diff --git a/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py b/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
index ceba1f2415119d516ff04a0499ee3e6b497cb456..628b0822462d768dc38e88cd2b86046646c6b507 100644
--- a/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
+++ b/src/calng/CalibrationManager.py
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
 from asyncio import gather, wait_for, TimeoutError as AsyncTimeoutError
 from collections import defaultdict
+from collections.abc import Hashable
 from datetime import datetime
+from inspect import ismethod
+from itertools import chain, repeat
 from traceback import format_exc
 from urllib.parse import urlparse
 import json
@@ -17,11 +20,14 @@ from tornado.platform.asyncio import AsyncIOMainLoop, to_asyncio_future
 from pkg_resources import parse_version
 from karabo.middlelayer import (
-    KaraboError, Device, DeviceClientBase, Hash, Configurable, Slot, Node,
+    KaraboError, Device, DeviceClientBase, Descriptor, Hash, Configurable,
+    Slot, Node, Type,
     AccessMode, AccessLevel, Assignment, DaqPolicy, State, Unit,
-    UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Bool, Double, String, VectorString, VectorHash,
-    background, callNoWait, setNoWait, sleep, instantiate, slot, coslot,
-    getDevice, getTopology, getConfigurationFromPast)
+    UInt16, UInt32, Bool, Double, String, VectorString, VectorHash,
+    background, call, callNoWait, setNoWait, sleep, instantiate, slot, coslot,
+    getDevice, getTopology, getConfiguration, getConfigurationFromPast,
+    get_property)
+from karabo.middlelayer_api.proxy import ProxyFactory
 from karabo import version as karaboVersion
 from ._version import version as deviceVersion
@@ -37,6 +43,20 @@ Device states:
+# Copied from karabo MDL source (location depending on version)
+# Will be part of MDL's public API in 2.12
+def get_instance_parent(instance):
+    """Find the parent of the instance"""
+    parent = instance
+    while True:
+        try:
+            parent = next(iter(parent._parents))
+        except StopIteration:
+            break
+    return parent
 class ClassIdsNode(Configurable):
     correctionClass = String(
         displayedName='Correction class',
@@ -182,11 +202,6 @@ class DeviceServerRow(Configurable):
         displayedName='Webserver host')
-class OperatingConditionRow(Configurable):
-    name = String()
-    value = String()
 class WebserverApiNode(Configurable):
     statePollInterval = Double(
         displayedName='Status poll interval',
@@ -252,75 +267,27 @@ class InstantiationOptionsNode(Configurable):
-    def _device(self):
-        # Pretty sure this is not supposed to work like this.
-        return next(iter(self._parents.keys()))
+class ManagedKeysNode(Configurable):
+    # Keys managed on detector DAQ devices.
+    DAQ_KEYS = {'DataDispatcher.trainStride': 'daqTrainStride'}
         displayedName='DAQ train stride',
+        allowedStates=[State.ACTIVE],
-    async def trainStride(self, value):
-        self.trainStride = value
-        background(self._device()._set_on_daq(
+    async def daqTrainStride(self, value):
+        self.daqTrainStride = value
+        background(get_instance_parent(self)._set_on_daq(
             'DataDispatcher.trainStride', value))
-    @Bool(
-        displayedName='Corrections enabled')
-    async def correctionsEnabled(self, value):
-        self.correctionsEnabled = value
-        background(self._device()._set_on_corrections(
-            'applyCorrection', value))
-    @UInt32(
-        displayedName='Preview modulo',
-        defaultValue=10,
-        minInc=1)
-    async def previewModulo(self, value):
-        self.previewModulo = value
-        background(self._device()._set_on_corrections(
-            'preview.trainIdModulo', value))
-    @Int32(
-        displayedName='Preview pulse index',
-        defaultValue=0,
-        minInc=-4,
-        maxExc=1000)
-    async def previewPulseIndex(self, value):
-        self.previewPulseIndex = value
-        background(self._device()._set_on_corrections(
-            'preview.pulse', value))
-    # TODO: rework after revamping constant retrieval
-    @VectorHash(
-        displayedName='Constant parameters',
-        rows=OperatingConditionRow)
-    async def constantParameters(self, value):
-        self.constantParameters = value
-        to_set = []
-        for (k, v) in self.constantParameters.value:
-            h = Hash()
-            h.set('name', k)
-            h.set('value', v)
-            to_set.append(h)
-        background(self._device()._set_on_corrections,
-                   'constants.Offset.detector_parameters', to_set)
-    @String(
-        displayedName='Pulse filter',
-        defaultValue='')
-    async def pulseFilter(self, value):
-        self.pulseFilter = value
-        background(self._device()._set_on_corrections(
-            'pulseFilter', value))
-    @Slot(
-        displayedName='Load most recent constants',
-        allowedStates=[State.ACTIVE])
-    async def loadMostRecentConstants(self):
-        background(self._device()._call_on_corrections(
-            'loadMostRecentConstantsWrap'))
+class ManagedKeysCloneFactory(ProxyFactory):
+    Proxy = ManagedKeysNode
+    SubProxy = Configurable
+    ProxyNode = Node
+    node_factories = dict(Slot=Slot)
 class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
@@ -414,13 +381,6 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
                     'set by local secrets file',
-    caldbremoteAddress = String(
-        displayedName='calibrationDB ZMQ address',
-        description='ZMQ address for calibrationDBRemote instance to connect '
-                    'to, to be removed in a future release.',
-        accessMode=AccessMode.INITONLY,
-        assignment=Assignment.MANDATORY)
     webserverApi = Node(
         displayedName='Webserver API',
@@ -453,20 +413,11 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
         self.state = State.CHANGING
-    outputAxisOrder = String(
-        displayedName='Output axis order',
-        description='Axes of main data output can be reordered after correction. '
-                    'Choose between "pixels-fast" (memory_cell, x, y), '
-                    '"memorycells-fast" (x, y, memory_cell), and "no-reshape" '
-                    '(memory_cell, y, x)',
-        options=('pixels-fast','memorycells-fast','no-reshape'),
-        defaultValue='pixels-fast',
-        accessMode=AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE)
-    # TODO: Inject at runtime by scanning correction device schema.
-    runtimeParameters = Node(
-        RuntimeParametersNode,
-        displayedName='Runtime parameters')
+    managed = Node(
+        ManagedKeysNode,
+        displayedName='Managed keys',
+        description='Properties and slots managed on devices in the pipeline.')
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -531,6 +482,12 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
         self._http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
+        # Check device servers and initialize webserver access.
+        await self._check_servers()
+        # Inject schema for configuration of managed devices.
+        await self._inject_managed_keys()
         if self.state == State.INIT:
             self._set_status('Calibration manager ready')
             self.state = State.ACTIVE
@@ -572,6 +529,178 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
         for device_id in devices:
             self._check_new_device(device_id, devices[device_id, 'classId'])
+    async def _get_shared_keys(self, device_ids, keys):
+        """Find the most common property values on devices."""
+        key_values = defaultdict(list)
+        for device_id in device_ids:
+            try:
+                config = await wait_for(getConfiguration(device_id),
+                                        timeout=2.0)
+            except AsyncTimeoutError:
+                # Ignore this device if the configuration can no longer
+                # be obtained.
+                continue
+            for key in keys:
+                value = config[key]
+                if isinstance(value, Hashable):
+                    # Value must be hashable to determine the most
+                    # common one below.
+                    key_values[key].append(value)
+        return {key: max(set(values), key=values.count) for key, values
+                in key_values.items()}
+    async def _inject_managed_keys(self):
+        """Attempt to retrieve the correction device's schema and insert
+        part of it as managed keys.
+        """
+        correction_device_servers = [
+            server for _, server, _, _, _, _ in self.moduleGroups.value]
+        up_corr_servers = await self._get_servers_in_state(
+            'up', servers=correction_device_servers)
+        if up_corr_servers:
+            # At least one correction server is up.
+            corr_server = next(iter(up_corr_servers))
+        else:
+            # None of the correction servers is up, try to start the
+            # first one.
+            corr_server = correction_device_servers[0]
+            try:
+                await wait_for(self._ensure_server_state(corr_server, 'up'),
+                               timeout=self.webserverApi.upTimeout.value)
+            except AsyncTimeoutError:
+                self._set_fatal(f'Could not bring up correction device server '
+                                f'`{corr_server}` for schema retrieval')
+                return
+        # Obtain the device schema from a correction device server.
+        managed_schema, _, _ = await call(corr_server, 'slotGetClassSchema',
+                                          self._correction_class_id)
+        if managed_schema.name != self._correction_class_id:
+            self._set_fatal(
+                f'Correction class ID `{self._correction_class_id}` not known '
+                f'or loadable by device server `{corr_server}`')
+            return
+        # Collect the keys to be managed and build a nested hash
+        # expressing its hierarchy, leafs are set to None.
+        managed_keys = set(managed_schema.hash['managedKeys', 'defaultValue'])
+        managed_tree = Hash(*chain.from_iterable(
+            zip(managed_keys, repeat(None, len(managed_keys)))))
+        managed_paths = set(managed_tree.paths())
+        # Reduce the correction schema to the managed paths.
+        managed_hash = managed_schema.hash
+        for path in managed_hash.paths():
+            if path not in managed_paths:
+                del managed_hash[path]
+        # Check for current values of managed keys on DAQ devices and
+        # update schema correspondingly.
+        if self._daq_device_ids:
+            daq_vals = await self._get_shared_keys(
+                self._daq_device_ids, ManagedKeysNode.DAQ_KEYS.keys())
+            for orig_key, managed_key in ManagedKeysNode.DAQ_KEYS.items():
+                managed_hash[managed_key, 'defaultValue'] = daq_vals[orig_key]
+        # Check for current values of managed keys on correction
+        # devices and update schema correspondingly.
+        corr_vals = await self._get_shared_keys(
+            self._correction_device_ids, managed_keys)
+        for key, value in corr_vals.items():
+            managed_hash[key, 'defaultValue'] = value
+        # Retrieve the attributes on the current managed node. The
+        # original implementation of toSchemaAndAttrs in the Node's
+        # superclass Descriptor is used to avoid Node-specific
+        # attributes in the attributes that are not valid in the
+        # property definition.
+        # The value are then obtained from the Node object again since
+        # enums are converted to their values by toSchemaAndAttrs, which
+        # in turn is not valid for property definition.
+        _, attrs = Descriptor.toSchemaAndAttrs(self.__class__.managed,
+                                               None, None)
+        managed_node_attrs = {key: getattr(self.__class__.managed, key)
+                              for key in attrs.keys()}
+        # Build a proxy from the managed schema, and create a new node
+        # based on it with the original node attributes. This code is
+        # heavily inspired by deviceClone.
+        managed_node = Node(
+            ManagedKeysCloneFactory.createProxy(managed_schema),
+            **managed_node_attrs)
+        # Walk the managed tree to and sanitize all descriptors to our
+        # specifications.
+        def _sanitize_node(parent, tree, prefix=''):
+            for key, value in tree.items():
+                # Fetch the descriptor class, not its instance!
+                descr = getattr(parent.cls, key)
+                full_key = f'{prefix}.{key}' if prefix else key
+                if isinstance(descr, Node):
+                    _sanitize_node(descr, value, full_key)
+                elif isinstance(descr, Slot):
+                    async def _managed_slot_called(parent, fk=full_key):
+                        background(self._call_on_corrections(fk))
+                    _managed_slot_called.__name__ = f'managed.{full_key}'
+                    descr.__call__(_managed_slot_called)
+                    # Managed slots can only be called in the ACTIVE
+                    # state.
+                    descr.allowedStates = [State.ACTIVE]
+                elif isinstance(descr, Type):
+                    # Regular property.
+                    if descr.accessMode == AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE:
+                        # Add a callback only if the original descriptor
+                        # is reconfigurable.
+                        async def _managed_prop_changed(parent, v, k=key,
+                                                        fk=full_key):
+                            setattr(parent, k, v)
+                            if self.state != State.INIT:
+                                # Do not propagate updates during injection.
+                                background(self._set_on_corrections(fk, v))
+                        descr.__call__(_managed_prop_changed)
+                    # Managed properties are always optional,
+                    # reconfigurable and may only be changed in the
+                    # ACTIVE state.
+                    descr.assignment = Assignment.OPTIONAL
+                    descr.accessMode = AccessMode.RECONFIGURABLE
+                    descr.allowedStates = [State.ACTIVE]
+                else:
+                    self.logger.warn(f'Encountered unknown descriptor type '
+                                     f'{type(descr)}')
+        _sanitize_node(managed_node, managed_tree)
+        # Inject the newly prepared node for managed keys.
+        self.__class__.managed = managed_node
+        await self.publishInjectedParameters()
+        self._managed_keys = managed_keys
+        self.logger.debug('Managed schema injected')
     def _set_status(self, text, level=logging.INFO):
         """Add and log a status message.
@@ -635,7 +764,7 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
         return body['servers'][0]
-    async def _get_servers_in_state(self, state):
+    async def _get_servers_in_state(self, state, servers=None):
         """List all servers in a particular state.
@@ -646,7 +775,8 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
         servers = await gather(*[self._get_server_info(name)
-                                 for name in self._server_hosts.keys()])
+                                 for name in self._server_hosts.keys()
+                                 if servers is None or name in servers])
         return {server['karabo_name'] for server in servers
                 if server['status'].startswith(state)}
@@ -871,11 +1001,6 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
             return self._set_error('Request unexpectedly failed while '
                                    'checking device server state', e)
-        self._daq_device_ids.clear()
-        self._domain_device_ids.clear()
-        self._correction_device_ids.clear()
-        await self._check_topology()
         # Class and device ID templates per role.
         class_ids = {}
         device_id_templates = {}
@@ -929,17 +1054,20 @@ class CalibrationManager(DeviceClientBase, Device):
             input_source_by_module[vname] = input_source
             config = Hash()
+            # Legacy keys for calibrationBase.
             config['det_type'] = self.detectorType
             config['det_identifier'] = self.detectorIdentifier
             config['da_name'] = aggregator
-            config['caldb_zmq_interface'] = self.caldbremoteAddress
             config['dataInput.connectedOutputChannels'] = [input_channel]
             config['fastSources'] = [input_source]
-            config['dataFormat.outputImageDtype'] = 'float16'
-            config['dataFormat.outputAxisOrder'] = self.outputAxisOrder
-            config['dataFormat.pixelsX'] = 512
-            config['dataFormat.pixelsY'] = 128
-            config['dataFormat.memoryCells'] = 400
+            # Add managed keys.
+            for key in self._managed_keys:
+                value = get_property(self, f'managed.{key}')
+                if not ismethod(value):
+                    config[key] = value
             if not await self._instantiate_device(
                 server_by_group[group], class_ids['correction'], device_id,