diff --git a/src/xfel_calibrate/calibrate.py b/src/xfel_calibrate/calibrate.py
index 004193424919dc4339e2fe425a41750b67a3f190..e0e43e1f71d29598e73febd050b4e1c5f16cbccf 100755
--- a/src/xfel_calibrate/calibrate.py
+++ b/src/xfel_calibrate/calibrate.py
@@ -89,7 +89,12 @@ def make_initial_parser(**kwargs):
     parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
-    parser.add_argument('--reservation', type=str, default="")
+    parser.add_argument('--slurm-partition', type=str, default="",
+                        help="Submit jobs in this Slurm partition")
+    parser.add_argument('--reservation', type=str, default="",
+                        help="Submit jobs in this Slurm reservation, "
+                             "overriding --slurm-partition if both are set")
     return parser
@@ -573,7 +578,34 @@ def save_executed_command(run_tmp_path, version):
         finfile.write(' '.join(sys.argv))
-def get_launcher_command(args, temp_path, dep_jids):
+def get_slurm_partition_or_reservation(args) -> List[str]:
+    """Return sbatch arguments to use a partition or reservation
+    --reservation and --slurm-partition options have precedence.
+    Otherwise, if --priority is <=1, it will use a configured reservation
+    depending on how many nodes are currently free.
+    """
+    ureservation = args['reservation']
+    upartition = args['slurm_partition']
+    priority = args['priority']
+    relevant_resv = reservation_char if priority <= 0 else reservation
+    if ureservation:
+        return ['--reservation', ureservation]
+    elif upartition:
+        return ['--partition', upartition]
+    elif (priority <= 1) and relevant_resv:
+        # Use a reservation if there aren't many general nodes available to us
+        free = int(check_output(free_nodes_cmd, shell=True).decode('utf8'))
+        preempt = int(check_output(preempt_nodes_cmd, shell=True).decode('utf8'))
+        if free + preempt < max_reserved:
+            return ['--reservation', relevant_resv]
+    # Fallback to using the configured partition (default: exfel)
+    return ['--partition', sprof]
+def get_launcher_command(args, temp_path, dep_jids) -> List[str]:
     Return a slurm launcher command
     :param args: Command line arguments
@@ -582,40 +614,24 @@ def get_launcher_command(args, temp_path, dep_jids):
     :return: List of commands and parameters to be used by subprocess
-    launcher_slurm = launcher_command.format(temp_path=temp_path)
+    launcher_slurm = launcher_command.format(temp_path=temp_path).split()
-    # calculate number of general nodes available
-    free = int(check_output(free_nodes_cmd, shell=True).decode('utf8'))
-    preempt = int(check_output(preempt_nodes_cmd, shell=True).decode('utf8'))
-    ureservation = args['reservation']
-    priority = args['priority']
-    if (ureservation == "" and
-            (free + preempt >= max_reserved or
-             priority > 1 or
-             reservation == "")):
-        launcher_slurm += " --partition {}".format(sprof)
-    else:
-        this_res = reservation if priority == 1 else reservation_char
-        if ureservation != "":
-            this_res = ureservation
-        launcher_slurm += " --reservation={}".format(this_res)
+    launcher_slurm += get_slurm_partition_or_reservation(args)
     job_name = args.get('slurm_name', 'xfel_calibrate')
-    launcher_slurm += " --job-name {}".format(job_name)
+    launcher_slurm += ["--job-name", job_name]
     if args.get('slurm_priority'):
-        launcher_slurm += " --nice={}".format(args.get('slurm_priority'))
+        launcher_slurm += ["--nice", args.get('slurm_priority')]
-    launcher_slurm += " --mem {}G".format(args.get('slurm_mem', '500'))
+    launcher_slurm.append("--mem={}G".format(args.get('slurm_mem', '500')))
     if len(dep_jids):
-        srun_dep = " --dependency=afterok"
-        for jobid in dep_jids:
-            srun_dep += ":{}".format(jobid)
-        launcher_slurm += srun_dep
+        launcher_slurm.append(
+            "--dependency=afterok:" + ":".join(str(j) for j in dep_jids)
+        )
-    return launcher_slurm.split()
+    return launcher_slurm
 def remove_duplications(l):