diff --git a/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py b/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py
index 136ea595e587e184ef8498aa3027e3ef9c466ff6..b7d4d629909da9adc2c337301edcda627c02881a 100644
--- a/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py
+++ b/src/calng/AgipdCorrection.py
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
 import timeit
 import numpy as np
-from karabo.bound import BOOL_ELEMENT, KARABO_CLASSINFO
+from karabo.bound import (
+    Hash,
+    Schema,
 from karabo.common.states import State
 from . import utils
 from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+from .agipd_gpu import AgipdGpuRunner, BadPixelValues, CorrectionFlags
 from .base_correction import BaseCorrection
-from .agipd_gpu import AgipdGpuRunner, CorrectionFlags
 @KARABO_CLASSINFO("AgipdCorrection", deviceVersion)
@@ -80,6 +88,31 @@ class AgipdCorrection(BaseCorrection):
+        # TODO: hook this up to actual correction done
+        bad_pixel_selection_schema = Schema()
+        (
+            STRING_ELEMENT(bad_pixel_selection_schema).key("name").readOnly().commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(bad_pixel_selection_schema).key("value").readOnly().commit(),
+            BOOL_ELEMENT(bad_pixel_selection_schema)
+            .key("apply")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(True)
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+            TABLE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("corrections.badPixelFlagsApplied")
+            .setNodeSchema(bad_pixel_selection_schema)
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(
+                [
+                    Hash("name", field.name, "value", field.value, "apply", True)
+                    for field in BadPixelValues
+                ]
+            )
+            .reconfigurable()
+            .commit(),
+        )
     def input_data_shape(self):
         return (
@@ -128,7 +161,7 @@ class AgipdCorrection(BaseCorrection):
         # TODO: what are these empty things for?
         if not data.has("image"):
-            self.log.INFO("Ignoring hash without image node")
+            # self.log.INFO("Ignoring hash without image node")
         time_start = timeit.default_timer()
@@ -147,7 +180,6 @@ class AgipdCorrection(BaseCorrection):
                 "status", f"Updating input shapes based on received {image_data.shape}"
-            # TODO: truncate if > 800
             self.set("dataFormat.memoryCells", image_data.shape[0])
             with self._buffer_lock:
                 # TODO: pulse filter update after reimplementation
@@ -235,7 +267,6 @@ class AgipdCorrection(BaseCorrection):
     def _load_constant_to_gpu(self, constant_name, constant_data):
-        # TODO: also hook flushConstants or whatever it is called
         if constant_name == "ThresholdsDark":
             # TODO: encode correction / constant dependencies in a clever way
@@ -263,7 +294,11 @@ class AgipdCorrection(BaseCorrection):
                 self.set("corrections.preview.relGainXray", True)
         elif "BadPixels" in constant_name:
             # TODO: implement loading bad pixels
-            ...
+            self.gpu_runner.load_badpixels_map(constant_data)
+            if not self.get("corrections.available.badpixels"):
+                self.set("corrections.available.badpixels", True)
+                self.set("corrections.enabled.badpixels", True)
+                self.set("corrections.preview.badpixels", True)
     def _update_pulse_filter(self, filter_string):
         """Called whenever the pulse filter changes, typically followed by
diff --git a/src/calng/agipd_gpu.py b/src/calng/agipd_gpu.py
index 196aa30acd9d46ac1559e1e0af4711a63d408788..4ec912cb48fe1f65a91753e288d53df07b848ef2 100644
--- a/src/calng/agipd_gpu.py
+++ b/src/calng/agipd_gpu.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class AgipdGpuRunner(base_gpu.BaseGpuRunner):
         output_transpose=(1, 2, 0),  # default: memorycells-fast
+        badpixel_mask_value=np.float32(np.nan),
         self.input_shape = (memory_cells, 2, pixels_x, pixels_y)
         self.processed_shape = (memory_cells, pixels_x, pixels_y)
@@ -51,9 +52,11 @@ class AgipdGpuRunner(base_gpu.BaseGpuRunner):
         self.offset_map_gpu = cupy.zeros(self.gm_map_shape, dtype=np.float32)
         self.rel_gain_pc_map_gpu = cupy.ones(self.gm_map_shape, dtype=np.float32)
+        # not gm_map_shape because it only applies to medium gain pixels
         self.md_additional_offset_gpu = cupy.zeros(self.map_shape, dtype=np.float32)
         self.rel_gain_xray_map_gpu = cupy.ones(self.map_shape, dtype=np.float32)
-        self.badpixel_map_gpu = cupy.zeros(self.map_shape, dtype=np.uint32)
+        self.badpixel_map_gpu = cupy.zeros(self.gm_map_shape, dtype=np.uint32)
+        self.badpixel_mask_value = badpixel_mask_value  # TODO: make this configurable
         self.update_block_size((1, 1, 64))
@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ class AgipdGpuRunner(base_gpu.BaseGpuRunner):
         rel_gain_map[1] = rel_gain_map[0] * frac_hg_mg
         rel_gain_map[2] = rel_gain_map[1] * 4.48
-        # TODO: enable overriding this based on user input
+        # TODO: enable overriding md_additional_offset_gpu based on user input
         self.rel_gain_pc_map_gpu.set(np.transpose(rel_gain_map, (1, 3, 2, 0)))
         self.md_additional_offset_gpu.set(np.transpose(md_additional_offset, (0, 2, 1)))
@@ -131,11 +134,34 @@ class AgipdGpuRunner(base_gpu.BaseGpuRunner):
         # TODO: maybe clamp and replace NaNs like slopes_pc
+    def load_badpixels_map(self, badpixels_map):
+        print(f"Loading bad pixels with shape: {badpixels_map.shape}")
+        # will simply OR with already loaded, does not take into account which ones
+        # TODO: simple loading
+        # TODO: allow configuring subset of bad pixels to care about
+        # TODO: allow configuring value for masked pixels
+        # TODO: inquire what "mask for double size pixels" means
+        if len(badpixels_map.shape) == 3:
+            # BadPixelsFF is not per gain stage...
+            # TODO: broadcast?
+            ...
+        else:
+            self.badpixel_map_gpu |= cupy.asarray(
+                np.transpose(badpixels_map, (2, 1, 0, 3)), dtype=np.uint32
+            )
+    def flush_buffers(self):
+        self.offset_map_gpu.fill(0)
+        self.rel_gain_pc_map_gpu.fill(1)
+        self.md_additional_offset_gpu.fill(0)
+        self.rel_gain_xray_map_gpu.fill(1)
+        self.badpixel_map_gpu.fill(0)
+    # TODO: baseline shift
     def correct(self, flags):
         if flags & CorrectionFlags.BLSHIFT:
             raise NotImplementedError("Baseline shift not implemented yet")
-        if flags & CorrectionFlags.BPMASK:
-            raise NotImplementedError("Bad pixel masking not implemented yet")
@@ -149,6 +175,7 @@ class AgipdGpuRunner(base_gpu.BaseGpuRunner):
+                self.badpixel_mask_value,
@@ -168,3 +195,31 @@ class AgipdGpuRunner(base_gpu.BaseGpuRunner):
         self.source_module = cupy.RawModule(code=kernel_source)
         self.correction_kernel = self.source_module.get_function("correct")
+class BadPixelValues(enum.IntFlag):
+    """The European XFEL Bad Pixel Encoding
+    Straight from pycalibration's enum.py"""
+    OFFSET_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD = 0b000000000000000000001  # bit 1
+    NOISE_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD = 0b000000000000000000010  # bit 2
+    OFFSET_NOISE_EVAL_ERROR = 0b000000000000000000100  # bit 3
+    NO_DARK_DATA = 0b000000000000000001000  # bit 4
+    CI_GAIN_OF_OF_THRESHOLD = 0b000000000000000010000  # bit 5
+    CI_LINEAR_DEVIATION = 0b000000000000000100000  # bit 6
+    CI_EVAL_ERROR = 0b000000000000001000000  # bit 7
+    FF_GAIN_EVAL_ERROR = 0b000000000000010000000  # bit 8
+    FF_GAIN_DEVIATION = 0b000000000000100000000  # bit 9
+    FF_NO_ENTRIES = 0b000000000001000000000  # bit 10
+    CI2_EVAL_ERROR = 0b000000000010000000000  # bit 11
+    VALUE_IS_NAN = 0b000000000100000000000  # bit 12
+    VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE = 0b000000001000000000000  # bit 13
+    GAIN_THRESHOLDING_ERROR = 0b000000010000000000000  # bit 14
+    DATA_STD_IS_ZERO = 0b000000100000000000000  # bit 15
+    ASIC_STD_BELOW_NOISE = 0b000001000000000000000  # bit 16
+    INTERPOLATED = 0b000010000000000000000  # bit 17
+    NOISY_ADC = 0b000100000000000000000  # bit 18
+    OVERSCAN = 0b001000000000000000000  # bit 19
+    NON_SENSITIVE = 0b010000000000000000000  # bit 20
+    NON_LIN_RESPONSE_REGION = 0b100000000000000000000  # bit 21
diff --git a/src/calng/agipd_gpu_kernels.cpp b/src/calng/agipd_gpu_kernels.cpp
index 898e0b87866457a7d57ba4fdc379b6c3f52fde17..357c82a8b8270f9dfee94af3957c7a8d0a40f469 100644
--- a/src/calng/agipd_gpu_kernels.cpp
+++ b/src/calng/agipd_gpu_kernels.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #include <cuda_fp16.h>
-#include <math_constants.h>
@@ -20,6 +19,7 @@ extern "C" {
 	                        const float* md_additional_offset,
 	                        const float* rel_gain_xray_map,
 							const unsigned int* bad_pixel_map,
+	                        const float bad_pixel_mask_value,
 							unsigned char* gain_map,
 							{{output_data_dtype}}* output) {
 		const size_t X = {{pixels_x}};
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ extern "C" {
 				x * gm_map_stride_x;
 			if ((corr_flags & BPMASK) && bad_pixel_map[gm_map_index]) {
-				corrected = CUDART_NAN_F;
+				corrected = bad_pixel_mask_value;
 			} else {
 				if (corr_flags & OFFSET) {
 					corrected -= offset_map[gm_map_index];
diff --git a/src/calng/base_correction.py b/src/calng/base_correction.py
index cfc3c3a6dde280853ba3b2116c2e544239c7541b..1f87b97322fa94c981f346fcaa33beeea5b28f71 100644
--- a/src/calng/base_correction.py
+++ b/src/calng/base_correction.py
@@ -463,8 +463,6 @@ class BaseCorrection(calibrationBase.CalibrationReceiverBaseDevice):
     def requestConstant(self, name, mostRecent=False, tryRemote=True):
         """constantLoaded hook would have gotten called without naming constant, so here
         we go. Ugly hooking it."""
-        # TODO: clear from device, too
-        # TODO: update correction capability flag
         if name in self._cached_constants:
             del self._cached_constants[name]
         super().requestConstant(name, mostRecent, tryRemote)
@@ -477,6 +475,14 @@ class BaseCorrection(calibrationBase.CalibrationReceiverBaseDevice):
         self._load_constant_to_gpu(name, constant)
+    def flush_constants(self):
+        """Override from CalibrationReceiverBaseDevice to also flush GPU buffers"""
+        super().flush_constants()
+        for correction_step, _ in self._correction_slot_names:
+            self.set(f"corrections.available.{correction_step}", False)
+        self.gpu_runner.flush_buffers()
+        self._update_correction_flags()
     def _write_output(self, data, old_metadata):
         metadata = ChannelMetaData(
diff --git a/src/calng/base_gpu.py b/src/calng/base_gpu.py
index 5347fc2a1b730c10cd3fd5663e9c16a73342a603..fc716ee3e3d4d87dd4655a8d537493f86c5a4dbb 100644
--- a/src/calng/base_gpu.py
+++ b/src/calng/base_gpu.py
@@ -78,14 +78,18 @@ class BaseGpuRunner:
     # functions to get data from respective buffers to cell, x, y shape for preview computation
     # TODO: handle shape juggling programmatically, removing need for these two helpers
-    def _preview_preprocess_raw():
+    def _preview_preprocess_raw(self):
         """Should return view of self.input_data_gpu with shape (cell, x, y)"""
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    def _preview_preprocess_corr():
+    def _preview_preprocess_corr(self):
         """Should return view of self.processed_data_gpu with shape (cell, x, y)"""
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def flush_buffers(self):
+        """Optional reset GPU buffers (implement in appropriate subclasses"""
+        pass
     def correct(self, flags):
         """Correct (already loaded) image data according to flags