import pathlib import jinja2 import numpy as np import posixshmem import pycuda.gpuarray import shmem_utils import utils class PyCudaPipeline: """Class to handle instantiation and execution of CUDA kernels on trains Objects of this class will also maintain their own circular buffers of ndarrays in shared memory to allow zero-copy handover of corrected data. """ _src_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent with (_src_dir / "gpu-dssc-correct.cpp").open("r") as fd: _kernel_template = jinja2.Template( def __init__( self, pixels_x, pixels_y, memory_cells, pulse_filter, output_buffer_size=20, output_buffer_name=None, input_data_dtype=np.uint16, output_data_dtype=np.float32, ): self.pixels_x = pixels_x self.pixels_y = pixels_y self.memory_cells = memory_cells self.constant_memory_cells = 0 self.pulse_filter = pulse_filter self.output_shape = (self.pixels_x, self.pixels_y, self.pulse_filter.size) self.map_shape = (self.pixels_x, self.pixels_y, self.constant_memory_cells) # preview will only be single memory cell self.preview_shape = self.output_shape[:-1] self.input_data_dtype = input_data_dtype self.output_data_dtype = output_data_dtype self._init_kernels() self.offset_map = pycuda.gpuarray.empty(self.map_shape, dtype=np.float32) # reuse output arrays self.gpu_result = pycuda.gpuarray.empty( self.output_shape, dtype=output_data_dtype ) self.gpu_frame_sums = pycuda.gpuarray.empty( self.pulse_filter.size, dtype=np.float32 ) self.gpu_preview_raw = pycuda.gpuarray.empty( self.preview_shape, dtype=np.float32 ) self.gpu_preview_corrected = pycuda.gpuarray.empty( self.preview_shape, dtype=np.float32 ) self.preview_raw = np.empty(self.preview_shape, dtype=np.float32) self.preview_corrected = np.empty(self.preview_shape, dtype=np.float32) self.output_buffer_mem = posixshmem.SharedMemory( name=output_buffer_name, size=self.gpu_result.nbytes * output_buffer_size, rw=True, ) self.output_buffer_ary = self.output_buffer_mem.ndarray( shape=(output_buffer_size,) + self.gpu_result.shape, dtype=self.gpu_result.dtype, ) self.output_buffer_handle_template = ( shmem_utils.handle_template_from_shmem_array( self.output_buffer_mem, self.output_buffer_ary ) ) self.output_buffer_next_index = 0 self.update_block_size(full_block=(1, 1, 64), preview_block=(1, 64, 1)) def load_constants(self, offset_map_host): constant_memory_cells = offset_map_host.shape[-1] if constant_memory_cells != self.constant_memory_cells: self.constant_memory_cells = constant_memory_cells self.map_shape = (self.pixels_x, self.pixels_y, self.constant_memory_cells) self.offset_map = pycuda.gpuarray.empty(self.map_shape, dtype=np.float32) self._init_kernels() self.offset_map.set(offset_map_host) def _init_kernels(self): kernel_source = self._kernel_template.render( { "pixels_x": self.pixels_x, "pixels_y": self.pixels_y, "memory_cells": self.memory_cells, "constant_memory_cells": self.constant_memory_cells, "input_data_dtype": utils.numpy_dtype_to_c_type_str[ self.input_data_dtype ], "output_data_dtype": utils.numpy_dtype_to_c_type_str[ self.output_data_dtype ], "pulse_filter": self.pulse_filter, } ) self.source_module = pycuda.compiler.SourceModule( kernel_source, no_extern_c=True ) self.reshaping_kernel = self.source_module.get_function("reshape_4_3") self.correction_kernel = self.source_module.get_function("correct") self.casting_kernel = self.source_module.get_function("only_cast") self.preview_slice_raw_kernel = self.source_module.get_function( "cell_slice_preview_raw" ) self.preview_slice_corrected_kernel = self.source_module.get_function( "cell_slice_preview_corrected" ) self.preview_stat_raw_kernel = self.source_module.get_function( "cell_stat_preview_raw" ) self.preview_stat_corrected_kernel = self.source_module.get_function( "cell_stat_preview_corrected" ) self.frame_sum_kernel = self.source_module.get_function("sum_frames") def update_block_size(self, full_block=None, preview_block=None): """Execution is scheduled with 3d "blocks" of CUDA threads, tuning can affect performance Grid size is automatically computed based on block size. Note that individual kernels must themselves check whether they go out of bounds; grid dimensions get rounded up in case ndarray size is not multiple of block size. """ if full_block is not None: assert len(full_block) == 3 self.full_block = tuple(full_block) self.full_grid = tuple( utils.ceil_div(a_length, block_length) for (a_length, block_length) in zip(self.output_shape, full_block) ) if preview_block is not None: self.preview_block = tuple(preview_block) self.preview_grid = ( utils.ceil_div(self.output_shape[0], preview_block[0]), utils.ceil_div(self.output_shape[1], preview_block[1]), 1, ) # TODO: make configurable self.cell_reduction_block = (1, 1, 32) self.cell_reduction_grid = ( 1, 1, utils.ceil_div(self.output_shape[-1], self.cell_reduction_block[-1]), ) def reshape(self, input_data, output_data): """Do the reshaping and pulse filtering that the splitter would have done equivalent to: output_data[:] = np.moveaxis( np.squeeze(input_data), (0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 0) )[..., pulse_filter] """ # TODO: Move to somewhere else self.reshaping_kernel( input_data, output_data, block=self.full_block, grid=self.full_grid ) def correct(self, data, cell_table): """Apply corrections to data Applies corrections to input data and casts to desired output dtype. Parameter cell_table allows out of order or non-contiguous memory cells in input data. Both input ndarrays are assumed to be on GPU already, preferably wrapped in GPU arrays (pycuda.gpuarray). Will return string encoded handle to shared memory output buffer and (view of) said buffer as an ndarray. Keep in mind that the output buffers will get overwritten eventually (circular buffer). """ self.correction_kernel( data, cell_table, self.offset_map, self.gpu_result, block=self.full_block, grid=self.full_grid, ) buffer_index = self.output_buffer_next_index output_buffer = self.output_buffer_ary[buffer_index] handle = self.output_buffer_handle_template.format(index=buffer_index) self.gpu_result.get(ary=output_buffer) self.output_buffer_next_index = ( self.output_buffer_next_index + 1 ) % self.output_buffer_ary.shape[0] return handle, output_buffer def only_cast(self, data): """Like correct without the correction This currently means just casting to output dtype. """ self.casting_kernel( data, self.gpu_result, block=self.full_block, grid=self.full_grid, ) buffer_index = self.output_buffer_next_index output_buffer = self.output_buffer_ary[buffer_index] handle = self.output_buffer_handle_template.format(index=buffer_index) self.gpu_result.get(ary=output_buffer) self.output_buffer_next_index = ( self.output_buffer_next_index + 1 ) % self.output_buffer_ary.shape[0] return handle, output_buffer def compute_preview( self, raw_data, preview_index, reuse_corrected=True, cell_table=None, ): """Generate single slice or reduction preview of raw and corrected data Special values of preview_index are -1 for max, -2 for mean, -3 for sum, and -4 for stdev (across cells). Note that preview_index is taken from data without checking cell table. Caller has to figure out which index along memory cell dimension they actually want to preview. raw_data should be a gpuarray Assumes that correction has just happened - meaning self.gpu_result contains corrected data (corrected from raw_data). """ if preview_index < -4: raise ValueError(f"No statistic with code {preview_index} defined") elif preview_index >= self.memory_cells: raise ValueError(f"Memory cell index {preview_index} out of range") if not reuse_corrected: # if we didn't already correct, need to do so to get corrected data in buffer if self.offset_map.size == 0 or cell_table is None: self.casting_kernel( raw_data, self.gpu_result, block=self.full_block, grid=self.full_grid, ) if self.offset_map.size == 0: print( "Warning: no offset map loaded, corrected preview " "will be not actually have correction applied." ) if cell_table is None: print( "Warning: missing parameter cell_table for applying " "correction for preview." ) else: self.correction_kernel( raw_data, cell_table, self.offset_map, self.gpu_result, block=self.full_block, grid=self.full_grid, ) # TODO: enum around reduction type if preview_index >= 0: self.preview_slice_raw_kernel( raw_data, np.int16(preview_index), self.gpu_preview_raw, block=self.preview_block, grid=self.preview_grid, ) self.preview_slice_corrected_kernel( self.gpu_result, np.int16(preview_index), self.gpu_preview_corrected, block=self.preview_block, grid=self.preview_grid, ) elif preview_index == -1: # TODO: select argmax independently for raw and corrected? # TODO: send frame sums somewhere to compute global max frame self.frame_sum_kernel( self.gpu_result, self.gpu_frame_sums, block=self.cell_reduction_block, grid=self.cell_reduction_grid, ) max_index = np.argmax(self.gpu_frame_sums.get()) self.preview_slice_raw_kernel( raw_data, np.int16(max_index), self.gpu_preview_raw, block=self.preview_block, grid=self.preview_grid, ) self.preview_slice_corrected_kernel( self.gpu_result, np.int16(max_index), self.gpu_preview_corrected, block=self.preview_block, grid=self.preview_grid, ) elif preview_index in (-2, -3, -4): self.preview_stat_raw_kernel( raw_data, # this is input_data_dtype np.int16(preview_index), self.gpu_preview_raw, block=self.preview_block, grid=self.preview_grid, ) self.preview_stat_corrected_kernel( self.gpu_result, # this is output_data_dtype np.int16(preview_index), self.gpu_preview_corrected, block=self.preview_block, grid=self.preview_grid, ) self.gpu_preview_raw.get(ary=self.preview_raw) self.gpu_preview_corrected.get(ary=self.preview_corrected) return self.preview_raw, self.preview_corrected