info for {name}: '
+                          f'{body["servers"][0]}')
+        return body['servers'][0]
+    async def _get_servers_in_state(self, state, servers=None):
+        """List all servers in a particular state.
+        Args:
+            state (str): State to filter for, e.g. 'up' or 'down'.
+        Returns:
+            (list[str]) List of server names found in the passed state.
+        """
+        servers = await gather(*[self._get_server_info(name)
+                                 for name in self._server_hosts.keys()
+                                 if servers is None or name in servers])
+        return {server['karabo_name'] for server in servers
+                if server['status'].startswith(state)}
+    async def _ensure_server_state(self, name, state, command=None):
+        """Sets and waits for a a server state to be reached.
+        Args:
+            name (str): Device server (Karabo) name.
+            state (str): State to set and wait for, e.g. 'up' or 'down'.
+            command (str, optional): Command to use for reaching the
+                state, same as state of omitted.
+        """
+        if command is None:
+            command = state
+        try:
+            reply = await to_asyncio_future(self._http_client.fetch(
+                self._get_server_api_url(name), method='PUT',
+                body=json.dumps({'server': {'command': command}})))
+        except (ConnectionError, HTTPError) as e:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                f'Failed sending `{command}` to {name} on '
+                f'{urlparse(self._server_hosts[name]).hostname}: {e}')
+        if not json.loads(reply.body)['success']:
+            raise RuntimeError('Command `{command}` for {name} failed')
+        while True:
+            await sleep(self.webserverApi.statePollInterval.value)
+            info = await self._get_server_info(name)
+            if info['status'].startswith(state):
+                return
+    async def _check_servers(self):
+        """Validate device server configuration."""
+        if not self._servers_changed:
+            return True
+        # Mapping of servers to device servers.
+        self._server_hosts = {server: host for server, host
+                              in self.deviceServers.value}
+        # Mapping of "Karabo names" (with capitalization and slashes)
+        # to "API names" (all lower case and only underscores).
+        self._server_api_names = {}
+        # Build a mapping of hosts to server names.
+        hosts = defaultdict(set)
+        for name, host in self._server_hosts.items():
+            hosts[host].add(name)
+        # List of errors found during device server check.
+        err = []
+        # Query all servers on each host and check whether the ones we
+        # need are in there, and obtain their API names.
+        for host, req_names in hosts.items():
+            # Retrieve hostname for nice error messages.
+            hostname = urlparse(self._server_hosts[name]).hostname
+            try:
+                reply = await to_asyncio_future(self._http_client.fetch(
+                    f'{host}/api/servers.json', method='GET'))
+            except (ConnectionError, HTTPError) as e:
+                err.append(f'- {e.__class__.__name__} when retrieving server '
+                           f'list on {hostname}: {e}')
+                continue
+            body = json.loads(reply.body)
+            if not body['success']:
+                err.append(f'- Request to retrieve server list failed on '
+                           f'{hostname}')
+                continue
+            servers = {s['karabo_name']: s for s in body['servers']
+                       if s['karabo_name'] in req_names}
+            if len(servers) != len(req_names):
+                err.append(f'- Device servers missing on {hostname}: ' +
+                           ', '.join(req_names - servers.keys()))
+            servers_in_error = {s['karabo_name'] for s in servers.values()
+                                if 'error' in s['status']}
+            if servers_in_error:
+                err.append(f'- Device servers on {hostname} are in error state'
+                           + ', '.join(servers_in_error))
+                continue
+            servers_disabled = {s['karabo_name'] for s in servers.values()
+                                if not s['control_allowed']}
+            if servers_disabled:
+                err.append(f'- Device servers on {hostname} not controllable '
+                           f'via webserver: ' + ', '.join(servers_disabled))
+                continue
+            for name, info in servers.items():
+                self._server_api_names[name] = info['name']
+        if err:
+            self._set_error('One or more device server problems were '
+                            'detected:\n' + '\n'.join(err))
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    async def _restart_servers(self):
+        """Restart all managed device servers."""
+        if not await self._check_servers():
+            return
+        try:
+            # Find all servers in need of being brought down.
+            up_names = await self._get_servers_in_state('up')
+            # Bring down all servers which are up.
+            if up_names:
+                try:
+                    await wait_for(gather(
+                        *[self._ensure_server_state(name, 'down')
+                          for name in up_names]),
+                        timeout=self.webserverApi.downTimeout.value)
+                except AsyncTimeoutError:
+                    # Narrow down to the list of servers STILL up.
+                    up_names = await self._get_servers_in_state('up')
+                else:
+                    up_names.clear()
+            # If some servers are still up, go for the kill.
+            if up_names:
+                self.logger.warn('Some servers still up after waiting for '
+                                 f'downTimeout: {up_names}')
+                try:
+                    await wait_for(gather(
+                        *[self._ensure_server_state(name, 'down', 'kill')
+                          for name in up_names]),
+                        timeout=self.webserverApi.killTimeout.value)
+                except AsyncTimeoutError:
+                    # All hope is lost.
+                    up_names = await self._get_servers_in_state('up')
+                    return self._set_error(
+                        'One or more device servers could not be brought '
+                        'down, even via kill:' + ', '.join(up_names))
+            # Bring all servers up again.
+            try:
+                await wait_for(gather(
+                    *[self._ensure_server_state(name, 'up')
+                      for name in self._server_hosts.keys()]),
+                    timeout=self.webserverApi.upTimeout.value)
+            except AsyncTimeoutError:
+                down_names = await self._get_servers_in_state('down')
+                return self._set_error('One or more device servers could not '
+                                       'brought up: ' + ', '.join(down_names))
+        except RuntimeError as e:
+            return self._set_exception(
+                'Request unexpectedly failed during restart procedure', e)
+        # Wait a moment for good measure until the servers are
+        # actually up. If we try to instantiate to quickly after the
+        # servers reported running, instantiate() blocks forever.
+        await sleep(5.0)
+        if self._domain_device_ids:
+            # If there are still devices in this set, log a warning.
+            self.logger.warn('Some devices left in manager domain after '
+                             'device servers have been restarted: '
+                             + ', '.join(self._domain_device_ids))
+        self._set_status('All device servers restarted')
+        self.state = State.ACTIVE
+    async def _instantiate_device(self, server, class_id, device_id, config):
+        """Instantiate a single device.
+        Small wrapper around karabo.middlelayer.instantiate for error
+        handling and logging.
+        """
+        if device_id in self._domain_device_ids:
+            self.logger.debug(f'Skipped instantiation of already existing '
+                              f'device {device_id}')
+            return True
+        try:
+            msg = await wait_for(instantiate(
+                server, class_id, device_id, config), 5.0)
+        except AsyncTimeoutError:
+            self._set_error(f'Instantiation timeout on {device_id}')
+            return False
+        except KaraboError as e:
+            self._set_exception(f'Instantiation error on {device_id}', e)
+            return False
+        self.logger.debug(f'Instantation result for {device_id}: {msg}')
+        return True
+    async def _instantiate_pipeline(self):
+        """Instantiate all managed devices."""
+        if not await self._check_servers():
+            return
+        # Make sure all servers are up.
+        try:
+            up_servers = await self._get_servers_in_state('up')
+            if up_servers != self._server_api_names.keys():
+                self.state = State.ACTIVE
+                return self._set_status('One or more device servers are not '
+                                        'up, restart servers first.')
+        except RuntimeError as e:
+            return self._set_error('Request unexpectedly failed while '
+                                   'checking device server state', e)
+        # Class and device ID templates per role.
+        class_ids = {}
+        device_id_templates = {}
+        class_args = (self.detectorType.value.lower().capitalize(),)
+        for role in ['correction', 'groupMatcher', 'bridge', 'previewMatcher',
+                     'assembler']:
+            class_ids[role] = getattr(
+                self.classIds, f'{role}Class').value.format(*class_args)
+            device_id_templates[role] = f'{self._device_id_root}/' + \
+                getattr(self.deviceIds, f'{role}Suffix')
+        # Servers by group and layer.
+        server_by_group = {group: server for group, server, _, _, _, _
+                           in self.moduleGroups.value}
+        server_by_layer = {layer: server for layer, _, server
+                           in self.previewLayers.value}
+        all_req_servers = set(server_by_group.values()).union(
+            server_by_layer.values())
+        if all_req_servers != up_servers:
+            return self._set_error('One or more device servers are not '
+                                   'listed in the device servers '
+                                   'configuration')
+        # Instantiate modules.
+        modules_by_group = defaultdict(list)
+        correct_device_id_by_module = {}
+        input_source_by_module = {}
+        for index, row in enumerate(self.modules.value):
+            vname, group, aggregator, input_channel, input_source = row
+            modules_by_group[group].append(vname)
+            device_id = device_id_templates['correction'].format(
+                virtualName=vname, index=index, group=group)
+            correct_device_id_by_module[vname] = device_id
+            if not aggregator:
+                aggregator = f'{self.detectorType.upper()}{index:02d}'
+            daq_device_id = f'{self.detectorIdentifier}/DET/{index}CH0'
+            if not input_channel:
+                input_channel = f'{daq_device_id}:output'
+            if not input_source:
+                input_source = f'{daq_device_id}:xtdf'
+            input_source_by_module[vname] = input_source
+            config = Hash()
+            config['constantParameters.detectorName'] = self.detectorIdentifier.value
+            config['constantParameters.karaboDa'] = aggregator
+            config['dataInput.connectedOutputChannels'] = [input_channel]
+            config['fastSources'] = [input_source]
+            # Add managed keys.
+            for key in self._managed_keys:
+                value = get_property(self, f'managed.{key}')
+                if not ismethod(value):
+                    config[key] = value
+            if not await self._instantiate_device(
+                server_by_group[group], class_ids['correction'], device_id,
+                config
+            ):
+                return
+        # Instantiate group matchers and bridges.
+        for row in self.moduleGroups.value:
+            group, server, with_matcher, with_bridge, bridge_port, \
+                bridge_pattern = row
+            # Group matcher, if applicable.
+            if with_matcher:
+                matcher_device_id = device_id_templates['groupMatcher'].format(
+                    group=group)
+                config = Hash()
+                config['channels'] = [
+                    f'{correct_device_id_by_module[vname]}:dataOutput'
+                    for vname in modules_by_group[group]]
+                config['fastSources'] = [
+                    Hash('fsSelect', True,
+                         'fsSource', input_source_by_module[vname])
+                    for vname in modules_by_group[group]]
+                if self.instantiationOptions.restoreMatcherSources:
+                    try:
+                        old_config = await getConfigurationFromPast(
+                            matcher_device_id, datetime.now().isoformat())
+                    except KaraboError:
+                        pass  # Ignore configuration on error
+                    else:
+                        config['channels'] = old_config['channels']
+                        config['slowSources'] = old_config['slowSources']
+                        config['fastSources'] = old_config['fastSources']
+                if not await self._instantiate_device(
+                    server, class_ids['groupMatcher'],
+                    matcher_device_id, config
+                ):
+                    return
+                elif self.instantiationOptions.autoActivateGroupMatchers:
+                    async def _activate_matcher(device_id):
+                        with await getDevice(device_id) as device:
+                            await sleep(3)
+                            if device.state == State.PASSIVE:
+                                await device.start()
+                    background(_activate_matcher(matcher_device_id))
+            # Group bridge, if applicable.
+            if with_bridge:
+                bridge_device_id = device_id_templates['bridge'].format(
+                    group=group)
+                config = Hash()
+                config['outputsConfig'] = [Hash(
+                    'pattern', bridge_pattern, 'hwm', 1, 'port', bridge_port)]
+                config['input.connectedOutputChannels'] = [
+                    f'{matcher_device_id}:output']
+                if not await self._instantiate_device(
+                    server, class_ids['bridge'], bridge_device_id, config
+                ):
+                    return
+                elif self.instantiationOptions.autoActivateGroupBridges:
+                    # Delay the slot a bit since it will get lost during
+                    # instantation.
+                    async def _activate_bridge(device_id):
+                        with await getDevice(device_id) as device:
+                            await sleep(3)
+                            if device.state == State.PASSIVE:
+                                await device.activate()
+                    background(_activate_bridge(bridge_device_id))
+        # Instantiate preview layer matchers and assemblers.
+        for layer, output_pipeline, server in self.previewLayers.value:
+            # Preview matcher.
+            matcher_device_id = device_id_templates['previewMatcher'].format(
+                layer=layer)
+            config = Hash()
+            config['channels'] = [
+                f'{device_id}:{output_pipeline}'
+                for device_id in correct_device_id_by_module.values()]
+            config['fastSources'] = [
+                Hash('fsSelect', True,
+                     'fsSource',
+                     f'{input_source_by_module[virtual_id]}')
+                for (virtual_id, device_id)
+                in correct_device_id_by_module.items()]
+            config['pathToStack'] = 'data.adc'
+            if not await self._instantiate_device(
+                server, class_ids['previewMatcher'], matcher_device_id, config
+            ):
+                return
+            # Preview assembler.
+            assembler_device_id = device_id_templates['assembler'].format(
+                layer=layer)
+            config = Hash()
+            config['input.connectedOutputChannels'] = [
+                f'{matcher_device_id}:output']
+            config['modules'] = [
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q1M1', ''),
+                     'offX', 474, 'offY', 612, 'rot', 90),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q1M2', ''),
+                     'offX', 316, 'offY', 612, 'rot', 90),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q1M3', ''),
+                     'offX', 158, 'offY', 612, 'rot', 90),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q1M4', ''),
+                     'offX', 0, 'offY', 612, 'rot', 90),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q2M1', ''),
+                     'offX', 1136, 'offY', 612, 'rot', 90),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q2M2', ''),
+                     'offX', 978, 'offY', 612, 'rot', 90),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q2M3', ''),
+                     'offX', 820, 'offY', 612, 'rot', 90),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q2M4', ''),
+                     'offX', 662, 'offY', 612, 'rot', 90),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q3M1', ''),
+                     'offX', 712, 'offY', 0, 'rot', 270),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q3M2', ''),
+                     'offX', 870, 'offY', 0, 'rot', 270),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q3M3', ''),
+                     'offX', 1028, 'offY', 0, 'rot', 270),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q3M4', ''),
+                     'offX', 1186, 'offY', 0, 'rot', 270),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q4M1', ''),
+                     'offX', 50, 'offY', 0, 'rot', 270),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q4M2', ''),
+                     'offX', 208, 'offY', 0, 'rot', 270),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q4M3', ''),
+                     'offX', 366, 'offY', 0, 'rot', 270),
+                Hash('source', input_source_by_module.get('Q4M4', ''),
+                     'offX', 524, 'offY', 0, 'rot', 270),
+            ]
+            config['pathsToCombine'] = ['data.adc']
+            config['trainIdPath'] = 'image.trainId'
+            config['pulseIdPath'] = 'image.pulseId'
+            config['preview.enablePreview'] = True
+            config['preview.pathToPreview'] = 'data.adc'
+            config['preview.downSample'] = 2
+            config['badpixelPath'] = 'image.bad_pixels'
+            config['rotated90Grad'] = True
+            if not await self._instantiate_device(
+                server, class_ids['assembler'], assembler_device_id, config
+            ):
+                return
+        self._set_status('All devices instantiated')
+        self.state = State.ACTIVE
+    async def _apply_managed_values(self):
+        """Apply all managed keys to local values."""
+        for daq_key, local_key in ManagedKeysNode.DAQ_KEYS.items():
+            await self._set_on_daq(
+                daq_key, get_property(self, f'managed.{local_key}'))
+        for key in self._managed_keys:
+            value = get_property(self, f'managed.{key}')
+            if not ismethod(value):
+                await self._set_on_corrections(key, value)
+    def _call(self, device_ids, slot, *args):
+        """Call the same slot on a list of devices."""
+        for device_id in device_ids:
+            callNoWait(device_id, slot, *args)
+            self.logger.debug(f'Called {device_id}.{slot}{args}')
+    async def _call_on_corrections(self, slot, *args):
+        """Call a slot on all correction devices."""
+        if self._correction_device_ids:
+            self._call(self._correction_device_ids, slot, *args)
+            self.logger.info(f'Called <CORR>.{slot}{args}')
+    def _set(self, device_ids, key, value):
+        """Set the same property on a list of devices."""
+        for device_id in device_ids:
+            setNoWait(device_id, key, value)
+            self.logger.debug(f'Set {device_id}.{key} to {value}')
+    async def _set_on_daq(self, key, value):
+        """Set a property on all DAQ devices."""
+        if self._daq_device_ids:
+            self._set(self._daq_device_ids, key, value)
+            self.logger.info(f'Set <DAQ>.{key} to {value}')
+    async def _set_on_corrections(self, key, value):
+        """Set a property on all correction devices."""
+        if self._correction_device_ids:
+            self._set(self._correction_device_ids, key, value)
+            self.logger.info(f'Set <CORR>.{key} to {value}')
diff --git a/src/calng/DsscCorrection.py b/src/calng/DsscCorrection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4003b36cda9a6655db5781be892da869bc2fc0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/DsscCorrection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+import enum
+import cupy
+import numpy as np
+from karabo.bound import (
+    State,
+from . import base_gpu, calcat_utils, utils
+from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+from .base_correction import BaseCorrection, add_correction_step_schema
+class CorrectionFlags(enum.IntFlag):
+    NONE = 0
+    OFFSET = 1
+class DsscConstants(enum.Enum):
+    Offset = enum.auto()
+class DsscGpuRunner(base_gpu.BaseGpuRunner):
+    _kernel_source_filename = "dssc_gpu.cu"
+    _corrected_axis_order = "cyx"
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        pixels_x,
+        pixels_y,
+        memory_cells,
+        constant_memory_cells,
+        input_data_dtype=np.uint16,
+        output_data_dtype=np.float32,
+    ):
+        self.input_shape = (memory_cells, pixels_y, pixels_x)
+        self.processed_shape = self.input_shape
+        super().__init__(
+            pixels_x,
+            pixels_y,
+            memory_cells,
+            constant_memory_cells,
+            input_data_dtype,
+            output_data_dtype,
+        )
+        self.map_shape = (self.constant_memory_cells, self.pixels_y, self.pixels_x)
+        self.offset_map_gpu = cupy.empty(self.map_shape, dtype=np.float32)
+        self._init_kernels()
+        self.offset_map_gpu = cupy.empty(self.map_shape, dtype=np.float32)
+        self.update_block_size((1, 1, 64))
+    def _get_raw_for_preview(self):
+        return self.input_data_gpu
+    def _get_corrected_for_preview(self):
+        return self.processed_data_gpu
+    def load_offset_map(self, offset_map):
+        # can have an extra dimension for some reason
+        if len(offset_map.shape) == 4:  # old format (see offsetcorrection_dssc.py)?
+            offset_map = offset_map[..., 0]
+        # shape (now): x, y, memory cell
+        offset_map = np.transpose(offset_map).astype(np.float32)
+        self.offset_map_gpu.set(offset_map)
+    def correct(self, flags):
+        self.correction_kernel(
+            self.full_grid,
+            self.full_block,
+            (
+                self.input_data_gpu,
+                self.cell_table_gpu,
+                np.uint8(flags),
+                self.offset_map_gpu,
+                self.processed_data_gpu,
+            ),
+        )
+    def _init_kernels(self):
+        kernel_source = self._kernel_template.render(
+            {
+                "pixels_x": self.pixels_x,
+                "pixels_y": self.pixels_y,
+                "data_memory_cells": self.memory_cells,
+                "constant_memory_cells": self.constant_memory_cells,
+                "input_data_dtype": utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(self.input_data_dtype),
+                "output_data_dtype": utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(self.output_data_dtype),
+                "corr_enum": utils.enum_to_c_template(CorrectionFlags),
+            }
+        )
+        self.source_module = cupy.RawModule(code=kernel_source)
+        self.correction_kernel = self.source_module.get_function("correct")
+class DsscCalcatFriend(calcat_utils.BaseCalcatFriend):
+    _constant_enum_class = DsscConstants
+    def __init__(self, device, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(device, *args, **kwargs)
+        self._constants_need_conditions = {
+            DsscConstants.Offset: self.dark_condition,
+        }
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_schema(
+        schema,
+        managed_keys,
+        param_prefix="constantParameters",
+        status_prefix="foundConstants",
+    ):
+        super(DsscCalcatFriend, DsscCalcatFriend).add_schema(
+            schema, managed_keys, "DSSC-Type", param_prefix, status_prefix
+        )
+        (
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.memoryCells")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(400)
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.biasVoltage")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(100)  # TODO: proper
+            .commit()
+        )
+        (
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.pulseIdChecksum")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(2.8866323107820637e-36)
+            .commit(),
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.acquisitionRate")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(4.5)
+            .commit(),
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.encodedGain")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(67328)
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        calcat_utils.add_status_schema_from_enum(schema, status_prefix, DsscConstants)
+    def dark_condition(self):
+        res = calcat_utils.OperatingConditions()
+        res["Memory cells"] = self._get_param("memoryCells")
+        res["Sensor Bias Voltage"] = self._get_param("biasVoltage")
+        res["Pixels X"] = self._get_param("pixelsX")
+        res["Pixels Y"] = self._get_param("pixelsY")
+        # res["Pulse id checksum"] = self._get_param("pulseIdChecksum")
+        # res["Acquisition rate"] = self._get_param("acquisitionRate")
+        # res["Encoded gain"] = self._get_param("encodedGain")
+        return res
+@KARABO_CLASSINFO("DsscCorrection", deviceVersion)
+class DsscCorrection(BaseCorrection):
+    # subclass *must* set these attributes
+    _correction_flag_class = CorrectionFlags
+    _correction_field_names = (("offset", CorrectionFlags.OFFSET),)
+    _kernel_runner_class = DsscGpuRunner
+    _calcat_friend_class = DsscCalcatFriend
+    _constant_enum_class = DsscConstants
+    _managed_keys = BaseCorrection._managed_keys.copy()
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        (
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.memoryCells")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(400)
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("preview.selectionMode")
+            .setNewDefaultValue("pulse")
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        DsscCalcatFriend.add_schema(expected, DsscCorrection._managed_keys)
+        add_correction_step_schema(
+            expected,
+            DsscCorrection._managed_keys,
+            DsscCorrection._correction_field_names,
+        )
+        (
+            VECTOR_STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("managedKeys")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(list(DsscCorrection._managed_keys))
+            .commit()
+        )
+    @property
+    def input_data_shape(self):
+        return (
+            self.get("dataFormat.memoryCells"),
+            1,
+            self.get("dataFormat.pixelsY"),
+            self.get("dataFormat.pixelsX"),
+        )
+    def process_data(
+        self,
+        data_hash,
+        metadata,
+        source,
+        train_id,
+        image_data,
+        cell_table,
+        do_generate_preview,
+    ):
+        pulse_table = np.squeeze(data_hash.get("image.pulseId"))
+        if self._frame_filter is not None:
+            try:
+                cell_table = cell_table[self._frame_filter]
+                pulse_table = pulse_table[self._frame_filter]
+                image_data = image_data[self._frame_filter]
+            except IndexError:
+                self.log_status_warn(
+                    "Failed to apply frame filter, please check that it is valid!"
+                )
+                return
+        try:
+            self.kernel_runner.load_data(image_data)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            self.log_status_warn(f"Failed to load data: {e}")
+            return
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log_status_warn(f"Unknown exception when loading data to GPU: {e}")
+        buffer_handle, buffer_array = self._shmem_buffer.next_slot()
+        self.kernel_runner.load_cell_table(cell_table)
+        self.kernel_runner.correct(self._correction_flag_enabled)
+        self.kernel_runner.reshape(
+            output_order=self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.outputAxisOrder"),
+            out=buffer_array,
+        )
+        if do_generate_preview:
+            if self._correction_flag_enabled != self._correction_flag_preview:
+                self.kernel_runner.correct(self._correction_flag_preview)
+            (
+                preview_slice_index,
+                preview_cell,
+                preview_pulse,
+            ) = utils.pick_frame_index(
+                self.unsafe_get("preview.selectionMode"),
+                self.unsafe_get("preview.index"),
+                cell_table,
+                pulse_table,
+                warn_func=self.log_status_warn,
+            )
+            preview_raw, preview_corrected = self.kernel_runner.compute_previews(
+                preview_slice_index,
+            )
+        data_hash.set("image.data", buffer_handle)
+        data_hash.set("image.cellId", cell_table[:, np.newaxis])
+        data_hash.set("image.pulseId", pulse_table[:, np.newaxis])
+        data_hash.set("calngShmemPaths", ["image.data"])
+        self._write_output(data_hash, metadata)
+        if do_generate_preview:
+            self._write_combiner_previews(
+                (
+                    ("preview.outputRaw", preview_raw),
+                    ("preview.outputCorrected", preview_corrected),
+                ),
+                train_id,
+                source,
+            )
+    def _load_constant_to_runner(self, constant, constant_data):
+        assert constant is DsscConstants.Offset
+        self.kernel_runner.load_offset_map(constant_data)
+        if not self.get("corrections.offset.available"):
+            self.set("corrections.offset.available", True)
+        self._update_correction_flags()
+        self.log_status_info(f"Done loading {constant.name} to GPU")
diff --git a/src/calng/ModuleStacker.py b/src/calng/ModuleStacker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95abe95ee79f05007fffe98bb4c73b1fad6c6f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/ModuleStacker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import numpy as np
+from karabo.bound import (
+    ChannelMetaData,
+    Epochstamp,
+    Hash,
+    MetricPrefix,
+    Schema,
+    Timestamp,
+    Trainstamp,
+    Unit,
+from TrainMatcher import TrainMatcher
+from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+@KARABO_CLASSINFO("ModuleStacker", deviceVersion)
+class ModuleStacker(TrainMatcher.TrainMatcher):
+    """This will be deprecated: now just equivalent to ModuleMatcher except this
+    stacks `image.data` instead of `data.adc`
+    """
+    def __init__(self, conf):
+        super().__init__(conf)
+        self.info.merge(Hash("timeOfFlight", 0))
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        (
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("timeOfFlight")
+            .displayedName("Time of flight")
+            .description(
+                "Time elapsed from DAQ sent data until train was matched and ready to "
+                "send from here. Measured for latest train matched. Maximum over all "
+                "sources included in said train."
+            )
+            .unit(Unit.SECOND)
+            .metricPrefix(MetricPrefix.MILLI)
+            .readOnly()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("pathToStack")
+            .displayedName("Data path to stack")
+            .description(
+                "Typically, image.data will be used for full data going through the "
+                "pipeline. Set this when input is dataOutput from a correction device "
+                "and output goes to a bridge. For previews, data.adc is used as part "
+                "of the combiner format. Set to data.adc when input is a preview "
+                "output and output goes to a femDataAssembler."
+            )
+            .options("image.data,data.adc")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("image.data")
+            .commit(),
+        )
+    def initialization(self):
+        """Apply configuration and automatically start.
+        Upon instantiation, the device will automatically start matching data
+        from the specified data sources.
+        """
+        super().initialization()
+        # Disable the start and stop slots.
+        # It's not possible to pop items from the full schema. The slots are
+        # therefore converted to unused nodes.
+        desc = (
+            "Disable slots from the parent class. The acquisition start automatically "
+            "on instantiation. Check that the `fastSources` table is populated and "
+            "its booleans set to True the project configuration (not instantiated). "
+            "These nodes are not used."
+        )
+        schema = Schema()
+        (
+            NODE_ELEMENT(schema).key("start").description(desc).commit(),
+            NODE_ELEMENT(schema).key("stop").description(desc).commit(),
+        )
+        self.path_to_stack = self.get("pathToStack")
+        self.updateSchema(schema)
+        super().start()
+    def _send(self, tid, sources):
+        # Add control data
+        timestamp = Timestamp(Epochstamp(), Trainstamp(tid))
+        # Reuse arbitrary hash from existing ones (among the ones to stack)
+        try:
+            out_hash = next(
+                data
+                for (data, _) in iter(sources.values())
+                if data.has(self.path_to_stack)
+            )
+        except StopIteration:
+            out_hash = Hash()
+        # TODO: handle missing modules properly (track all sources)
+        stacked_data = []
+        stacked_sources = []
+        stacked_present = []
+        # TODO: should this be threaded?
+        time_of_flight = 0
+        for source, (data, metadata) in sources.items():
+            if not data.has(self.path_to_stack):
+                # may add sources not for stacking
+                # TODO: make stack or no part of source configuration
+                out_hash[f"unstacked.{source}"] = data
+                continue
+            old_ts = metadata.getTimestamp()
+            elapsed = timestamp.toTimestamp() - old_ts.toTimestamp()
+            time_of_flight = max(time_of_flight, elapsed)
+            image_data = data.get(self.path_to_stack)
+            stacked_data.append(image_data)
+            stacked_sources.append(source)
+            stacked_present.append(True)
+        for source, data in self.ctrlmon.get(tid):
+            out_hash[f"unstacked.{source}"] = data
+        if stacked_data:
+            if not isinstance(stacked_data[0], str):
+                # strings (like shmem handles) should stay list
+                stacked_data = np.stack(stacked_data, axis=0)
+            # TODO: merge with super().update_info (throttled updates)
+            self.info["timeOfFlight"] = time_of_flight * 1000
+        out_hash[self.path_to_stack] = stacked_data
+        out_hash["sources"] = stacked_sources
+        out_hash["modulesPresent"] = stacked_present
+        channel = self.signalSlotable.getOutputChannel("output")
+        channel.write(out_hash, ChannelMetaData(self.getInstanceId(), timestamp))
+        channel.update()
+        self.rate_out.update()
diff --git a/src/calng/ShmemToZMQ.py b/src/calng/ShmemToZMQ.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e0af8e14f5b3b71f1fa29db231e95370ac714a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/ShmemToZMQ.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from time import time
+from karabo.bound import KARABO_CLASSINFO
+from PipeToZeroMQ import PipeToZeroMQ, conversion, device_schema
+from . import shmem_utils
+from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+@KARABO_CLASSINFO("ShmemToZMQ", deviceVersion)
+class ShmemToZMQ(PipeToZeroMQ.PipeToZeroMQ):
+    def initialization(self):
+        super().initialization()
+        self._shmem_handler = shmem_utils.ShmemCircularBufferReceiver()
+    def onInput(self, input_channel):
+        actual = self.getActualTimestamp()
+        input_tic = time()
+        self.info["inputUpdated"] += 1
+        self.info["dataRecv"] = input_channel.size()
+        all_meta = input_channel.getMetaData()
+        data = {}
+        meta = {}
+        for idx in range(input_channel.size()):
+            # Read metadata
+            metadata = self._extract_metadata(all_meta, idx)
+            source = metadata["source"]
+            if source not in self.sources:
+                self.appendSchema(device_schema.timestamp_schema(source))
+                self.sources.add(source)
+            self._time_info(metadata, actual, self.info)
+            # Read data
+            hash_data = input_channel.read(idx)
+            # filters
+            if self.allowed_sources and source not in self.allowed_sources:
+                continue
+            forward, ignore = self._filter_properties(hash_data, source)
+            meta[source] = conversion.meta_to_dict(metadata)
+            meta[source]["ignored_keys"] = ignore
+            # only this bit differs from PipeToZeroMQ.onInput
+            dic, arr = conversion.hash_to_dict(
+                hash_data, paths=forward, version=self.version
+            )
+            for shmem_handle_path in dic.pop("calngShmemPaths", []):
+                shmem_handle = dic.pop(shmem_handle_path, None)
+                if shmem_handle_path is None:
+                    self.log.INFO(
+                        f"Hash from {source} did not have {shmem_handle_path}"
+                    )
+                    continue
+                elif shmem_handle_path == "":
+                    self.log.INFO(
+                        f"Hash from {source} had empty {shmem_handle_path}"
+                    )
+                    continue
+                actual_data = self._shmem_handler.get(shmem_handle)
+                arr[shmem_handle_path] = actual_data
+            data[source] = (dic, arr)
+        # forward data to all connected ZMQ sockets
+        self._send(data, meta)
+        output_tic = time()
+        self.info["onInputTotal"] = 1000 * (output_tic - input_tic)
+        # update properties on device
+        self._updateProperties(output_tic)
+        # block if device is in passive state
+        self.monitoring.wait()
diff --git a/src/calng/__init__.py b/src/calng/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/calng/base_correction.py b/src/calng/base_correction.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fae7950d7e836f78aec2047331d00b7a41f76f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/base_correction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+import enum
+import pathlib
+import threading
+from timeit import default_timer
+import dateutil.parser
+import numpy as np
+from karabo.bound import (
+    ChannelMetaData,
+    Epochstamp,
+    Hash,
+    MetricPrefix,
+    PythonDevice,
+    Schema,
+    State,
+    Timestamp,
+    Trainstamp,
+    Unit,
+from karabo.common.api import KARABO_SCHEMA_DISPLAY_TYPE_SCENES as DT_SCENES
+from karabo import version as karaboVersion
+from pkg_resources import parse_version
+from . import scenes, shmem_utils, utils
+from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+class FramefilterSpecType(enum.Enum):
+    NONE = "none"
+    RANGE = "range"
+    COMMASEPARATED = "commaseparated"
+preview_schema = Schema()
+    NODE_ELEMENT(preview_schema).key("image").commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(preview_schema).key("image.data").dtype("FLOAT").commit(),
+    UINT64_ELEMENT(preview_schema)
+    .key("image.trainId")
+    .displayedName("Train ID")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+# TODO: trim output schema / adapt to specific detectors
+# currently: based on snapshot of actual output reusing AGIPD hash
+output_schema = Schema()
+    NODE_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("image").commit(),
+    STRING_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("image.data")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue("")
+    .commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("image.length").dtype("UINT32").commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("image.cellId").dtype("UINT16").commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("image.pulseId").dtype("UINT64").commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("image.status").commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("image.trainId").dtype("UINT64").commit(),
+    VECTOR_STRING_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("calngShmemPaths")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(["image.data"])
+    .commit(),
+    NODE_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("metadata").commit(),
+    STRING_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("metadata.source")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue("")
+    .commit(),
+    NODE_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("metadata.timestamp").commit(),
+    INT32_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("metadata.timestamp.tid")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    NODE_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("header").commit(),
+    INT32_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("header.minorTrainFormatVersion")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    INT32_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("header.majorTrainFormatVersion")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    INT32_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("header.trainId")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    INT64_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("header.linkId")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    INT64_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("header.dataId")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    INT64_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("header.pulseCount")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("header.reserved").commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("header.magicNumberBegin").commit(),
+    NODE_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("detector").commit(),
+    INT32_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("detector.trainId")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("detector.data").commit(),
+    NODE_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("trailer").commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("trailer.checksum").commit(),
+    NDARRAY_ELEMENT(output_schema).key("trailer.magicNumberEnd").commit(),
+    INT32_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("trailer.status")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+    INT32_ELEMENT(output_schema)
+    .key("trailer.trainId")
+    .assignmentOptional()
+    .defaultValue(0)
+    .commit(),
+@KARABO_CLASSINFO("BaseCorrection", deviceVersion)
+class BaseCorrection(PythonDevice):
+    _correction_flag_class = None  # subclass must set (ex.: dssc_gpu.CorrectionFlags)
+    _kernel_runner_class = None  # subclass must set (ex.: dssc_gpu.DsscGpuRunner)
+    _kernel_runner_init_args = {}  # optional extra args for runner
+    _managed_keys = {
+        "outputShmemBufferSize",
+        "dataFormat.outputAxisOrder",
+        "dataFormat.outputImageDtype",
+        "dataFormat.overrideInputAxisOrder",
+        "frameFilter.type",
+        "frameFilter.spec",
+        "preview.enable",
+        "preview.index",
+        "preview.selectionMode",
+        "preview.trainIdModulo",
+        "loadMostRecentConstants",
+    }  # subclass can extend this, /must/ put it in schema as managedKeys
+    _image_data_path = "image.data"
+    _cell_table_path = "image.cellId"
+    def _load_constant_to_runner(constant_name, constant_data):
+        """Subclass must define how to process constants into correction maps and store
+        into appropriate buffers in (GPU or main) memory."""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @property
+    def input_data_shape(self):
+        """Subclass must define expected input data shape in terms of dataFormat.{
+        memoryCells,pixelsX,pixelsY} and any other axes."""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @property
+    def output_data_shape(self):
+        """Shape of corrected image data sent on dataOutput. Depends on data format
+        parameters pixels x / y, and number of cells (optionally after frame filter)."""
+        axis_lengths = {
+            "x": self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.pixelsX"),
+            "y": self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.pixelsY"),
+            "c": self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.filteredFrames"),
+        }
+        return tuple(
+            axis_lengths[axis]
+            for axis in self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.outputAxisOrder")
+        )
+    def process_data(
+        self,
+        data_hash,
+        metadata,
+        source,
+        train_id,
+        image_data,
+        cell_table,
+        do_generate_preview,
+    ):
+        """Subclass must define data processing (presumably using the kernel runner).
+        Will be called by input_handler, which will take care of some common checks and
+        extracting the parameters given to process_data."""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        (
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("state")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(State.INIT)
+            .commit(),
+            INPUT_CHANNEL(expected).key("dataInput").commit(),
+            OUTPUT_CHANNEL(expected)
+            .key("dataOutput")
+            .dataSchema(output_schema)
+            .commit(),
+            VECTOR_STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("fastSources")
+            .displayedName("Fast data sources")
+            .description(
+                "Sources to get data from. Only incoming hashes from these sources "
+                "will be processed. This will typically be a single entry of the form: "
+                "'[instrument]_DET_[detector]/DET/[channel]:xtdf'."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue([])
+            .commit(),
+            NODE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("frameFilter")
+            .displayedName("Frame filter")
+            .description(
+                "The frame filter - if set - slices the input data. Frames not in the "
+                "filter will be discarded before any processing happens and will not "
+                "get to dataOutput or preview. Note that this filter goes by frame "
+                "index rather than cell ID or pulse ID; set accordingly. Handle with "
+                "care - an invalid filter can prevent all processing. How the filter "
+                "is specified depends on frameFilter.type. See frameFilter.current to "
+                "inspect the currently set frame filter array (if any)."
+            )
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("frameFilter.type")
+            .displayedName("Filter definition type")
+            .description(
+                "Controls how frameFilter.spec is used. The default value of 'none' "
+                "means that no filter is set (regardless of frameFilter.spec). "
+                "'arange' allows between one and three integers separated by ',' which "
+                "are parsed and passed directly to numpy.arange. 'commaseparated' "
+                "reads a list of integers separated by commas."
+            )
+            .options(",".join(spectype.value for spectype in FramefilterSpecType))
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("none")
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("frameFilter.spec")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("")
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            VECTOR_UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("frameFilter.current")
+            .displayedName("Current filter")
+            .description(
+                "This read-only value is used to display the contents of the current "
+                "frame filter. An empty array means no filtering is done."
+            )
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue([])
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("outputShmemBufferSize")
+            .displayedName("Output buffer size limit")
+            .unit(Unit.BYTE)
+            .metricPrefix(MetricPrefix.GIGA)
+            .description(
+                "Corrected trains are written to shared memory locations. These are "
+                "pre-allocated and re-used (circular buffer). This parameter "
+                "determines how much memory to set aside for that buffer."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(10)
+            .commit(),
+            VECTOR_STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("availableScenes")
+            .setSpecialDisplayType(DT_SCENES)
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue(["overview"])
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        (
+            NODE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat")
+            .displayedName("Data format (in/out)")
+            .commit(),
+            BOOL_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.overrideInputAxisOrder")
+            .displayedName("Override input axis order")
+            .description(
+                "The shape of the image data ndarray as received from the "
+                "DataAggregator is sometimes wrong - the axes are actually in a "
+                "different order than the ndarray shape suggests. If this flag is on, "
+                "the shape of the ndarray will be overridden with the axis order which "
+                "was expected."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(True)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.inputImageDtype")
+            .displayedName("Input image data dtype")
+            .description("The (numpy) dtype to expect for incoming image data.")
+            .options("uint16,float32")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("uint16")
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.outputImageDtype")
+            .displayedName("Output image data dtype")
+            .description(
+                "The (numpy) dtype to use for outgoing image data. Input is cast to "
+                "float32, corrections are applied, and only then will the result be "
+                "cast to outputImageDtype. Be aware that casting to integer type "
+                "causes truncation rather than rounding."
+            )
+            # TODO: consider adding rounding / binning for integer output
+            .options("float16,float32,uint16")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("float32")
+            .commit(),
+            # important: determines shape of data as going into correction
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.pixelsX")
+            .displayedName("Pixels x")
+            .description("Number of pixels of image data along X axis")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(512)
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.pixelsY")
+            .displayedName("Pixels y")
+            .description("Number of pixels of image data along Y axis")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(128)
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.memoryCells")
+            .displayedName("Memory cells")
+            .description("Full number of memory cells in incoming data")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(1)  # subclass will want to set a default value
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.filteredFrames")
+            .displayedName("Frames after filter")
+            .description("Number of frames left after applying frame filter")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue(0)
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.outputAxisOrder")
+            .displayedName("Output axis order")
+            .description(
+                "Axes of main data output can be reordered after correction. Axis "
+                "order is specified as string consisting of 'x', 'y', and 'c', with "
+                "the latter indicating the memory cell axis. The default value of "
+                "'cxy' puts pixels on the fast axes."
+            )
+            .options("cxy,cyx,xcy,xyc,ycx,yxc")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("cxy")
+            .commit(),
+            VECTOR_UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.inputDataShape")
+            .displayedName("Input data shape")
+            .description(
+                "Image data shape in incoming data (from reader / DAQ). This value is "
+                "computed from pixelsX, pixelsY, and memoryCells - this field just "
+                "shows what is currently expected."
+            )
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue([])
+            .commit(),
+            VECTOR_UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.outputDataShape")
+            .displayedName("Output data shape")
+            .description(
+                "Image data shape for data output from this device. This value is "
+                "computed from pixelsX, pixelsY, and the size of the frame filter - "
+                "this field just shows what is currently expected."
+            )
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue([])
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        (
+            SLOT_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("loadMostRecentConstants")
+            .displayedName("Load most recent constants")
+            .description(
+                "Calling this slot will flush all constant buffers and cause the "
+                "device to start querying CalCat for the most recent constants - all "
+                "constants applicable for this device - available with the currently "
+                "set constant parameters. This is typically called after "
+                "instantiating pipeline, after changing parameters, or after "
+                "generating new constants."
+            )
+            .commit()
+        )
+        (
+            NODE_ELEMENT(expected).key("preview").displayedName("Preview").commit(),
+            OUTPUT_CHANNEL(expected)
+            .key("preview.outputRaw")
+            .dataSchema(preview_schema)
+            .commit(),
+            OUTPUT_CHANNEL(expected)
+            .key("preview.outputCorrected")
+            .dataSchema(preview_schema)
+            .commit(),
+            BOOL_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("preview.enable")
+            .displayedName("Enable preview")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(True)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            INT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("preview.index")
+            .displayedName("Index (or stat) for preview")
+            .description(
+                "If this value is ≥ 0, the corresponding index (frame, cell, or pulse) "
+                "will be sliced for the preview output. If this value is < 0, preview "
+                "will be one of the following stats: -1: max, -2: mean, -3: sum, -4: "
+                "stdev. These stats are computed across memory cells."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(0)
+            .minInc(-4)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("preview.selectionMode")
+            .displayedName("Index selection mode")
+            .description(
+                "The value of preview.index can be used in multiple ways, controlled "
+                "by this value. If this is set to 'frame', preview.index is sliced "
+                "directly from data. If 'cell' (or 'pulse') is selected, I will look "
+                "at cell (or pulse) table for the requested cell (or pulse ID). "
+                "Special (stat) index values <0 are not affected by this."
+            )
+            .options("frame,cell,pulse")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("frame")
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("preview.trainIdModulo")
+            .displayedName("Preview train stride")
+            .description(
+                "Preview will only be generated for trains whose ID modulo this "
+                "number is zero. Higher values means less frequent preview updates. "
+                "Keep in mind that the GUI has limited refresh rate. Extra care must "
+                "be taken if DAQ train stride is >1."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(6)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        # just measurements and counters to display
+        (
+            UINT64_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("trainId")
+            .displayedName("Train ID")
+            .description("ID of latest train processed by this device.")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue(0)
+            .commit(),
+            NODE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("performance")
+            .displayedName("Performance measures")
+            .commit(),
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("performance.processingTime")
+            .displayedName("Processing time")
+            .unit(Unit.SECOND)
+            .metricPrefix(MetricPrefix.MILLI)
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue(0)
+            .warnHigh(100)
+            .info("Processing too slow to reach 10 Hz")
+            .needsAcknowledging(False)
+            .commit(),
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("performance.rate")
+            .displayedName("Rate")
+            .description(
+                "Actual rate with which this device gets, processes, and sends trains. "
+                "This is a simple windowed moving average."
+            )
+            .unit(Unit.HERTZ)
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue(0)
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        # this node will be filled out by subclass
+        (
+            NODE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("corrections")
+            .displayedName("Correction steps")
+            .commit(),
+        )
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        super().__init__(config)
+        self.input_data_dtype = np.dtype(config["dataFormat.inputImageDtype"])
+        self.output_data_dtype = np.dtype(config["dataFormat.outputImageDtype"])
+        self.sources = set(config.get("fastSources"))
+        self.kernel_runner = None  # must call _update_buffers to initialize
+        self._shmem_buffer = None  # ditto
+        self._correction_flag_enabled = self._correction_flag_class.NONE
+        self._correction_flag_preview = self._correction_flag_class.NONE
+        self._buffer_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._last_processing_started = 0  # used for processing time and timeout
+        # register slots
+        if parse_version(karaboVersion) >= parse_version("2.11"):
+            # TODO: the CalCatFriend could add these for us
+            # note: overly complicated for closure to work
+            def make_wrapper_capturing_constant(constant):
+                def aux():
+                    self.calcat_friend.get_specific_constant_version_and_call_me_back(
+                        constant, self._load_constant_to_runner
+                    )
+                return aux
+            for constant in self._constant_enum_class:
+                slot_name = f"foundConstants.{constant.name}.overrideConstantVersion"
+                meth_name = slot_name.replace(".", "_")
+                self.KARABO_SLOT(
+                    make_wrapper_capturing_constant(constant),
+                    slotName=meth_name,
+                )
+        self.KARABO_SLOT(self.loadMostRecentConstants)
+        self.KARABO_SLOT(self.requestScene)
+        self.registerInitialFunction(self._initialization)
+    def _initialization(self):
+        self.calcat_friend = self._calcat_friend_class(
+            self, pathlib.Path.cwd() / "calibration-client-secrets.json"
+        )
+        self._update_frame_filter()
+        self._buffered_status_update = Hash(
+            "trainId",
+            0,
+            "performance.rate",
+            0,
+            "performance.processingTime",
+            0,
+        )
+        self._processing_time_ema = utils.ExponentialMovingAverage(alpha=0.3)
+        self._rate_tracker = utils.WindowRateTracker()
+        self._rate_update_timer = utils.RepeatingTimer(
+            interval=1,
+            callback=self._update_rate_and_state,
+        )
+        self.KARABO_ON_INPUT("dataInput", self.input_handler)
+        self.KARABO_ON_EOS("dataInput", self.handle_eos)
+        self.updateState(State.ON)
+    def __del__(self):
+        del self._shmem_buffer
+        super().__del__()
+    def preReconfigure(self, config):
+        for ts_path in (
+            "constantParameters.deviceMappingSnapshotAt",
+            "constantParameters.constantVersionEventAt",
+        ):
+            if config.has(ts_path):
+                ts_string = config.get(ts_path)
+                if ts_string.strip() == "":
+                    config.set(ts_path, "")
+                else:
+                    try:
+                        timestamp = dateutil.parser.isoparse(ts_string)
+                    except ValueError as error:
+                        self.log_status_warn(f"Failed to parse {ts_path}; {error}")
+                        config.erase(ts_path)
+                    else:
+                        config.set(ts_path, timestamp.isoformat())
+        if config.has("constantParameters.deviceMappingSnapshotAt"):
+            self.calcat_friend.flush_pdu_mapping()
+        self._prereconfigure_update_hash = config
+    def postReconfigure(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, "_prereconfigure_update_hash"):
+            self.log_status_warn("postReconfigure without knowing update hash")
+            return
+        update = self._prereconfigure_update_hash
+        if update.has("frameFilter"):
+            with self._buffer_lock:
+                self._update_frame_filter()
+        if any(
+            update.has(shape_param)
+            for shape_param in (
+                "dataFormat.pixelsX",
+                "dataFormat.pixelsY",
+                "dataFormat.memoryCells",
+                "constantParameters.memoryCells",
+                "frameFilter",
+            )
+        ):
+            with self._buffer_lock:
+                self._update_buffers()
+        # TODO: only call this if they are changed (is cheap, though)
+        self._update_correction_flags()
+    def loadMostRecentConstants(self):
+        self.flush_constants()
+        self.calcat_friend.flush_constants()
+        for constant in self._constant_enum_class:
+            self.calcat_friend.get_constant_version_and_call_me_back(
+                constant, self._load_constant_to_runner
+            )
+    def flush_constants(self):
+        """Reset constant buffers and disable corresponding correction steps"""
+        for correction_step, _ in self._correction_field_names:
+            self.set(f"corrections.{correction_step}.available", False)
+        self.kernel_runner.flush_buffers()
+        self._update_correction_flags()
+    def log_status_info(self, msg):
+        self.log.INFO(msg)
+        self.set("status", msg)
+    def log_status_warn(self, msg):
+        self.log.WARN(msg)
+        self.set("status", msg)
+    def log_status_error(self, msg):
+        self.set("status", msg)
+        self.log.ERROR(msg)
+        self.updateState(State.ERROR)
+    def requestScene(self, params):
+        payload = Hash()
+        name = params.get("name", default="")
+        payload["name"] = name
+        payload["success"] = True
+        if name == "overview":
+            payload["data"] = scenes.correction_device_overview_scene(
+                device_id=self.getInstanceId(),
+                schema=self.getFullSchema(),
+            )
+        elif name.startswith("browse_schema"):
+            if ":" in name:
+                prefix = name[len("browse_schema:") :]
+            else:
+                prefix = "managed"
+            payload["data"] = scenes.recursive_subschema_scene(
+                self.getInstanceId(),
+                self.getFullSchema(),
+                prefix,
+            )
+        else:
+            payload["success"] = False
+        response = Hash()
+        response["type"] = "deviceScene"
+        response["origin"] = self.getInstanceId()
+        response["payload"] = payload
+        self.reply(response)
+    def _write_output(self, data, old_metadata):
+        """For dataOutput: reusing incoming data hash and setting source and timestamp
+        to be same as input"""
+        metadata = ChannelMetaData(
+            old_metadata.get("source"),
+            Timestamp.fromHashAttributes(old_metadata.getAttributes("timestamp")),
+        )
+        channel = self.signalSlotable.getOutputChannel("dataOutput")
+        channel.write(data, metadata, False)
+        channel.update()
+    def _write_combiner_previews(self, channel_data_pairs, train_id, source):
+        # TODO: send as ImageData (requires updated assembler)
+        # TODO: allow sending *all* frames for commissioning (request: Jola)
+        preview_hash = Hash()
+        preview_hash.set("image.trainId", train_id)
+        # note: have to construct because setting .tid after init is broken
+        timestamp = Timestamp(Epochstamp(), Trainstamp(train_id))
+        metadata = ChannelMetaData(source, timestamp)
+        for channel_name, data in channel_data_pairs:
+            preview_hash.set("image.data", data)
+            channel = self.signalSlotable.getOutputChannel(channel_name)
+            channel.write(preview_hash, metadata, False)
+            channel.update()
+    def _update_correction_flags(self):
+        """Based on constants loaded and settings, update bit mask flags for kernel"""
+        available = self._correction_flag_class.NONE
+        enabled = self._correction_flag_class.NONE
+        preview = self._correction_flag_class.NONE
+        for field_name, flag in self._correction_field_names:
+            if self.get(f"corrections.{field_name}.available"):
+                available |= flag
+            if self.get(f"corrections.{field_name}.enable"):
+                enabled |= flag
+            if self.get(f"corrections.{field_name}.preview"):
+                preview |= flag
+        enabled &= available
+        preview &= available
+        self._correction_flag_enabled = enabled
+        self._correction_flag_preview = preview
+        self.log.DEBUG(f"Corrections for dataOutput: {str(enabled)}")
+        self.log.DEBUG(f"Corrections for preview: {str(preview)}")
+    def _update_frame_filter(self, update_buffers=True):
+        """Parse frameFilter string (if set) and update cached filter array. May update
+        dataFormat.filteredFrames - will therefore by default call _update_buffers
+        afterwards."""
+        # TODO: add some validation to preReconfigure
+        self.log.DEBUG("Updating frame filter")
+        filter_type = FramefilterSpecType(self.get("frameFilter.type"))
+        filter_string = self.get("frameFilter.spec")
+        if filter_type is FramefilterSpecType.NONE or filter_string.strip() == "":
+            self._frame_filter = None
+        elif filter_type is FramefilterSpecType.RANGE:
+            try:
+                numbers = tuple(int(part) for part in filter_string.split(","))
+            except (ValueError, TypeError):
+                self.log_status_warn(
+                    f"Invalid frame filter specification: {filter_string}"
+                )
+            else:
+                self._frame_filter = np.arange(*numbers, dtype=np.uint16)
+        elif filter_type is FramefilterSpecType.COMMASEPARATED:
+            try:
+                self._frame_filter = np.fromstring(
+                    filter_string, sep=",", dtype=np.uint16
+                )
+            except ValueError:
+                # note: only in the future will numpy actually give ValueError
+                self.log_status_warn(
+                    f"Invalid frame filter specification: {filter_string}"
+                )
+        else:
+            self.log_status_warn(f"Invalid frame filter type '{filter_type}'")
+        if self._frame_filter is None:
+            self.set("dataFormat.filteredFrames", self.get("dataFormat.memoryCells"))
+            self.set("frameFilter.current", [])
+        else:
+            self.set("dataFormat.filteredFrames", self._frame_filter.size)
+            self.set("frameFilter.current", list(map(int, self._frame_filter)))
+        if self._frame_filter is not None and (
+            self._frame_filter.min() < 0
+            or self._frame_filter.max() >= self.get("dataFormat.memoryCells")
+        ):
+            self.log_status_warn("Invalid frame filter set, expect exceptions!")
+        if update_buffers:
+            self._update_buffers()
+    def _update_buffers(self):
+        """(Re)initialize buffers / kernel runner according to expected data shapes"""
+        self.log.INFO("Updating buffers according to data shapes")
+        # reflect the axis reordering in the expected output shape
+        self.set("dataFormat.inputDataShape", list(self.input_data_shape))
+        self.set("dataFormat.outputDataShape", list(self.output_data_shape))
+        self.log.INFO(f"Input shape: {self.input_data_shape}")
+        self.log.INFO(f"Output shape: {self.output_data_shape}")
+        if self._shmem_buffer is None:
+            shmem_buffer_name = self.getInstanceId() + ":dataOutput"
+            memory_budget = self.get("outputShmemBufferSize") * 2 ** 30
+            self.log.INFO(f"Opening new shmem buffer: {shmem_buffer_name}")
+            self._shmem_buffer = shmem_utils.ShmemCircularBuffer(
+                memory_budget,
+                self.output_data_shape,
+                self.output_data_dtype,
+                shmem_buffer_name,
+            )
+            self.log.INFO("Trying to pin the shmem buffer memory")
+            self._shmem_buffer.cuda_pin()
+            self.log.INFO("Done, shmem buffer is ready")
+        else:
+            self._shmem_buffer.change_shape(self.output_data_shape)
+        self.kernel_runner = self._kernel_runner_class(
+            self.get("dataFormat.pixelsX"),
+            self.get("dataFormat.pixelsY"),
+            self.get("dataFormat.filteredFrames"),
+            int(self.get("constantParameters.memoryCells")),
+            input_data_dtype=self.input_data_dtype,
+            output_data_dtype=self.output_data_dtype,
+            **self._kernel_runner_init_args,
+        )
+        # TODO: gracefully handle change in constantParameters.memoryCells
+        with self.calcat_friend.cached_constants_lock:
+            for (
+                constant,
+                data,
+            ) in self.calcat_friend.cached_constants.items():
+                self.log_status_info(f"Reload constant {constant}")
+                self._load_constant_to_runner(constant, data)
+    def input_handler(self, input_channel):
+        """Main handler for data input: Do a few simple checks to determine whether to
+        even try processing. If yes, will pass data and information to process_data
+        method provided by subclass."""
+        # Is device even ready for this?
+        state = State[self.unsafe_get("state")]
+        if state is State.ERROR:
+            # in this case, we should have already issued warning
+            return
+        elif self.kernel_runner is None:
+            self.log_status_warn("Received data, but have not initialized kernels yet")
+            return
+        all_metadata = input_channel.getMetaData()
+        for input_index in range(input_channel.size()):
+            self._last_processing_started = default_timer()
+            data_hash = input_channel.read(input_index)
+            metadata = all_metadata[input_index]
+            source = metadata.get("source")
+            if source not in self.sources:
+                self.log_status_info(f"Ignoring hash with unknown source {source}")
+                return
+            elif not data_hash.has("image"):
+                self.log_status_info("Ignoring hash without image node")
+                return
+            train_id = metadata.getAttribute("timestamp", "tid")
+            cell_table = data_hash.get(self._cell_table_path)
+            if (
+                    (isinstance(cell_table, np.ndarray) and cell_table.size == 0)
+                    or len(cell_table) == 0
+            ):
+                self.log_status_warn(
+                    "Empty cell table, DAQ probably not sending data."
+                )
+                return
+            cell_table = np.squeeze(cell_table)
+            # no more common reasons to skip input, so go to processing
+            if state is State.ON:
+                self.updateState(State.PROCESSING)
+                self.log_status_info("Processing data")
+            correction_cell_num = self.unsafe_get("constantParameters.memoryCells")
+            cell_table_max = np.max(cell_table)
+            image_data = data_hash.get(self._image_data_path)
+            if cell_table.size != self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.memoryCells"):
+                self.log_status_info(
+                    f"Updating new input shape {image_data.shape}, updating buffers"
+                )
+                self.set("dataFormat.memoryCells", cell_table.size)
+                with self._buffer_lock:
+                    self._update_frame_filter()
+            # DataAggregator typically tells us the wrong axis order
+            if self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.overrideInputAxisOrder"):
+                expected_shape = self.input_data_shape
+                if expected_shape != image_data.shape:
+                    image_data.shape = expected_shape
+            do_generate_preview = (
+                train_id % self.unsafe_get("preview.trainIdModulo") == 0
+                and self.unsafe_get("preview.enable")
+            )
+            with self._buffer_lock:
+                self.process_data(
+                    data_hash,
+                    metadata,
+                    source,
+                    train_id,
+                    image_data,
+                    cell_table,
+                    do_generate_preview,
+                )
+            self._buffered_status_update.set("trainId", train_id)
+            self._processing_time_ema.update(
+                default_timer() - self._last_processing_started
+            )
+            self._rate_tracker.update()
+    def _update_rate_and_state(self):
+        self._buffered_status_update.set("performance.rate", self._rate_tracker.get())
+        self._buffered_status_update.set(
+            "performance.processingTime", self._processing_time_ema.get() * 1000
+        )
+        # trainId in _buffered_status_update should be updated in input handler
+        self.set(self._buffered_status_update)
+        if default_timer() - self._last_processing_started > PROCESSING_STATE_TIMEOUT:
+            if self.get("state") is State.PROCESSING:
+                self.updateState(State.ON)
+                self.log_status_info(
+                    f"No new train in {PROCESSING_STATE_TIMEOUT} s, switching state."
+                )
+    def handle_eos(self, channel):
+        self.updateState(State.ON)
+        self.signalEndOfStream("dataOutput")
+# forward-compatible unsafe_get proposed by @haufs
+if not hasattr(BaseCorrection, "unsafe_get"):
+    def unsafe_get(self, key):
+        """Look up key in device schema quickly, but without consistency locks
+        This is only relevant for use in hot path (input handler).  Circumvents the
+        locking done by PythonDevice.get. Note that PythonDevice.get does handle some
+        special types (by looking at full schema for type information).  In particular,
+        device state enum: `self.get("state")` will return a State whereas
+        `self.unsafe_get("state")` will return a string. Handle with care!"""
+        # at least until Karabo 2.14, self._parameters is maintained by PythonDevice
+        return self._parameters.get(key)
+    setattr(BaseCorrection, "unsafe_get", unsafe_get)
+def add_correction_step_schema(schema, managed_keys, field_flag_mapping):
+    """Using the fields in the provided mapping, will add nodes to schema
+    field_flag_mapping is assumed to be iterable of pairs where first entry in each
+    pair is the name of a correction step as it will appear in device schema (second
+    entry - typically an enum field - is ignored). For correction step, a node and some
+    booleans are added to the schema and the toggleable booleans are added to
+    managed_keys. Subclass can customize / add additional keys under node later.
+    This method should be called in expectedParameters of subclass after the same for
+    BaseCorrection has been called. Would be nice to include in BaseCorrection instead,
+    but that is tricky: static method of superclass will need _correction_field_names
+    of subclass or device server gets mad. A nice solution with classmethods would be
+    welcome.
+    """
+    for field_name, _ in field_flag_mapping:
+        node_name = f"corrections.{field_name}"
+        (
+            NODE_ELEMENT(schema).key(node_name).commit(),
+            BOOL_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{node_name}.available")
+            .displayedName("Available")
+            .description(
+                "This boolean indicates whether the necessary constants have been "
+                "loaded for this correction step to be applied. Enabling the "
+                "correction will have no effect unless this is True."
+            )
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue(False)
+            .commit(),
+            BOOL_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{node_name}.enable")
+            .displayedName("Enable")
+            .description(
+                "Controls whether to apply this correction step for main data "
+                "output - subject to availability."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(True)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            BOOL_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{node_name}.preview")
+            .displayedName("Preview")
+            .description(
+                "Whether to apply this correction step for corrected preview "
+                "output - subject to availability."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(True)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        managed_keys.add(f"{node_name}.enable")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{node_name}.preview")
diff --git a/src/calng/base_gpu.py b/src/calng/base_gpu.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0619d0ae253b7cb736dbc2fe7275092c7493a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/base_gpu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+import pathlib
+import cupy
+import jinja2
+import numpy as np
+from . import utils
+class BaseGpuRunner:
+    """Class to handle GPU buffers and execution of CUDA kernels on image data
+    All GPU buffers are kept within this class and it is intentionally very stateful.
+    This generally means that you will want to load data into it and then do something.
+    Typical usage in correct order:
+    1. instantiate
+    2. load constants
+    3. load_data
+    4. load_cell_table
+    5. correct
+    6a. reshape (only here does data transfer back to host)
+    6b. compute_preview (optional)
+    repeat from 2. or 3.
+    In case no constants are available / correction is not desired, can skip 3 and 4 and
+    pass CorrectionFlags.NONE to correct(...). Generally, user must handle which
+    correction steps are appropriate given the constants loaded so far.
+    """
+    # These must be set by subclass
+    _kernel_source_filename = None
+    _corrected_axis_order = None
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        pixels_x,
+        pixels_y,
+        memory_cells,
+        constant_memory_cells,
+        input_data_dtype=np.uint16,
+        output_data_dtype=np.float32,
+    ):
+        _src_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent
+        # subclass must define _kernel_source_filename
+        with (_src_dir / "kernels" / self._kernel_source_filename).open("r") as fd:
+            self._kernel_template = jinja2.Template(fd.read())
+        self.pixels_x = pixels_x
+        self.pixels_y = pixels_y
+        self.memory_cells = memory_cells
+        if constant_memory_cells == 0:
+            # if not set, guess same as input; may save one recompilation
+            self.constant_memory_cells = memory_cells
+        else:
+            self.constant_memory_cells = constant_memory_cells
+        # preview will only be single memory cell
+        self.preview_shape = (self.pixels_x, self.pixels_y)
+        self.input_data_dtype = input_data_dtype
+        self.output_data_dtype = output_data_dtype
+        self._init_kernels()
+        # reuse buffers for input / output
+        self.cell_table_gpu = cupy.empty(self.memory_cells, dtype=np.uint16)
+        self.input_data_gpu = cupy.empty(self.input_shape, dtype=input_data_dtype)
+        self.processed_data_gpu = cupy.empty(
+            self.processed_shape, dtype=output_data_dtype
+        )
+        self.reshaped_data_gpu = None  # currently not reusing buffer
+        # default preview layers: raw and corrected (subclass can extend)
+        self.preview_buffer_getters = [
+            self._get_raw_for_preview,
+            self._get_corrected_for_preview,
+        ]
+    # to get data from respective buffers to cell, x, y shape for preview computation
+    def _get_raw_for_preview(self):
+        """Should return view of self.input_data_gpu with shape (cell, x/y, x/y)"""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _get_corrected_for_preview(self):
+        """Should return view of self.processed_data_gpu with shape (cell, x/y, x/y)"""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def flush_buffers(self):
+        """Optional reset GPU buffers (implement in subclasses which need this)"""
+        pass
+    def correct(self, flags):
+        """Correct (already loaded) image data according to flags
+        Subclass must define this method. It should assume that image data, cell table,
+        and other data (including constants) has already been loaded. It should
+        probably run some GPU kernel and output should go into self.processed_data_gpu.
+        Keep in mind that user only gets output from compute_preview or reshape
+        (either of these should come after correct).
+        The submodules providing subclasses should have some IntFlag enums defining
+        which flags are available to pass along to the kernel. A zero flag should allow
+        the kernel to do no actual correction - but still copy the data between buffers
+        and cast it to desired output type.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def reshape(self, output_order, out=None):
+        """Move axes to desired output order and copy to host memory
+        The out parameter is passed directly to the get function of GPU array: if
+        None, then a new ndarray (in host memory) is returned. If not None, then data
+        will be loaded into the provided array, which must match shape / dtype.
+        """
+        # TODO: avoid copy
+        if output_order == self._corrected_axis_order:
+            self.reshaped_data_gpu = self.processed_data_gpu
+        else:
+            self.reshaped_data_gpu = cupy.transpose(
+                self.processed_data_gpu,
+                utils.transpose_order(self._corrected_axis_order, output_order),
+            )
+        return self.reshaped_data_gpu.get(out=out)
+    def load_data(self, raw_data):
+        self.input_data_gpu.set(np.squeeze(raw_data))
+    def load_cell_table(self, cell_table):
+        self.cell_table_gpu.set(cell_table)
+    def compute_previews(self, preview_index):
+        """Generate single slice or reduction preview of raw and corrected data
+        Special values of preview_index are -1 for max, -2 for mean, -3 for sum, and
+        -4 for stdev (across cells).
+        Note that preview_index is taken from data without checking cell table.
+        Caller has to figure out which index along memory cell dimension they
+        actually want to preview in case it needs to be a specific pulse.
+        Will reuse data from corrected output buffer. Therefore, correct(...) must have
+        been called with the appropriate flags before compute_preview(...).
+        """
+        if preview_index < -4:
+            raise ValueError(f"No statistic with code {preview_index} defined")
+        elif preview_index >= self.memory_cells:
+            raise ValueError(f"Memory cell index {preview_index} out of range")
+        # TODO: enum around reduction type
+        return tuple(
+            self._compute_a_preview(image_data=getter(), preview_index=preview_index)
+            for getter in self.preview_buffer_getters
+        )
+    def _compute_a_preview(self, image_data, preview_index):
+        """image_data must have cells on first axis; X and Y order is not important
+        here for now (and can differ between AGIPD and DSSC)"""
+        if preview_index >= 0:
+            # TODO: reuse pinned buffers for this
+            return image_data[preview_index].astype(np.float32).get()
+        elif preview_index == -1:
+            # TODO: confirm that max is pixel and not integrated intensity
+            # separate from next case because dtype not applicable here
+            return cupy.nanmax(image_data, axis=0).astype(cupy.float32).get()
+        elif preview_index in (-2, -3, -4):
+            stat_fun = {
+                -2: cupy.nanmean,
+                -3: cupy.nansum,
+                -4: cupy.nanstd,
+            }[preview_index]
+            return stat_fun(image_data, axis=0, dtype=cupy.float32).get()
+    def update_block_size(self, full_block):
+        """Set execution grid such that it covers processed_shape with full_blocks
+        Execution is scheduled with 3d "blocks" of CUDA threads. Tuning can affect
+        performance. Correction kernels are "monolithic" for simplicity (i.e. each
+        logical thread handles one entry in output data), so in each dimension we
+        parallelize, grid * block >= length to cover all entries.
+        Note that individual kernels must themselves check whether they go out of
+        bounds; grid dimensions get rounded up in case ndarray size is not multiple of
+        block size.
+        """
+        assert len(full_block) == 3
+        self.full_block = tuple(full_block)
+        self.full_grid = tuple(
+            utils.ceil_div(a_length, block_length)
+            for (a_length, block_length) in zip(self.processed_shape, full_block)
+        )
diff --git a/src/calng/calcat_utils.py b/src/calng/calcat_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76b27adf0d18e3129daf5e331bd5492caef59ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/calcat_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+import copy
+import functools
+import json
+import pathlib
+import threading
+import calibration_client
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+from calibration_client.modules import (
+    Calibration,
+    CalibrationConstant,
+    CalibrationConstantVersion,
+    Detector,
+    DetectorType,
+    PhysicalDetectorUnit,
+from karabo.bound import (
+from karabo import version as karaboVersion
+from pkg_resources import parse_version
+from . import utils
+class ConditionNotFound(Exception):
+    pass
+class DetectorNotFound(Exception):
+    pass
+class ModuleNotFound(Exception):
+    pass
+class CalibrationNotFound(Exception):
+    pass
+class CalibrationClientConfigError(Exception):
+    pass
+def add_status_schema_from_enum(schema, prefix, enum_class):
+    for constant in enum_class:
+        constant_node = f"{prefix}.{constant.name}"
+        (
+            NODE_ELEMENT(schema).key(constant_node).commit(),
+            BOOL_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{constant_node}.found")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue(False)
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{constant_node}.validFrom")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue("")
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{constant_node}.calibrationId")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue("")
+            .commit(),
+            VECTOR_UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{constant_node}.conditionIds")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue([])
+            .commit(),
+            VECTOR_UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{constant_node}.constantIds")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue([])
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{constant_node}.constantVersionId")
+            .description(
+                "This field is editable - if for any reason a specific constant "
+                "version is desired, the constant version ID (as used in CalCat) can "
+                "be set here and the slot below can be called to load this particular "
+                "version, overriding the automatic loading of latest constants."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("")
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        if parse_version(karaboVersion) >= parse_version("2.11"):
+            (
+                SLOT_ELEMENT(schema)
+                .key(f"{constant_node}.overrideConstantVersion")
+                .displayedName("Override constant version")
+                .commit(),
+            )
+class OperatingConditions(dict):
+    # TODO: support deviation?
+    def encode(self):
+        return {
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "parameter_name": key,
+                    "lower_deviation_value": 0.0,
+                    "upper_deviation_value": 0.0,
+                    "flg_available": False,
+                    "value": value,
+                }
+                for (key, value) in self.items()
+            ]
+        }
+    def __hash__(self):
+        # this takes me back to pre-screening interview time...
+        return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))
+class BaseCalcatFriend:
+    """Base class for CalCat friends - handles interacting with CalCat for the device
+    A CalCat friend uses the device schema to build up parameters for CalCat queries.
+    It focuses on two nodes (added by static method add_schema): param_prefix and
+    status_prefix. The former is primarily used to get parameters which are (via
+    condition methods - see for example dark_condition of DsscCalcatFriend) used
+    to look for constants. The latter is primarily used to give user information
+    about what was found.
+    """
+    _constant_enum_class = None  # subclass should set
+    _constants_need_conditions = None  # subclass should set
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_schema(
+        schema,
+        managed_keys,
+        detector_type,
+        param_prefix="constantParameters",
+        status_prefix="foundConstants",
+    ):
+        """Add elements needed by this object to device's schema (expectedSchema)
+        All elements added to schema go under prefixes which should end with name of
+        node which does not exist yet. To change default values and add more fields,
+        extend this method in subclass.
+        The param_prefix node will hold all the parameters needed to build constant
+        condition dicts for querying CalCat. These values are set either directly on
+        the device or via manager and this class gets them from the device using helper
+        function _get_param. See for example AgipdCalcatFriend.dark_condition.
+        The status_prefix node is used to report information about what was found in
+        CalCat. This class will update the values on the device using the helper
+        function _set_status. This should not need to happen in subclass methods.
+        """
+        (
+            NODE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(param_prefix)
+            .displayedName("Constant retrieval parameters")
+            .commit(),
+            NODE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(status_prefix)
+            .displayedName("Constants retrieved")
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        # Parameters which any detector would probably have (extend this in subclass)
+        # TODO: probably switch to floating point for everything, including mem cells
+        (
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.deviceMappingSnapshotAt")
+            .displayedName("Snapshot timestamp (for device mapping)")
+            .description(
+                "CalCat supports querying with a specific snapshot of the database. "
+                "When playing back a run from the file system, this feature is useful "
+                "to look up the device mapping at the time of the run. If this field "
+                "is left empty, the latest device mapping is used. Date format should "
+                "be 'YYYY-MM-DD' with optional time of day starting with 'T' followed "
+                "by 'hh:mm:ss.mil+02:00'."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("")
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.constantVersionEventAt")
+            .displayedName("Event at timestamp (for constant version)")
+            .description("TODO")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("")
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.detectorType")
+            .displayedName("Detector type name")
+            .description(
+                "Name of detector type in CalCat; typically has suffix '-Type'"
+            )
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue(detector_type)
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.detectorTypeId")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue("")
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.detectorName")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("")
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.detectorId")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue("")
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.karaboDa")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("")
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.moduleId")
+            .readOnly()
+            .initialValue("")
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.memoryCells")
+            .displayedName("Memory cells")
+            .description(
+                "Number of memory cells / frames per train. Relevant for burst mode."
+            )
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(1)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.pixelsX")
+            .displayedName("Pixels X")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(512)
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.pixelsY")
+            .displayedName("Pixels Y")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(128)
+            .commit(),
+            DOUBLE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.biasVoltage")
+            .displayedName("Bias voltage")
+            .description("Sensor bias voltage")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(300)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.deviceMappingSnapshotAt")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.constantVersionEventAt")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.memoryCells")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.pixelsX")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.pixelsY")
+        managed_keys.add(f"{param_prefix}.biasVoltage")
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        device,
+        secrets_fn: pathlib.Path,
+        param_prefix="constantParameters",
+        status_prefix="foundConstants",
+    ):
+        self.device = device
+        self.param_prefix = param_prefix
+        self.status_prefix = status_prefix
+        self.cached_constants = {}
+        self.cached_constants_lock = threading.Lock()
+        # api lock used to force queries to be sequential (SSL issue on ONC)
+        self.api_lock = threading.Lock()
+        if not secrets_fn.is_file():
+            self.device.log_status_warn(
+                f"Missing CalCat secrets file (expected {secrets_fn})"
+            )
+        with secrets_fn.open("r") as fd:
+            calcat_secrets = json.load(fd)
+        self.caldb_store = pathlib.Path(calcat_secrets["caldb_store_path"])
+        if not self.caldb_store.is_dir():
+            raise ValueError(f"caldb_store location '{self.caldb_store}' is not dir")
+        self.device.log.INFO(f"Connecting to CalCat at {calcat_secrets['base_url']}")
+        base_url = calcat_secrets["base_url"]
+        self.client = calibration_client.CalibrationClient(
+            client_id=calcat_secrets["client_id"],
+            client_secret=calcat_secrets["client_secret"],
+            user_email=calcat_secrets["user_email"],
+            base_api_url=f"{base_url}/api/",
+            token_url=f"{base_url}/oauth/token",
+            refresh_url=f"{base_url}/oauth/token",
+            auth_url=f"{base_url}/oauth/authorize",
+            scope="public",
+            session_token=None,
+        )
+        self.device.log_status_info("CalCat connection established")
+    def _get_param(self, key):
+        """Helper to get value from attached device schema"""
+        return self.device.get(f"{self.param_prefix}.{key}")
+    def _set_param(self, key, value):
+        self.device.set(f"{self.param_prefix}.{key}", value)
+    def _get_status(self, constant, key):
+        return self.device.get(f"{self.status_prefix}.{constant.name}.{key}")
+    def _set_status(self, constant, key, value):
+        """Helper to update information about found constants on device"""
+        self.device.set(f"{self.status_prefix}.{constant.name}.{key}", value)
+    # Python 3.6 does not have functools.cached_property or even functools.cache
+    @property
+    @functools.lru_cache()
+    def detector_id(self):
+        detector_name = self._get_param("detectorName")
+        resp = Detector.get_by_identifier(self.client, detector_name)
+        self._check_resp(resp, DetectorNotFound, f"Detector {detector_name} not found")
+        res = resp["data"]["id"]
+        self._set_param("detectorId", str(res))
+        return res
+    @property
+    @functools.lru_cache()
+    def detector_type_id(self):
+        detector_type = self._get_param("detectorType")
+        resp = DetectorType.get_by_name(self.client, detector_type)
+        self._check_resp(
+            resp, DetectorNotFound, f"Detector type {detector_type} not found"
+        )
+        res = resp["data"]["id"]
+        self._set_param("detectorTypeId", str(res))
+        return res
+    @property
+    @functools.lru_cache()
+    def pdus(self):
+        resp = PhysicalDetectorUnit.get_all_by_detector(
+            self.client, self.detector_id, self._get_param("deviceMappingSnapshotAt")
+        )
+        self._check_resp(resp, warning="Failed to retrieve module mapping")
+        for irrelevant_key in ("detector", "detector_type", "flg_available"):
+            for pdu in resp["data"]:
+                del pdu[irrelevant_key]
+        return resp["data"]
+    @property
+    @functools.lru_cache()
+    def _karabo_da_to_float_uuid(self):
+        return {pdu["karabo_da"]: pdu["float_uuid"] for pdu in self.pdus}
+    @property
+    @functools.lru_cache()
+    def _karabo_da_to_id(self):
+        return {pdu["karabo_da"]: pdu["id"] for pdu in self.pdus}
+    def flush_pdu_mapping(self):
+        for attr in ("pdus", "_karabo_da_to_float_uuid", "_karabo_da_to_id"):
+            if hasattr(self, attr):
+                delattr(self, attr)
+        self._set_param("moduleId", "")
+    @utils.threadsafe_cache
+    def calibration_id(self, calibration_name: str):
+        resp = Calibration.get_by_name(self.client, calibration_name)
+        self._check_resp(
+            resp, CalibrationNotFound, f"Calibration type {calibration_name} not found!"
+        )
+        return resp["data"]["id"]
+    @utils.threadsafe_cache
+    def condition_ids(self, pdu, condition):
+        # modifying condition parameter messes with cache
+        condition_with_detector = copy.copy(condition)
+        condition_with_detector["Detector UUID"] = pdu
+        self.device.log.DEBUG(f"Look for condition: {condition_with_detector}")
+        resp = self.client.search_possible_conditions_from_dict(
+            "", condition_with_detector.encode()
+        )
+        self._check_resp(
+            resp,
+            ConditionNotFound,
+            f"Failed to find condition {condition} for pdu {pdu}",
+        )
+        return [d["id"] for d in resp["data"]]
+    def constant_ids(self, calibration_id, condition_ids):
+        resp = CalibrationConstant.get_all_by_conditions(
+            self.client,
+            calibration_id=calibration_id,
+            detector_type_id=self.detector_type_id,
+            condition_ids=condition_ids,
+        )
+        self._check_resp(resp, warning="Failed to retrieve constant ID")
+        return [d["id"] for d in resp["data"]]
+    def get_constant_version(self, constant):
+        # TODO: catch exceptions, give warnings appropriately
+        karabo_da = self._get_param("karaboDa")
+        self.device.log_status_info(f"Attempting to find {constant} for {karabo_da}")
+        if karabo_da not in self._karabo_da_to_float_uuid:
+            self.device.log_status_warn(
+                f"Module {karabo_da} not found in mapping, check configuration!"
+            )
+            raise ModuleNotFound(f"Module map did not include {karabo_da}")
+        self._set_param("moduleId", str(self._karabo_da_to_id[karabo_da]))
+        if isinstance(constant, str):
+            constant = self._constant_enum_class[constant]
+        calibration_id = self.calibration_id(constant.name)
+        self._set_status(constant, "calibrationId", calibration_id)
+        condition = self._constants_need_conditions[constant]()
+        condition_ids = self.condition_ids(
+            self._karabo_da_to_float_uuid[karabo_da], condition
+        )
+        self._set_status(constant, "conditionIds", condition_ids)
+        constant_ids = self.constant_ids(
+            calibration_id=calibration_id, condition_ids=condition_ids
+        )
+        self._set_status(constant, "constantIds", constant_ids)
+        resp = CalibrationConstantVersion.get_closest_by_time(
+            self.client,
+            calibration_constant_ids=constant_ids,
+            physical_detector_unit_id=self._karabo_da_to_id[karabo_da],
+            event_at=self._get_param("constantVersionEventAt"),
+            snapshot_at=None,
+        )
+        self._check_resp(resp, warning="Failed to find calibration constant version")
+        # TODO: replace with start date and end date
+        timestamp = resp["data"]["begin_validity_at"]
+        self._set_status(constant, "validFrom", timestamp)
+        self._set_status(constant, "constantVersionId", resp["data"]["id"])
+        file_path = (
+            self.caldb_store / resp["data"]["path_to_file"] / resp["data"]["file_name"]
+        )
+        # TODO: handle FileNotFoundError if we are led astray
+        with h5py.File(file_path, "r") as fd:
+            constant_data = np.array(fd[resp["data"]["data_set_name"]]["data"])
+        with self.cached_constants_lock:
+            self.cached_constants[constant] = constant_data
+        self._set_status(constant, "found", True)
+        self.device.log_status_info(f"Done finding {constant} for {karabo_da}")
+        return constant_data
+    def get_specific_constant_version(self, constant):
+        # TODO: warn if PDU or constant type does not match
+        # TODO: warn if result is list (happens for empty version ID)
+        constant_version_id = self.device.get(
+            f"{self.status_prefix}.{constant.name}.constantVersionId"
+        )
+        resp = CalibrationConstantVersion.get_by_id(self.client, constant_version_id)
+        self._check_resp(resp, warning="Failed to find calibration constant version")
+        file_path = (
+            self.caldb_store / resp["data"]["path_to_file"] / resp["data"]["file_name"]
+        )
+        with h5py.File(file_path, "r") as fd:
+            constant_data = np.array(fd[resp["data"]["data_set_name"]]["data"])
+        with self.cached_constants_lock:
+            self.cached_constants[constant] = constant_data
+        self._set_status(constant, "validFrom", resp["data"]["begin_at"])
+        self._set_status(constant, "calibrationId", "manual override")
+        self._set_status(constant, "conditionId", "manual override")
+        self._set_status(constant, "constantId", "manual override")
+        self._set_status(constant, "constantVersionId", constant_version_id)
+        self._set_status(constant, "found", True)
+        return constant_data
+    def get_constant_version_and_call_me_back(self, constant, callback):
+        """Runs get_constant_version in thread, will call callback on completion"""
+        # TODO: do we want to use asyncio / "modern" async?
+        # TODO: consider moving out of this class, closer to correction device
+        def aux():
+            with self.api_lock:
+                data = self.get_constant_version(constant)
+            callback(constant, data)
+        thread = threading.Thread(target=aux)
+        thread.start()
+        return thread
+    def get_specific_constant_version_and_call_me_back(self, constant, callback):
+        """Blindly load whatever CalCat points to for CCV - user must be confident that
+        this CCV corresponds to correct kind of constant."""
+        # TODO: warn user about all the things that go wrong
+        def aux():
+            with self.api_lock:
+                data = self.get_specific_constant_version(constant)
+            callback(constant, data)
+        thread = threading.Thread(target=aux)
+        thread.start()
+        return thread
+    def flush_constants(self):
+        for constant in self._constant_enum_class:
+            self._set_status(constant, "validFrom", "")
+            self._set_status(constant, "found", False)
+    def _check_resp(self, resp, exception=Exception, warning=None):
+        # TODO: probably verify using "info" that exception is the right one
+        to_raise = None
+        if not resp["success"]:
+            # TODO: probably more types of app_info errors?
+            if resp["app_info"]:
+                if "not found" in resp["info"]:
+                    # this was likely the exception exception
+                    to_raise = exception(resp["info"])
+                else:
+                    # but could also be authorization or similar issue
+                    to_raise = CalibrationClientConfigError(resp["app_info"])
+            to_raise = exception(resp["info"])
+        if to_raise is not None:
+            if warning is not None:
+                self.device.log_status_warn(warning)
+                raise to_raise
diff --git a/src/calng/kernels/agipd_gpu.cu b/src/calng/kernels/agipd_gpu.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20b08d43d26b5f37d25c8633adb60ed3179db648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/kernels/agipd_gpu.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#include <cuda_fp16.h>
+extern "C" {
+	/*
+	  Perform corrections; see agipd_gpu.CorrectionFlags
+	  Note that THRESHOLD and OFFSET should for any later corrections to make sense
+	  Will take cell_table into account when getting correction values
+	  Will convert from input dtype to float for correction
+	  Will convert to output dtype for output
+	*/
+	__global__ void correct(const {{input_data_dtype}}* data,
+	                        const unsigned short* cell_table,
+	                        const unsigned char corr_flags,
+	                        // default_gain can be 0, 1, or 2, and is relevant for fixed gain mode (no THRESHOLD)
+	                        const unsigned char default_gain,
+	                        const float* threshold_map,
+	                        const float* offset_map,
+	                        const float* rel_gain_pc_map,
+	                        const float* md_additional_offset,
+	                        const float* rel_gain_xray_map,
+	                        const float g_gain_value,
+	                        const unsigned int* bad_pixel_map,
+	                        const float bad_pixel_mask_value,
+	                        float* gain_map, // TODO: more compact yet plottable representation
+	                        {{output_data_dtype}}* output) {
+		const size_t X = {{pixels_x}};
+		const size_t Y = {{pixels_y}};
+		const size_t input_cells = {{data_memory_cells}};
+		const size_t map_cells = {{constant_memory_cells}};
+		const size_t cell = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+		const size_t x = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+		const size_t y = blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
+		if (cell >= input_cells || y >= Y || x >= X) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// data shape: memory cell, data/raw_gain (dim size 2), x, y
+		const size_t data_stride_y = 1;
+		const size_t data_stride_x = Y * data_stride_y;
+		const size_t data_stride_raw_gain = X * data_stride_x;
+		const size_t data_stride_cell = 2 * data_stride_raw_gain;
+		const size_t data_index = cell * data_stride_cell +
+			0 * data_stride_raw_gain +
+			y * data_stride_y +
+			x * data_stride_x;
+		const size_t raw_gain_index = cell * data_stride_cell +
+			1 * data_stride_raw_gain +
+			y * data_stride_y +
+			x * data_stride_x;
+		float corrected = (float)data[data_index];
+		const float raw_gain_val = (float)data[raw_gain_index];
+		const size_t output_stride_y = 1;
+		const size_t output_stride_x = output_stride_y * Y;
+		const size_t output_stride_cell = output_stride_x * X;
+		const size_t output_index = cell * output_stride_cell + x * output_stride_x + y * output_stride_y;
+		// per-pixel only constant: cell, x, y
+		const size_t map_stride_y = 1;
+		const size_t map_stride_x = Y * map_stride_y;
+		const size_t map_stride_cell = X * map_stride_x;
+		// threshold constant shape: cell, x, y, threshold (dim size 2)
+		const size_t threshold_map_stride_threshold = 1;
+		const size_t threshold_map_stride_y = 2 * threshold_map_stride_threshold;
+		const size_t threshold_map_stride_x = Y * threshold_map_stride_y;
+		const size_t threshold_map_stride_cell = X * threshold_map_stride_x;
+		// gain mapped constant shape: cell, x, y, gain_level (dim size 3)
+		const size_t gm_map_stride_gain = 1;
+		const size_t gm_map_stride_y = 3 * gm_map_stride_gain;
+		const size_t gm_map_stride_x = Y * gm_map_stride_y;
+		const size_t gm_map_stride_cell = X * gm_map_stride_x;
+		// note: assuming all maps have same shape (in terms of cells / x / y)
+		const size_t map_cell = cell_table[cell];
+		if (map_cell < map_cells) {
+			unsigned char gain = default_gain;
+			if (corr_flags & THRESHOLD) {
+				const float threshold_0 = threshold_map[0 * threshold_map_stride_threshold +
+				                                        map_cell * threshold_map_stride_cell +
+				                                        y * threshold_map_stride_y +
+				                                        x * threshold_map_stride_x];
+				const float threshold_1 = threshold_map[1 * threshold_map_stride_threshold +
+				                                        map_cell * threshold_map_stride_cell +
+				                                        y * threshold_map_stride_y +
+				                                        x * threshold_map_stride_x];
+				// could consider making this const using ternaries / tiny function
+				if (raw_gain_val <= threshold_0) {
+					gain = 0;
+				} else if (raw_gain_val <= threshold_1) {
+					gain = 1;
+				} else {
+					gain = 2;
+				}
+			}
+			gain_map[output_index] = (float)gain;
+			const size_t map_index = map_cell * map_stride_cell +
+				y * map_stride_y +
+				x * map_stride_x;
+			const size_t gm_map_index = gain * gm_map_stride_gain +
+				map_cell * gm_map_stride_cell +
+				y * gm_map_stride_y +
+				x * gm_map_stride_x;
+			if ((corr_flags & BPMASK) && bad_pixel_map[gm_map_index]) {
+				corrected = bad_pixel_mask_value;
+				gain_map[output_index] = bad_pixel_mask_value;
+			} else {
+				if (corr_flags & OFFSET) {
+					corrected -= offset_map[gm_map_index];
+					// TODO: optionally reassign gain stage for this pixel based on new value
+				}
+				// TODO: baseline shift
+				if (corr_flags & REL_GAIN_PC) {
+					corrected *= rel_gain_pc_map[gm_map_index];
+					if (gain == 1) {
+						corrected += md_additional_offset[map_index];
+					}
+				}
+				if (corr_flags & GAIN_XRAY) {
+					corrected = (corrected / rel_gain_xray_map[map_index]) * g_gain_value;
+				}
+			}
+			{% if output_data_dtype == "half" %}
+			output[output_index] = __float2half(corrected);
+			{% else %}
+			output[output_index] = ({{output_data_dtype}})corrected;
+			{% endif %}
+		} else {
+			// TODO: decide what to do when we cannot threshold
+			{% if output_data_dtype == "half" %}
+			output[data_index] = __float2half(corrected);
+			{% else %}
+			output[data_index] = ({{output_data_dtype}})corrected;
+			{% endif %}
+			gain_map[data_index] = 255;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/calng/kernels/dssc_gpu.cu b/src/calng/kernels/dssc_gpu.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a35eed986a4483e0b84ca84e35d2cc3d56d11cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/kernels/dssc_gpu.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include <cuda_fp16.h>
+extern "C" {
+	/*
+	  Perform corrections: NONE or OFFSET
+	  Take cell_table into account when getting correction values
+	  Converting to float while correcting
+	  Converting to output dtype at the end
+	  Shape of input data: memory cell, 1, y, x
+	  Shape of offset constant: x, y, memory cell
+	*/
+	__global__ void correct(const {{input_data_dtype}}* data, // shape: memory cell, 1, y, x
+	                        const unsigned short* cell_table,
+	                        const unsigned char corr_flags,
+	                        const float* offset_map,
+	                        {{output_data_dtype}}* output) {
+		const size_t X = {{pixels_x}};
+		const size_t Y = {{pixels_y}};
+		const size_t memory_cells = {{data_memory_cells}};
+		const size_t map_memory_cells = {{constant_memory_cells}};
+		const size_t memory_cell = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+		const size_t y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+		const size_t x = blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
+		if (memory_cell >= memory_cells || y >= Y || x >= X) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// note: strides differ from numpy strides because unit here is sizeof(...), not byte
+		const size_t data_stride_x = 1;
+		const size_t data_stride_y = X * data_stride_x;
+		const size_t data_stride_cell = Y * data_stride_y;
+		const size_t data_index = memory_cell * data_stride_cell + y * data_stride_y + x * data_stride_x;
+		const float raw = (float)data[data_index];
+		const size_t map_stride_x = 1;
+		const size_t map_stride_y = X * map_stride_x;
+		const size_t map_stride_cell = Y * map_stride_y;
+		const size_t map_cell = cell_table[memory_cell];
+		if (map_cell < map_memory_cells) {
+			const size_t map_index = map_cell * map_stride_cell + y * map_stride_y + x * map_stride_x;
+			float corrected = raw;
+			if (corr_flags & OFFSET) {
+				corrected -= offset_map[map_index];
+			}
+			{% if output_data_dtype == "half" %}
+			output[data_index] = __float2half(corrected);
+			{% else %}
+			output[data_index] = ({{output_data_dtype}})corrected;
+			{% endif %}
+		} else {
+			{% if output_data_dtype == "half" %}
+			output[data_index] = __float2half(raw);
+			{% else %}
+			output[data_index] = ({{output_data_dtype}})raw;
+			{% endif %}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/calng/scenes.py b/src/calng/scenes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1373e022f35e6d6d09bf87ece9bfe50f51fe6090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/scenes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+import enum
+import karathon
+from karabo.common.scenemodel.api import (
+    CheckBoxModel,
+    ColorBoolModel,
+    DeviceSceneLinkModel,
+    DisplayCommandModel,
+    DisplayLabelModel,
+    DisplayStateColorModel,
+    DisplayTextLogModel,
+    DoubleLineEditModel,
+    EvaluatorModel,
+    IntLineEditModel,
+    LabelModel,
+    LineEditModel,
+    RectangleModel,
+    SceneModel,
+    SceneTargetWindow,
+    write_scene,
+# section: common setup
+BASE_INC = 25
+RECONFIGURABLE = 4  # TODO: look up proper enum
+_type_to_line_editable = {
+    "BOOL": (CheckBoxModel, {"klass": "EditableCheckBox"}),
+    "DOUBLE": (DoubleLineEditModel, {}),
+    "FLOAT": (DoubleLineEditModel, {}),
+    "INT32": (IntLineEditModel, {}),
+    "UINT32": (IntLineEditModel, {}),
+    "INT64": (IntLineEditModel, {}),
+    "UINT64": (IntLineEditModel, {}),
+    "STRING": (LineEditModel, {"klass": "EditableLineEdit"}),
+def safe_render(obj, x, y):
+    if hasattr(obj, "render"):
+        return obj.render(x, y)
+    else:
+        obj.x = x
+        obj.y = y
+        return [obj]
+class Align(enum.Enum):
+    CENTER = enum.auto()
+    TOP = enum.auto()
+    BOTTOM = enum.auto()
+    LEFT = enum.auto()
+    RIGHT = enum.auto()
+# section: nice component decorators
+def titled(title, width=8 * NARROW_INC):
+    def actual_decorator(component_class):
+        class new_class(component_class):
+            def render(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs):
+                return [
+                    LabelModel(
+                        frame_width=1,
+                        text=title,
+                        width=width,
+                        height=NARROW_INC,
+                        x=x,
+                        y=y,
+                    )
+                ] + component_class.render(self, x, y + NARROW_INC, *args, **kwargs)
+            @property
+            def width(self):
+                return max(component_class.width.fget(self), width)
+            @property
+            def height(self):
+                return component_class.height.fget(self) + NARROW_INC
+        return new_class
+    return actual_decorator
+def boxed(component_class):
+    class new_class(component_class):
+        def render(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs):
+            return [
+                RectangleModel(
+                    x=x,
+                    y=y,
+                    width=component_class.width.fget(self) + 2 * PADDING,
+                    height=component_class.height.fget(self) + 2 * PADDING,
+                    stroke="#000000",
+                )
+            ] + component_class.render(self, x + PADDING, y + PADDING, *args, **kwargs)
+        @property
+        def width(self):
+            return component_class.width.fget(self) + 2 * PADDING
+        @property
+        def height(self):
+            return component_class.height.fget(self) + 2 * PADDING
+    return new_class
+# section: useful layout and utility classes
+class Space:
+    def __init__(self, width, height):
+        self.width = width
+        self.height = height
+    def render(self, x, y):
+        return []
+class HorizontalLayout:
+    def __init__(self, *arg_children, children=None, padding=PADDING):
+        self.children = list(arg_children)
+        if children is not None:
+            self.children.extend(children)
+        self.padding = padding
+    def render(self, x, y, align=Align.TOP):
+        if align is not Align.TOP:
+            height = self.height
+        res = []
+        for child in self.children:
+            if align is Align.TOP:
+                y_ = y
+            elif align is Align.CENTER:
+                y_ = y + (height - child.height) / 2
+            elif align is Align.BOTTOM:
+                y_ = y + (height - child.height)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid align {align} for HorizontalLayout")
+            res.extend(safe_render(child, x, y_))
+            x += child.width + self.padding
+        return res
+    @property
+    def width(self):
+        if not self.children:
+            return 0
+        return self.padding * (len(self.children) - 1) + sum(
+            c.width for c in self.children
+        )
+    @property
+    def height(self):
+        if not self.children:
+            return 0
+        return max(c.height for c in self.children)
+class VerticalLayout:
+    def __init__(self, *arg_children, children=None, padding=PADDING):
+        self.children = list(arg_children)
+        if children is not None:
+            self.children.extend(children)
+        self.padding = padding
+    def render(self, x, y):
+        res = []
+        for child in self.children:
+            res.extend(safe_render(child, x, y))
+            y += child.height + self.padding
+        return res
+    @property
+    def width(self):
+        if not self.children:
+            return 0
+        return max(c.width for c in self.children)
+    @property
+    def height(self):
+        if not self.children:
+            return 0
+        return self.padding * (len(self.children) - 1) + sum(
+            c.height for c in self.children
+        )
+class MaybeEditableRow(HorizontalLayout):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        device_id,
+        schema_hash,
+        key_path,
+        label_width=7 * NARROW_INC,
+        display_width=5 * NARROW_INC,
+        edit_width=5 * NARROW_INC,
+        height=NARROW_INC,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(padding=0)
+        key_attr = schema_hash.getAttributes(key_path)
+        label_text = (
+            key_attr["displayedName"]
+            if "displayedName" in key_attr
+            else key_path.split(".")[-1]
+        )
+        self.children.extend(
+            [
+                LabelModel(
+                    text=label_text,
+                    width=label_width,
+                    height=height,
+                ),
+                DisplayLabelModel(
+                    keys=[f"{device_id}.{key_path}"],
+                    width=display_width,
+                    height=height,
+                ),
+            ]
+        )
+        if key_attr["accessMode"] == RECONFIGURABLE:
+            if "valueType" not in key_attr:
+                return
+            value_type = key_attr["valueType"]
+            if value_type in _type_to_line_editable:
+                line_editable_class, extra_args = _type_to_line_editable[value_type]
+                self.children.append(
+                    line_editable_class(
+                        keys=[f"{device_id}.{key_path}"],
+                        width=edit_width,
+                        height=height,
+                        **extra_args,
+                    )
+                )
+            else:
+                self.children.append(
+                    LabelModel(
+                        text=f"Not implemented: editing {value_type} ({key_path})",
+                        width=edit_width,
+                        height=height,
+                    )
+                )
+# section: specific handcrafted components for device classes
+@titled("Found constants", width=6 * NARROW_INC)
+class FoundConstantsColumn(VerticalLayout):
+    def __init__(self, device_id, schema_hash, prefix="foundConstants"):
+        super().__init__(padding=0)
+        self.children.extend(
+            [
+                HorizontalLayout(
+                    LabelModel(
+                        text=constant_name,
+                        width=6 * NARROW_INC,
+                        height=NARROW_INC,
+                    ),
+                    ColorBoolModel(
+                        width=NARROW_INC,
+                        height=NARROW_INC,
+                        keys=[f"{device_id}.{prefix}.{constant_name}.found"],
+                    ),
+                    DisplayLabelModel(
+                        keys=[f"{device_id}.{prefix}.{constant_name}.validFrom"],
+                        width=8 * BASE_INC,
+                        height=BASE_INC,
+                    ),
+                    padding=0,
+                )
+                for constant_name in schema_hash.get(prefix).getKeys()
+            ]
+        )
+class ConstantLoadedAmpeln(HorizontalLayout):
+    def __init__(self, device_id, schema_hash, prefix="foundConstants"):
+        super().__init__(padding=0)
+        self.children.extend(
+            [
+                ColorBoolModel(
+                    keys=[f"{device_id}.{prefix}.{key}.found"],
+                    height=BASE_INC,
+                    width=BASE_INC,
+                )
+                for key in schema_hash.get(prefix).getKeys()
+            ]
+        )
+@titled("Manager status", width=6 * NARROW_INC)
+class ManagerDeviceStatus(VerticalLayout):
+    def __init__(self, device_id):
+        super().__init__(padding=0)
+        name = DisplayLabelModel(
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.deviceId"],
+            width=14 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        state = DisplayStateColorModel(
+            show_string=True,
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.state"],
+            width=7 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        restart_button = DisplayCommandModel(
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.restartServers"],
+            width=7 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        instantiate_button = DisplayCommandModel(
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.startInstantiate"],
+            width=7 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        apply_button = DisplayCommandModel(
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.applyManagedValues"],
+            width=7 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        status_log = DisplayTextLogModel(
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.status"],
+            width=14 * BASE_INC,
+            height=14 * BASE_INC,
+        )
+        self.children.extend(
+            [
+                name,
+                HorizontalLayout(
+                    state,
+                    restart_button,
+                    padding=0,
+                ),
+                HorizontalLayout(
+                    instantiate_button,
+                    apply_button,
+                    padding=0,
+                ),
+                DeviceSceneLinkModel(
+                    text="All managed properties",
+                    keys=[f"{device_id}.availableScenes"],
+                    target="browse_schema",
+                    target_window=SceneTargetWindow.Dialog,
+                    width=7 * BASE_INC,
+                    height=BASE_INC,
+                ),
+                status_log,
+            ]
+        )
+@titled("Device status", width=6 * NARROW_INC)
+class CorrectionDeviceStatus(VerticalLayout):
+    def __init__(self, device_id):
+        super().__init__(padding=0)
+        name = DisplayLabelModel(
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.deviceId"],
+            width=14 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        state = DisplayStateColorModel(
+            show_string=True,
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.state"],
+            width=7 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        rate = EvaluatorModel(
+            expression="f'{x:.02f}'",
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.performance.rate"],
+            width=7 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        processing_time = EvaluatorModel(
+            expression="f'{x:.02f}'",
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.performance.processingTime"],
+            width=7 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        tid = DisplayLabelModel(
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.trainId"],
+            width=7 * BASE_INC,
+            height=BASE_INC,
+        )
+        status_log = DisplayTextLogModel(
+            keys=[f"{device_id}.status"],
+            width=14 * BASE_INC,
+            height=14 * BASE_INC,
+        )
+        self.children.extend(
+            [
+                name,
+                HorizontalLayout(
+                    state,
+                    tid,
+                    padding=0,
+                ),
+                HorizontalLayout(
+                    rate,
+                    processing_time,
+                    padding=0,
+                ),
+                status_log,
+            ]
+        )
+class CompactCorrectionDeviceOverview(HorizontalLayout):
+    def __init__(self, device_id, schema_hash):
+        super().__init__(padding=0)
+        self.children.extend(
+            [
+                DeviceSceneLinkModel(
+                    text=device_id.split("/")[-1],
+                    keys=[f"{device_id}.availableScenes"],
+                    target="overview",
+                    target_window=SceneTargetWindow.Dialog,
+                    width=5 * BASE_INC,
+                    height=BASE_INC,
+                ),
+                DisplayStateColorModel(
+                    show_string=True,
+                    keys=[f"{device_id}.state"],
+                    width=6 * BASE_INC,
+                    height=BASE_INC,
+                ),
+                EvaluatorModel(
+                    expression="f'{x:.02f}'",
+                    keys=[f"{device_id}.performance.rate"],
+                    width=4 * BASE_INC,
+                    height=BASE_INC,
+                ),
+                DisplayLabelModel(
+                    keys=[f"{device_id}.trainId"],
+                    width=4 * BASE_INC,
+                    height=BASE_INC,
+                ),
+                ConstantLoadedAmpeln(device_id, schema_hash),
+            ]
+        )
+@titled("Other devices managed")
+class CompactDeviceLinkList(VerticalLayout):
+    def __init__(self, device_ids):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.children.extend(
+            [
+                HorizontalLayout(
+                    DeviceSceneLinkModel(
+                        text=device_id.split("/")[-1],
+                        keys=[f"{device_id}.availableScenes"],
+                        width=7 * BASE_INC,
+                        height=BASE_INC,
+                    ),
+                    DisplayStateColorModel(
+                        show_string=True,
+                        keys=[f"{device_id}.state"],
+                        width=7 * BASE_INC,
+                        height=BASE_INC,
+                    ),
+                    padding=0,
+                )
+                for device_id in device_ids
+            ]
+        )
+# section: generating actual scenes
+def schema_to_hash(schema):
+    if isinstance(schema, karathon.Schema):
+        return schema.getParameterHash()
+    else:
+        return schema.hash
+def scene_generator(fun):
+    # TODO: pretty decorator
+    def aux(*args, **kwargs):
+        content = fun(*args, **kwargs)
+        scene = SceneModel(
+            children=content.render(PADDING, PADDING),
+            width=content.width + 2 * PADDING,
+            height=content.height + 2 * PADDING,
+        )
+        return write_scene(scene)
+    return aux
+def correction_device_overview_scene(device_id, schema):
+    schema_hash = schema_to_hash(schema)
+    return HorizontalLayout(
+        CorrectionDeviceStatus(device_id),
+        VerticalLayout(
+            recursive_maybe_editable(
+                device_id,
+                schema_hash,
+                "constantParameters",
+                title="Parameters used for CalCat queries",
+            ),
+            DisplayCommandModel(
+                keys=[f"{device_id}.loadMostRecentConstants"],
+                width=10 * BASE_INC,
+                height=BASE_INC,
+            ),
+        ),
+        FoundConstantsColumn(device_id, schema_hash),
+        recursive_maybe_editable(
+            device_id,
+            schema_hash,
+            "corrections",
+            max_depth=2,
+            title="Correction steps",
+        ),
+    )
+def manager_device_overview_scene(
+    manager_device_id,
+    manager_device_schema,
+    correction_device_schema,
+    correction_device_ids,
+    domain_device_ids,
+    mds_hash = schema_to_hash(manager_device_schema)
+    cds_hash = schema_to_hash(correction_device_schema)
+    return VerticalLayout(
+        HorizontalLayout(
+            ManagerDeviceStatus(manager_device_id),
+            VerticalLayout(
+                recursive_maybe_editable(
+                    manager_device_id,
+                    mds_hash,
+                    "managed.constantParameters",
+                    title="Parameters used for CalCat queries",
+                ),
+                DisplayCommandModel(
+                    keys=[f"{manager_device_id}.managed.loadMostRecentConstants"],
+                    width=10 * BASE_INC,
+                    height=BASE_INC,
+                ),
+            ),
+            recursive_maybe_editable(
+                manager_device_id,
+                mds_hash,
+                "managed.corrections",
+                max_depth=2,
+            ),
+        ),
+        HorizontalLayout(
+            titled("Correction devices", width=8 * NARROW_INC)(boxed(VerticalLayout))(
+                children=[
+                    CompactCorrectionDeviceOverview(device_id, cds_hash)
+                    for device_id in sorted(correction_device_ids)
+                ],
+                padding=0,
+            ),
+            CompactDeviceLinkList(
+                sorted(
+                    set(domain_device_ids)
+                    - set(correction_device_ids)
+                    - {manager_device_id}
+                )
+            ),
+        ),
+    )
+# section: here be monsters
+def recursive_maybe_editable(
+    device_id, schema_hash, prefix, depth=1, max_depth=3, title=None
+    if title is None:
+        title = prefix.split(".")[-1]
+    # note: not just using sets because that loses ordering
+    node_keys = []
+    value_keys = []
+    slot_keys = []
+    for key in schema_hash.get(prefix).getKeys():
+        attrs = schema_hash.getAttributes(f"{prefix}.{key}")
+        if attrs.get("nodeType") == NODE_TYPE_NODE:
+            if "classId" in attrs and attrs.get("classId") == "Slot":
+                slot_keys.append(key)
+            else:
+                node_keys.append(key)
+        else:
+            value_keys.append(key)
+    res = titled(title)(boxed(VerticalLayout))(
+        children=[
+            MaybeEditableRow(device_id, schema_hash, f"{prefix}.{key}")
+            for key in value_keys
+        ]
+        + [
+            DisplayCommandModel(
+                keys=[f"{device_id}.{prefix}.{key}"],
+                width=10 * BASE_INC,
+                height=BASE_INC,
+            )
+            for key in slot_keys
+        ],
+        padding=0,
+    )
+    if depth < max_depth:
+        res.children.append(
+            VerticalLayout(
+                children=[
+                    recursive_maybe_editable(
+                        device_id,
+                        schema_hash,
+                        f"{prefix}.{key}",
+                        depth=depth + 1,
+                        max_depth=max_depth,
+                    )
+                    for key in node_keys
+                ]
+            )
+        )
+    else:
+        res.children.extend(
+            [
+                VerticalLayout(
+                    DeviceSceneLinkModel(
+                        text=key,
+                        keys=[f"{device_id}.availableScenes"],
+                        target=f"browse_schema:{prefix}.{key}",
+                        target_window=SceneTargetWindow.Dialog,
+                        width=5 * BASE_INC,
+                        height=BASE_INC,
+                    ),
+                )
+                for key in node_keys
+            ]
+        )
+    return res
+def recursive_subschema_scene(
+    device_id,
+    device_schema,
+    prefix="managed",
+    mds_hash = schema_to_hash(device_schema)
+    return recursive_maybe_editable(device_id, mds_hash, prefix)
diff --git a/src/calng/shmem_utils.py b/src/calng/shmem_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a82cdf6eaa6a5e0bf065e6eda1812597db1f3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/shmem_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import numpy as np
+import posixshmem
+def parse_shmem_handle(handle_string):
+    buffer_name, dtype, shape, index = handle_string.split("$")
+    dtype = getattr(np, dtype)
+    shape = tuple(int(n) for n in shape.split(","))
+    index = int(index)
+    return buffer_name, dtype, shape, index
+def open_shmem_from_handle(handle_string):
+    """Conveniently open readonly SharedMemory with ndarray view from a handle."""
+    buffer_name, dtype, shape, _ = parse_shmem_handle(handle_string)
+    buffer_mem = posixshmem.SharedMemory(name=buffer_name, rw=False)
+    array = buffer_mem.ndarray(
+        shape=shape,
+        dtype=dtype,
+    )
+    return buffer_mem, array
+class ShmemCircularBufferReceiver:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._name_to_mem = {}
+        self._name_to_ary = {}
+    def get(self, handle_string):
+        name, dtype, shape, index = parse_shmem_handle(handle_string)
+        if name not in self._name_to_mem:
+            mem = posixshmem.SharedMemory(name=name, rw=False)
+            self._name_to_mem[name] = mem
+            ary = mem.ndarray(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
+            self._name_to_ary[name] = ary
+            return ary[index]
+        ary = self._name_to_ary[name]
+        if ary.shape != shape or ary.dtype != dtype:
+            del ary
+            mem = self._name_to_mem[name]
+            ary = mem.ndarray(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
+            self._name_to_ary[name] = ary
+        return ary[index]
+class ShmemCircularBuffer:
+    """Convenience wrapper around posixshmem-backed ndarray buffers
+    The underlying memory will be opened as an ndarray with shape (buffer_size, ) +
+    array_shape where buffer_size is memory_budget // dtype * array size. Each call
+    to next_slot will return the next entry along the first dimension of this array
+    (both a handle for IPC usage and the ndarray view).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, memory_budget, array_shape, dtype, shmem_name):
+        # for portable use: name has leading slash and no other slashes
+        self.shmem_name = "/" + shmem_name.lstrip("/").replace("/", "_")
+        self._shared_memory = posixshmem.SharedMemory(
+            name=self.shmem_name,
+            size=memory_budget,
+            rw=True,
+        )
+        self._buffer_ary = None
+        self._update_shape(array_shape, dtype)
+        self._cuda_pinned = False
+        # important for performance and pinning: touch memory to actually allocate
+        self._buffer_ary.fill(0)
+    def _update_shape(self, array_shape, dtype):
+        array_shape = tuple(array_shape)
+        array_bytes = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize * np.product(array_shape)
+        num_slots = self._shared_memory.size // array_bytes
+        if num_slots == 0:
+            raise ValueError("Array size exceeds size of allocated memory block")
+        full_shape = (num_slots,) + array_shape
+        if self._buffer_ary is not None:
+            del self._buffer_ary
+        self._buffer_ary = self._shared_memory.ndarray(
+            shape=full_shape,
+            dtype=dtype,
+        )
+        shape_str = ",".join(str(n) for n in full_shape)
+        self.shmem_handle_template = (
+            f"{self.shmem_name}${np.dtype(dtype)}${shape_str}${{index}}"
+        )
+        self._next_slot_index = 0
+    def change_shape(self, array_shape, dtype=None):
+        """Set new array shape to buffer. Note that the existing SharedMemory object is
+        still used. Old data in there will be mangled and number of slots will depend
+        upon new array shape and original memory budget.
+        """
+        if dtype is None:
+            dtype = self._buffer_ary.dtype
+        self._update_shape(array_shape, dtype)
+    def cuda_pin(self):
+        import cupy
+        self._memory_pointer = self._buffer_ary.ctypes.get_data()
+        cupy.cuda.runtime.hostRegister(
+            self._memory_pointer,
+            self._shared_memory.size,
+            0
+        )
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self._cuda_pinned:
+            import cupy
+            cupy.cuda.runtime.hostUnregister(self._memory_pointer)
+        del self._buffer_ary
+        del self._shared_memory
+    @property
+    def num_slots(self):
+        return self._buffer_ary.shape[0]
+    def next_slot(self):
+        current_index = self._next_slot_index
+        self._next_slot_index = (self._next_slot_index + 1) % self.num_slots
+        shmem_handle = self.shmem_handle_template.format(index=current_index)
+        data = self._buffer_ary[current_index]
+        return shmem_handle, data
diff --git a/src/calng/utils.py b/src/calng/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..291c2d976ae4458495d351337e20f95fdcf7ebce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+import collections
+import functools
+import inspect
+import threading
+import time
+from timeit import default_timer
+import numpy as np
+def pick_frame_index(selection_mode, index, cell_table, pulse_table, warn_func=None):
+    """When selecting a single frame to preview, an obvious question is whether the
+    number the operator provides is a frame index, a cell ID, or a pulse ID. This
+    function allows any of the three, translating into frame index.
+    As this will be used by correction devices, the warn_func parameter allows the
+    function to issue warnings via this instead of raising exceptions.
+    Indices below zero are special values and thus returned directly.
+    Returns: (found frame index, corresponding cell ID, corresponding pulse ID)"""
+    if index < 0:
+        return index, index, index
+    # TODO: enum
+    if selection_mode == "frame":
+        if index >= len(cell_table):
+            if warn_func is not None:
+                warn_func(
+                    f"Index {index} out of range for cell table of length "
+                    f"{len(cell_table)}, returning index 0 instead"
+                )
+            frame_index = 0
+        else:
+            frame_index = index
+        return frame_index, cell_table[frame_index], pulse_table[frame_index]
+    elif selection_mode == "cell":
+        found = np.where(cell_table == index)[0]
+        if len(found) > 0:
+            cell = index
+            frame_index = found[0]
+        else:
+            cell = cell_table[0]
+            if warn_func is not None:
+                warn_func(
+                    f"Cell {index} not found, arbitrary cell {cell} returned instead"
+                )
+            frame_index = 0
+        return frame_index, cell, pulse_table[frame_index]
+    elif selection_mode == "pulse":
+        found = np.where(pulse_table == index)[0]
+        if len(found) > 0:
+            pulse = index
+            frame_index = found[0]
+        else:
+            pulse = pulse_table[0]
+            if warn_func is not None:
+                warn_func(
+                    f"Pulse {index} not found, arbitrary pulse {pulse} returned instead"
+                )
+            frame_index = 0
+        return frame_index, cell_table[frame_index], pulse
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid selection mode '{selection_mode}'")
+def threadsafe_cache(fun):
+    """This decorator imitates functools.cache, but threadsafer
+    With multiple threads hitting a function cached by functools.cache, it is possible
+    to trigger recomputation. This decorator adds granular locking: each key in the
+    cache (derived from arguments) has its own lock.
+    """
+    locks = {}
+    results = {}
+    fun_sig = inspect.signature(fun)
+    @functools.wraps(fun)
+    def aux(*args, **kwargs):
+        bound_args = fun_sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
+        bound_args.apply_defaults()
+        key = bound_args.args + tuple(bound_args.kwargs.items())
+        if key in results:
+            return results[key]
+        with locks.setdefault(key, threading.Lock()):
+            if key in results:
+                # someone else did this - may still be processing
+                return results[key]
+            else:
+                res = fun(*args, **kwargs)
+                results[key] = res
+                return res
+    return aux
+def transpose_order(axes_in, axes_out):
+    """Computes the order of axes_out relative to axes_in for transposition purposes
+    Both axes_in and axes_out are assumed to be strings in which each letter represents
+    an axis (duck typing accepts: any iterable of hashable elements). They should
+    probably be of the same length and have no repetitions, but this is not enforced.
+    Off-label use voids warranty.
+    """
+    axis_order = {axis: index for index, axis in enumerate(axes_in)}
+    return tuple(axis_order[axis] for axis in axes_out)
+_np_typechar_to_c_typestring = {
+    "?": "bool",
+    "B": "unsigned char",
+    "D": "double complex",
+    "F": "float complex",
+    "G": "long double complex",
+    "H": "unsigned short",
+    "I": "unsigned int",
+    "L": "unsigned long",
+    "Q": "unsigned long long",
+    "b": "char",
+    "d": "double",
+    "e": "half",  # warning: only in CUDA with special support
+    "f": "float",
+    "g": "long double",
+    "h": "short",
+    "i": "int",
+    "l": "long",
+    "q": "long long",
+def np_dtype_to_c_type(dtype):
+    as_char = np.sctype2char(dtype)
+    return _np_typechar_to_c_typestring[as_char]
+def enum_to_c_template(enum_class):
+    res = [f"enum {enum_class.__name__} {{"]
+    for field in enum_class:
+        res.append(f"\t{field.name} = {field.value},")
+    res.append("};")
+    return "\n".join(res)
+def ceil_div(num, denom):
+    return (num + denom - 1) // denom
+def shape_after_transpose(input_shape, transpose_pattern, squeeze=True):
+    if squeeze:
+        input_shape = tuple(dim for dim in input_shape if dim > 1)
+    if transpose_pattern is None:
+        return input_shape
+    return tuple(np.array(input_shape)[list(transpose_pattern)].tolist())
+class RepeatingTimer:
+    """A timer which will call callback every interval seconds"""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        interval,
+        callback,
+        start_now=True,
+        daemon=True,
+    ):
+        self.stopped = True
+        self.interval = interval
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.daemonize = daemon
+        if start_now:
+            self.start()
+    def start(self):
+        self.stopped = False
+        self.wakeup_time = default_timer() + self.interval
+        def runner():
+            while not self.stopped:
+                now = default_timer()
+                while now < self.wakeup_time:
+                    diff = self.wakeup_time - now
+                    time.sleep(diff)
+                    if self.stopped:
+                        return
+                    now = default_timer()
+                self.callback()
+                self.wakeup_time = default_timer() + self.interval
+        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=runner, daemon=self.daemonize)
+        self.thread.start()
+    def stop(self):
+        self.stopped = True
+class ExponentialMovingAverage:
+    def __init__(self, alpha, use_first_value=True):
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        self.initialised = not use_first_value
+        self.mean = 0
+    def update(self, value):
+        if self.initialised:
+            self.mean += self.alpha * (value - self.mean)
+        else:
+            self.mean = value
+            self.initialised = True
+    def get(self):
+        return self.mean
+class WindowRateTracker:
+    def __init__(self, buffer_size=20, time_window=10):
+        self.time_window = time_window
+        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
+        self.deque = collections.deque(maxlen=self.buffer_size)
+    def update(self):
+        self.deque.append(default_timer())
+    def get(self):
+        now = default_timer()
+        cutoff = now - self.time_window
+        try:
+            while self.deque[0] < cutoff:
+                self.deque.popleft()
+        except IndexError:
+            return 0
+        if len(self.deque) < 2:
+            return 0
+        if len(self.deque) < self.buffer_size:
+            # TODO: estimator avoiding ramp-up of when starting anew
+            return len(self.deque) / self.time_window
+        else:
+            # if going faster than buffer size per time window, look at timestamps
+            oldest, newest = self.deque[0], self.deque[-1]
+            buffer_span = newest - oldest
+            period = buffer_span / (self.buffer_size - 1)
+            if (now - newest) < period:
+                # no new estimate yet, expecting new event after period
+                return 1 / period
+            else:
+                return self.buffer_size / (now - oldest)
+class Stopwatch:
+    """Context manager measuring time spent in context.
+    Keyword arguments:
+    name: if not None, will appear in string representation
+          also, if not None, will automatically print self when done
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name=None):
+        self.stop_time = None
+        self.name = name
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.start_time = default_timer()
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):  # type, value and traceback irrelevant
+        self.stop_time = default_timer()
+        if self.name is not None:
+            print(repr(self))
+    @property
+    def elapsed(self):
+        if self.stop_time is not None:
+            return self.stop_time - self.start_time
+        else:
+            return default_timer() - self.start_time
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__repr__()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        if self.name is None:
+            return f"{self.elapsed():.3f} s"
+        else:
+            return f"{self.name}: {self.elapsed():.3f} s"
diff --git a/src/tests/problem.py b/src/tests/problem.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97c2ca2cbb25310492561d267a482147c0751ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/problem.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from calng import utils
+calls = 0
+def will_raise_once(argument):
+    global calls
+    calls += 1
+    if calls == 1:
+        raise Exception("That's just what I do")
+    return argument + 1
+    will_raise_once(0)
+except Exception as ex:
+    print("As expected, firs call raised:", ex)
+print("Now calling again:")
diff --git a/src/tests/test_agipd_kernels.py b/src/tests/test_agipd_kernels.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73b776aba85acf5e34bb5a671f3b484e3c57b8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_agipd_kernels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import pathlib
+import pytest
+from calng import AgipdCorrection
+input_dtype = np.uint16
+output_dtype = np.float16
+corr_dtype = np.float32
+pixels_x = 512
+pixels_y = 128
+memory_cells = 352
+raw_data = np.random.randint(
+    low=0, high=2000, size=(memory_cells, 2, pixels_x, pixels_y), dtype=input_dtype
+image_data = raw_data[:, 0]
+raw_gain = raw_data[:, 1]
+cell_table = np.arange(memory_cells, dtype=np.uint16)
+caldb_store = pathlib.Path("/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store/xfel/cal")
+caldb_prefix = caldb_store / "agipd-type/agipd_siv1_agipdv11_m305"
+with h5py.File(caldb_prefix / "cal.1619543695.4679213.h5", "r") as fd:
+    thresholds = np.array(fd["/AGIPD_SIV1_AGIPDV11_M305/ThresholdsDark/0/data"])
+with h5py.File(caldb_prefix / "cal.1619543664.1545036.h5", "r") as fd:
+    offset_map = np.array(fd["/AGIPD_SIV1_AGIPDV11_M305/Offset/0/data"])
+with h5py.File(caldb_prefix / "cal.1615377705.8904035.h5", "r") as fd:
+    slopes_pc_map = np.array(fd["/AGIPD_SIV1_AGIPDV11_M305/SlopesPC/0/data"])
+kernel_runner = AgipdCorrection.AgipdGpuRunner(
+    pixels_x,
+    pixels_y,
+    memory_cells,
+    constant_memory_cells=memory_cells,
+    input_data_dtype=input_dtype,
+    output_data_dtype=output_dtype,
+def thresholding_cpu(data, cell_table, thresholds):
+    # get to memory_cell, x, y
+    raw_gain = data[:, 1, ...].astype(corr_dtype)
+    # get to threshold, memory_cell, x, y
+    thresholds = np.transpose(thresholds)[:, cell_table]
+    res = np.zeros((memory_cells, pixels_x, pixels_y), dtype=np.uint8)
+    res[raw_gain > thresholds[0]] = 1
+    res[raw_gain > thresholds[1]] = 2
+    return res
+gain_map_cpu = thresholding_cpu(raw_data, cell_table, thresholds)
+def corr_offset_cpu(data, cell_table, gain_map, offset):
+    image_data = data[:, 0].astype(corr_dtype)
+    offset = np.transpose(offset)[:, cell_table]
+    return (image_data - np.choose(gain_map, offset)).astype(output_dtype)
+def corr_rel_gain_pc_cpu(data, cell_table, gain_map, slopes_pc):
+    slopes_pc = slopes_pc.astype(np.float32)
+    pc_high_m = slopes_pc[0]
+    pc_high_I = slopes_pc[1]
+    pc_med_m = slopes_pc[3]
+    pc_med_I = slopes_pc[4]
+    frac_high_med = pc_high_m / pc_med_m
+    md_additional_offset = pc_high_I - pc_med_I * frac_high_med
+    rel_gain_map = np.ones((3, pixels_x, pixels_y, memory_cells), dtype=np.float32)
+    rel_gain_map[0] = 1  # rel xray gain can come after
+    rel_gain_map[1] = rel_gain_map[0] * np.transpose(frac_high_med)
+    rel_gain_map[2] = rel_gain_map[1] * 4.48
+    res = data[:, 0].astype(corr_dtype, copy=True)
+    res *= np.choose(gain_map, np.transpose(rel_gain_map, (0, 3, 1, 2)))
+    pixels_in_medium_gain = gain_map == 1
+    res[pixels_in_medium_gain] += np.transpose(md_additional_offset, (0, 2, 1))[
+        pixels_in_medium_gain
+    ]
+    return res
+def test_thresholding():
+    kernel_runner.load_cell_table(cell_table)
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.load_thresholds(thresholds)
+    kernel_runner.correct(AgipdCorrection.CorrectionFlags.THRESHOLD)
+    gpu_res = kernel_runner.gain_map_gpu.get()
+    assert np.allclose(gpu_res, gain_map_cpu)
+def test_offset():
+    kernel_runner.load_cell_table(cell_table)
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.load_thresholds(thresholds)
+    kernel_runner.load_offset_map(offset_map)
+    # have to do thresholding, otherwise all is treated as high gain
+    kernel_runner.correct(
+        AgipdCorrection.CorrectionFlags.THRESHOLD
+        | AgipdCorrection.CorrectionFlags.OFFSET
+    )
+    cpu_res = corr_offset_cpu(raw_data, cell_table, gain_map_cpu, offset_map)
+    gpu_res = kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.get()
+    assert np.allclose(gpu_res, cpu_res)
+def test_rel_gain_pc():
+    kernel_runner.load_cell_table(cell_table)
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.load_thresholds(thresholds)
+    kernel_runner.load_rel_gain_pc_map(slopes_pc_map)
+    kernel_runner.correct(
+        AgipdCorrection.CorrectionFlags.THRESHOLD
+        | AgipdCorrection.CorrectionFlags.REL_GAIN_PC
+    )
+    cpu_res = corr_rel_gain_pc_cpu(raw_data, cell_table, gain_map_cpu, slopes_pc_map)
+    gpu_res = kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.get()
+    assert np.allclose(gpu_res, cpu_res)
diff --git a/src/tests/test_calcat_utils.py b/src/tests/test_calcat_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b647c805876766ccc9fc66a36576788f3f216e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_calcat_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import pathlib
+import timeit
+from calng import AgipdCorrection, DsscCorrection
+from calng.utils import Stopwatch
+from karabo.bound import Hash, Schema
+import pytest
+# TODO: secrets management
+_test_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent
+_test_calcat_secrets_fn = _test_dir / "calibration-client-secrets.json"
+class DummyLogger:
+    DEBUG = print
+    INFO = print
+    WARN = print
+class DummyBaseDevice:
+    log = DummyLogger()
+    def log_status_info(self, msg):
+        self.log.INFO(msg)
+    def log_status_warn(self, msg):
+        self.log.WARN(msg)
+    def get(self, key):
+        return self.schema.get(key)
+    def set(self, key, value):
+        print(f'Would set "{key}" = {value}')
+# TODO: consider testing by attaching to real karabo.bound.PythonDevice
+class DummyAgipdDevice(DummyBaseDevice):
+    device_class_schema = Schema()
+    managed_keys = set()
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        AgipdCorrection.AgipdCalcatFriend.add_schema(
+            expected, DummyAgipdDevice.managed_keys
+        )
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        self.schema = config
+        self.calibration_constant_manager = AgipdCorrection.AgipdCalcatFriend(
+            self,
+            _test_calcat_secrets_fn,
+        )
+        print(self.managed_keys)
+class DummyDsscDevice(DummyBaseDevice):
+    device_class_schema = Schema()
+    managed_keys = set()
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        DsscCorrection.DsscCalcatFriend.add_schema(
+            expected, DummyDsscDevice.managed_keys
+        )
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        # TODO: check config against schema (as Karabo would)
+        self.schema = config
+        self.calibration_constant_manager = DsscCorrection.DsscCalcatFriend(
+            self,
+            _test_calcat_secrets_fn,
+        )
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Async currently behind lock, so no concurrent funt")
+def test_agipd_constants_and_caching_and_async():
+    # def test_agipd_constants():
+    conf = Hash()
+    conf["constantParameters.detectorType"] = "AGIPD-Type"
+    conf["constantParameters.detectorName"] = "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1"
+    conf["constantParameters.karaboDa"] = "AGIPD00"
+    conf["constantParameters.pixelsX"] = 512
+    conf["constantParameters.pixelsY"] = 128
+    conf["constantParameters.memoryCells"] = 352
+    conf["constantParameters.acquisitionRate"] = 1.1
+    conf["constantParameters.biasVoltage"] = 300
+    conf["constantParameters.gainSetting"] = 0
+    conf["constantParameters.photonEnergy"] = 9.2
+    device = DummyAgipdDevice(conf)
+    def backcall(constant_name, metadata_and_data):
+        # TODO: think of something reasonable to check
+        data = metadata_and_data
+        assert data.nbytes > 1000
+    with Stopwatch() as timer_async_cold:
+        # TODO: put this sort of thing in BaseCalcatFriend
+        threads = []
+        for constant in AgipdCorrection.AgipdConstants:
+            thread = device.calibration_constant_manager.get_constant_version_and_call_me_back(
+                constant, backcall
+            )
+            threads.append(thread)
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.join()
+    with Stopwatch() as timer_async_warm:
+        threads = []
+        for constant in AgipdCorrection.AgipdConstants:
+            thread = device.calibration_constant_manager.get_constant_version_and_call_me_back(
+                constant, backcall
+            )
+            threads.append(thread)
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.join()
+    with Stopwatch() as timer_sync_warm:
+        for constant in AgipdCorrection.AgipdConstants:
+            data = device.calibration_constant_manager.get_constant_version(
+                constant,
+            )
+            assert data.nbytes > 1000, "Should find some constant data"
+    print(f"Cold async took {timer_async_cold.elapsed} s")
+    print(f"Warm async took {timer_async_warm.elapsed} s")
+    print(f"Warm sync took {timer_sync_warm.elapsed} s")
+    assert (
+        timer_async_cold.elapsed > timer_async_warm.elapsed
+    ), "Caching should make second go faster"
+    assert timer_sync_warm.elapsed > timer_async_warm.elapsed, "Async should be faster"
+def test_dssc_constants():
+    conf = Hash()
+    conf["constantParameters.detectorType"] = "DSSC-Type"
+    conf["constantParameters.detectorName"] = "SCS_DET_DSSC1M-1"
+    conf["constantParameters.karaboDa"] = "DSSC00"
+    conf["constantParameters.memoryCells"] = 400
+    conf["constantParameters.biasVoltage"] = 100
+    conf["constantParameters.pixelsX"] = 512
+    conf["constantParameters.pixelsY"] = 128
+    # conf["constantParameters.pulseIdChecksum"] = 2.8866323107820637e-36
+    # conf["constantParameters.acquisitionRate"] = 4.5
+    # conf["constantParameters.encodedGain"] = 67328
+    device = DummyDsscDevice(conf)
+    offset_map = device.calibration_constant_manager.get_constant_version("Offset")
+    assert offset_map is not None
diff --git a/src/tests/test_dssc_kernels.py b/src/tests/test_dssc_kernels.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95c3ec55c580aa216eef871006955109c0a31ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_dssc_kernels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+from calng import DsscCorrection
+input_dtype = np.uint16
+output_dtype = np.float16
+corr_dtype = np.float32
+pixels_x = 512
+pixels_y = 128
+memory_cells = 400
+offset_map = (
+    np.random.random(size=(pixels_x, pixels_y, memory_cells)).astype(corr_dtype) * 20
+cell_table = np.arange(memory_cells, dtype=np.uint16)
+raw_data = np.random.randint(
+    low=0, high=2000, size=(memory_cells, pixels_y, pixels_x), dtype=input_dtype
+# TODO: gather CPU implementations elsewhere
+def correct_cpu(data, cell_table, offset_map):
+    corr = np.squeeze(data).astype(corr_dtype, copy=True)
+    safe_cell_bool = cell_table < offset_map.shape[-1]
+    safe_cell_index = cell_table[safe_cell_bool]
+    corr[safe_cell_bool] -= offset_map.transpose()[safe_cell_index]
+    return corr.astype(output_dtype, copy=False)
+corrected_data = correct_cpu(raw_data, cell_table, offset_map)
+only_cast_data = np.squeeze(raw_data).astype(output_dtype)
+kernel_runner = DsscCorrection.DsscGpuRunner(
+    pixels_x,
+    pixels_y,
+    memory_cells,
+    constant_memory_cells=memory_cells,
+    input_data_dtype=input_dtype,
+    output_data_dtype=output_dtype,
+def test_only_cast():
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.correct(DsscCorrection.CorrectionFlags.NONE)
+    assert np.allclose(
+        kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.get(), raw_data.astype(output_dtype)
+    )
+def test_correct():
+    kernel_runner.load_offset_map(offset_map)
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.load_cell_table(cell_table)
+    kernel_runner.correct(DsscCorrection.CorrectionFlags.OFFSET)
+    assert np.allclose(kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.get(), corrected_data)
+def test_correct_oob_cells():
+    kernel_runner.load_offset_map(offset_map)
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    # here, half the cell IDs will be out of bounds
+    wild_cell_table = cell_table * 2
+    kernel_runner.load_cell_table(wild_cell_table)
+    # should not crash
+    kernel_runner.correct(DsscCorrection.CorrectionFlags.OFFSET)
+    # should correct as much as possible
+    assert np.allclose(
+        kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.get(),
+        correct_cpu(raw_data, wild_cell_table, offset_map),
+    )
+def test_reshape():
+    kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.set(corrected_data)
+    assert np.allclose(
+        kernel_runner.reshape(output_order="xyc"), corrected_data.transpose()
+    )
+def test_preview_slice():
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.set(corrected_data)
+    preview_raw, preview_corrected = kernel_runner.compute_previews(42)
+    assert np.allclose(
+        preview_raw,
+        raw_data[42].astype(np.float32),
+    )
+    assert np.allclose(
+        preview_corrected,
+        corrected_data[42].astype(np.float32),
+    )
+def test_preview_max():
+    # note: in case correction failed, still test this separately
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.set(corrected_data)
+    preview_raw, preview_corrected = kernel_runner.compute_previews(-1)
+    assert np.allclose(preview_raw, np.max(raw_data, axis=0).astype(np.float32))
+    assert np.allclose(
+        preview_corrected, np.max(corrected_data, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
+    )
+def test_preview_mean():
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.set(corrected_data)
+    preview_raw, preview_corrected = kernel_runner.compute_previews(-2)
+    assert np.allclose(preview_raw, np.nanmean(raw_data, axis=0, dtype=np.float32))
+    assert np.allclose(
+        preview_corrected, np.nanmean(corrected_data, axis=0, dtype=np.float32)
+    )
+def test_preview_sum():
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.set(corrected_data)
+    preview_raw, preview_corrected = kernel_runner.compute_previews(-3)
+    assert np.allclose(preview_raw, np.nansum(raw_data, axis=0, dtype=np.float32))
+    assert np.allclose(
+        preview_corrected, np.nansum(corrected_data, axis=0, dtype=np.float32)
+    )
+def test_preview_std():
+    kernel_runner.load_data(raw_data)
+    kernel_runner.processed_data_gpu.set(corrected_data)
+    preview_raw, preview_corrected = kernel_runner.compute_previews(-4)
+    assert np.allclose(preview_raw, np.nanstd(raw_data, axis=0, dtype=np.float32))
+    assert np.allclose(
+        preview_corrected, np.nanstd(corrected_data, axis=0, dtype=np.float32)
+    )
+def test_preview_valid_index():
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        kernel_runner.compute_previews(-5)
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        kernel_runner.compute_previews(memory_cells)
diff --git a/src/tests/test_utils.py b/src/tests/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91b1f280f63bb61f54e0325d94216ecfe5d90a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import random
+import threading
+import time
+import timeit
+import numpy as np
+from calng import utils
+def test_get_c_type():
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.float16) == "half"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.float32) == "float"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.float64) == "double"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.uint8) == "unsigned char"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.uint16) == "unsigned short"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.uint32) in ("unsigned", "unsigned int")
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.uint64) == "unsigned long"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.int8) == "char"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.int16) == "short"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.int32) == "int"
+    assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.int64) == "long"
+class TestThreadsafeCache:
+    def test_arg_key_wrap(self):
+        calls = []
+        @utils.threadsafe_cache
+        def fun(a, b, c=1, d=2, *args, **kwargs):
+            calls.append((a, b, c, d, args, kwargs))
+        # reordering kwargs /does/ matter because dicts are ordered now
+        # (note: functools.lru_cache doesn't sort, claims because of speed)
+        fun(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, six=6, seven=7)
+        fun(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, seven=7, six=6)
+        assert len(calls) == 2, "kwargs order matters"
+        calls.clear()
+        # reordering kw-style positional args does not matter
+        fun(1, 2, 1, 2)
+        fun(a=1, c=1, b=2, d=2)
+        assert len(calls) == 1, "reordering regular args as kws doesn't matter"
+        # and omitting default values does not matter
+        fun(b=2, a=1)
+        fun(1, 2)
+        assert len(calls) == 1, "omitting default args doesn't matter"
+    def test_threadsafeness(self):
+        # wow, synchronization (presumably) makes this take forever *without* the decorator...
+        from_was_called = []
+        base_sleep = 1
+        random_sleep = 0.1
+        @utils.threadsafe_cache
+        def was_called(x):
+            time.sleep(random.random() * random_sleep + base_sleep)
+            from_was_called.append(x)
+        threads = []
+        num_threads = 1000
+        letters = "abcd"
+        start_ts = timeit.default_timer()
+        for i in range(num_threads):
+            for l in letters:
+                thread = threading.Thread(target=was_called, args=(l,))
+                thread.start()
+                threads.append(thread)
+        submitted_ts = timeit.default_timer()
+        print(f"Right after: {len(from_was_called)}")
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.join()
+        stop_ts = timeit.default_timer()
+        total_time = stop_ts - start_ts
+        print(f"After join: {len(from_was_called)}")
+        print(f"Time to submit: {submitted_ts - start_ts}")
+        print(f"Wait for join: {stop_ts - submitted_ts}")
+        print(f"Total: {total_time}")
+        # check that function was only called with each letter once
+        # this is where the decorator from functools will fail
+        assert len(from_was_called) == len(
+            letters
+        ), "Caching prevents recomputation due to threading"
+        # check that the function was not locked too broadly (should run faster than sequential lower bound)
+        reasonable_time_to_spawn_thread = 0.45 / 1000
+        cutoff = (
+            len(letters) * base_sleep + reasonable_time_to_spawn_thread * num_threads
+        )
+        print(f"Cutoff (sequential lower bound): {cutoff}")
+        assert (
+            total_time < cutoff
+        ), "Locking should not be so broad as to make sequential"
+        print(
+            f"Each thread would have slept [{base_sleep}, {base_sleep + random_sleep})"
+        )
+        # check that time doesn't go backwards suddenly
+        assert total_time >= base_sleep, "These tests should measure time correctly"