diff --git a/xfel_calibrate/calibrate.py b/xfel_calibrate/calibrate.py
index ebfae99317ddde50db7534a91633c26f854d2f46..fdccb8b90666beef7d5703e0dd75921943889e0b 100755
--- a/xfel_calibrate/calibrate.py
+++ b/xfel_calibrate/calibrate.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import argparse
-import copy
 from datetime import datetime
 import nbconvert
 import nbformat
@@ -9,12 +8,10 @@ from nbparameterise import (
     extract_parameters, replace_definitions, parameter_values
 import os
-from os import chdir
 import pprint
 import re
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output
+from subprocess import check_output
 import sys
-from uuid import uuid4
 import warnings
 from .settings import *
 from .notebooks import notebooks
@@ -685,13 +682,12 @@ def concurrent_run(temp_path, nb, nbname, args, cparm=None, cval=None,
     return jobid
-def make_par_table(parms, temp_path, run_uuid):
+def make_par_table(parms, run_tmp_path):
-    Create a table with input parameters if the notebook
+    Create a table with input parameters of the notebook
     :param parms: parameters of the notebook
-    :param temp_path: path to temporary directory for job outputs
-    :param run_uuid: inset of folder name containing job output
+    :param run_tmp_path: path to temporary directory for running job outputs
     # Add space in long strings without line breakers ` ,-/` to
@@ -747,7 +743,7 @@ def make_par_table(parms, temp_path, run_uuid):
-    f_name = "{}/slurm_tmp_{}/InputParameters.rst".format(temp_path, run_uuid)
+    f_name = "{}/InputParameters.rst".format(run_tmp_path)
     with open(f_name, "w") as finfile:
         finfile.write(textwrap.dedent(tmpl.render(p=col_type, lines=l_parms)))
@@ -818,7 +814,7 @@ def run():
         title = title.rstrip()
-        run_uuid = uuid4()
+        run_uuid = f"t{datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S')}"
         # check if concurrency parameter is given and we run concurrently
         if not has_parm(parms, concurrency["parameter"]) and concurrency["parameter"] is not None:
@@ -834,12 +830,12 @@ def run():
             cluster_profile = "slurm_prof_{}".format(run_uuid)
         # create a temporary output directory to work in
-        run_tmp_path = "{}/slurm_tmp_{}".format(temp_path, run_uuid)
+        run_tmp_path = "{}/slurm_out_{}_{}_{}".format(temp_path, detector, caltype, run_uuid)
         # Write all input parameters to rst file to be included to final report
         parms = parameter_values(parms, **args)
-        make_par_table(parms, temp_path, run_uuid)
+        make_par_table(parms, run_tmp_path)
         save_executed_command(run_tmp_path, version)
         # wait on all jobs to run and then finalize the run by creating a report from the notebooks
diff --git a/xfel_calibrate/finalize.py b/xfel_calibrate/finalize.py
index d37b83f6cfa6403852378181a62af8a7fad5c06b..fd099370b079b8c4c31bf419c14ada252e889ffa 100644
--- a/xfel_calibrate/finalize.py
+++ b/xfel_calibrate/finalize.py
@@ -273,8 +273,19 @@ def make_report(run_path, tmp_path, out_path, project, author, version,
     print("Moving report to final location: {}".format(out_path))
     copy('{}/_build/latex/{}.pdf'.format(run_path, report_name), out_path)
-    print("Removing temporary files at: {}".format(tmp_path))
-    rmtree(tmp_path)
+    temp_dirs = glob(f'{tmp_path}/*/')
+    # Remove folders with figures and sphinx files.
+    print(f"Removing directories [{temp_dirs}] in temp folder: {tmp_path}")
+    for dtmp in temp_dirs:
+        rmtree(f'{dtmp}/')
+    # Moving temporary files to out-folder after successful execution
+    # This helps in keeping elements needed for re-producibility.
+    print(f"Moving temporary files to final location"
+          f": {out_path}/{os.path.basename(tmp_path)} with name: "
+          f"slurm_out_{report_name}")
+    move(tmp_path, f"{out_path}/slurm_out_{report_name}")
 def make_titlepage(sphinx_path, project, data_path, version):