diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 51f02cb42072d1c8a2eff2988b60a3a0bef6d6d4..5b4bb5da6e85b50e71aed81b379a07453066af6b 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 from os.path import dirname, join, realpath
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension
+from Cython.Build import cythonize
 from karabo.packaging.versioning import device_scm_version
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ setup(name='calng',
           'karabo.bound_device': [
               'AgipdCorrection = calng.AgipdCorrection:AgipdCorrection',
               'DsscCorrection = calng.DsscCorrection:DsscCorrection',
+              'Gotthard2Correction = calng.Gotthard2Correction:Gotthard2Correction',
               'JungfrauCorrection = calng.JungfrauCorrection:JungfrauCorrection',
               'LpdCorrection = calng.LpdCorrection:LpdCorrection',
               'ShmemToZMQ = calng.ShmemToZMQ:ShmemToZMQ',
@@ -43,4 +45,12 @@ setup(name='calng',
       package_data={'': ['kernels/*']},
+      ext_modules=cythonize(
+          [
+              Extension(
+                  'calng.kernels.gotthard2_cython',
+                  ['src/calng/kernels/gotthard2_cpu.pyx']
+              )
+          ]
+      ),
diff --git a/src/calng/Gotthard2Correction.py b/src/calng/Gotthard2Correction.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31349457f00257633337ae5b79b6624fa6588bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/Gotthard2Correction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+import enum
+import numpy as np
+from karabo.bound import (
+    ImageData,
+    Schema,
+from . import base_calcat, utils
+from ._version import version as deviceVersion
+from .base_correction import BaseCorrection, add_correction_step_schema
+_pretend_pulse_table = np.arange(2720, dtype=np.uint8)
+streak_preview_schema = Schema()
+    NODE_ELEMENT(streak_preview_schema).key("image").commit(),
+    IMAGEDATA_ELEMENT(streak_preview_schema).key("image.data").commit(),
+    UINT64_ELEMENT(streak_preview_schema).key("trainId").readOnly().commit(),
+class Gotthard2Constants(enum.Enum):
+    Lut = enum.auto()
+    Offset = enum.auto()
+    Gain = enum.auto()
+class CorrectionFlags(enum.IntFlag):
+    NONE = 0
+    LUT = 1
+    OFFSET = 2
+    GAIN = 4
+class Gotthard2CpuRunner:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        pixels_x,
+        pixels_y,
+        memory_cells,
+        constant_memory_cells,
+        input_data_dtype=np.uint16,
+        output_data_dtype=np.float32,
+        bad_pixel_mask_value=np.nan,
+    ):
+        from .kernels import gotthard2_cython  # TODO
+        self.correction_kernel = gotthard2_cython.correct
+        self.pixels_x = pixels_x
+        self.memory_cells = memory_cells
+        self.constant_memory_cells = constant_memory_cells
+        self.input_shape = (memory_cells, pixels_x)
+        self.processed_shape = self.input_shape
+        # model: 2 buffers (corresponding to actual memory cells), 2720 frames
+        # lut maps from uint12 to uint10 values
+        self.lut_shape = (2, 4096, pixels_x)
+        self.map_shape = (3, self.constant_memory_cells, self.pixels_x)
+        self.lut = np.empty(self.lut_shape, dtype=np.uint16)
+        self.offset_map = np.empty(self.map_shape, dtype=np.float32)
+        self.rel_gain_map = np.empty(self.map_shape, dtype=np.float32)
+        self.flush_buffers()
+        self.input_data = None  # will just point to data coming in
+        self.input_gain_stage = None  # will just point to data coming in
+        self.processed_data = None  # will just point to buffer we're given
+        self.preview_buffer_getters = [
+            self._get_raw_for_preview,
+            self._get_corrected_for_preview,
+        ]
+    def _get_raw_for_preview(self):
+        return self.input_data
+    def _get_corrected_for_preview(self):
+        return self.processed_data
+    def load_data(self, image_data, input_gain_stage):
+        """Experiment: loading all three in one function as they are tied"""
+        self.input_data = image_data.astype(np.uint16, copy=False)
+        self.input_gain_stage = input_gain_stage.astype(np.uint8, copy=False)
+    def flush_buffers(self):
+        default_lut = (
+            np.arange(2 ** 12).astype(np.float64) * 2 ** 10 / 2 ** 12
+        ).astype(np.uint16)
+        self.lut[:] = np.stack([np.stack([default_lut] * 2)] * self.pixels_x, axis=2)
+        self.offset_map.fill(0)
+        self.rel_gain_map.fill(1)
+    def correct(self, flags, out=None):
+        if out is None:
+            out = np.empty(self.processed_shape, dtype=np.float32)
+        self.correction_kernel(
+            self.input_data,
+            self.input_gain_stage,
+            np.uint8(flags),
+            self.lut,
+            self.offset_map,
+            self.rel_gain_map,
+            out,
+        )
+        self.processed_data = out
+        return out
+    def compute_previews(self, preview_index):
+        """See BaseGpuRunner.compute_previews"""
+        if preview_index < -4:
+            raise ValueError(f"No statistic with code {preview_index} defined")
+        elif preview_index >= self.memory_cells:
+            raise ValueError(f"Memory cell index {preview_index} out of range")
+        # TODO: enum around reduction type
+        return tuple(
+            self._compute_a_preview(image_data=getter(), preview_index=preview_index)
+            for getter in self.preview_buffer_getters
+        )
+    def _compute_a_preview(self, image_data, preview_index):
+        if preview_index >= 0:
+            return image_data[preview_index].astype(np.float32, copy=False)
+        elif preview_index == -1:
+            return np.nanmax(image_data, axis=0).astype(np.float32, copy=False)
+        elif preview_index in (-2, -3, -4):
+            stat_fun = {
+                -2: np.nanmean,
+                -3: np.nansum,
+                -4: np.nanstd,
+            }[preview_index]
+            return stat_fun(image_data, axis=0, dtype=np.float32)
+class Gotthard2CalcatFriend(base_calcat.BaseCalcatFriend):
+    _constant_enum_class = Gotthard2Constants
+    def __init__(self, device, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(device, *args, **kwargs)
+        self._constants_need_conditions = {}  # TODO
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_schema(
+        schema,
+        managed_keys,
+        param_prefix="constantParameters",
+        status_prefix="foundConstants",
+    ):
+        super(Gotthard2CalcatFriend, Gotthard2CalcatFriend).add_schema(
+            schema, managed_keys, "gotthard-Type", param_prefix, status_prefix
+        )
+        # set some defaults for common parameters
+        (
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.pixelsX")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(1280)
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.pixelsY")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(1)
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{param_prefix}.memoryCells")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(2)
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        base_calcat.add_status_schema_from_enum(
+            schema, status_prefix, Gotthard2Constants
+        )
+@KARABO_CLASSINFO("Gotthard2Correction", deviceVersion)
+class Gotthard2Correction(BaseCorrection):
+    _correction_flag_class = CorrectionFlags
+    _correction_field_names = (
+        ("lut", CorrectionFlags.LUT),
+        ("offset", CorrectionFlags.OFFSET),
+        ("gain", CorrectionFlags.GAIN),
+    )
+    _kernel_runner_class = Gotthard2CpuRunner
+    _calcat_friend_class = Gotthard2CalcatFriend
+    _constant_enum_class = Gotthard2Constants
+    _managed_keys = BaseCorrection._managed_keys.copy()
+    _image_data_path = "data.adc"
+    _cell_table_path = "data.memoryCell"
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        super(Gotthard2Correction, Gotthard2Correction).expectedParameters(expected)
+        (
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.pixelsX")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(1280)
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.pixelsY")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(1)
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("dataFormat.memoryCells")
+            .setNewDefaultValue(2720)  # note: actually just frames...
+            .commit(),
+            OVERWRITE_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("preview.selectionMode")
+            .setNewDefaultValue("frame")
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        (
+            OUTPUT_CHANNEL(expected)
+            .key("preview.outputStreak")
+            .dataSchema(streak_preview_schema)
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        Gotthard2CalcatFriend.add_schema(expected, Gotthard2Correction._managed_keys)
+        add_correction_step_schema(
+            expected,
+            Gotthard2Correction._managed_keys,
+            Gotthard2Correction._correction_field_names,
+        )
+        # mandatory: manager needs this in schema
+        (
+            VECTOR_STRING_ELEMENT(expected)
+            .key("managedKeys")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(list(Gotthard2Correction._managed_keys))
+            .commit()
+        )
+    @property
+    def input_data_shape(self):
+        return (
+            self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.memoryCells"),
+            self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.pixelsX"),
+        )
+    @property
+    def output_data_shape(self):
+        return (
+            self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.memoryCells"),
+            self.unsafe_get("dataFormat.pixelsX"),
+        )
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        super().__init__(config)
+        # TODO: gain mode as constant parameter and / or device configuration
+        try:
+            self.bad_pixel_mask_value = np.float32(
+                config.get("corrections.badPixels.maskingValue")
+            )
+        except ValueError:
+            self.bad_pixel_mask_value = np.float32("nan")
+        self._kernel_runner_init_args = {
+            "bad_pixel_mask_value": self.bad_pixel_mask_value,
+        }
+    def process_data(
+        self,
+        data_hash,
+        metadata,
+        source,
+        train_id,
+        image_data,
+        cell_table,
+        do_generate_preview,
+    ):
+        # cell table currently not used for GOTTHARD2 (assume alternating)
+        try:
+            self.kernel_runner.load_data(
+                image_data, data_hash.get("data.gain")
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log_status_warn(f"Unknown exception when loading data: {e}")
+        buffer_handle, buffer_array = self._shmem_buffer.next_slot()
+        self.kernel_runner.correct(self._correction_flag_enabled, out=buffer_array)
+        if do_generate_preview:
+            if self._correction_flag_enabled != self._correction_flag_preview:
+                self.kernel_runner.correct(self._correction_flag_preview)
+            (
+                preview_slice_index,
+                preview_cell,
+                preview_pulse,
+            ) = utils.pick_frame_index(
+                self.unsafe_get("preview.selectionMode"),
+                self.unsafe_get("preview.index"),
+                cell_table,
+                _pretend_pulse_table,
+                warn_func=self.log_status_warn,
+            )
+            (
+                preview_raw,
+                preview_corrected,
+            ) = self.kernel_runner.compute_previews(preview_slice_index)
+        # reusing input data hash for sending
+        data_hash.set(self._image_data_path, buffer_handle)
+        data_hash.set("calngShmemPaths", [self._image_data_path])
+        self._write_output(data_hash, metadata)
+        if do_generate_preview:
+            self._write_preview_outputs(
+                (
+                    ("preview.outputRaw", preview_raw),
+                    ("preview.outputCorrected", preview_corrected),
+                ),
+                metadata,
+            )
+    def _load_constant_to_runner(self, constant, constant_data):
+        if constant is Gotthard2Constants.Lut:
+            self.kernel_runner.lut[:] = constant_data.astype(np.uint16, copy=False)
+            if not self.get("corrections.lut.available"):
+                self.set("corrections.lut.available", True)
+        elif constant is Gotthard2Constants.Offset:
+            self.kernel_runner.offset_map[:] = constant_data.astype(
+                np.float32, copy=False
+            )
+            if not self.get("corrections.offset.available"):
+                self.set("corrections.offset.available", True)
+        elif constant is Gotthard2Constants.Gain:
+            self.kernel_runner.rel_gain_map[:] = constant_data.astype(
+                np.float32, copy=False
+            )
+            if not self.get("corrections.gain.available"):
+                self.set("corrections.gain.available", True)
+        self._update_correction_flags()
+        self.log_status_info(f"Done loading {constant.name}")
diff --git a/src/calng/kernels/gotthard2_cpu.pyx b/src/calng/kernels/gotthard2_cpu.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41257c3cf8fea7d40d650a8c9f5bcc3434b5072d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/kernels/gotthard2_cpu.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# cython: boundscheck=False
+# cython: cdivision=True
+# cython: wrapararound=False
+# TODO: get these automatically from enum definition
+cdef unsigned char NONE = 0
+cdef unsigned char LUT = 1
+cdef unsigned char OFFSET = 2
+cdef unsigned char GAIN = 4
+def correct(
+    unsigned short[:, :] raw_data,
+    unsigned char[:, :] raw_gain,
+    unsigned char flags,
+    unsigned short[:, :, :] lut,
+    float[:, :, :] offset_map,
+    float[:, :, :] gain_map,
+    float[:, :] output,
+    cdef unsigned frame, x
+    cdef unsigned short cell, raw_value, looked_up_value
+    cdef float res
+    cdef unsigned char gain
+    for frame in range(raw_data.shape[0]):
+        for x in range(raw_data.shape[1]):
+            cell = frame % 2
+            gain = raw_gain[frame, x]
+            if gain == 3:
+                gain = 2
+            raw_value = raw_data[frame, x]
+            if (flags & LUT):
+                res = <float>lut[cell, raw_value, x]
+            else:
+                res = <float>raw_value
+            if (flags & OFFSET):
+                res -= offset_map[gain, cell, x]
+            if (flags & GAIN):
+                res /= gain_map[gain, cell, x]
+            output[frame, x] = res