diff --git a/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_Gain_Correct_and_Verify_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_Gain_Correct_and_Verify_NBC.ipynb
index 4189dd347f4deb7bdd4c744a2e26e0b4894ceff4..2c485c79b17d0a474e0a85d59c2da8407c678218 100644
--- a/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_Gain_Correct_and_Verify_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_Gain_Correct_and_Verify_NBC.ipynb
@@ -27,11 +27,9 @@
     "karabo_id = \"SPB_IRDA_JF4M\"  # karabo prefix of Jungfrau devices\n",
     "karabo_da = ['JNGFR01', 'JNGFR02', 'JNGFR03', 'JNGFR04', 'JNGFR05', 'JNGFR06', 'JNGFR07', 'JNGFR08']  # data aggregators\n",
     "receiver_template = \"JNGFR{:02d}\"  # Detector receiver template for accessing raw data files. e.g. \"JNGFR{:02d}\"\n",
-    "path_template = 'RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5'  # template to use for file name\n",
     "instrument_source_template = '{}/DET/{}:daqOutput'  # template for source name (filled with karabo_id & receiver_id). e.g. 'SPB_IRDA_JF4M/DET/JNGFR01:daqOutput'\n",
-    "ctrl_source_template = '{}/DET/CONTROL'  # template for control source name (filled with karabo_id).\n",
+    "ctrl_source_template = '{}/DET/CONTROL'  # template for control source name (filled with karabo_id_control)\n",
     "karabo_id_control = \"\"  # if control is on a different ID, set to empty string if it is the same a karabo-id\n",
-    "karabo_da_control = \"JNGFRCTRL00\"  # file inset for control data\n",
     "# Parameters for calibration database.\n",
     "use_dir_creation_date = True  # use the creation data of the input dir for database queries\n",
@@ -44,11 +42,12 @@
     "plt_images = 100  # Number of images to plot after applying selected corrections.\n",
     "limit_images = 0  # ONLY FOR TESTING. process only first N images, Use 0 to process all.\n",
-    "\n",
     "# Parameters for retrieving calibration constants\n",
     "manual_slow_data = False  # if true, use manually entered bias_voltage and integration_time values\n",
     "integration_time = 4.96  # integration time in us, will be overwritten by value in file\n",
     "gain_setting = 0  # 0 for dynamic gain, 1 for dynamic HG0, will be overwritten by value in file\n",
+    "gain_mode = 0  # 0 for runs with dynamic gain setting, 1 for fixgain. It will be overwritten by value in file, if manual_slow_data is set to True.
     "mem_cells = 0  # leave memory cells equal 0, as it is saved in control information starting 2019.\n",
     "bias_voltage = 180  # will be overwritten by value in file\n",
@@ -196,12 +195,15 @@
     "if not manual_slow_data:\n",
     "    integration_time = ctrl_data.get_integration_time()\n",
     "    bias_voltage = ctrl_data.get_bias_voltage()\n",
-    "    gain_str, gain_setting = ctrl_data.get_gain_setting()\n",
+    "    gain_setting = ctrl_data.get_gain_setting()\n",
+    "    gain_mode = ctrl_data.get_gain_mode()\n",
     "print(f\"Integration time is {integration_time} us\")\n",
-    "print(f\"Gain setting is {gain_setting} ({gain_str})\")\n",
+    "print(f\"Gain setting is {gain_setting} (run settings: \"\n",
+    "      f\"{ctrl_data.run_settings.value if ctrl_data.run_settings else ctrl_data.run_settings})\")  # noqa\n",
+    "print(f\"Gain mode is {gain_mode}\")\n",
     "print(f\"Bias voltage is {bias_voltage} V\")\n",
-    "print(f\"Number of memory cells is {memory_cells}\")"
+    "print(f\"Number of memory cells are {memory_cells}\")"
@@ -217,12 +219,19 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "condition = Conditions.Dark.jungfrau(\n",
-    "    memory_cells=memory_cells,\n",
-    "    bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
-    "    integration_time=integration_time,\n",
-    "    gain_setting=gain_setting,\n",
-    ")\n",
+    "condition = {\n",
+    "    \"memory_cells\": memory_cells,\n",
+    "    \"bias_voltage\": bias_voltage,\n",
+    "    \"integration_time\": integration_time,\n",
+    "    \"gain_setting\": gain_setting,\n",
+    "}\n",
+    "# TODO: Currently there are no gain constants for fixed gain mode.\n",
+    "# This should not be the case in the future.\n",
+    "gain_condition = Conditions.Dark.jungfrau(**condition)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "condition[\"gain_mode\"] = gain_mode\n",
+    "dark_condition = Conditions.Dark.jungfrau(**condition)\n",
+    "\n",
     "def get_constants_for_module(karabo_da: str):\n",
     "    \"\"\" Get calibration constants for given module of Jungfrau\n",
@@ -240,25 +249,28 @@
     "        get_constant_from_db_and_time,\n",
     "        karabo_id=karabo_id,\n",
     "        karabo_da=karabo_da,\n",
-    "        condition=condition,\n",
     "        cal_db_interface=cal_db_interface,\n",
     "        creation_time=creation_time,\n",
     "        timeout=cal_db_timeout,\n",
     "        print_once=False,\n",
     "    )\n",
     "    offset_map, when[\"Offset\"] = retrieval_function(\n",
+    "        condition=dark_condition,\n",
     "        constant=Constants.jungfrau.Offset(),\n",
-    "        empty_constant=np.zeros((1024, 512, 1, 3))\n",
+    "        empty_constant=np.zeros((512, 1024, memory_cells, 3))\n",
     "    )\n",
     "    mask, when[\"BadPixelsDark\"] = retrieval_function(\n",
+    "        condition=dark_condition,\n",
     "        constant=Constants.jungfrau.BadPixelsDark(),\n",
-    "        empty_constant=np.zeros((1024, 512, 1, 3)),\n",
+    "        empty_constant=np.zeros((512, 1024, memory_cells, 3), dtype=np.uint32),\n",
     "    )\n",
     "    mask_ff, when[\"BadPixelsFF\"] = retrieval_function(\n",
+    "        condition=gain_condition,\n",
     "        constant=Constants.jungfrau.BadPixelsFF(),\n",
     "        empty_constant=None\n",
     "    )\n",
     "    gain_map, when[\"Gain\"] = retrieval_function(\n",
+    "        condition=gain_condition,\n",
     "        constant=Constants.jungfrau.RelativeGain(),\n",
     "        empty_constant=None\n",
     "    )\n",
@@ -267,20 +279,22 @@
     "    if mask_ff is not None:\n",
     "        mask |= np.moveaxis(mask_ff, 0, 1)\n",
-    "    # move from x,y,cell,gain to cell,x,y,gain\n",
-    "    offset_map = np.squeeze(offset_map)\n",
-    "    mask = np.squeeze(mask)\n",
-    "\n",
     "    if memory_cells > 1:\n",
-    "        offset_map = np.moveaxis(np.moveaxis(offset_map, 0, 2), 0, 2)\n",
-    "        mask = np.moveaxis(np.moveaxis(mask, 0, 2), 0, 2)\n",
+    "        # move from x, y, cell, gain to cell, x, y, gain\n",
+    "        offset_map = np.moveaxis(offset_map, [0, 1], [1, 2])\n",
+    "        mask = np.moveaxis(mask, [0, 1], [1, 2])\n",
+    "    else:\n",
+    "        offset_map = np.squeeze(offset_map)\n",
+    "        mask = np.squeeze(mask)\n",
     "    if gain_map is not None:\n",
     "        if memory_cells > 1:\n",
-    "            gain_map = np.moveaxis(np.moveaxis(gain_map, 0, 2), 0, 1)\n",
+    "            gain_map = np.moveaxis(gain_map, [0, 2], [2, 0])\n",
+    "            # add extra empty cell constant\n",
+    "            b = np.ones(((1,)+gain_map.shape[1:]))\n",
+    "            gain_map = np.concatenate((gain_map, b), axis=0)\n",
     "        else:\n",
-    "            gain_map = np.squeeze(gain_map)\n",
-    "            gain_map = np.moveaxis(gain_map, 1, 0)\n",
+    "            gain_map = np.moveaxis(np.squeeze(gain_map), 1, 0)\n",
     "    return offset_map, mask, gain_map, karabo_da, when\n",
@@ -309,28 +323,27 @@
    "source": [
     "# Correct a chunk of images for offset and gain\n",
     "def correct_train(wid, index, d):\n",
-    "    d = d.astype(np.float32)  # [2, x, y]\n",
+    "    d = d.astype(np.float32)  # [cells, x, y]\n",
     "    g = gain[index]\n",
-    "    m = memcells[index]\n",
+    "    # Jungfrau gains 0[00], 1[01], 3[11]\n",
     "    g[g==3] = 2\n",
-    "    if 0 <= index < plt_images:\n",
-    "        r_data[index, ...] = d[0, ...]\n",
-    "        if memory_cells == 1:\n",
-    "            g_data[index, ...] = g\n",
-    "        else:\n",
-    "            g_data[index, ...] = g[0, ...]\n",
     "    # Select memory cells\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    # TODO: This needs to be revisited.\n",
-    "    # As this result in copying data to a new array on every train,\n",
-    "    # even when there's the same pattern of memory cells on every train.\n",
     "    if memory_cells > 1:\n",
-    "        m[m>16] = 0  # TODO: this is wrong and needs to be updated with burst mode.\n",
-    "        # For an invalid image a memory cell of 255 is set.\n",
-    "        # These images doesn't need to be processed.\n",
-    "        offset_map_cell = offset_map[m, ...]\n",
+    "        \"\"\"\n",
+    "        Even though it is correct to assume that memory cells pattern \n",
+    "        can be the same across all trains (for one correction run\n",
+    "        taken with one acquisition), it is preferred to not assume\n",
+    "        this to account for exceptions that can happen.\n",
+    "        \"\"\"\n",
+    "        m = memcells[index].copy()\n",
+    "        # 255 is a cell value pointing to no cell image data (image of 0 pixels).\n",
+    "        # Corresponding image will be corrected with constant of cell 0. To avoid values of 0.\n",
+    "        # This line is depending on not storing the modified memory cells in the corrected data.\n",
+    "        m[m==255] = 0\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        offset_map_cell = offset_map[m, ...]  # [16 + empty cell, x, y]\n",
     "        mask_cell = mask[m, ...]\n",
     "    else:\n",
     "        offset_map_cell = offset_map\n",
@@ -338,6 +351,7 @@
     "    # Offset correction\n",
     "    offset = np.choose(g, np.moveaxis(offset_map_cell, -1, 0))\n",
+    "\n",
     "    d -= offset\n",
     "    # Gain correction\n",
@@ -347,7 +361,6 @@
     "        else:\n",
     "            gain_map_cell = gain_map\n",
     "        cal = np.choose(g, np.moveaxis(gain_map_cell, -1, 0))\n",
-    "\n",
     "        d /= cal\n",
     "    msk = np.choose(g, np.moveaxis(mask_cell, -1, 0))\n",
@@ -379,9 +392,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
    "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {
-    "tags": []
-   },
+   "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "fim_data = {}\n",
@@ -432,14 +443,6 @@
     "        offset_map, mask, gain_map = constants[local_karabo_da]\n",
     "        # Allocate shared arrays.\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        # Shared arrays for plotting.\n",
-    "        g_data = context.alloc(\n",
-    "            shape=(plt_images, dshape[2], dshape[3]), dtype=np.uint8)\n",
-    "        r_data = context.alloc(\n",
-    "            shape=(plt_images, dshape[2], dshape[3]), dtype=np.float32)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        # shared arrays for corrected data.\n",
     "        data_corr = context.alloc(shape=dshape, dtype=np.float32)\n",
     "        mask_corr = context.alloc(shape=dshape, dtype=np.uint32)\n",
@@ -451,6 +454,8 @@
     "        gain = seq_dc[instrument_src_kda, \"data.gain\"].ndarray()\n",
     "        memcells = seq_dc[instrument_src_kda, \"data.memoryCell\"].ndarray()\n",
+    "        rim_data[local_karabo_da] = data[:plt_images, 0, ...].copy()\n",
+    "\n",
     "        context.map(correct_train, data)\n",
     "        step_timer.done_step(f'Correction time.')\n",
@@ -482,12 +487,13 @@
     "        # Prepare plotting arrays\n",
     "        step_timer.start()\n",
+    "\n",
     "        # TODO: Print out which cell is being selected for plotting\n",
     "        fim_data[local_karabo_da] = data_corr[:plt_images, 0, ...].copy()\n",
     "        msk_data[local_karabo_da] = mask_corr[:plt_images, 0, ...].copy()\n",
-    "        gim_data[local_karabo_da] = g_data\n",
-    "        rim_data[local_karabo_da] = r_data\n",
-    "        step_timer.done_step(f'Preparing plotting data of {plt_images} images:.')"
+    "        gim_data[local_karabo_da] = gain[:plt_images, 0, ...].copy()\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        step_timer.done_step(f'Preparing plotting data of {plt_images} images.')"
@@ -552,7 +558,7 @@
     "    do_2d_plot(\n",
     "        h, (ex, ey),\n",
     "        \"Signal (ADU)\",\n",
-    "        \"Gain Bit Value\",\n",
+    "        \"Gain Bit Value (high gain=0[00], medium gain=1[01], low gain=3[11])\",\n",
     "        f\"Module {mod}\")"
diff --git a/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_dark_analysis_all_gains_burst_mode_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_dark_analysis_all_gains_burst_mode_NBC.ipynb
index f756d2cb3260ba34ff6cd488940e6a8e04017477..b90a78ed89c02977a660005112e699aac5d4cc47 100644
--- a/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_dark_analysis_all_gains_burst_mode_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_dark_analysis_all_gains_burst_mode_NBC.ipynb
@@ -28,11 +28,8 @@
     "karabo_id = 'SPB_IRDA_JF4M'  # karabo_id (detector identifier) prefix of Jungfrau detector to process.\n",
     "karabo_id_control = ''  # if control is on a different ID, set to empty string if it is the same a karabo-id\n",
     "receiver_template = 'JNGFR{:02}' # inset for receiver devices\n",
-    "receiver_control_id = \"CONTROL\" # inset for control devices\n",
-    "path_template = 'RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{{:05d}}.h5'  # template to use for file name, double escape sequence number\n",
     "instrument_source_template = '{}/DET/{}:daqOutput'  # template for instrument source name (filled with karabo_id & receiver_id). e.g. 'SPB_IRDA_JF4M/DET/JNGFR01:daqOutput'\n",
-    "ctrl_source_template = '{}/DET/CONTROL'  # template for control source name (filled with karabo_id).\n",
-    "karabo_da_control = 'JNGFRCTRL00'  # file inset for control data\n",
+    "ctrl_source_template = '{}/DET/CONTROL'  # template for control source name (filled with karabo_id_control)\n",
     "# Parameters for calibration database and storing constants.\n",
     "use_dir_creation_date = True  # use dir creation date\n",
@@ -45,19 +42,21 @@
     "badpixel_threshold_sigma = 5.  # bad pixels defined by values outside n times this std from median\n",
     "offset_abs_threshold_low = [1000, 10000, 10000]  # absolute bad pixel threshold in terms of offset, lower values\n",
     "offset_abs_threshold_high = [8000, 15000, 15000]  # absolute bad pixel threshold in terms of offset, upper values\n",
-    "max_trains = 500  # maximum trains to process darks from.\n",
+    "max_trains = 0  # Maximum trains to process darks. Set to 0 to process all available train images.\n",
     "min_trains = 1  # Minimum number of trains that should be available to process dark constants. Default 1.\n",
     "manual_slow_data = False  # if true, use manually entered bias_voltage and integration_time values\n",
     "time_limits = 0.025  # to find calibration constants later on, the integration time is allowed to vary by 0.5 us\n",
     "# Parameters to be used for injecting dark calibration constants.\n",
     "integration_time = 1000 # integration time in us, will be overwritten by value in file\n",
-    "gain_setting = 0  # 0 for dynamic, forceswitchg1, forceswitchg2, 1 for dynamichg0, fixedgain1, fixgain2. Will be overwritten by value in file\n",
+    "gain_setting = 0  # 0 for dynamic, forceswitchg1, forceswitchg2, 1 for dynamichg0, fixgain1, fixgain2. Will be overwritten by value in file\n",
+    "gain_mode = 0  # 1 if medium and low runs are  fixgain1 and fixgain2, otherwise 0. It will be overwritten by value in file, if manual_slow_data\n",
     "bias_voltage = 90  # sensor bias voltage in V, will be overwritten by value in file\n",
     "memory_cells = 16  # number of memory cells\n",
-    "# Don't remove. myMDC sends this by default.\n",
-    "operation_mode = ''  # Detector operation mode, optional\n",
+    "# TODO: this is used for only Warning check at AGIPD dark.\n",
+    "# Need to rethink if it makes sense to use it here as well.\n",
+    "operation_mode = 'ADAPTIVE_GAIN'  # Detector operation mode, optional\n",
     "# TODO: Remove\n",
     "db_module = [\"\"]  # ID of module in calibration database.  TODO: remove from calibration_configurations."
@@ -75,12 +74,14 @@
     "import os\n",
     "import warnings\n",
     "from pathlib import Path\n",
-    "\n",
     "import matplotlib\n",
     "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
+    "import multiprocessing\n",
     "import numpy as np\n",
+    "import pasha as psh\n",
+    "from IPython.display import Markdown, display\n",
     "from extra_data import RunDirectory\n",
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
     "from XFELDetAna.plotting.histogram import histPlot\n",
     "from cal_tools import jungfraulib, step_timing\n",
     "from cal_tools.ana_tools import save_dict_to_hdf5\n",
-    "from cal_tools.enums import BadPixels\n",
+    "from cal_tools.enums import BadPixels, JungfrauSettings\n",
     "from cal_tools.tools import (\n",
     "    get_dir_creation_date,\n",
     "    get_pdu_from_db,\n",
@@ -113,6 +114,11 @@
     "sensor_size = (1024, 512)\n",
     "gains = [0, 1, 2]\n",
+    "fixed_settings = [\n",
+    "    JungfrauSettings.FIX_GAIN_1.value, JungfrauSettings.FIX_GAIN_2.value]  # noqa\n",
+    "dynamic_settings = [\n",
+    "    JungfrauSettings.FORCE_SWITCH_HG1.value, JungfrauSettings.FORCE_SWITCH_HG2.value]  # noqa\n",
+    "\n",
     "creation_time = None\n",
     "if use_dir_creation_date:\n",
     "    creation_time = get_dir_creation_date(in_folder, run_high)\n",
@@ -122,8 +128,6 @@
     "cal_db_interface = get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface)\n",
     "print(f'Calibration database interface: {cal_db_interface}')\n",
-    "offset_abs_threshold = [offset_abs_threshold_low, offset_abs_threshold_high]\n",
-    "\n",
     "if karabo_id_control == \"\":\n",
     "    karabo_id_control = karabo_id"
@@ -157,29 +161,28 @@
    "source": [
     "gain_runs = dict()\n",
-    "noise_map = dict()\n",
-    "offset_map = dict()\n",
-    "gain_str = None\n",
+    "\n",
+    "med_low_settings = []\n",
+    "\n",
     "ctrl_src = ctrl_source_template.format(karabo_id_control)\n",
     "for gain, run_n in enumerate(run_nums):\n",
     "    run_dc = RunDirectory(f\"{in_folder}/r{run_n:04d}/\")\n",
     "    gain_runs[run_n] = [gain, run_dc]\n",
-    "\n",
+    "    ctrl_data = jungfraulib.JungfrauCtrl(run_dc, ctrl_src)\n",
+    "    run_settings = ctrl_data.run_settings.value if ctrl_data.run_settings else ctrl_data.run_settings  # noqa\n",
     "    # Read control data for the high gain run only.\n",
     "    if run_n == run_high:\n",
-    "        ctrl_data = jungfraulib.JungfrauCtrl(run_dc, ctrl_src)\n",
+    "\n",
     "        run_mcells, sc_start = ctrl_data.get_memory_cells()\n",
     "        if not manual_slow_data:\n",
     "            integration_time = ctrl_data.get_integration_time()\n",
     "            bias_voltage = ctrl_data.get_bias_voltage()\n",
-    "            gain_str, gain_setting = ctrl_data.get_gain_setting()\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        print(f\"Gain setting is {gain_setting} ({gain_str})\")\n",
-    "        print(f\"Integration time is {integration_time} us\")\n",
-    "        print(f\"Bias voltage is {bias_voltage} V\")\n",
-    "\n",
+    "            gain_setting = ctrl_data.get_gain_setting()\n",
+    "            print(f\"Gain setting is {gain_setting} ({run_settings})\")\n",
+    "            print(f\"Integration time is {integration_time} us\")\n",
+    "            print(f\"Bias voltage is {bias_voltage} V\")\n",
     "        if run_mcells == 1:\n",
     "            memory_cells = 1\n",
     "            print('Dark runs in single cell mode, '\n",
@@ -188,21 +191,76 @@
     "            memory_cells = 16\n",
     "            print('Dark runs in burst mode, '\n",
     "                  f'storage cell start: {sc_start:02d}')\n",
-    "step_timer.done_step(f'Reading control data.')\n",
-    "# Initialize noise_map and offset_map module arrays.\n",
-    "for mod in karabo_da:\n",
-    "    noise_map[mod] = np.zeros(sensor_size+(memory_cells, 3))\n",
-    "    offset_map[mod] = np.zeros(sensor_size+(memory_cells, 3))"
+    "    else:\n",
+    "        gain_mode = ctrl_data.get_gain_mode()\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        med_low_settings.append(run_settings)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# A transperent workaround for old raw data with wrong/missing medium and low settings\n",
+    "if med_low_settings == [None, None]:\n",
+    "    print(\"WARNING: run.settings is not stored in the data to read. \"\n",
+    "          f\"Hence assuming gain_mode = {gain_mode} for adaptive old data.\")\n",
+    "elif med_low_settings == [\"dynamicgain\", \"forceswitchg1\"]:\n",
+    "    print(f\"WARNING: run.settings for medium and low gain runs are wrong {med_low_settings}. \"\n",
+    "          f\"This is an expected bug for old raw data. Setting gain_mode to {gain_mode}.\")\n",
+    "# Validate that low_med_settings is not a mix of adaptive and fixed settings.\n",
+    "elif not (sorted(med_low_settings) in [fixed_settings, dynamic_settings]):  # noqa\n",
+    "    raise ValueError(\n",
+    "        \"Medium and low run settings are not as expected. \"\n",
+    "        f\"Either {dynamic_settings} or {fixed_settings} are expected.\\n\"\n",
+    "        f\"Got {sorted(med_low_settings)} for both runs, respectively.\")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "print(f\"Gain mode is {gain_mode} ({med_low_settings})\")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "step_timer.done_step(f'Reading control data.')"
    "cell_type": "code",
    "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {
-    "tags": []
-   },
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "# Use only high gain threshold for all gains in case of fixed_gain.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "if gain_mode:  # fixed_gain\n",
+    "    offset_abs_threshold = [[offset_abs_threshold_low[0]]*3, [offset_abs_threshold_high[0]]*3]\n",
+    "else:\n",
+    "    offset_abs_threshold = [offset_abs_threshold_low, offset_abs_threshold_high]"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "context = psh.context.ThreadContext(num_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count())"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
+    "\"\"\"\n",
+    "All jungfrau runs are taken through one acquisition, except for the forceswitch runs.\n",
+    "While taking non-fixed dark runs, a procedure of multiple acquisitions is used to switch the storage cell indices.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "This is done for medium and low gain dark dynamic runs, only [forceswitchg1, forceswitchg2]:\n",
+    "Switching the cell indices in burst mode is a work around for hardware procedure\n",
+    "deficiency that produces wrong data for dark runs except for the first storage cell.\n",
+    "This is why multiple acquisitions are taken to switch the used storage cells and\n",
+    "acquire data through two cells for each of the 16 cells instead of acquiring darks through all 16 cells.\n",
+    "\"\"\"\n",
+    "\n",
+    "print(f\"Maximum trains to process is set to {max_trains}\")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "noise_map = dict()\n",
+    "offset_map = dict()\n",
+    "bad_pixels_map = dict()\n",
+    "\n",
     "for mod in karabo_da:\n",
     "    step_timer.start()\n",
     "    instrument_src = instrument_source_template.format(\n",
@@ -210,8 +268,23 @@
     "    print(f\"\\n- Instrument data path for {mod} is {instrument_src}.\")\n",
+    "    offset_map[mod] = context.alloc(shape=(sensor_size+(memory_cells, 3)), fill=0)\n",
+    "    noise_map[mod] = context.alloc(like=offset_map[mod], fill=0)\n",
+    "    bad_pixels_map[mod] = context.alloc(like=offset_map[mod], dtype=np.uint32, fill=0)\n",
+    "\n",
     "    for run_n, [gain, run_dc] in gain_runs.items():\n",
+    "        def process_cell(worker_id, array_index, cell_number):\n",
+    "            cell_slice_idx = acelltable == cell_number\n",
+    "            thiscell = images[..., cell_slice_idx]\n",
+    "\n",
+    "            offset_map[mod][..., cell_number, gain] = np.mean(thiscell, axis=2)\n",
+    "            noise_map[mod][..., cell_number, gain] = np.std(thiscell, axis=2)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "            # Check if there are wrong bad gain values.\n",
+    "            # Indicate pixels with wrong gain value across all trains for each cell.\n",
+    "            bad_pixels_map[mod][\n",
+    "                np.average(gain_vals[..., cell_slice_idx], axis=2) != raw_g] |= BadPixels.WRONG_GAIN_VALUE.value\n",
     "        print(f\"Gain stage {gain}, run {run_n}\")\n",
     "        # load shape of data for memory cells, and detector size (imgs, cells, x, y)\n",
@@ -219,14 +292,14 @@
     "        # load number of data available, including trains with empty data.\n",
     "        n_trains = len(run_dc.train_ids)\n",
     "        instr_dc = run_dc.select(instrument_src, require_all=True)\n",
-    "        if n_trains-n_imgs != 0:\n",
+    "        empty_trains = n_trains - n_imgs\n",
+    "        if empty_trains != 0:\n",
     "            print(\n",
-    "                f\"\\tWARNING: {Path(run_dc.files[0].filename).name} has {n_trains-n_imgs} \"  # noqa\n",
-    "                f\"trains with empty data out of {n_trains} trains.\")\n",
-    "\n",
+    "                f\"\\tWARNING: {mod} has {empty_trains} trains with empty data out of {n_trains} trains at \"  # noqa\n",
+    "                f\"{Path(run_dc[instrument_src, 'data.adc'].files[0].filename).parent}.\")\n",
     "        if max_trains > 0:\n",
     "            n_imgs = min(n_imgs, max_trains)\n",
-    "            print(f\"Processing {n_imgs} images based on the given max_trains: {max_trains}.\")  # noqa\n",
+    "        print(f\"Processing {n_imgs} images.\")\n",
     "        # Select only requested number of images to process darks.\n",
     "        instr_dc = instr_dc.select_trains(np.s_[:n_imgs])\n",
@@ -236,20 +309,28 @@
     "                \" Not enough data to process darks.\")\n",
     "        images = np.transpose(\n",
-    "            instr_dc[instrument_src, \"data.adc\"].ndarray(), (3, 2, 1, 0))\n",
+    "            instr_dc[instrument_src, \"data.adc\"].ndarray().astype(np.float64), (3, 2, 1, 0))\n",
     "        acelltable = np.transpose(instr_dc[instrument_src, \"data.memoryCell\"].ndarray())\n",
+    "        gain_vals = np.transpose(\n",
+    "            instr_dc[instrument_src, \"data.gain\"].ndarray(), (3, 2, 1, 0))\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        # define gain value as saved in raw gain map\n",
+    "        raw_g = 3 if gain == 2 else gain\n",
     "        if memory_cells == 1:\n",
     "            acelltable -= sc_start\n",
-    "        if gain > 0  and memory_cells == 16:\n",
-    "            # 255 is used as the detector sets 255 as well for\n",
-    "            # cell images identified as bad.\n",
-    "            acelltable[1:] = 255  \n",
+    "        # Only for dynamic medium and low gain runs [forceswitchg1, forceswitchg2] in burst mode.\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        if gain_mode == 0 and gain > 0 and memory_cells == 16:\n",
+    "            # 255 similar to the receiver which uses the 255\n",
+    "            # value to indicate a cell without an image.\n",
+    "            # image shape for forceswitchg1 and forceswitchg2 = (1024, 512, 2, trains)\n",
+    "            # compared to expected shape of (1024, 512, 16, trains) for high gain run.\n",
+    "            acelltable[1:] = 255\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        # Calculate offset and noise maps\n",
+    "        context.map(process_cell, range(memory_cells))\n",
-    "        for cell in range(memory_cells):\n",
-    "            thiscell = images[..., acelltable == cell]\n",
-    "            noise_map[mod][..., cell, gain] = np.std(thiscell, axis=2)\n",
-    "            offset_map[mod][..., cell, gain] = np.mean(thiscell, axis=2)\n",
     "    step_timer.done_step(f'Creating Offset and noise constants for a module.')"
@@ -371,11 +452,12 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "def print_bp_entry(bp):\n",
-    "    print(\"{:<30s} {:032b}\".format(bp.name, bp.value))\n",
+    "    print(\"{:<30s} {:032b} -> {}\".format(bp.name, bp.value, int(bp.value)))\n",
+    "print_bp_entry(BadPixels.WRONG_GAIN_VALUE)\n",
     "def eval_bpidx(d):\n",
@@ -395,13 +477,12 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "bad_pixels_map = dict()\n",
     "for mod in karabo_da:\n",
-    "    bad_pixels_map[mod] = np.zeros(noise_map[mod].shape, np.uint32)\n",
+    "    display(Markdown(f\"### Badpixels for module {mod}:\"))\n",
     "    offset_abs_threshold = np.array(offset_abs_threshold)\n",
-    "    bad_pixels_map[mod][eval_bpidx(offset_map[mod])] = BadPixels.OFFSET_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD.value\n",
+    "    bad_pixels_map[mod][eval_bpidx(offset_map[mod])] |= BadPixels.OFFSET_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD.value\n",
     "    bad_pixels_map[mod][~np.isfinite(offset_map[mod])] |= BadPixels.OFFSET_NOISE_EVAL_ERROR.value\n",
@@ -420,7 +501,8 @@
     "                x_label=\"Column\",\n",
     "                lut_label=f\"Badpixels {g_name[g_idx]} [ADCu]\",\n",
     "                aspect=1.,\n",
-    "                vmin=0, title=f'G{g_idx} Bad pixel map - Cell {cell:02d} - Module {mod}')\n",
+    "                vmin=0, vmax=5,\n",
+    "                title=f'G{g_idx} Bad pixel map - Cell {cell:02d} - Module {mod}')\n",
     "step_timer.done_step(f'Creating bad pixels constant and plotting it for a module.')"
@@ -435,7 +517,9 @@
     "    memory_cells=memory_cells,\n",
     "    bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
     "    integration_time=integration_time,\n",
-    "    gain_setting=gain_setting)\n",
+    "    gain_setting=gain_setting,\n",
+    "    gain_mode=gain_mode,\n",
+    ")\n",
     "db_modules = get_pdu_from_db(\n",
     "    karabo_id=karabo_id,\n",
@@ -511,7 +595,19 @@
     "    f\"• Memory cells: {memory_cells}\\n\"\n",
     "    f\"• Integration time: {integration_time}\\n\"\n",
     "    f\"• Gain setting: {gain_setting}\\n\"\n",
-    "    f\"• Creation time: {md.calibration_constant_version.begin_at if md is not None else creation_time}\\n\")  # noqa"
+    "    f\"• Gain mode: {gain_mode}\\n\"\n",
+    "    f\"• Creation time: {md.calibration_constant_version.begin_at if md is not None else creation_time}\\n\")  # noqa\n",
+    "step_timer.done_step(\"Injecting constants.\")"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "print(f\"Total processing time {step_timer.timespan():.01f} s\")\n",
+    "step_timer.print_summary()"
@@ -531,7 +627,7 @@
    "name": "python",
    "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
    "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
-   "version": "3.8.11"
+   "version": "3.8.12"
  "nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 926dde6e6b04e67518b2151e5e596e04fd54f4c7..60090e3420b1fdcbd78e5bc250c44452ab17bab2 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ install_requires = [
 if "readthedocs.org" not in sys.executable:
     install_requires += [
-        "iCalibrationDB @ git+ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/detectors/cal_db_interactive.git@2.0.9",  # noqa
+        "iCalibrationDB @ git+ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/detectors/cal_db_interactive.git@2.1.0",  # noqa
         "XFELDetectorAnalysis @ git+ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/karaboDevices/pyDetLib.git@2.7.0",  # noqa
diff --git a/src/cal_tools/enums.py b/src/cal_tools/enums.py
index e02d59994925aa5530d265ff944839fb160c9613..a9bfc0182f4972c41259992b1e31cd50b04fba7d 100644
--- a/src/cal_tools/enums.py
+++ b/src/cal_tools/enums.py
@@ -5,28 +5,28 @@ class BadPixels(IntFlag):
     """ The European XFEL Bad Pixel Encoding
-    OFFSET_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD  = 0b000000000000000000001 # bit 1
-    NOISE_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD   = 0b000000000000000000010 # bit 2
-    OFFSET_NOISE_EVAL_ERROR  = 0b000000000000000000100 # bit 3
-    NO_DARK_DATA             = 0b000000000000000001000 # bit 4
-    CI_GAIN_OF_OF_THRESHOLD  = 0b000000000000000010000 # bit 5
-    CI_LINEAR_DEVIATION      = 0b000000000000000100000 # bit 6
-    CI_EVAL_ERROR            = 0b000000000000001000000 # bit 7
-    FF_GAIN_EVAL_ERROR       = 0b000000000000010000000 # bit 8
-    FF_GAIN_DEVIATION        = 0b000000000000100000000 # bit 9
-    FF_NO_ENTRIES            = 0b000000000001000000000 # bit 10
-    CI2_EVAL_ERROR           = 0b000000000010000000000 # bit 11
-    VALUE_IS_NAN             = 0b000000000100000000000 # bit 12
-    VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE       = 0b000000001000000000000 # bit 13
-    GAIN_THRESHOLDING_ERROR  = 0b000000010000000000000 # bit 14
-    DATA_STD_IS_ZERO         = 0b000000100000000000000 # bit 15
-    ASIC_STD_BELOW_NOISE     = 0b000001000000000000000 # bit 16
-    INTERPOLATED             = 0b000010000000000000000 # bit 17
-    NOISY_ADC                = 0b000100000000000000000 # bit 18
-    OVERSCAN                 = 0b001000000000000000000 # bit 19
-    NON_SENSITIVE            = 0b010000000000000000000 # bit 20
-    NON_LIN_RESPONSE_REGION  = 0b100000000000000000000 # bit 21
+    OFFSET_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD  = 1 << 0 # bit 1
+    NOISE_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD   = 1 << 1 # bit 2
+    OFFSET_NOISE_EVAL_ERROR  = 1 << 2 # bit 3
+    NO_DARK_DATA             = 1 << 3 # bit 4
+    CI_GAIN_OF_OF_THRESHOLD  = 1 << 4 # bit 5
+    CI_LINEAR_DEVIATION      = 1 << 5 # bit 6
+    CI_EVAL_ERROR            = 1 << 6 # bit 7
+    FF_GAIN_EVAL_ERROR       = 1 << 7 # bit 8
+    FF_GAIN_DEVIATION        = 1 << 8 # bit 9
+    FF_NO_ENTRIES            = 1 << 9 # bit 10
+    CI2_EVAL_ERROR           = 1 << 10 # bit 11
+    VALUE_IS_NAN             = 1 << 11 # bit 12
+    VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE       = 1 << 12 # bit 13
+    GAIN_THRESHOLDING_ERROR  = 1 << 13 # bit 14
+    DATA_STD_IS_ZERO         = 1 << 14 # bit 15
+    ASIC_STD_BELOW_NOISE     = 1 << 15 # bit 16
+    INTERPOLATED             = 1 << 16 # bit 17
+    NOISY_ADC                = 1 << 17 # bit 18
+    OVERSCAN                 = 1 << 18 # bit 19
+    NON_SENSITIVE            = 1 << 19 # bit 20
+    NON_LIN_RESPONSE_REGION  = 1 << 20 # bit 21
+    WRONG_GAIN_VALUE         = 1 << 21 # bit 22
 class SnowResolution(Enum):
     """ An Enum specifying how to resolve snowy pixels
@@ -42,3 +42,13 @@ class AgipdGainMode(IntEnum):
+class JungfrauSettings(Enum):
+    """ Jungfrau run gain settings."""
+    DYNAMIC_GAIN = "dynamicgain"
+    DYNAMIC_GAIN_HG0 = "dynamichg0"
+    FIX_GAIN_1 = "fixgain1"
+    FIX_GAIN_2 = "fixgain2"
+    FORCE_SWITCH_HG1 = "forceswitchg1"
+    FORCE_SWITCH_HG2 = "forceswitchg2"
diff --git a/src/cal_tools/jungfraulib.py b/src/cal_tools/jungfraulib.py
index ec04f2414b8fad34482e05b78e7ff2e0b2e9b96e..402888dfa58068ccd173800834dfd165c206fcdc 100644
--- a/src/cal_tools/jungfraulib.py
+++ b/src/cal_tools/jungfraulib.py
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+from typing import Tuple
+from cal_tools.enums import JungfrauSettings
+def _get_settings(run_dc, ctrl_src) -> str:
+    try:
+        return(JungfrauSettings(
+            run_dc.get_run_value(ctrl_src, "settings.value")))
+    except KeyError:
+        print(
+            "WARNING: \'settings.value\' key is not available at "
+            f"{run_dc.select(ctrl_src).files[0].filename},\n")
+        return
 class JungfrauCtrl():
     def __init__(
@@ -7,37 +23,40 @@ class JungfrauCtrl():
         """Read slow data from RUN source.
         :param run_dir: EXtra-data RunDirectory DataCollection object.
-        :param karabo_id_control: Karabo ID for control h5file with slow data.
+        :param ctrl_src: Control source name for accessing run slow data.
         self.run_dc = run_dc
         self.ctrl_src = ctrl_src
+        self.run_settings = _get_settings(run_dc, ctrl_src)
-    def get_memory_cells(self):
+    def get_memory_cells(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
         n_storage_cells = int(self.run_dc.get_run_value(
             self.ctrl_src, "storageCells.value")) + 1
         storage_cell_st = int(self.run_dc.get_run_value(
             self.ctrl_src, "storageCellStart.value"))
         return n_storage_cells, storage_cell_st
-    def get_bias_voltage(self):
+    def get_bias_voltage(self) -> int:
             self.ctrl_src, "vHighVoltage.value")[0]))
-    def get_integration_time(self):
+    def get_integration_time(self) -> float:
             self.ctrl_src, "exposureTime.value")) * 1e6)
-    def get_gain_setting(self):
-        try:
-            gain_str = str(self.run_dc.get_run_value(
-                self.ctrl_src, "settings.value"))
-        except KeyError:
-            print(
-                "gain_setting is not available for h5 ctrl path "
-                f"/RUN/{self.karabo_id_control}/DET/CONTROL/settings/value,\n"
-                "WARNING: Setting gain_setting to 0,"
-                "assuming that this is an old run.\n"
-            )
-            gain_str = "KeyError"
-        gain_setting = 1 if gain_str == 'dynamichg0' else 0  # 'dynamicgain'
-        return gain_str, gain_setting
\ No newline at end of file
+    def get_gain_setting(self) -> int:
+        if self.run_settings == JungfrauSettings.DYNAMIC_GAIN_HG0:
+            gain_setting = 1
+        else:  # JungfrauSettings.DYNAMIC_GAIN
+            gain_setting = 0
+            if self.run_settings != JungfrauSettings.DYNAMIC_GAIN:
+                print(
+                    "WARNING: Setting gain_setting to 0, "
+                    "assuming that this is an old run.\n")
+        return gain_setting
+    def get_gain_mode(self) -> int:
+        if self.run_settings in [JungfrauSettings.FIX_GAIN_1, JungfrauSettings.FIX_GAIN_2]:  # noqa
+            return 1
+        else:
+            return 0