diff --git a/src/calng/base_correction.py b/src/calng/base_correction.py
index aed5cba3b00fb750f87d6a2fe9f27c5bb6a9309b..7f2aa23d448fc9137cdd8c854d44c0c142f4e1ce 100644
--- a/src/calng/base_correction.py
+++ b/src/calng/base_correction.py
@@ -893,6 +893,10 @@ class BaseCorrection(PythonDevice):
             corrections, processed_buffer, previews = self.kernel_runner.correct(
                 image_data, cell_table, *additional_data
+            # hack: get extra data out from AGIPD until addon API is updated
+            if isinstance(corrections, list):
+                corrections, extra_stuff = corrections
+                data_hash.merge(extra_stuff)
             data_hash["corrections"] = corrections
             # write previews first so addons cannot mess with them
diff --git a/src/calng/corrections/AgipdCorrection.py b/src/calng/corrections/AgipdCorrection.py
index 75a2032c8f77c218b789ec97c7acc2b4dc3b8639..7568df56e0b4e1fe925b5a240c92c81e861087dd 100644
--- a/src/calng/corrections/AgipdCorrection.py
+++ b/src/calng/corrections/AgipdCorrection.py
@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ from karabo.bound import (
+    Hash,
@@ -606,6 +608,15 @@ class AgipdGpuRunner(AgipdBaseRunner):
+        self.gain_count_kernel = self._xp.RawKernel(
+            code=base_kernel_runner.get_kernel_template("gaincount.cu").render(
+                ss_dim=self.num_pixels_ss,
+                fs_dim=self.num_pixels_fs,
+                block_size=128,  # TODO: tune
+                num_gain_stages=3,
+            ),
+            name="count_pixels_per_gain_stage",
+        )
     def _correct(self, flags, image_data, cell_table, processed_data, gain_map):
         num_frames = self._xp.uint16(image_data.shape[0])
@@ -653,6 +664,62 @@ class AgipdGpuRunner(AgipdBaseRunner):
+    def correct(self, image_data, cell_table, *additional_data):
+        """Temporary override to utilize gain map for monitoring"""
+        num_frames = image_data.shape[0]
+        processed_buffers = self._make_output_buffers(
+            num_frames, self._correction_flag_preview
+        )
+        image_data = self._xp.asarray(image_data)
+        additional_data = [self._xp.asarray(data) for data in additional_data]
+        cell_table = self._xp.asarray(cell_table)
+        self._correct(
+            self._correction_flag_preview,
+            image_data,
+            cell_table,
+            *additional_data,
+            *processed_buffers,
+        )
+        num_frames = image_data.shape[0]
+        preview_buffers = self._preview_data_views(
+            image_data, *additional_data, *processed_buffers
+        )
+        if self._correction_flag_preview != self._correction_flag_enabled:
+            processed_buffers = self._make_output_buffers(
+                num_frames, self._correction_flag_enabled
+            )
+            self._correct(
+                self._correction_flag_enabled,
+                image_data,
+                cell_table,
+                *additional_data,
+                *processed_buffers,
+            )
+        # this buffer only used for this, not preview
+        gain_count_buffer = self._xp.empty(
+            (num_frames, 3), dtype=np.uint32
+        )
+        self.gain_count_kernel(
+            (num_frames, 1, 1),
+            (1, 128, 1),
+            (
+                processed_buffers[1],
+                num_frames,
+                gain_count_buffer,
+            )
+        )
+        extra = Hash("numPixelsPerGainStage", gain_count_buffer.get())
+        return (
+            [
+                self._correction_applied_hash,
+                extra,
+            ],
+            processed_buffers[0],
+            preview_buffers,
+        )
 class AgipdCalcatFriend(base_calcat.BaseCalcatFriend):
     _constant_enum_class = Constants
@@ -781,10 +848,20 @@ class AgipdCalcatFriend(base_calcat.BaseCalcatFriend):
         return res
+def custom_output_schema(use_shmem_handles):
+    res = schemas.xtdf_output_schema(use_shmem_handles)
+    (
+        NDARRAY_ELEMENT(res)
+        .key("numPixelsPerGainStage")
+        .commit(),
+    )
+    return res
 @KARABO_CLASSINFO("AgipdCorrection", deviceVersion)
 class AgipdCorrection(base_correction.BaseCorrection):
     # subclass *must* set these attributes
-    _base_output_schema = schemas.xtdf_output_schema
+    _base_output_schema = custom_output_schema
     _calcat_friend_class = AgipdCalcatFriend
     _constant_enum_class = Constants
     _correction_steps = correction_steps
diff --git a/src/calng/kernels/gaincount.cu b/src/calng/kernels/gaincount.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f88e84a3ece29074eabd48e566fc1f606057803d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calng/kernels/gaincount.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+extern "C" {
+    __global__ void count_pixels_per_gain_stage(const float* gain_map,  // num_frames x ss_dim x fs_dim
+                                                const unsigned short num_frames,
+                                                unsigned int* counts) {  // output: num_frames x num_gain_stages
+        if (blockIdx.x >= num_frames) {
+            return;
+        }
+        const size_t ss_dim = {{ss_dim}};
+        const size_t fs_dim = {{fs_dim}};
+        const float* frame_start = gain_map + ss_dim * fs_dim * blockIdx.x;
+        // block x: handle frame x
+        // block y: block within frame x (merge slow scan / fast scan, it doesn't matter)
+        // so blockDim y is size of group for parallel reduction
+        assert(blockDim.x == 1);
+        assert(blockDim.y == {{block_size}});
+        // first: grid-stride loop to compute local part
+        unsigned int my_res[{{num_gain_stages}}] = {0};
+        for (int i = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; i < ss_dim * fs_dim; i += blockDim.y * gridDim.y) {
+            const float gain_value = frame_start[i];
+            if (isnan(gain_value) || gain_value >= {{num_gain_stages}}) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            my_res[static_cast<int>(gain_value)] += 1;
+        }
+        // share with the class
+        // each thread will write num_gain_stages adjacent values
+        __shared__ unsigned int group_res[{{block_size * num_gain_stages}}];
+        for (int i=0; i<{{num_gain_stages}}; ++i) {
+            group_res[threadIdx.y * {{num_gain_stages}} + i] = my_res[i];
+        }
+        // now for parallel reduction
+        __syncthreads();
+        int active_threads = blockDim.y;
+        while (active_threads > 1) {
+            active_threads /= 2;
+            if (threadIdx.y < active_threads) {
+                for (int i=0; i<{{num_gain_stages}}; ++i) {
+                    group_res[threadIdx.y * {{num_gain_stages}} + i] += group_res[(threadIdx.y + active_threads) * {{num_gain_stages}} + i];
+                }
+            }
+            __syncthreads();
+        }
+        // and write out the result
+        if (threadIdx.y == 0) {
+            for (int i=0; i<{{num_gain_stages}}; ++i) {
+                counts[blockIdx.x * {{num_gain_stages}} + i] = group_res[i];
+            }
+        }
+    }