diff --git a/src/calng/calcat_utils.py b/src/calng/calcat_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..880ed1d8ccc13b7d46b30014c3626a51f68a0b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/calcat_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+import copy
+import enum
+import functools
+import pathlib
+import threading
+import typing
+import calibration_client
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+from calibration_client.modules import (
+    Calibration,
+    CalibrationConstant,
+    CalibrationConstantVersion,
+    Detector,
+    DetectorType,
+    Parameter,
+    PhysicalDetectorUnit,
+from . import utils
+class ConditionNotFound(Exception):
+    pass
+class DetectorNotFound(Exception):
+    pass
+class ModuleNotFound(Exception):
+    pass
+class CalibrationNotFound(Exception):
+    pass
+class CalibrationClientConfigError(Exception):
+    pass
+def _check_resp(resp, exception=Exception):
+    # TODO: probably verify using "info" that exception is the right one
+    if not resp["success"]:
+        # TODO: probably more types of app_info errors?
+        if resp["app_info"]:
+            if "not found" in resp["info"]:
+                # this was likely the exception exception
+                raise exception(resp["info"])
+            else:
+                # but could also be authorization or similar issue
+                raise CalibrationClientConfigError(resp["app_info"])
+        raise exception(resp["info"])
+class DetectorStandin(typing.NamedTuple):
+    detector_name: str
+    modno_to_source: dict
+    frames_per_train: int
+    module_shape: tuple
+class OperatingConditions(dict):
+    # TODO: support deviation?
+    def encode(self):
+        return {
+            "parameters": [
+                {
+                    "parameter_name": key,
+                    "lower_deviation_value": 0.0,
+                    "upper_deviation_value": 0.0,
+                    "flg_available": False,
+                    "value": value,
+                }
+                for (key, value) in self.items()
+            ]
+        }
+    def __hash__(self):
+        # this takes me back to pre-screening interview time...
+        return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))
+class BaseCalcatFriend:
+    _constant_enum_class = None  # subclass should set
+    _constants_need_conditions = None  # subclass should set
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_schema(schema, prefix="constantParameters"):
+        """Add elements needed by this object to device's schema (expectedSchema)
+        All elements added to schema go under prefix which should end with name of
+        node which does not exist yet. To change default values and add more fields,
+        extend this method in subclass.
+        The values set on the device schema can handily be queried via _get.  This
+        should only be done in helper methods generating "conditions"; see for example
+        AgipdCalcatFriend.dark_condition.
+        """
+        # Settings needed to use calibration client and find constants
+        (
+            NODE_ELEMENT(schema).key(prefix).commit(),
+            NODE_ELEMENT(schema).key(f"{prefix}.calCat").commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.calCat.baseUrl")
+            .assignmentMandatory()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.calCat.clientId")
+            .assignmentMandatory()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.calCat.clientSecret")
+            .assignmentMandatory()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.calCat.userEmail")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("")
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.calCat.caldbStore")
+            .displayedName("Location of caldb_store")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue("/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store")
+            .options("/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store,/common/cal/caldb_store")
+            .commit(),
+        )
+        # Parameters which any detector would probably have (extend this in subclass)
+        # TODO: probably switch to floating point for everything, including mem cells
+        (
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.detectorType")
+            .assignmentMandatory()
+            .commit(),
+            STRING_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.detectorName")
+            .assignmentMandatory()
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.memoryCells")
+            .assignmentMandatory()
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.pixelsX")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(512)
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.pixelsY")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(512)
+            .commit(),
+            UINT32_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.biasVoltage")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(300)
+            .commit(),
+        )
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        device,
+        prefix="constantParameters",
+    ):
+        self.device = device
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        # TODO: can constants be accessed from ONC?
+        self.caldb_store = pathlib.Path(self._get("calCat.caldbStore"))
+        if not self.caldb_store.is_dir():
+            raise ValueError(f"caldb_store location '{self.caldb_store}' is not dir")
+        # TODO: secret / token management
+        base_url = self._get("calCat.baseUrl")
+        self.client = calibration_client.CalibrationClient(
+            client_id=self._get("calCat.clientId"),
+            client_secret=self._get("calCat.clientSecret"),
+            user_email=self._get("calCat.userEmail"),
+            base_api_url=f"{base_url}/api/",
+            token_url=f"{base_url}/oauth/token",
+            refresh_url=f"{base_url}/oauth/token",
+            auth_url=f"{base_url}/oauth/authorize",
+            scope="public",
+            session_token=None,
+        )
+    def _get(self, key):
+        """Helper to get value from attached device schema"""
+        return self.device.get(f"{self.prefix}.{key}")
+    @functools.cached_property
+    def detector_id(self):
+        resp = Detector.get_by_identifier(self.client, self._get("detectorName"))
+        _check_resp(resp, DetectorNotFound)
+        return resp["data"]["id"]
+    @functools.cached_property
+    def detector_type_id(self):
+        resp = DetectorType.get_by_name(self.client, self._get("detectorType"))
+        _check_resp(resp, DetectorNotFound)
+        return resp["data"]["id"]
+    # TODO: support updating mapping maybe?
+    # (just means del self.pdus and the properties depending on it)
+    @functools.cached_property
+    def pdus(self):
+        resp = PhysicalDetectorUnit.get_all_by_detector_id(
+            self.client, self.detector_id
+        )
+        _check_resp(resp)
+        for irrelevant_key in ("detector", "detector_type", "flg_available"):
+            for pdu in resp["data"]:
+                del pdu[irrelevant_key]
+        return resp["data"]
+    @functools.cached_property
+    def _karabo_da_to_float_uuid(self):
+        return {pdu["karabo_da"]: pdu["float_uuid"] for pdu in self.pdus}
+    @functools.cached_property
+    def _karabo_da_to_id(self):
+        return {pdu["karabo_da"]: pdu["id"] for pdu in self.pdus}
+    @utils.threadsafe_cache
+    def calibration_id(self, calibration_name: str):
+        resp = Calibration.get_by_name(self.client, calibration_name)
+        # TODO: dump name in exception
+        _check_resp(resp, CalibrationNotFound)
+        return resp["data"]["id"]
+    @utils.threadsafe_cache
+    def condition_id(self, pdu, condition):
+        # modifying condition parameter messes with cache
+        condition_with_detector = copy.copy(condition)
+        condition_with_detector["Detector UUID"] = pdu
+        resp = self.client.search_possible_conditions_from_dict(
+            "", condition_with_detector.encode()
+        )
+        _check_resp(resp, ConditionNotFound)
+        return resp["data"][0]["id"]
+    @utils.threadsafe_cache
+    def constant_id(self, calibration_id, condition_id):
+        resp = CalibrationConstant.get_by_uk(
+            self.client,
+            calibration_id=calibration_id,
+            detector_type_id=self.detector_type_id,
+            condition_id=condition_id,
+        )
+        _check_resp(resp)
+        return resp["data"]["id"]
+    def get_constant_version(self, karabo_da, constant, snapshot_at=None):
+        # TODO: support snapshot
+        # TODO: support creation time
+        # TODO: move karabo_da into device config (no need to be able to get constants for other modules)
+        self.device.log.DEBUG(f"Going looking for {constant} for {karabo_da}")
+        if karabo_da not in self._karabo_da_to_float_uuid:
+            raise ModuleNotFound(f"Module map did not include {karabo_da}")
+        if isinstance(constant, str):
+            constant = self._constant_enum_class[constant]
+        calibration_id = self.calibration_id(constant.name)
+        condition = self._constants_need_conditions[constant]()
+        condition_id = self.condition_id(
+            self._karabo_da_to_float_uuid[karabo_da], condition
+        )
+        constant_id = self.constant_id(
+            calibration_id=calibration_id, condition_id=condition_id
+        )
+        resp = CalibrationConstantVersion.get_by_uk(
+            self.client,
+            calibration_constant_id=constant_id,
+            physical_detector_unit_id=self._karabo_da_to_id[karabo_da],
+            event_at=None,
+            snapshot_at=None,
+        )
+        _check_resp(resp)
+        timestamp = resp["data"][
+            "begin_at"
+        ]  # TODO: check which key we like (also has begin_validity_at)
+        file_path = (
+            self.caldb_store / resp["data"]["path_to_file"] / resp["data"]["file_name"]
+        )
+        # TODO: return time stamps and such, those are useful
+        # TODO: handle FileNotFoundError if we are led astray
+        with h5py.File(file_path, "r") as fd:
+            ary = np.array(fd[resp["data"]["data_set_name"]]["data"])
+        return timestamp, ary
+    def get_constant_version_and_call_me_back(
+        self, karabo_da, constant, callback, snapshot_at=None
+    ):
+        """WIP. Callback function will get constant name, constant data, and hopefully
+        soon also some metadata or whatever.
+        """
+        # TODO: thread safe caching throughout this class
+        # TODO: do we want to use asyncio / "modern" async?
+        def aux():
+            data = self.get_constant_version(karabo_da, constant, snapshot_at)
+            callback(constant, data)
+        thread = threading.Thread(target=aux)
+        thread.start()
+        return thread
+class AgipdConstants(enum.Enum):
+    SlopesFF = enum.auto()
+    ThresholdsDark = enum.auto()
+    Offset = enum.auto()
+    SlopesPC = enum.auto()
+    BadPixelsDark = enum.auto()
+    BadPixelsPC = enum.auto()
+    BadPixelsFF = enum.auto()
+class AgipdCalcatFriend(BaseCalcatFriend):
+    _constant_enum_class = AgipdConstants
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        device,
+        prefix="constantParameters",
+    ):
+        super().__init__(device, prefix)
+        self._constants_need_conditions = {
+            AgipdConstants.ThresholdsDark: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.Offset: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.SlopesPC: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.SlopesFF: self.illuminated_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.BadPixelsDark: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.BadPixelsPC: self.dark_condition,
+            AgipdConstants.BadPixelsFF: self.illuminated_condition,
+        }
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_schema(schema, prefix="constantParameters"):
+        super(AgipdCalcatFriend, AgipdCalcatFriend).add_schema(schema, prefix)
+        (
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.acquisitionRate")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(1.1)
+            .commit(),
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.gainSetting")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(0)
+            .commit(),
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.photonEnergy")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(9.3)
+            .commit(),
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.gainMode")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(0)
+            .commit(),
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.integrationtime")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(12)
+            .commit(),
+        )
+    def dark_condition(self):
+        res = OperatingConditions()
+        res["Pixels X"] = self._get("pixelsX")
+        res["Pixels Y"] = self._get("pixelsY")
+        res["Memory cells"] = self._get("memoryCells")
+        res["Acquisition rate"] = self._get("acquisitionRate")
+        res["Sensor Bias Voltage"] = self._get("biasVoltage")
+        return res
+    def illuminated_condition(self):
+        res = OperatingConditions()
+        res["Memory cells"] = self._get("memoryCells")
+        res["Sensor Bias Voltage"] = self._get("biasVoltage")
+        res["Pixels X"] = self._get("pixelsX")
+        res["Pixels Y"] = self._get("pixelsY")
+        res["Source Energy"] = self._get("photonEnergy")
+        res["Acquisition rate"] = self._get("acquisitionRate")
+        res["Gain Setting"] = self._get("gainSetting")
+        return res
+class DsscConstants(enum.Enum):
+    Offset = enum.auto()
+class DsscCalcatFriend(BaseCalcatFriend):
+    _constant_enum_class = DsscConstants
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        device,
+        prefix="constantParameters",
+    ):
+        super().__init__(device, prefix)
+        self._constants_need_conditions = {
+            DsscConstants.Offset: self.dark_condition,
+        }
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_schema(schema, prefix="constantParameters"):
+        super(DsscCalcatFriend, DsscCalcatFriend).add_schema(schema, prefix)
+        (
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.pulseIdChecksum")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(2.8866323107820637e-36)
+            .commit(),
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.acquisitionRate")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(4.5)
+            .commit(),
+            FLOAT_ELEMENT(schema)
+            .key(f"{prefix}.encodedGain")
+            .assignmentOptional()
+            .defaultValue(67328)
+            .commit(),
+        )
+    def dark_condition(self):
+        res = OperatingConditions()
+        res["Memory cells"] = self._get("memoryCells")
+        res["Sensor Bias Voltage"] = self._get("biasVoltage")
+        res["Pixels X"] = self._get("pixelsX")
+        res["Pixels Y"] = self._get("pixelsY")
+        # res["Pulse id checksum"] = self._get("pulseIdChecksum")
+        # res["Acquisition rate"] = self._get("acquisitionRate")
+        # res["Encoded gain"] = self._get("encodedGain")
+        return res
diff --git a/src/calng/utils.py b/src/calng/utils.py
index 9b9a3786acbc4d620a93f511ae7acd7f0e8dcbbf..d28139e715140e15da007ac3eb9ac100049ed054 100644
--- a/src/calng/utils.py
+++ b/src/calng/utils.py
@@ -1,9 +1,43 @@
+import functools
+import inspect
 import threading
 import time
 import timeit
 import numpy as np
+def threadsafe_cache(fun):
+    """This decorator imitates functools.cache, but threadsafer
+    With multiple threads hitting a function cached by functools.cache, it is possible
+    to trigger recomputation. This decorator adds granular locking: each key in the
+    cache (derived from arguments) has its own lock.
+    """
+    locks = {}
+    results = {}
+    fun_sig = inspect.signature(fun)
+    @functools.wraps(fun)
+    def aux(*args, **kwargs):
+        bound_args = fun_sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
+        bound_args.apply_defaults()
+        key = bound_args.args + tuple(bound_args.kwargs.items())
+        if key in results:
+            return results[key]
+        with locks.setdefault(key, threading.Lock()):
+            if key in results:
+                # someone else did this - may still be processing
+                return results[key]
+            else:
+                res = fun(*args, **kwargs)
+                results[key] = res
+                return res
+    return aux
 _np_typechar_to_c_typestring = {
     "?": "bool",
     "B": "unsigned char",
diff --git a/src/tests/test_calcat_utils.py b/src/tests/test_calcat_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aaa0fb5ea0503d1b945cc64831f78a7c6d67e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/test_calcat_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import pathlib
+import timeit
+from calng import calcat_utils
+from karabo.bound import Hash, Schema
+# TODO: secrets management
+_test_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent
+with (_test_dir / "calibration-client-secrets.txt").open("r") as fd:
+    base_url, client_id, client_secret, user_email = fd.read().splitlines()
+class DummyLogger:
+    DEBUG = print
+    INFO = print
+class Stopwatch:
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.start_ts = timeit.default_timer()
+        self.running = True
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
+        self.stop_ts = timeit.default_timer()
+        self.running = False
+    @property
+    def elapsed(self):
+        if self.running:
+            return timeit.default_timer() - self.start_ts
+        else:
+            return self.stop_ts - self.start_ts
+# TODO: consider testing by attaching to real karabo.bound.PythonDevice
+class DummyAgipdDevice:
+    device_class_schema = Schema()
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        calcat_utils.AgipdCalcatFriend.add_schema(expected, "constantParameters")
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        self.schema = config
+        self.calibration_constant_manager = calcat_utils.AgipdCalcatFriend(
+            self,
+            "constantParameters",
+        )
+        self.log = DummyLogger()
+    def get(self, key):
+        return self.schema.get(key)
+class DummyDsscDevice:
+    device_class_schema = Schema()
+    @staticmethod
+    def expectedParameters(expected):
+        # super(DummyDsscDevice, DummyDsscDevice).expectedParameters(expected)
+        calcat_utils.DsscCalcatFriend.add_schema(expected, "constantParameters")
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        # TODO: check config against schema (as Karabo would)
+        self.schema = config
+        self.calibration_constant_manager = calcat_utils.DsscCalcatFriend(
+            self,
+            "constantParameters",
+        )
+        self.log = DummyLogger()
+    def get(self, key):
+        return self.schema.get(key)
+def test_agipd_constants_and_caching_and_async():
+    # def test_agipd_constants():
+    conf = Hash()
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.baseUrl"] = base_url
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.clientId"] = client_id
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.clientSecret"] = client_secret
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.userEmail"] = user_email
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.caldbStore"] = "/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store"
+    conf["constantParameters.detectorType"] = "AGIPD-Type"
+    conf["constantParameters.detectorName"] = "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1"
+    conf["constantParameters.pixelsX"] = 512
+    conf["constantParameters.pixelsY"] = 128
+    conf["constantParameters.memoryCells"] = 352
+    conf["constantParameters.acquisitionRate"] = 1.1
+    conf["constantParameters.biasVoltage"] = 300
+    conf["constantParameters.gainSetting"] = 0
+    conf["constantParameters.photonEnergy"] = 9.2
+    device = DummyAgipdDevice(conf)
+    def backcall(constant_name, metadata_and_data):
+        # TODO: think of something reasonable to check
+        timestamp, data = metadata_and_data
+        assert data.nbytes > 1000
+    with Stopwatch() as timer_async_cold:
+        # TODO: put this sort of thing in BaseCalcatFriend
+        threads = []
+        for constant in calcat_utils.AgipdConstants:
+            thread = device.calibration_constant_manager.get_constant_version_and_call_me_back(
+                "AGIPD00", constant, backcall
+            )
+            threads.append(thread)
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.join()
+    with Stopwatch() as timer_async_warm:
+        threads = []
+        for constant in calcat_utils.AgipdConstants:
+            thread = device.calibration_constant_manager.get_constant_version_and_call_me_back(
+                "AGIPD00", constant, backcall
+            )
+            threads.append(thread)
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.join()
+    with Stopwatch() as timer_sync_warm:
+        for constant in calcat_utils.AgipdConstants:
+            ts, ary = device.calibration_constant_manager.get_constant_version(
+                "AGIPD00",
+                constant,
+            )
+            assert ts is not None, "Some constants should be found"
+    print(f"Cold async took {timer_async_cold.elapsed} s")
+    print(f"Warm async took {timer_async_warm.elapsed} s")
+    print(f"Warm sync took {timer_sync_warm.elapsed} s")
+    assert (
+        timer_async_cold.elapsed > timer_async_warm.elapsed
+    ), "Caching should make second go faster"
+    assert timer_sync_warm.elapsed > timer_async_warm.elapsed, "Async should be faster"
+def test_dssc_constants():
+    conf = Hash()
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.baseUrl"] = base_url
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.clientId"] = client_id
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.clientSecret"] = client_secret
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.userEmail"] = user_email
+    conf["constantParameters.calCat.caldbStore"] = "/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store"
+    conf["constantParameters.detectorType"] = "DSSC-Type"
+    conf["constantParameters.detectorName"] = "SCS_DET_DSSC1M-1"
+    conf["constantParameters.memoryCells"] = 400
+    conf["constantParameters.biasVoltage"] = 100
+    conf["constantParameters.pixelsX"] = 512
+    conf["constantParameters.pixelsY"] = 128
+    # conf["constantParameters.pulseIdChecksum"] = 2.8866323107820637e-36
+    # conf["constantParameters.acquisitionRate"] = 4.5
+    # conf["constantParameters.encodedGain"] = 67328
+    device = DummyDsscDevice(conf)
+    ts, offset_map = device.calibration_constant_manager.get_constant_version(
+        "DSSC00", "Offset"
+    )
+    assert ts is not None
diff --git a/src/tests/test_utils.py b/src/tests/test_utils.py
index d8e8c6ce407e70e1fb9e9386e2a44a3868051c76..91b1f280f63bb61f54e0325d94216ecfe5d90a44 100644
--- a/src/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/src/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
-import numpy as np
+import random
+import threading
+import time
+import timeit
+import numpy as np
 from calng import utils
 def test_get_c_type():
     assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.float16) == "half"
     assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.float32) == "float"
@@ -16,3 +21,82 @@ def test_get_c_type():
     assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.int16) == "short"
     assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.int32) == "int"
     assert utils.np_dtype_to_c_type(np.int64) == "long"
+class TestThreadsafeCache:
+    def test_arg_key_wrap(self):
+        calls = []
+        @utils.threadsafe_cache
+        def fun(a, b, c=1, d=2, *args, **kwargs):
+            calls.append((a, b, c, d, args, kwargs))
+        # reordering kwargs /does/ matter because dicts are ordered now
+        # (note: functools.lru_cache doesn't sort, claims because of speed)
+        fun(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, six=6, seven=7)
+        fun(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, seven=7, six=6)
+        assert len(calls) == 2, "kwargs order matters"
+        calls.clear()
+        # reordering kw-style positional args does not matter
+        fun(1, 2, 1, 2)
+        fun(a=1, c=1, b=2, d=2)
+        assert len(calls) == 1, "reordering regular args as kws doesn't matter"
+        # and omitting default values does not matter
+        fun(b=2, a=1)
+        fun(1, 2)
+        assert len(calls) == 1, "omitting default args doesn't matter"
+    def test_threadsafeness(self):
+        # wow, synchronization (presumably) makes this take forever *without* the decorator...
+        from_was_called = []
+        base_sleep = 1
+        random_sleep = 0.1
+        @utils.threadsafe_cache
+        def was_called(x):
+            time.sleep(random.random() * random_sleep + base_sleep)
+            from_was_called.append(x)
+        threads = []
+        num_threads = 1000
+        letters = "abcd"
+        start_ts = timeit.default_timer()
+        for i in range(num_threads):
+            for l in letters:
+                thread = threading.Thread(target=was_called, args=(l,))
+                thread.start()
+                threads.append(thread)
+        submitted_ts = timeit.default_timer()
+        print(f"Right after: {len(from_was_called)}")
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.join()
+        stop_ts = timeit.default_timer()
+        total_time = stop_ts - start_ts
+        print(f"After join: {len(from_was_called)}")
+        print(f"Time to submit: {submitted_ts - start_ts}")
+        print(f"Wait for join: {stop_ts - submitted_ts}")
+        print(f"Total: {total_time}")
+        # check that function was only called with each letter once
+        # this is where the decorator from functools will fail
+        assert len(from_was_called) == len(
+            letters
+        ), "Caching prevents recomputation due to threading"
+        # check that the function was not locked too broadly (should run faster than sequential lower bound)
+        reasonable_time_to_spawn_thread = 0.45 / 1000
+        cutoff = (
+            len(letters) * base_sleep + reasonable_time_to_spawn_thread * num_threads
+        )
+        print(f"Cutoff (sequential lower bound): {cutoff}")
+        assert (
+            total_time < cutoff
+        ), "Locking should not be so broad as to make sequential"
+        print(
+            f"Each thread would have slept [{base_sleep}, {base_sleep + random_sleep})"
+        )
+        # check that time doesn't go backwards suddenly
+        assert total_time >= base_sleep, "These tests should measure time correctly"