diff --git a/webservice/job_monitor.py b/webservice/job_monitor.py
index 802d74596d365fb6f98d3c88efe3a809c1299ac7..195a9f7372868791b49650b406c40260bfd05258 100644
--- a/webservice/job_monitor.py
+++ b/webservice/job_monitor.py
@@ -84,116 +84,217 @@ def slurm_job_status(jobid):
     return "NA", "NA", "NA"
-def update_job_db(config):
-    """ Update the job database and send out updates to MDC
+class JobsMonitor:
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        log.info("Starting jobs monitor")
+        self.job_db = init_job_db(config)
+        self.mdc = init_md_client(config)
+        self.kafka_prod = init_kafka_producer(config)
+        self.kafka_topic = config['kafka']['topic']
+        self.time_interval = int(config['web-service']['job-update-interval'])
+    def run(self):
+        while True:
+            try:
+                self.do_updates()
+            except Exception:
+                log.error("Failure to update job DB", exc_info=True)
+            time.sleep(self.time_interval)
+    def do_updates(self):
+        ongoing_jobs_by_exn = self.get_updates_by_exec_id()
+        # ^ dict grouping statuses of unfinished jobs by execution ID:
+        # {12345: ['R-5:41', 'PD-0:00', ...]}
+        # Newly completed executions are present with an empty list.
+        # For executions still running, regroup the jobs by request
+        # (by run, for correction requests):
+        reqs_still_going = {}
+        for exec_id, running_jobs_info in ongoing_jobs_by_exn.items():
+            if running_jobs_info:
+                req_id = self.job_db.execute(
+                    "SELECT req_id FROM executions WHERE exec_id = ?", (exec_id,)
+                ).fetchone().req_id
+                reqs_still_going.setdefault(req_id, []).extend(running_jobs_info)
+        # For executions that have finished, send out notifications, and
+        # check if the whole request (several executions) has finished.
+        reqs_finished = set()
+        for exec_id, running_jobs_info in ongoing_jobs_by_exn.items():
+            if not running_jobs_info:
+                req_id = self.process_execution_finished(exec_id)
+                if req_id not in reqs_still_going:
+                    reqs_finished.add(req_id)
+        # Now send updates for all requests which hadn't already finished
+        # by the last time this ran:
+        for req_id, running_jobs_info in reqs_still_going.items():
+            self.process_request_still_going(req_id, running_jobs_info)
+        for req_id in reqs_finished:
+            self.process_request_finished(req_id)
+    def get_updates_by_exec_id(self):
+        c = self.job_db.cursor()
+        c.execute("SELECT job_id, exec_id FROM slurm_jobs WHERE finished = 0")
-    :param config: configuration parsed from webservice YAML
-    """
-    log.info("Starting jobs monitor")
-    conn = init_job_db(config)
-    mdc = init_md_client(config)
-    kafka_prod = init_kafka_producer(config)
-    kafka_topic = config['kafka']['topic']
-    time_interval = int(config['web-service']['job-update-interval'])
-    while True:
         statii = slurm_status()
         # Check that slurm is giving proper feedback
         if statii is None:
-            time.sleep(time_interval)
-            continue
-        try:
-            c = conn.cursor()
-            c.execute("SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE status IN ('R', 'PD', 'CG') ")
-            combined = {}
-            log.debug(f"SLURM info {statii}")
-            for r in c.fetchall():
-                rid, jobid, proposal, run, status, _time, det, action = r
-                log.debug(f"DB info {r}")
-                cflg, cstatus, *_ = combined.setdefault((rid, action), (
-                    [], [], proposal, run, det
-                ))
-                if jobid in statii:
-                    slstatus, runtime = statii[jobid]
-                    query = "UPDATE jobs SET status=?, time=? WHERE jobid LIKE ?"
-                    c.execute(query, (slstatus, runtime, jobid))
-                    cflg.append('R')
-                    cstatus.append(f"{slstatus}-{runtime}")
-                else:
-                    _, sltime, slstatus = slurm_job_status(jobid)
-                    query = "UPDATE jobs SET status=? WHERE jobid LIKE ?"
-                    c.execute(query, (slstatus, jobid))
-                    if slstatus == 'COMPLETED':
-                        cflg.append("A")
-                    else:
-                        cflg.append("NA")
-                    cstatus.append(slstatus)
-            conn.commit()
-            flg_order = {"R": 2, "A": 1, "NA": 0}
-            dark_flags = {'NA': 'E', 'R': 'IP', 'A': 'F'}
-            for rid, action in combined:
-                if int(rid) == 0:  # this job was not submitted from MyMDC
-                    continue
-                flgs, statii, proposal, run, det = combined[rid, action]
-                # sort by least done status
-                flg = max(flgs, key=lambda i: flg_order[i])
-                if flg != 'R':
-                    log.info(
-                        "Jobs finished - action: %s, run id: %s, status: %s",
-                        action, rid, flg,
-                    )
-                    if action == 'CORRECT':
-                        try:
-                            kafka_prod.send(kafka_topic, {
-                                'event': 'correction_complete',
-                                'proposal': proposal,
-                                'run': run,
-                                'detector': det,
-                                'success': (flg == 'A'),  # A for Available
-                            })
-                        except KafkaError:
-                            log.warning("Error sending Kafka notification",
-                                            exc_info=True)
-                if all(s.startswith('PD-') for s in statii):
-                    # Avoid swamping myMdC with updates for jobs still pending.
-                    log.debug(
-                        "No update for action %s, rid %s: jobs pending",
-                        action, rid
-                    )
-                    continue
-                msg = "\n".join(statii)
-                msg_debug = f"Update MDC {rid}, {msg}"
-                log.debug(msg_debug.replace('\n', ', '))
-                if action == 'CORRECT':
-                    data = {'flg_cal_data_status': flg,
-                            'cal_pipeline_reply': msg}
-                    if flg != 'R':
-                        data['cal_last_end_at'] = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).isoformat()
-                    response = mdc.update_run_api(rid, data)
-                else:  # action == 'DARK' but it's dark_request
-                    data = {'dark_run': {'flg_status': dark_flags[flg],
-                                         'calcat_feedback': msg}}
-                    response = mdc.update_dark_run_api(rid, data)
-                if response.status_code != 200:
-                    log.error("Failed to update MDC for action %s, rid %s",
-                                  action, rid)
-                    log.error(Errors.MDC_RESPONSE.format(response))
-        except Exception:
-            log.error("Failure to update job DB", exc_info=True)
-        time.sleep(time_interval)
+            return {}
+        log.debug(f"SLURM info {statii}")
+        ongoing_jobs_by_exn = {}
+        for r in c.fetchall():
+            log.debug(f"DB info {r}")
+            execn_ongoing_jobs = ongoing_jobs_by_exn.setdefault(r.exec_id, [])
+            if r.job_id in statii:
+                # statii contains jobs which are still going (from squeue)
+                slstatus, runtime = statii[r.job_id]
+                finished = False
+                execn_ongoing_jobs.append(f"{slstatus}-{runtime}")
+            else:
+                # These jobs have finished (successfully or otherwise)
+                _, runtime, slstatus = slurm_job_status(r.job_id)
+                finished = True
+            c.execute(
+                "UPDATE slurm_jobs SET finished=?, elapsed=?, status=? WHERE job_id = ?",
+                (finished, runtime, slstatus, r.job_id)
+            )
+        self.job_db.commit()
+        return ongoing_jobs_by_exn
+    def process_request_still_going(self, req_id, running_jobs_info):
+        """Send myMdC updates for a request with jobs still running/pending"""
+        mymdc_id, action = self.job_db.execute(
+            "SELECT mymdc_id, action FROM requests WHERE req_id = ?",
+            (req_id,)
+        ).fetchone()
+        if all(s.startswith('PD-') for s in running_jobs_info):
+            # Avoid swamping myMdC with updates for jobs still pending.
+            log.debug("No update for %s request with mymdc id %s: jobs pending",
+                      action, mymdc_id)
+            return
+        msg = "\n".join(running_jobs_info)
+        log.debug("Update MDC for %s, %s: %s",
+                  action, mymdc_id, ', '.join(running_jobs_info)
+                  )
+        if action == 'CORRECT':
+            self.mymdc_update_run(mymdc_id, msg)
+        else:  # action == 'DARK'
+            self.mymdc_update_dark(mymdc_id, msg)
+    def process_execution_finished(self, exec_id):
+        """Send notification that one execution has finished"""
+        statuses = [r.status for r in self.job_db.execute(
+            "SELECT status FROM slurm_jobs WHERE exec_id = ?", (exec_id,)
+        ).fetchall()]
+        success = set(statuses) == {'COMPLETED'}
+        r = self.job_db.execute(
+            "SELECT det_type, karabo_id, req_id, proposal, run, action "
+            "FROM executions JOIN requests USING (req_id)"
+            "WHERE exec_id = ?",
+            (exec_id,)
+        ).fetchone()
+        with self.job_db:
+            self.job_db.execute(
+                "UPDATE executions SET success = ? WHERE exec_id = ?",
+                (success, exec_id)
+            )
+        log.info("Execution finished: %s for (p%s, r%s, %s), success=%s",
+                 r.action, r.proposal, r.run, r.karabo_id, success)
+        if r.action == 'CORRECT':
+            try:
+                self.kafka_prod.send(self.kafka_topic, {
+                    'event': 'correction_complete',
+                    'proposal': r.proposal,
+                    'run': r.run,
+                    'detector': r.det_type,
+                    'karabo_id': r.karabo_id,
+                    'success': success,
+                })
+            except KafkaError:
+                log.warning("Error sending Kafka notification",
+                            exc_info=True)
+        return r.req_id
+    def process_request_finished(self, req_id):
+        """Send notifications that a request has finished"""
+        exec_successes = {r.success for r in self.job_db.execute(
+            "SELECT success FROM executions WHERE req_id = ?", (req_id,)
+        ).fetchall()}
+        success = (exec_successes == {1})
+        r = self.job_db.execute(
+            "SELECT * FROM requests WHERE req_id = ?", (req_id,)
+        ).fetchone()
+        log.info(
+            "Jobs finished - action: %s, myMdC id: %s, success: %s",
+            r.action, r.mymdc_id, success,
+        )
+        if r.action == 'CORRECT':
+            try:
+                self.kafka_prod.send(self.kafka_topic, {
+                    'event': 'run_corrections_complete',
+                    'proposal': r.proposal,
+                    'run': r.run,
+                    'success': success,
+                })
+            except KafkaError:
+                log.warning("Error sending Kafka notification",
+                            exc_info=True)
+        if success:
+            msg = "Calibration jobs succeeded"
+        else:
+            # Count failed jobs
+            job_statuses = [r.status for r in self.job_db.execute(
+                "SELECT slurm_jobs.status FROM slurm_jobs "
+                "INNER JOIN executions USING (exec_id) "
+                "INNER JOIN requests USING (req_id) "
+                "WHERE req_id = ?", (req_id,)
+            ).fetchall()]
+            n_failed = sum(s != 'COMPLETED' for s in job_statuses)
+            msg = f"{n_failed}/{len(job_statuses)} calibration jobs failed"
+        log.debug("Update MDC for %s, %s: %s", r.action, r.mymdc_id, msg)
+        if r.action == 'CORRECT':
+            status = 'A' if success else 'NA'  # Not-/Available
+            self.mymdc_update_run(r.mymdc_id, msg, status)
+        else:  # r.action == 'DARK'
+            status = 'F' if success else 'E'  # Finished/Error
+            self.mymdc_update_dark(r.mymdc_id, msg, status)
+    def mymdc_update_run(self, run_id, msg, status='R'):
+        data = {'flg_cal_data_status': status,
+                'cal_pipeline_reply': msg}
+        if status != 'R':
+            data['cal_last_end_at'] = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).isoformat()
+        response = self.mdc.update_run_api(run_id, data)
+        if response.status_code != 200:
+            log.error("Failed to update MDC run id %s", run_id)
+            log.error(Errors.MDC_RESPONSE.format(response))
+    def mymdc_update_dark(self, dark_run_id, msg, status='IP'):
+        data = {'dark_run': {'flg_status': status,
+                             'calcat_feedback': msg}}
+        response = self.mdc.update_dark_run_api(dark_run_id, data)
+        if response.status_code != 200:
+            log.error("Failed to update MDC dark run id %s", dark_run_id)
+            log.error(Errors.MDC_RESPONSE.format(response))
 def main(argv=None):
     # Ensure files are opened as UTF-8 by default, regardless of environment.
@@ -218,7 +319,7 @@ def main(argv=None):
         level=getattr(logging, args.log_level),
-    update_job_db(config)
+    JobsMonitor(config).run()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/webservice/webservice.py b/webservice/webservice.py
index 27407f6fdd2eccccdb63af1cee1d1154f380beaa..c9cf1a1d2a7014a4d56ec4a8e96a7c0dab1c24c3 100644
--- a/webservice/webservice.py
+++ b/webservice/webservice.py
@@ -45,10 +45,36 @@ def init_job_db(config):
     logging.info("Initializing database")
     conn = sqlite3.connect(config['web-service']['job-db'])
-    conn.execute(
-        "jobs(rid, jobid, proposal, run, status, time, det, act)"
-    )
+    conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
+    conn.executescript("""
+        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS requests(
+            req_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+            mymdc_id,
+            proposal,
+            run,
+            action,
+            timestamp
+        );
+        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS executions(
+            exec_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+            req_id REFERENCES requests(req_id),
+            det_type,
+            karabo_id,
+            success
+        );
+        CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS exec_by_req ON executions(req_id);
+        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS slurm_jobs(
+            job_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+            exec_id REFERENCES executions(exec_id),
+            status,
+            finished,
+            elapsed
+        );
+        CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS job_by_exec ON slurm_jobs(exec_id);
+        CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS job_by_finished ON slurm_jobs(finished);
+    """)
+    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
     return conn
@@ -227,37 +253,20 @@ async def run_proc_async(cmd: List[str]) -> Tuple[Optional[int], bytes, bytes]:
 def query_rid(conn, rid) -> bytes:
-    c = conn.cursor()
-    c.execute("SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE rid LIKE ?", (rid,))
-    combined = {}
+    c = conn.execute(
+        "SELECT job_id, status FROM slurm_jobs "
+        "INNER JOIN executions USING (exec_id) "
+        "INNER JOIN requests USING (req_id) "
+        "WHERE mymdc_id = ?", (rid,)
+    )
+    statuses = []
     for r in c.fetchall():
-        rid, jobid, proposal, run, status, time_, _ = r
-        logging.debug(
-            "Job {}, proposal {}, run {} has status {}".format(jobid,
-                                                               proposal,
-                                                               run,
-                                                               status))
-        cflg, cstatus = combined.get(rid, ([], []))
-        if status in ['R', 'PD']:
-            flg = 'R'
-        elif status == 'NA':
-            flg = 'NA'
-        else:
-            flg = 'A'
-        cflg.append(flg)
-        cstatus.append(status)
-        combined[rid] = cflg, cstatus
+        logging.debug("Job %s has status %s", r.job_id, r.status)
+        statuses.append(r.status)
-    flg_order = {"R": 2, "A": 1, "NA": 0}
-    msg = ""
-    for rid, value in combined.items():
-        flgs, statii = value
-        flg = max(flgs, key=lambda i: flg_order[i])
-        msg += "\n".join(statii)
-    if msg == "":
-        msg = 'NA'
-    return msg.encode()
+    if statuses:
+        return "\n".join(statuses).encode()
+    return b'NA'
 def parse_config(cmd: List[str], config: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
@@ -289,7 +298,7 @@ def parse_config(cmd: List[str], config: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
-async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, rid) -> str:
+async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, exec_id) -> str:
     """Run action command (CORRECT or DARK).
     :param job_db: jobs database
@@ -298,7 +307,7 @@ async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, rid) -> str:
                  but the command will be logged
     :param proposal: proposal the command was issued for
     :param run: run the command was issued for
-    :param rid: run id in the MDC
+    :param exec_id: Execution ID in the local jobs database
     Returns a formatted Success or Error message indicating outcome of the
@@ -327,17 +336,11 @@ async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, rid) -> str:
                 jobs = []
                 for jobid in jobids.split(','):
-                    jobs.append((rid,
-                                 jobid.strip(),
-                                 proposal,
-                                 run,
-                                 datetime.now().isoformat(),
-                                 cmd[3],
-                                 cmd[4])
-                                )
+                    jobs.append((int(jobid.strip()), exec_id))
-                        "INSERT INTO jobs VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 'PD', ?, ?, ?)",
-                        jobs)
+                    "INSERT INTO slurm_jobs VALUES (?, ?, 'PD', 0, 0)",
+                    jobs
+                )
     else:  # mode == "sim"
@@ -821,6 +824,13 @@ class ActionsServer:
             proposal = self._normalise_proposal_num(proposal)
             pconf_full = self.load_proposal_config(cycle, proposal)
+            with self.job_db:
+                cur = self.job_db.execute(
+                    "INSERT INTO requests VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, 'CORRECT', ?)",
+                    (rid, proposal, runnr, request_time)
+                )
+                req_id = cur.lastrowid
@@ -906,7 +916,7 @@ class ActionsServer:
             ret, _ = await self.launch_jobs(
-                [runnr], rid, detectors, 'correct', instrument, cycle, proposal,
+                [runnr], req_id, detectors, 'correct', instrument, cycle, proposal,
             await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'correct', rid, ret)
@@ -958,6 +968,13 @@ class ActionsServer:
+            with self.job_db:
+                cur = self.job_db.execute(
+                    "INSERT INTO requests VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, 'DARK', ?)",
+                    (rid, proposal, wait_runs[-1], request_time)
+                )
+                req_id = cur.lastrowid
             pconf_full = self.load_proposal_config(cycle, proposal)
             data_conf = pconf_full['data-mapping']
@@ -1039,7 +1056,7 @@ class ActionsServer:
             detectors = {karabo_id: thisconf}
             ret, report_path = await self.launch_jobs(
-                runs, rid, detectors, 'dark', instrument, cycle, proposal,
+                runs, req_id, detectors, 'dark', instrument, cycle, proposal,
             await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'dark_request', rid, ret)
@@ -1127,7 +1144,7 @@ class ActionsServer:
             return yaml.load(f.read(), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
     async def launch_jobs(
-            self, run_nrs, rid, detectors, action, instrument, cycle, proposal,
+            self, run_nrs, req_id, detectors, action, instrument, cycle, proposal,
     ) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
         report = []
@@ -1155,11 +1172,18 @@ class ActionsServer:
+            with self.job_db:
+                cur = self.job_db.execute(
+                    "INSERT INTO executions VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, NULL)",
+                    (req_id, detector, karabo_id)
+                )
+                exec_id = cur.lastrowid
             cmd = parse_config(cmd, dconfig)
             # TODO: Add detector info in returned run action status.
             ret.append(await run_action(
                 self.job_db, cmd, self.mode,
-                proposal, run_nrs[-1], rid
+                proposal, run_nrs[-1], exec_id
             if '--report-to' in cmd[:-1]:
                 report_idx = cmd.index('--report-to') + 1