diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 400c9486bd7cdb7a30556d6495479ec114ce7548..8126b0a60162d8d07713bb54b1c60f266247b8b3 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ repos:
       # If `CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA` env var is set then this will
       # run flake8 on the diff of the merge request, otherwise it will run
       # flake8 as it would usually execute via the pre-commit hook
-      entry: bash -c 'if [ -z ${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA} ]; then (flake8 "$@"); else (git diff $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA...$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA | flake8 --diff); fi' --
+      entry: bash -c 'if [ -z ${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA} ]; then (flake8 "$@" --max-line-length 88); else (git diff $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA...$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA | flake8 --diff --max-line-length 88); fi' --
   - repo: https://github.com/myint/rstcheck
     rev: 3f92957478422df87bd730abde66f089cc1ee19b  # commit where pre-commit support was added
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index cfd9aaf32ebd94b6117163f02b30a367ca5a2e52..9177c82c32ff8cceab356c6a180d548940c27b5f 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ install_requires = [
-        "calibration_client==11.2.0",
+        "calibration_client==11.3.0",
diff --git a/src/cal_tools/calcat_interface.py b/src/cal_tools/calcat_interface.py
index b6fae338496ad62a1ddf33c3c6d768dcc1c8796e..164ce0ee0f52c08a7e1f48f81a2a505f6ab454aa 100644
--- a/src/cal_tools/calcat_interface.py
+++ b/src/cal_tools/calcat_interface.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 from datetime import date, datetime, time, timezone
 from functools import lru_cache
 from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Optional, Sequence
 from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
 import h5py
@@ -113,8 +114,7 @@ class CalCatApi(metaclass=ClientWrapper):
         """Encode operating condition to CalCat API format.
-            caldata (CalibrationData): Calibration data instance used to
-                interface with database.
+            condition (dict): Mapping of parameter DB name to value
             (dict) Operating condition for use in CalCat API.
@@ -192,6 +192,19 @@ class CalCatApi(metaclass=ClientWrapper):
         return resp_calibration["data"]["id"]
+    @lru_cache()
+    def calibration_name(self, calibration_id):
+        """Name for a calibration in CalCat."""
+        resp_calibration = Calibration.get_by_id(
+            self.client, calibration_id
+        )
+        if not resp_calibration["success"]:
+            raise CalCatError(resp_calibration)
+        return resp_calibration["data"]["name"]
     def parameter_id(self, param_name):
         """ID for an operating condition parameter in CalCat."""
@@ -203,6 +216,33 @@ class CalCatApi(metaclass=ClientWrapper):
         return resp_parameter["data"]["id"]
+    def _closest_ccv_by_time_by_condition(
+            self,
+            detector_name: str,
+            calibration_ids: Sequence[int],
+            condition: dict,
+            karabo_da: Optional[str] = None,
+            event_at=None,
+            pdu_snapshot_at=None,
+    ):
+        resp = CalibrationConstantVersion.get_closest_by_time_by_detector_conditions(
+            self.client,
+            detector_name,
+            calibration_ids,
+            self.format_cond(condition),
+            karabo_da=karabo_da or "",
+            event_at=self.format_time(event_at),
+            pdu_snapshot_at=self.format_time(pdu_snapshot_at),
+        )
+        if not resp["success"]:
+            if resp["status_code"] == 200:
+                # calibration_client turns empty response into an error
+                return []
+            raise CalCatError(resp)
+        return resp["data"]
     def closest_ccv_by_time_by_condition(
@@ -284,20 +324,16 @@ class CalCatApi(metaclass=ClientWrapper):
         # afterwards, if necessary.
         karabo_da = next(iter(da_to_modname)) if len(da_to_modname) == 1 else '',
-        resp_versions = CalibrationConstantVersion.get_closest_by_time_by_detector_conditions(  # noqa
-            self.client,
+        resp_data = self._closest_ccv_by_time_by_condition(
-            self.format_cond(condition),
+            condition,
-        if not resp_versions["success"]:
-            raise CalCatError(resp_versions)
-        for ccv in resp_versions["data"]:
+        for ccv in resp_data:
                 mod = da_to_modname[ccv['physical_detector_unit']['karabo_da']]
             except KeyError:
diff --git a/src/cal_tools/calcat_interface2.py b/src/cal_tools/calcat_interface2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9048db129d60e69991e63edd14f659dc902643f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cal_tools/calcat_interface2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+import json
+import re
+from collections.abc import Mapping
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace
+from datetime import date, datetime, time, timezone
+from functools import lru_cache
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from urllib.parse import urljoin
+from warnings import warn
+import h5py
+import pasha as psh
+import requests
+from oauth2_xfel_client import Oauth2ClientBackend
+# Default address to connect to, only available internally
+CALCAT_PROXY_URL = "http://exflcalproxy.desy.de:8080/"
+class ModuleNameError(KeyError):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"No module named {self.name!r}"
+class CalCatAPIError(requests.HTTPError):
+    """Used when the response includes error details as JSON"""
+class CalCatAPIClient:
+    def __init__(self, base_api_url, oauth_client=None, user_email=""):
+        if oauth_client is not None:
+            self.oauth_client = oauth_client
+            self.session = self.oauth_client.session
+        else:
+            # Oauth disabled - used with base_api_url pointing to an
+            # xfel-oauth-proxy instance
+            self.oauth_client = None
+            self.session = requests.Session()
+        self.user_email = user_email
+        # Ensure the base URL has a trailing slash
+        self.base_api_url = base_api_url.rstrip("/") + "/"
+    def default_headers(self):
+        return {
+            "content-type": "application/json",
+            "Accept": "application/json; version=2",
+            "X-User-Email": self.user_email,
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def format_time(cls, dt):
+        """Parse different ways to specify time to CalCat."""
+        if isinstance(dt, datetime):
+            return dt.astimezone(timezone.utc).isoformat()
+        elif isinstance(dt, date):
+            return cls.format_time(datetime.combine(dt, time()))
+        elif not isinstance(dt, str):
+            raise TypeError(
+                f"Timestamp parameter ({dt!r}) must be a string, datetime or "
+                f"date object"
+            )
+        return dt
+    def get_request(self, relative_url, params=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
+        """Make a GET request, return the HTTP response object"""
+        # Base URL may include e.g. '/api/'. This is a prefix for all URLs;
+        # even if they look like an absolute path.
+        url = urljoin(self.base_api_url, relative_url.lstrip("/"))
+        _headers = self.default_headers()
+        if headers:
+            _headers.update(headers)
+        return self.session.get(url, params=params, headers=_headers, **kwargs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _parse_response(resp: requests.Response):
+        if resp.status_code >= 400:
+            try:
+                d = json.loads(resp.content.decode("utf-8"))
+            except Exception:
+                resp.raise_for_status()
+            else:
+                raise CalCatAPIError(
+                    f"Error {resp.status_code} from API: "
+                    f"{d.get('info', 'missing details')}"
+                )
+        if resp.content == b"":
+            return None
+        else:
+            return json.loads(resp.content.decode("utf-8"))
+    def get(self, relative_url, params=None, **kwargs):
+        """Make a GET request, return response content from JSON"""
+        resp = self.get_request(relative_url, params, **kwargs)
+        return self._parse_response(resp)
+    _pagination_headers = (
+        "X-Total-Pages",
+        "X-Count-Per-Page",
+        "X-Current-Page",
+        "X-Total-Count",
+    )
+    def get_paged(self, relative_url, params=None, **kwargs):
+        """Make a GET request, return response content & pagination info"""
+        resp = self.get_request(relative_url, params, **kwargs)
+        content = self._parse_response(resp)
+        pagination_info = {
+            k[2:].lower().replace("-", "_"): int(resp.headers[k])
+            for k in self._pagination_headers
+            if k in resp.headers
+        }
+        return content, pagination_info
+    # ------------------
+    # Cached wrappers for simple ID lookups of fixed-ish info
+    #
+    # N.B. lru_cache behaves oddly with instance methods (it's a global cache,
+    # with the instance as part of the key), but in this case it should be OK.
+    @lru_cache()
+    def calibration_by_id(self, cal_id):
+        return self.get(f"calibrations/{cal_id}")
+    @lru_cache()
+    def detector_by_id(self, det_id):
+        return self.get(f"detectors/{det_id}")
+    # --------------------
+    # Shortcuts to find 1 of something by an ID-like field (e.g. name) other
+    # than CalCat's own integer IDs. Error on no match or >1 matches.
+    @lru_cache()
+    def detector_by_identifier(self, identifier):
+        # The "identifier", "name" & "karabo_name" fields seem to have the same names
+        res = self.get("detectors", {"identifier": identifier})
+        if not res:
+            raise KeyError(f"No detector with identifier {identifier}")
+        elif len(res) > 1:
+            raise ValueError(f"Multiple detectors found with identifier {identifier}")
+        return res[0]
+    @lru_cache()
+    def calibration_by_name(self, name):
+        res = self.get("calibrations", {"name": name})
+        if not res:
+            raise KeyError(f"No calibration with name {name}")
+        elif len(res) > 1:
+            raise ValueError(f"Multiple calibrations found with name {name}")
+        return res[0]
+global_client = None
+def get_client():
+    global global_client
+    if global_client is None:
+        setup_client(CALCAT_PROXY_URL, None, None, None)
+    return global_client
+def setup_client(
+    base_url,
+    client_id,
+    client_secret,
+    user_email,
+    scope="",
+    session_token=None,
+    oauth_retries=3,
+    oauth_timeout=12,
+    ssl_verify=True,
+    global global_client
+    if client_id is not None:
+        oauth_client = Oauth2ClientBackend(
+            client_id=client_id,
+            client_secret=client_secret,
+            scope=scope,
+            token_url=f"{base_url}/oauth/token",
+            session_token=session_token,
+            max_retries=oauth_retries,
+            timeout=oauth_timeout,
+            ssl_verify=ssl_verify,
+        )
+    else:
+        oauth_client = None
+    global_client = CalCatAPIClient(
+        f"{base_url}/api/",
+        oauth_client=oauth_client,
+        user_email=user_email,
+    )
+    # Check we can connect to exflcalproxy
+    if oauth_client is None and base_url == CALCAT_PROXY_URL:
+        try:
+            # timeout=(connect_timeout, read_timeout)
+            global_client.get_request("me", timeout=(1, 5))
+        except requests.ConnectionError as e:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "Could not connect to calibration catalog proxy. This proxy allows "
+                "unauthenticated access inside the XFEL/DESY network. To look up "
+                "calibration constants from outside, you will need to create an Oauth "
+                "client ID & secret in the CalCat web interface. You will still not "
+                "be able to load constants without the constant store folder."
+            ) from e
+_default_caldb_root = None
+def _get_default_caldb_root():
+    global _default_caldb_root
+    if _default_caldb_root is None:
+        onc_path = Path("/common/cal/caldb_store")
+        maxwell_path = Path("/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store")
+        if onc_path.is_dir():
+            _default_caldb_root = onc_path
+        elif maxwell_path.is_dir():
+            _default_caldb_root = maxwell_path
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                f"Neither {onc_path} nor {maxwell_path} was found. If the caldb_store "
+                "directory is at another location, pass its path as caldb_root."
+            )
+    return _default_caldb_root
+class SingleConstant:
+    """A calibration constant for one detector module
+    CalCat calls this a calibration constant version (CCV).
+    """
+    path: Path
+    dataset: str
+    ccv_id: Optional[int]
+    pdu_name: Optional[str]
+    _metadata: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
+    _have_calcat_metadata: bool = False
+    @classmethod
+    def from_response(cls, ccv: dict) -> "SingleConstant":
+        return cls(
+            path=Path(ccv["path_to_file"]) / ccv["file_name"],
+            dataset=ccv["data_set_name"],
+            ccv_id=ccv["id"],
+            pdu_name=ccv["physical_detector_unit"]["physical_name"],
+            _metadata=ccv,
+            _have_calcat_metadata=True,
+        )
+    def dataset_obj(self, caldb_root=None) -> h5py.Dataset:
+        if caldb_root is not None:
+            caldb_root = Path(caldb_root)
+        else:
+            caldb_root = _get_default_caldb_root()
+        f = h5py.File(caldb_root / self.path, "r")
+        return f[self.dataset]["data"]
+    def ndarray(self, caldb_root=None):
+        return self.dataset_obj(caldb_root)[:]
+    def _load_calcat_metadata(self, client=None):
+        client = client or get_client()
+        calcat_meta = client.get(f"calibration_constant_versions/{self.ccv_id}")
+        # Any metadata we already have takes precedence over CalCat, so
+        # this can't change a value that was previously returned.
+        self._metadata = calcat_meta | self._metadata
+        self._have_calcat_metadata = True
+    def metadata(self, key, client=None):
+        """Get a specific metadata field, e.g. 'begin_validity_at'
+        This may make a request to CalCat if the value is not already known.
+        """
+        if key not in self._metadata and not self._have_calcat_metadata:
+            if self.ccv_id is None:
+                raise KeyError(f"{key!r} (no CCV ID to request data from CalCat")
+            self._load_calcat_metadata(client)
+        return self._metadata[key]
+    def metadata_dict(self, client=None):
+        """Get a dict of available metadata
+        If this constant didn't come from CalCat but we have a CalCat CCV ID,
+        this will fetch metadata from CalCat.
+        """
+        if (not self._have_calcat_metadata) and (self.ccv_id is not None):
+            self._load_calcat_metadata(client)
+        return self._metadata.copy()
+def prepare_selection(
+    module_details, module_nums=None, aggregator_names=None, qm_names=None
+    aggs = aggregator_names  # Shorter name -> fewer multi-line statements
+    n_specified = sum([module_nums is not None, aggs is not None, qm_names is not None])
+    if n_specified > 1:
+        raise TypeError(
+            "select_modules() accepts only one of module_nums, aggregator_names "
+            "& qm_names"
+        )
+    if module_nums is not None:
+        by_mod_no = {m["module_number"]: m for m in module_details}
+        return [by_mod_no[n]["karabo_da"] for n in module_nums]
+    elif qm_names is not None:
+        by_qm = {m["virtual_device_name"]: m for m in module_details}
+        return [by_qm[s]["karabo_da"] for s in qm_names]
+    elif aggs is not None:
+        miss = set(aggs) - {m["karabo_da"] for m in module_details}
+        if miss:
+            raise KeyError("Aggregators not found: " + ", ".join(sorted(miss)))
+        return aggs
+    else:
+        raise TypeError("select_modules() requires an argument")
+class MultiModuleConstant(Mapping):
+    """A group of similar constants for several modules of one detector"""
+    constants: Dict[str, SingleConstant]  # Keys e.g. 'LPD00'
+    module_details: List[Dict]
+    detector_name: str  # e.g. 'HED_DET_AGIPD500K2G'
+    calibration_name: str
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return (
+            f"<MultiModuleConstant: {self.calibration_name} for "
+            f"{len(self.constants)} modules of {self.detector_name}>"
+        )
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.constants)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.constants)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        if key in (None, ""):
+            raise KeyError(key)
+        candidate_kdas = set()
+        if key in self.constants:  # Karabo DA name, e.g. 'LPD00'
+            candidate_kdas.add(key)
+        for m in self.module_details:
+            names = (m["module_number"], m["virtual_device_name"], m["physical_name"])
+            if key in names and m["karabo_da"] in self.constants:
+                candidate_kdas.add(m["karabo_da"])
+        if not candidate_kdas:
+            raise KeyError(key)
+        elif len(candidate_kdas) > 1:
+            raise KeyError(f"Ambiguous key: {key} matched {candidate_kdas}")
+        return self.constants[candidate_kdas.pop()]
+    def select_modules(
+        self, module_nums=None, *, aggregator_names=None, qm_names=None
+    ) -> "MultiModuleConstant":
+        aggs = prepare_selection(
+            self.module_details, module_nums, aggregator_names, qm_names
+        )
+        d = {aggr: scv for (aggr, scv) in self.constants.items() if aggr in aggs}
+        mods = [m for m in self.module_details if m["karabo_da"] in d]
+        return replace(self, constants=d, module_details=mods)
+    # These properties label only the modules we have constants for, which may
+    # be a subset of what's in module_details
+    @property
+    def aggregator_names(self):
+        return sorted(self.constants)
+    @property
+    def module_nums(self):
+        return [
+            m["module_number"]
+            for m in self.module_details
+            if m["karabo_da"] in self.constants
+        ]
+    @property
+    def qm_names(self):
+        return [
+            m["virtual_device_name"]
+            for m in self.module_details
+            if m["karabo_da"] in self.constants
+        ]
+    @property
+    def pdu_names(self):
+        return [
+            m["physical_name"]
+            for m in self.module_details
+            if m["karabo_da"] in self.constants
+        ]
+    def ndarray(self, caldb_root=None, *, parallel=0):
+        eg_dset = self.constants[self.aggregator_names[0]].dataset_obj(caldb_root)
+        shape = (len(self.constants),) + eg_dset.shape
+        if parallel > 0:
+            load_ctx = psh.ProcessContext(num_workers=parallel)
+        else:
+            load_ctx = psh.SerialContext()
+        arr = psh.alloc(shape, eg_dset.dtype, fill=0)
+        def _load_constant_dataset(wid, index, mod):
+            dset = self.constants[mod].dataset_obj(caldb_root)
+            dset.read_direct(arr[index])
+        load_ctx.map(_load_constant_dataset, self.aggregator_names)
+        return arr
+    def xarray(self, module_naming="modnum", caldb_root=None, *, parallel=0):
+        import xarray
+        if module_naming == "aggregator":
+            modules = self.aggregator_names
+        elif module_naming == "modnum":
+            modules = self.module_nums
+        elif module_naming == "qm":
+            modules = self.qm_names
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"{module_naming=} (must be 'aggregator', 'modnum' or 'qm'"
+            )
+        ndarr = self.ndarray(caldb_root, parallel=parallel)
+        # Dimension labels
+        dims = ["module"] + ["dim_%d" % i for i in range(ndarr.ndim - 1)]
+        coords = {"module": modules}
+        name = self.calibration_name
+        return xarray.DataArray(ndarr, dims=dims, coords=coords, name=name)
+class CalibrationData(Mapping):
+    """Collected constants for a given detector"""
+    def __init__(self, constant_groups, module_details, detector_name):
+        # {calibration: {karabo_da: SingleConstant}}
+        self.constant_groups = constant_groups
+        self.module_details = module_details
+        self.detector_name = detector_name
+    @staticmethod
+    def _format_cond(condition):
+        """Encode operating condition to CalCat API format.
+        Args:
+            condition (dict): Mapping of parameter DB name to value
+        Returns:
+            (dict) Operating condition for use in CalCat API.
+        """
+        return {
+            "parameters_conditions_attributes": [
+                {"parameter_name": k, "value": str(v)} for k, v in condition.items()
+            ]
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def from_condition(
+        cls,
+        condition: "ConditionsBase",
+        detector_name,
+        calibrations=None,
+        client=None,
+        event_at=None,
+        pdu_snapshot_at=None,
+    ):
+        if calibrations is None:
+            calibrations = set(condition.calibration_types)
+        if pdu_snapshot_at is None:
+            pdu_snapshot_at = event_at
+        cal_types_by_params_used = {}
+        for cal_type, params in condition.calibration_types.items():
+            if cal_type in calibrations:
+                cal_types_by_params_used.setdefault(tuple(params), []).append(cal_type)
+        client = client or get_client()
+        detector_id = client.detector_by_identifier(detector_name)["id"]
+        pdus = client.get(
+            "physical_detector_units/get_all_by_detector",
+            {
+                "detector_id": detector_id,
+                "pdu_snapshot_at": client.format_time(pdu_snapshot_at),
+            },
+        )
+        module_details = sorted(pdus, key=lambda d: d["karabo_da"])
+        for mod in module_details:
+            if mod.get("module_number") is None:
+                mod["module_number"] = int(re.findall(r"\d+", mod["karabo_da"])[-1])
+        constant_groups = {}
+        for params, cal_types in cal_types_by_params_used.items():
+            condition_dict = condition.make_dict(params)
+            cal_id_map = {
+                client.calibration_by_name(name)["id"]: name for name in cal_types
+            }
+            calibration_ids = list(cal_id_map.keys())
+            query_res = client.get(
+                "calibration_constant_versions/get_by_detector_conditions",
+                {
+                    "detector_identifier": detector_name,
+                    "calibration_id": str(calibration_ids),
+                    "karabo_da": "",
+                    "event_at": client.format_time(event_at),
+                    "pdu_snapshot_at": client.format_time(pdu_snapshot_at),
+                },
+                data=json.dumps(cls._format_cond(condition_dict)),
+            )
+            for ccv in query_res:
+                aggr = ccv["physical_detector_unit"]["karabo_da"]
+                cal_type = cal_id_map[ccv["calibration_constant"]["calibration_id"]]
+                const_group = constant_groups.setdefault(cal_type, {})
+                const_group[aggr] = SingleConstant.from_response(ccv)
+        return cls(constant_groups, module_details, detector_name)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_report(
+        cls,
+        report_id_or_path: Union[int, str],
+        client=None,
+    ):
+        client = client or get_client()
+        # Use max page size, hopefully always enough for CCVs from 1 report
+        params = {"page_size": 500}
+        if isinstance(report_id_or_path, int):
+            params["report_id"] = report_id_or_path  # Numeric ID
+        else:
+            params["report.file_path"] = str(report_id_or_path)
+        res = client.get("calibration_constant_versions", params)
+        constant_groups = {}
+        pdus = {}  # keyed by karabo_da (e.g. 'AGIPD00')
+        det_ids = set()  # Should only have one detector
+        for ccv in res:
+            pdu = ccv["physical_detector_unit"]
+            # We're only interested in the PDU mapping from the CCV start time
+            kda = pdu["karabo_da"] = pdu.pop("karabo_da_at_ccv_begin_at")
+            det_id = pdu["detector_id"] = pdu.pop("detector_id_at_ccv_begin_at")
+            pdu["virtual_device_name"] = pdu.pop("virtual_device_name_at_ccv_begin_at")
+            if pdu.get("module_number_at_ccv_begin_at") is not None:
+                pdu["module_number"] = pdu.pop("module_number_at_ccv_begin_at")
+            else:
+                pdu["module_number"] = int(re.findall(r"\d+", kda)[-1])
+            det_ids.add(det_id)
+            if kda in pdus:
+                if pdu["physical_name"] != pdus[kda]["physical_name"]:
+                    raise Exception(
+                        f"Mismatched PDU mapping from calibration report: {kda} is both"
+                        f" {pdu['physical_name']} and {pdus[kda]['physical_name']}"
+                    )
+            else:
+                pdus[kda] = pdu
+            cal_type = client.calibration_by_id(
+                ccv["calibration_constant"]["calibration_id"]
+            )["name"]
+            const_group = constant_groups.setdefault(cal_type, {})
+            const_group[kda] = SingleConstant.from_response(ccv)
+        if len(det_ids) > 1:
+            raise Exception(f"Found multiple detector IDs in report: {det_ids}")
+        # The "identifier", "name" & "karabo_name" fields seem to have the same names
+        det_name = client.detector_by_id(det_ids.pop())["identifier"]
+        module_details = sorted(pdus.values(), key=lambda d: d["karabo_da"])
+        return cls(constant_groups, module_details, det_name)
+    def __getitem__(self, key) -> MultiModuleConstant:
+        if isinstance(key, str):
+            return MultiModuleConstant(
+                self.constant_groups[key], self.module_details, self.detector_name, key
+            )
+        elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2:
+            cal_type, module = key
+            return self[cal_type][module]
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f"Key should be string or 2-tuple (got {key!r})")
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.constant_groups)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.constant_groups)
+    def __contains__(self, item):
+        return item in self.constant_groups
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return (
+            f"<CalibrationData: {', '.join(sorted(self.constant_groups))} "
+            f"constants for {len(self.module_details)} modules of {self.detector_name}>"
+        )
+    # These properties may include modules for which we have no constants -
+    # when created with .from_condition(), they represent all modules present in
+    # the detector (at the specified time).
+    @property
+    def module_nums(self):
+        return [m["module_number"] for m in self.module_details]
+    @property
+    def aggregator_names(self):
+        return [m["karabo_da"] for m in self.module_details]
+    @property
+    def qm_names(self):
+        return [m["virtual_device_name"] for m in self.module_details]
+    @property
+    def pdu_names(self):
+        return [m["physical_name"] for m in self.module_details]
+    def require_calibrations(self, calibrations):
+        """Drop any modules missing the specified constant types"""
+        mods = set(self.aggregator_names)
+        for cal_type in calibrations:
+            mods.intersection_update(self[cal_type].constants)
+        return self.select_modules(aggregator_names=mods)
+    def select_modules(
+        self, module_nums=None, *, aggregator_names=None, qm_names=None
+    ) -> "CalibrationData":
+        # Validate the specified modules against those we know about.
+        # Each specific constant type may have only a subset of these modules.
+        aggs = prepare_selection(
+            self.module_details, module_nums, aggregator_names, qm_names
+        )
+        constant_groups = {}
+        matched_aggregators = set()
+        for cal_type, const_group in self.constant_groups.items():
+            constant_groups[cal_type] = d = {
+                aggr: const for (aggr, const) in const_group.items() if aggr in aggs
+            }
+            matched_aggregators.update(d.keys())
+        module_details = [
+            m for m in self.module_details if m["karabo_da"] in matched_aggregators
+        ]
+        return type(self)(constant_groups, module_details, self.detector_name)
+    def select_calibrations(self, calibrations) -> "CalibrationData":
+        const_groups = {c: self.constant_groups[c] for c in calibrations}
+        return type(self)(const_groups, self.module_details, self.detector_name)
+    def merge(self, *others: "CalibrationData") -> "CalibrationData":
+        det_names = set(cd.detector_name for cd in (self,) + others)
+        if len(det_names) > 1:
+            raise Exception(
+                "Cannot merge calibration data for different "
+                "detectors: " + ", ".join(sorted(det_names))
+            )
+        det_name = det_names.pop()
+        cal_types = set(self.constant_groups)
+        aggregators = set(self.aggregator_names)
+        pdus_d = {m["karabo_da"]: m for m in self.module_details}
+        for other in others:
+            cal_types.update(other.constant_groups)
+            aggregators.update(other.aggregator_names)
+            for md in other.module_details:
+                # Warn if constants don't refer to same modules
+                md_da = md["karabo_da"]
+                if md_da in pdus_d:
+                    pdu_a = pdus_d[md_da]["physical_name"]
+                    pdu_b = md["physical_name"]
+                    if pdu_a != pdu_b:
+                        warn(
+                            f"Merging constants with different modules for "
+                            f"{md_da}: {pdu_a!r} != {pdu_b!r}",
+                            stacklevel=2,
+                        )
+                else:
+                    pdus_d[md_da] = md
+        module_details = sorted(pdus_d.values(), key=lambda d: d["karabo_da"])
+        constant_groups = {}
+        for cal_type in cal_types:
+            d = constant_groups[cal_type] = {}
+            for caldata in (self,) + others:
+                if cal_type in caldata:
+                    d.update(caldata.constant_groups[cal_type])
+        return type(self)(constant_groups, module_details, det_name)
+class ConditionsBase:
+    calibration_types = {}  # For subclasses: {calibration: [parameter names]}
+    def make_dict(self, parameters) -> dict:
+        d = dict()
+        for db_name in parameters:
+            value = getattr(self, db_name.lower().replace(" ", "_"))
+            if value is not None:
+                d[db_name] = value
+        return d
+class AGIPDConditions(ConditionsBase):
+    sensor_bias_voltage: float
+    memory_cells: int
+    acquisition_rate: float
+    gain_setting: Optional[int]
+    gain_mode: Optional[int]
+    source_energy: float
+    integration_time: int = 12
+    pixels_x: int = 512
+    pixels_y: int = 128
+    _gain_parameters = [
+        "Sensor Bias Voltage",
+        "Pixels X",
+        "Pixels Y",
+        "Memory cells",
+        "Acquisition rate",
+        "Gain setting",
+        "Integration time",
+    ]
+    _other_dark_parameters = _gain_parameters + ["Gain mode"]
+    _illuminated_parameters = _gain_parameters + ["Source energy"]
+    calibration_types = {
+        "Offset": _other_dark_parameters,
+        "Noise": _other_dark_parameters,
+        "ThresholdsDark": _other_dark_parameters,
+        "BadPixelsDark": _other_dark_parameters,
+        "BadPixelsPC": _gain_parameters,
+        "SlopesPC": _gain_parameters,
+        "BadPixelsFF": _illuminated_parameters,
+        "SlopesFF": _illuminated_parameters,
+    }
+    def make_dict(self, parameters):
+        cond = super().make_dict(parameters)
+        # Fix-up some database quirks.
+        if int(cond.get("Gain mode", -1)) == 0:
+            del cond["Gain mode"]
+        if int(cond.get("Integration time", -1)) == 12:
+            del cond["Integration time"]
+        return cond
+class LPDConditions(ConditionsBase):
+    sensor_bias_voltage: float
+    memory_cells: int
+    memory_cell_order: Optional[str] = None
+    feedback_capacitor: float = 5.0
+    source_energy: float = 9.2
+    category: int = 1
+    pixels_x: int = 256
+    pixels_y: int = 256
+    _base_params = [
+        "Sensor Bias Voltage",
+        "Memory cells",
+        "Pixels X",
+        "Pixels Y",
+        "Feedback capacitor",
+    ]
+    _dark_parameters = _base_params + [
+        "Memory cell order",
+    ]
+    _illuminated_parameters = _base_params + ["Source Energy", "category"]
+    calibration_types = {
+        "Offset": _dark_parameters,
+        "Noise": _dark_parameters,
+        "BadPixelsDark": _dark_parameters,
+        "RelativeGain": _illuminated_parameters,
+        "GainAmpMap": _illuminated_parameters,
+        "FFMap": _illuminated_parameters,
+        "BadPixelsFF": _illuminated_parameters,
+    }
+class DSSCConditions(ConditionsBase):
+    sensor_bias_voltage: float
+    memory_cells: int
+    pulse_id_checksum: Optional[float] = None
+    acquisition_rate: Optional[float] = None
+    target_gain: Optional[int] = None
+    encoded_gain: Optional[int] = None
+    pixels_x: int = 512
+    pixels_y: int = 128
+    _params = [
+        "Sensor Bias Voltage",
+        "Memory cells",
+        "Pixels X",
+        "Pixels Y",
+        "Pulse id checksum",
+        "Acquisition rate",
+        "Target gain",
+        "Encoded gain",
+    ]
+    calibration_types = {
+        "Offset": _params,
+        "Noise": _params,
+    }
diff --git a/tests/test_calcat_interface2.py b/tests/test_calcat_interface2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca84e3a5ccf162185f3bde549566adfd4c1906c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_calcat_interface2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+import xarray as xr
+from cal_tools.calcat_interface2 import (
+    AGIPDConditions,
+    CalibrationData,
+    DSSCConditions,
+    LPDConditions,
+    SingleConstant,
+def test_AGIPD_CalibrationData_metadata():
+    """Test CalibrationData with AGIPD condition"""
+    cond = AGIPDConditions(
+        # From: https://in.xfel.eu/calibration/calibration_constants/5754#condition
+        sensor_bias_voltage=300,  # V
+        memory_cells=352,
+        acquisition_rate=2.2,  # MHz
+        gain_mode=0,
+        gain_setting=1,
+        integration_time=12,
+        source_energy=9.2,
+    )
+    agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
+        cond,
+        "MID_DET_AGIPD1M-1",
+        event_at="2022-09-01 13:26:48.00",
+        calibrations=["Offset", "SlopesFF"],
+    )
+    assert agipd_cd.detector_name == "MID_DET_AGIPD1M-1"
+    assert "Offset" in agipd_cd
+    assert set(agipd_cd["Offset"].constants) == {f"AGIPD{m:02}" for m in range(16)}
+    assert isinstance(agipd_cd["Offset", "AGIPD00"], SingleConstant)
+    assert agipd_cd["Offset", "Q1M2"] == agipd_cd["Offset", "AGIPD01"]
+def test_AGIPD_merge():
+    cond = AGIPDConditions(
+        # From: https://in.xfel.eu/calibration/calibration_constants/5754#condition
+        sensor_bias_voltage=300,  # V
+        memory_cells=352,
+        acquisition_rate=2.2,  # MHz
+        gain_mode=0,
+        gain_setting=1,
+        integration_time=12,
+        source_energy=9.2,
+    )
+    agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
+        cond,
+        "MID_DET_AGIPD1M-1",
+        event_at="2022-09-01 13:26:48.00",
+        calibrations=["Offset", "SlopesFF"],
+    )
+    modnos_q1 = list(range(0, 4))
+    modnos_q4 = list(range(12, 16))
+    merged = agipd_cd.select_modules(modnos_q1).merge(
+        agipd_cd.select_modules(modnos_q4)
+    )
+    assert merged.module_nums == modnos_q1 + modnos_q4
+    offset_only = agipd_cd.select_calibrations(["Offset"])
+    slopes_only = agipd_cd.select_calibrations(["SlopesFF"])
+    assert set(offset_only) == {"Offset"}
+    assert set(slopes_only) == {"SlopesFF"}
+    merged_cals = offset_only.merge(slopes_only)
+    assert set(merged_cals) == {"Offset", "SlopesFF"}
+    assert merged_cals.module_nums == list(range(16))
+def test_AGIPD_CalibrationData_metadata_SPB():
+    """Test CalibrationData with AGIPD condition"""
+    cond = AGIPDConditions(
+        sensor_bias_voltage=300,
+        memory_cells=352,
+        acquisition_rate=1.1,
+        integration_time=12,
+        source_energy=9.2,
+        gain_mode=0,
+        gain_setting=0,
+    )
+    agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
+        cond,
+        "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1",
+        event_at="2020-01-07 13:26:48.00",
+    )
+    assert "Offset" in agipd_cd
+    assert set(agipd_cd["Offset"].constants) == {f"AGIPD{m:02}" for m in range(16)}
+    assert agipd_cd["Offset"].module_nums == list(range(16))
+    assert agipd_cd["Offset"].qm_names == [
+        f"Q{(m // 4) + 1}M{(m % 4) + 1}" for m in range(16)
+    ]
+    assert isinstance(agipd_cd["Offset", 0], SingleConstant)
+def test_AGIPD_load_data():
+    cond = AGIPDConditions(
+        sensor_bias_voltage=300,
+        memory_cells=352,
+        acquisition_rate=1.1,
+        integration_time=12,
+        source_energy=9.2,
+        gain_mode=0,
+        gain_setting=0,
+    )
+    agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
+        cond,
+        "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1",
+        event_at="2020-01-07 13:26:48.00",
+    )
+    arr = agipd_cd["Offset"].select_modules(list(range(4))).xarray()
+    assert arr.shape == (4, 128, 512, 352, 3)
+    assert arr.dims[0] == "module"
+    np.testing.assert_array_equal(arr.coords["module"], np.arange(0, 4))
+    assert arr.dtype == np.float64
+    # Load parallel
+    arr_p = agipd_cd["Offset"].select_modules(list(range(4))).xarray(parallel=4)
+    xr.testing.assert_identical(arr_p, arr)
+def test_DSSC_modules_missing():
+    dssc_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
+        DSSCConditions(sensor_bias_voltage=100, memory_cells=600),
+        "SQS_DET_DSSC1M-1",
+        event_at="2023-11-29 00:00:00",
+    )
+    # DSSC was used with only 3 quadrants at this point
+    modnos = list(range(4)) + list(range(8, 16))
+    assert dssc_cd.aggregator_names == [f"DSSC{m:02}" for m in modnos]
+    assert dssc_cd.module_nums == modnos
+    assert dssc_cd.qm_names == [f"Q{(m // 4) + 1}M{(m % 4) + 1}" for m in modnos]
+    offset = dssc_cd["Offset"]
+    assert offset.module_nums == modnos
+    # test ModulesConstantVersions.select_modules()
+    modnos_q3 = list(range(8, 12))
+    aggs_q3 = [f"DSSC{m:02}" for m in modnos_q3]
+    qm_q3 = [f"Q3M{i}" for i in range(1, 5)]
+    assert offset.select_modules(modnos_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
+    assert offset.select_modules(aggregator_names=aggs_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
+    assert offset.select_modules(qm_names=qm_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
+    # test CalibrationData.select_modules()
+    assert dssc_cd.select_modules(modnos_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
+    assert dssc_cd.select_modules(aggregator_names=aggs_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
+    assert dssc_cd.select_modules(qm_names=qm_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
+def test_LPD_constant_missing():
+    lpd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
+        LPDConditions(memory_cells=200, sensor_bias_voltage=250),
+        "FXE_DET_LPD1M-1",
+        event_at="2022-05-22T02:00:00",
+    )
+    # Constants are missing for 1 module (LPD05), but it was still included in
+    # the PDUs for the detector, so it should still appear in the lists.
+    assert lpd_cd.aggregator_names == [f"LPD{m:02}" for m in range(16)]
+    assert lpd_cd.module_nums == list(range(16))
+    assert lpd_cd.qm_names == [f"Q{(m // 4) + 1}M{(m % 4) + 1}" for m in range(16)]
+    # When we look at a specific constant, module LPD05 is missing
+    modnos_w_constant = list(range(0, 5)) + list(range(6, 16))
+    assert lpd_cd["Offset"].module_nums == modnos_w_constant
+    # Test CalibrationData.require_constant()
+    assert lpd_cd.require_calibrations(["Offset"]).module_nums == modnos_w_constant
+def test_AGIPD_CalibrationData_report():
+    """Test CalibrationData with data from report"""
+    # Report ID: https://in.xfel.eu/calibration/reports/3757
+    agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_report(3757)
+    assert agipd_cd.detector_name == "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1"
+    assert set(agipd_cd) == {"Offset", "Noise", "ThresholdsDark", "BadPixelsDark"}
+    assert agipd_cd.aggregator_names == [f"AGIPD{n:02}" for n in range(16)]
+    assert isinstance(agipd_cd["Offset", "AGIPD00"], SingleConstant)