diff --git a/.git-blame-ignore-revs b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
index 03b9eafb7d1ac8151ee55f2849eb2ed7265b237c..a02c88ca8b9c9746ebc81c2e5c8f059abe18b3a9 100644
--- a/.git-blame-ignore-revs
+++ b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
@@ -8,3 +8,6 @@
 #  fix/pre-commit-whitespace - Whitespace fixes
+#  fix/requirements-into-setuppy - Reformat setup.py without content changes
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index c55f4dfec1e2e1ecb2c8f127edebecbc7550b049..a1a86985769caa5e56f22521d980db6765b42a33 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -2,27 +2,45 @@ stages:
   - check
   - test
+.before_script: &before_script
+  before_script:
+    - eval $(ssh-agent -s)
+    - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_GITLAB" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
+    #  Our self-hosted runners have persistent home directories, so here we store
+    #  the known_hosts file in the temporary project dir and tell git to use a ssh
+    #  command that uses this hosts file during operations
+    - export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.ssh/known_hosts"
+    - mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.ssh
+    - chmod 700 $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.ssh
+    - ssh-keyscan -p 10022 git.xfel.eu > $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.ssh/known_hosts
+    - ls  $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.ssh
+    - echo $GIT_SSH_COMMAND
+    - python3 -m venv .venv
+    - source .venv/bin/activate
+    - python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
   stage: check
   only: [merge_requests]
   allow_failure: true
+  <<: *before_script
     - export PATH=/home/gitlab-runner/.local/bin:$PATH
-    # We'd like to run the pre-commit hooks only on files that are being
-    # modified by this merge request, however
-    # `CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA` is a 'premium' feature according to
-    # GitLab... so this is a workaround for extracting the hash
+    #  We'd like to run the pre-commit hooks only on files that are being
+    #  modified by this merge request, however
+    #  `CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA` is a 'premium' feature according to
+    #  GitLab... so this is a workaround for extracting the hash
     - export CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA=$(git ls-remote origin $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME | cut -d$'\t' -f1)
-    - export FILES=$(git diff $CI_COMMIT_SHA  $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA --name-only | tr '\n' ' ')
-    - python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
+    - export FILES=$(git diff $CI_COMMIT_SHA $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA --name-only | tr '\n' ' ')
+    - python3 -m pip install ".[test,dev]"
     #  Pass list of modified files to pre-commit so that it only checks them
     - echo $FILES | xargs pre-commit run --color=always --files
   stage: test
   only: [merge_requests]
+  <<: *before_script
-    - python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
-    - python3 -m pip install --user 'pytest>=5.4.0' pytest-asyncio testpath
-    - pytest -vv tests/test_*
+    - python3 -m pip install ".[test]"
+    - python3 -m pytest --cov=cal_tools --cov=xfel_calibrate  --ignore=tests/legacy
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 4a9cbb379f4f12463b5170ce5061f9a1a420bd8b..167a2ece7c628d8b783f7bd04065851ea7b26bf6 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ Installation using python virtual environment - recommended
 3. ``python3 -m venv .venv`` - create the virtual environment
 4. ``source .venv/bin/activate`` - activate the virtual environment
 5. ``python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip`` - upgrade version of pip
-6. ``python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt`` - install dependencies
-7. ``python3 -m pip install .`` - install the pycalibration package (add ``-e`` flag for editable development installation)
-8. ``pip install "git+ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/karaboDevices/pyDetLib.git#egg=XFELDetectorAnalysis&subdirectory=lib"``
+6. ``python3 -m pip install .`` - install the pycalibration package (add ``-e`` flag for editable development installation)
 Copy/paste script:
@@ -38,19 +36,22 @@ Copy/paste script:
   python3 -m venv .venv
   source .venv/bin/activate
   python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
-  python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
-  python3 -m pip install .  # `-e` flag for editable install
-  python3 -m pip install "git+ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/karaboDevices/pyDetLib.git#egg=XFELDetectorAnalysis&subdirectory=lib/"
+  python3 -m pip install .  # `-e` flag for editable install, e.g. `pip install -e .`
 Installation into user home directory
+This is not recommended as `pycalibration` has pinned dependencies for
+stability, if you install it directly into you users home environment then it
+will down/upgrade your local packages, which may cause major issues and may
+**break your local environment**, it is highly recommended to use the venv
+installation method instead.
 1. ``git clone ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/detectors/pycalibration.git && cd pycalibration`` - clone the offline calibration package from EuXFEL GitLab
 2. ``module load anaconda/3`` - load the anaconda/3 environment. If installing into other python environments, this step can be skipped
-3. ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` - install all requirements of this tool chain in your home directory
-4. ``pip install .`` - install the pycalibration package (add ``-e`` flag for editable development installation)
-5. ``export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH`` - make sure that the home directory is in the PATH environment variable
+3. ``pip install .`` - install the pycalibration package (add ``-e`` flag for editable development installation)
+4. ``export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH`` - make sure that the home directory is in the PATH environment variable
 Copy/paste script:
@@ -59,8 +60,7 @@ Copy/paste script:
   git clone ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/detectors/pycalibration.git
   cd pycalibration
   module load anaconda/3
-  pip install -r requirements.txt --user
-  pip install .  # `-e` flag for editable install, e.g. `pip install -e .`
+  pip install --user .  # `-e` flag for editable install, e.g. `pip install -e .`
   export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
@@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ Development guidelines can be found on the GitLab Wiki page here: https://git.xf
+If you are installing the package for development purposes then you should
+install the optional dependencies as well. Follow the instructions as above, but
+instead of ``pip install .`` use ``pip install ".[test,dev]"`` to install both
+the extras.
 The installation instructions above assume that you have set up SSH keys for use
 with GitLab to allow for passwordless clones from GitLab, this way it's possible
 to run ``pip install git+ssh...`` commands and install packages directly from
@@ -191,8 +196,8 @@ yourself first:
   salloc -p exfel/upex -t 01:00:00
-where `-p` gives the partition to use: exfel or upex and `-t` the duration the
-node should be allocated. Then `ssh` onto that node.
+where `-p` gives the partition to use: exfel **or** upex and `-t` the duration
+the node should be allocated. Then ``ssh`` onto that node.
 Then activate your environment as described above (or just continue if you are
 not using a venv).
@@ -216,19 +221,79 @@ Finally run the script:
 .. code::
-    python3 calibrate.py --input /gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/201701/p002012/raw/r0100 \
-      --output ../../test_out --mem-cells 30 --detector AGIPD --sequences 0,1
+  python3 calibrate.py --input /gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/201701/p002012/raw/r0100 \
+    --output ../../test_out --mem-cells 30 --detector AGIPD --sequences 0,1
-Here `--input` should point to a directory of `RAW` files for the detector you
-are calibrating. They will be output into the folder specified by `--output`,
-which will have the run number or the last folder in the hierarchy of the input
-appended. Additionally, you need to specify the number of `--mem-cells` used for
-the run, as well as the `--detector`. Finally, you can optionally specify to
-only process certain `--sequences` of files, matching the sequence numbers of
-the `RAW` input. These should be given as a comma-separated list.
+Here ``--input`` should point to a directory of ``RAW`` files for the detector
+you are calibrating. They will be output into the folder specified by
+``--output``, which will have the run number or the last folder in the hierarchy
+of the input appended. Additionally, you need to specify the number of
+``--mem-cells`` used for the run, as well as the ``--detector``. Finally, you
+can optionally specify to only process certain ``--sequences`` of files,
+matching the sequence numbers of the `RAW` input. These should be given as a
+comma-separated list.
-Finally, there is a `--no-relgain` option, which disables relative gain
+Finally, there is a ``--no-relgain`` option, which disables relative gain
 correction. This can be useful while we still further characterize the detectors
 to provide accurate relative gain correction constants.
 You'll get a series of plots in the output directory as well.
+Important information that doesn't really fit in as part of the readme.
+TODO: Place this into the docs? Also, improve docs (out of scope for PR !437)
+GitLab Access for ``xcaltst`` and ``xcal``
+To make it easier to work with and deploy software via ``xcaltst``/``xcal``, we
+have created an xcal account for gitlab with the following details:
+- Full Name: ReadOnly Gitlab Calibration External
+- User ID: 423
+- Username: ``xcalgitlab``
+- Password: ask Robert Rosca
+This account is intended to be used as a read only account which can be given
+access to certain repos to make it easier to clone them when using our
+functional accounts on Maxwell.
+The ``xcaltst`` account has an ed25519 keypair under ``~/.ssh/gitlab/``, the
+public key has been added to the ``xcalgitlab``'s approved SSH keys.
+Additionally this block has been added to ``~/.ssh/config``:
+.. code::
+  # Special flags for gitlab over SSH
+  Host git.xfel.eu
+      User git
+      Port 10022
+      ForwardX11 no
+      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gitlab/id_ed25519
+Now any repository that ``xcalgitlab`` has read access to, e.g. if it is added as
+a reporter, can be cloned on Maxwell without having to enter a password.
+For example, ``xcalgitlab`` is a reporter on the pycalibration
+https://git.xfel.eu/gitlab/detectors/pycalibration repository, so now
+``xcalgitlab`` can do passwordless clones with SSH:
+.. code::
+  [xcaltst@max-exfl017 tmp]$ git clone ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/detectors/pycalibration.git
+  Cloning into 'pycalibration'...
+  remote: Enumerating objects: 9414, done.
+  remote: Counting objects: 100% (9414/9414), done.
+  remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2858/2858), done.
+  remote: Total 9414 (delta 6510), reused 9408 (delta 6504)
+  Receiving objects: 100% (9414/9414), 611.81 MiB | 54.87 MiB/s, done.
+  Resolving deltas: 100% (6510/6510), done.
+- Redmine ticket: https://in.xfel.eu/redmine/issues/83954
+- Original issue: https://git.xfel.eu/gitlab/detectors/calibration_workshop/issues/121
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d66d4c5d2dbe422bc19b65d443ea9ebe450681b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Cython == 0.29.21
-Jinja2 == 2.11.2
-astcheck == 0.2.5
-astsearch == 0.1.3
-dill == 0.3.0
-extra_data == 1.2.0
-extra_geom == 1.1.1
-fabio == 0.9.0
-gitpython == 3.1.0
-h5py == 2.10.0
-iminuit == 1.3.8
-ipykernel == 5.1.4
-ipyparallel == 6.2.4
-ipython == 7.12.0
-ipython_genutils == 0.2.0
-jupyter-core == 4.6.1
-jupyter_client == 6.1.7
-jupyter_console == 6.1.0
-karabo_data == 0.7.0
-lxml == 4.5.0
-metadata_client == 3.0.8
-nbclient == 0.5.1
-nbconvert == 5.6.1
-nbformat == 5.0.7
-notebook == 6.1.5
-numpy == 1.19.1
-pre-commit == 2.10.0
-prettytable == 0.7.2
-princess == 0.2
-pypandoc == 1.4
-python-dateutil == 2.8.1
-pyyaml == 5.3
-pyzmq == 19.0.0
-scikit-learn == 0.22.2.post1
-sharedmem == 0.3.8
-sphinx == 1.8.5
-tabulate == 0.8.6
-traitlets == 4.3.3
-unittest-xml-reporting == 3.0.2
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index fc9ead08dfc7c9a90354c5bcebc689759ebd36ec..e12fac28af282b16625e6ad92c6bb7ddc1968697 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,46 +1,29 @@
-import sys
 from distutils.command.build import build
 from distutils.extension import Extension
-from subprocess import check_call, check_output
+from subprocess import check_output
 import numpy
 from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
 from setuptools import setup
-from setuptools.command.install import install
-extensions = [Extension("cal_tools.cython.agipdalgs",
-                        ['cal_tools/cython/agipdalgs.pyx'],
-                        include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()],
-                        extra_compile_args=['-fopenmp', '-march=native'],
-                        extra_link_args=['-fopenmp'], ),
-              ]
-class PostInstallCommand(install):
-    """Post-installation for installation mode."""
-    def run(self):
-        install.run(self)
-        # check if this is a karabo installation
-        python_path = sys.executable
-        if "karabo" in python_path:
-            print("Karabo installation detected, checking for PyDetLib installation")
-            try:
-                import XFELDetAna
-                print("...found!")
-                return
-            except:
-                "No PyDetLib installation found, attempting to install"
-                check_call("karabo -g https://in.xfel.eu/gitlab install pyDetLib master".split())
-        else:
-            print("Python environment seems to not be a Karabo environment. "+
-                  "Please install PyDetLib manually.")
+extensions = [
+    Extension(
+        "cal_tools.cython.agipdalgs",
+        ["cal_tools/cython/agipdalgs.pyx"],
+        include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()],
+        extra_compile_args=["-fopenmp", "-march=native"],
+        extra_link_args=["-fopenmp"],
+    ),
 class PreInstallCommand(build):
     """Pre-installation for installation mode."""
     def run(self):
-        version = check_output(['git', 'describe', '--tag']).decode('utf8')
+        version = check_output(["git", "describe", "--tag"]).decode("utf8")
         version = version.replace("\n", "")
-        file = open('xfel_calibrate/VERSION.py', 'w')
+        file = open("xfel_calibrate/VERSION.py", "w")
@@ -57,33 +40,115 @@ for ctypes in notebooks.values():
         data_files += nb.get("pre_notebooks", [])
-    name='European XFEL Offline Calibration',
+    name="European XFEL Offline Calibration",
-    packages=['cal_tools', 'xfel_calibrate'],
-    package_dir={'cal_tools': 'cal_tools/cal_tools',
-                 'xfel_calibrate': 'xfel_calibrate',
-                 'xfel_calibrate.notebooks': 'xfel_calibrate/notebooks',
-                 },
+    author="Steffen Hauf",
+    author_email="steffen.hauf@xfel.eu",
+    maintainer="EuXFEL Calibration Team",
+    url="",
+    description="",
+    long_description="",
+    long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
+    # TODO: find licence, assuming this will be open sourced eventually
+    license="(c) European XFEL GmbH 2018",
+    packages=[
+        "cal_tools",
+        "xfel_calibrate",
+    ],  # TODO: use setuptools.find_packages(), need to resolve issue
+    package_dir={
+        "cal_tools": "cal_tools/cal_tools",
+        "xfel_calibrate": "xfel_calibrate",
+        "xfel_calibrate.notebooks": "xfel_calibrate/notebooks",
+    },
-        'xfel_calibrate': ['bin/*.sh'] + data_files + ['titlepage.tmpl',
-                                                       'xfel.pdf']
+        "xfel_calibrate": [
+            "bin/*.sh",
+            "titlepage.tmpl",
+            "xfel.pdf",
+        ]
+        + data_files
+    },
+    entry_points={
+        "console_scripts": [
+            "xfel-calibrate = xfel_calibrate.calibrate:run",
+        ],
-        'build' : PreInstallCommand,
-        'install': PostInstallCommand,
-        'build_ext': build_ext
+        "build": PreInstallCommand,
+        "build_ext": build_ext,
-    url='',
-    license='(c) European XFEL GmbH 2018',
-    author='Steffen Hauf',
-    author_email='steffen.hauf@xfel.eu',
-    description='',
-    entry_points = {
-              'console_scripts': [
-                  'xfel-calibrate = xfel_calibrate.calibrate:run',
-              ],
-          },
-    ext_modules=extensions
+    ext_modules=extensions,
+    install_requires=[
+        "iCalibrationDB @ git+ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/detectors/cal_db_interactive.git@2.0.1", # noqa
+        "nbparameterise @ git+ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/detectors/nbparameterise.git@0.3", # noqa
+        "XFELDetectorAnalysis @ git+ssh://git@git.xfel.eu:10022/karaboDevices/pyDetLib.git@2.5.6-2.10.0#subdirectory=lib", # noqa
+        "Cython==0.29.21",
+        "Jinja2==2.11.2",
+        "astcheck==0.2.5",
+        "astsearch==0.1.3",
+        "dill==0.3.0",
+        "extra_data==1.2.0",
+        "extra_geom==1.1.1",
+        "fabio==0.9.0",
+        "gitpython==3.1.0",
+        "h5py==2.10.0",
+        "iminuit==1.3.8",
+        "ipykernel==5.1.4",
+        "ipyparallel==6.2.4",
+        "ipython==7.12.0",
+        "ipython_genutils==0.2.0",
+        "jupyter-core==4.6.1",
+        "jupyter_client==6.1.7",
+        "jupyter_console==6.1.0",
+        "karabo_data==0.7.0",
+        "lxml==4.5.0",
+        "metadata_client==3.0.8",
+        "nbclient==0.5.1",
+        "nbconvert==5.6.1",
+        "nbformat==5.0.7",
+        "notebook==6.1.5",
+        "numpy==1.19.1",
+        "prettytable==0.7.2",
+        "princess==0.2",
+        "pypandoc==1.4",
+        "python-dateutil==2.8.1",
+        "pyyaml==5.3",
+        "pyzmq==19.0.0",
+        "requests==2.22.0",
+        "scikit-learn==0.22.2.post1",
+        "sharedmem==0.3.8",
+        "tabulate==0.8.6",
+        "traitlets==4.3.3",
+    ],
+    extras_require={
+        "docs": [
+            "nbsphinx",
+            "sphinx==1.8.5",
+        ],
+        "test": [
+            "coverage",
+            "nbval",
+            "pytest-asyncio",
+            "pytest-cov",
+            "pytest>=5.4.0",
+            "testpath",
+            "unittest-xml-reporting==3.0.2",
+        ],
+        "dev": [
+            "nbqa[toolchain]",
+            "pre-commit",
+        ],
+    },
+    python_requires=">=3.6",
+    classifiers=[
+        "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+        "Environment :: Console",
+        "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+        "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
+        # "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",  # TODO: put license here
+        "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+        "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis",
+        "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics",
+    ],