diff --git a/webservice/messages.py b/webservice/messages.py
index 3f3255daa3510fe9333024996156344c84dc3369..957ebfe33836474a27ebf82f7bbd56e17acf3caa 100644
--- a/webservice/messages.py
+++ b/webservice/messages.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class Errors:
     MDC_RESPONSE = "FAILED: Response error from MDC: {}"
     NOT_CONFIGURED = "FAILED: instrument not configured, please contact det-support@xfel.eu"
     NOT_SUBMITTED = "FAILED: correction of {} failed during submision, please contact det-support@xfel.eu"
+    OTHER_ERROR = "FAILED: Error {}, please contact det-support@xfel.eu"
 class MDC:
diff --git a/webservice/webservice.py b/webservice/webservice.py
index de19d5a2545ce55ef540d4cb016e908e3c0fefd8..0d1696e53e29fb83971c47cf4784062198834d93 100644
--- a/webservice/webservice.py
+++ b/webservice/webservice.py
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ import asyncio
 import copy
 import getpass
 import glob
+import inspect
 import json
 import logging
 import os
 import sqlite3
-import traceback
 import urllib.parse
 from asyncio import get_event_loop, shield
 from datetime import datetime
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, Dict, List
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
 import yaml
 import zmq
@@ -95,10 +95,9 @@ def init_config_repo(config):
     logging.info("Config repo is initialized")
-async def upload_config(socket, config, yaml, instrument, cycle, proposal):
+async def upload_config(config, yaml, instrument, cycle, proposal) -> bytes:
     """ Upload a new configuration YAML
-    :param socket: ZMQ socket to send reply on
     :param config: the configuration defined in the `config-repo` section
         of the webservice.yaml configuration.
     :param yaml: the YAML contents to update
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ async def upload_config(socket, config, yaml, instrument, cycle, proposal):
     logging.info(Success.UPLOADED_CONFIG.format(cycle, proposal))
-    socket.send(Success.UPLOADED_CONFIG.format(cycle, proposal).encode())
+    return Success.UPLOADED_CONFIG.format(cycle, proposal).encode()
 def merge(source: Dict, destination: Dict) -> Dict:
@@ -156,8 +155,8 @@ def merge(source: Dict, destination: Dict) -> Dict:
     return destination
-async def change_config(socket, config, updated_config, karabo_id, instrument,
-                        cycle, proposal, apply=False):
+def change_config(config, updated_config, karabo_id, instrument,
+                        cycle, proposal, apply=False) -> bytes:
     Change the configuration of a proposal
@@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ async def change_config(socket, config, updated_config, karabo_id, instrument,
     Changes are committed to git.
-    :param socket: ZMQ socket to send reply on
     :param config: repo config as given in YAML config file
     :param updated_config: a dictionary containing the updated config
     :param instrument: the instrument to change config for
@@ -206,7 +204,7 @@ async def change_config(socket, config, updated_config, karabo_id, instrument,
             "Update to proposal YAML: {}".format(datetime.now().isoformat()))
     logging.info(Success.UPLOADED_CONFIG.format(cycle, proposal))
-    socket.send(yaml.dump(new_conf, default_flow_style=False).encode())
+    return yaml.dump(new_conf, default_flow_style=False).encode()
 async def run_proc_async(cmd: List[str]) -> (int, bytes):
@@ -262,7 +260,7 @@ async def slurm_job_status(jobid):
     return "NA", "NA", "NA"
-async def query_rid(conn, socket, rid):
+def query_rid(conn, rid) -> bytes:
     c = conn.cursor()
     c.execute("SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE rid LIKE ?", rid)
     combined = {}
@@ -293,7 +291,7 @@ async def query_rid(conn, socket, rid):
         msg += "\n".join(statii)
     if msg == "":
         msg = 'NA'
-    socket.send(msg.encode())
+    return msg.encode()
 def parse_config(cmd: List[str], config: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
@@ -350,7 +348,7 @@ async def update_job_db(config):
                 rid, jobid, proposal, run, status, time, _, action = r
                 logging.debug("DB info {}".format(r))
-                cflg, cstatus = combined.get(rid, ([], []))
+                cflg, cstatus = combined.get((rid, action), ([], []))
                 if jobid in statii:
                     slstatus, runtime = statii[jobid]
                     query = "UPDATE jobs SET status=?, time=? WHERE jobid LIKE ?"
@@ -368,17 +366,22 @@ async def update_job_db(config):
-                combined[rid] = cflg, cstatus
+                combined[rid, action] = cflg, cstatus
             flg_order = {"R": 2, "A": 1, "NA": 0}
             dark_flags = {'NA': 'E', 'R': 'IP', 'A': 'F'}
-            for rid, value in combined.items():
+            for rid, action in combined:
                 if int(rid) == 0:  # this job was not submitted from MyMDC
-                flgs, statii = value
+                flgs, statii = combined[rid, action]
                 # sort by least done status
                 flg = max(flgs, key=lambda i: flg_order[i])
+                if flg != 'R':
+                    logging.info(
+                        "Jobs finished - action: %s, run id: %s, status: %s",
+                        action, rid, flg,
+                    )
                 msg = "\n".join(statii)
                 msg_debug = f"Update MDC {rid}, {msg}"
                 logging.debug(msg_debug.replace('\n', ', '))
@@ -391,10 +394,11 @@ async def update_job_db(config):
                                          'calcat_feedback': msg}}
                     response = mdc.update_dark_run_api(rid, data)
                 if response.status_code != 200:
+                    logging.error("Failed to update MDC for action %s, rid %s",
+                                  action, rid)
-        except Exception as e:
-            e = str(e)
-            logging.error(f"Failure to update job DB: {e}")
+        except Exception:
+            logging.error(f"Failure to update job DB", exc_info=True)
         await asyncio.sleep(time_interval)
@@ -416,7 +420,7 @@ async def copy_untouched_files(file_list, out_folder, run):
         logging.info("Copying {} to {}".format(f, of))
-async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, rid):
+async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, rid) -> str:
     """ Run action command (CORRECT OR DARK)
     :param job_db: jobs database
@@ -425,7 +429,7 @@ async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, rid):
                  but the command will be logged
     :param proposal: proposal the command was issued for
     :param run: run the command was issued for
-    :param: rid: run id in the MDC
+    :param rid: run id in the MDC
     Returns a formatted Success or Error message indicating outcome of the
@@ -474,7 +478,7 @@ async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, rid):
             return Success.START_CORRECTION_SIM.format(proposal, run)
-async def wait_on_transfer(rpath, max_tries=300):
+async def wait_on_transfer(rpath, max_tries=300) -> bool:
     Wait on data files to be transferred to Maxwell
@@ -511,6 +515,34 @@ async def wait_on_transfer(rpath, max_tries=300):
         await asyncio.sleep(10)
+async def wait_transfers(
+        wait_runs: List[str], in_folder: str, proposal: str
+) -> bool:
+    """Wait for multiple runs to be transferred to Maxwell.
+    :param wait_runs: Run numbers to wait for
+    :param in_folder: Proposal raw directory containing runs
+    :param proposal: Proposal number
+    :return: True if all runs transferred, false on timeout
+    """
+    logging.debug("Waiting for: propsal %s, runs %s", proposal, wait_runs)
+    # FIXME: this loop should be an asyncio.gather
+    for runnr in wait_runs:
+        rpath = "{}/r{:04d}/".format(in_folder, int(runnr))
+        transfer_complete = await wait_on_transfer(rpath)
+        if not transfer_complete:
+            logging.error(
+                Errors.TRANSFER_EVAL_FAILED.format(proposal, runnr)
+            )
+            return False
+    logging.info(
+        "Transfer complete: proposal %s, runs %s", proposal, wait_runs
+    )
+    return True
 def check_files(in_folder: str,
                 runs: List[int],
                 karabo_das: List[str]) -> bool:
@@ -553,6 +585,7 @@ async def update_darks_paths(mdc: MetadataClient, rid: int, in_path: str,
     response = await shield(loop.run_in_executor(None, mdc.update_dark_run_api,
                                                  rid, data))
     if response.status_code != 200:
+        logging.error("Failed to update MDC dark report path for run id %s", rid)
@@ -584,441 +617,561 @@ async def update_mdc_status(mdc: MetadataClient, action: str,
         func = mdc.update_run_api
         data = {'flg_cal_data_status': flag, 'cal_pipeline_reply': message}
-    if action == 'dark_request':
+    elif action == 'dark_request':
         func = mdc.update_dark_run_api
         data = {'dark_run': {'flg_status': flag, 'calcat_feedback': message}}
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Unexpected action: {action}")
     loop = get_event_loop()
     response = await shield(loop.run_in_executor(None, func, rid, data))
     if response.status_code != 200:
+        logging.error("Failed to update MDC status for action %s, run id %s",
+                      action, rid)
-async def server_runner(config, mode):
-    """ The main server loop
-    The main server loop handles remote requests via a ZMQ interface.
-    Requests are the form of ZMQ.REQuest and have the format
-        command, *params
-    where *parms is a string-encoded python list as defined by the
-    commands. The following commands are currently understood:
-    - correct, with parmeters rid, sase, instrument, cycle, proposal, runnr
-       where
-       :param rid: is the runid within the MDC database
-       :param sase: is the sase beamline
-       :param instrument: is the instrument
-       :param cycle: is the facility cycle
-       :param proposal: is the proposal id
-       :param runnr: is the run number in integer form, e.g. without leading
-                    "r"
-       This will trigger a correction process to be launched for that run in
-       the given cycle and proposal.
-    - dark_request, with parameters rid, sase, instrument, cycle, proposal,
-      did, operation_mode, pdu_names, karabo_das, runnr
-       where
-       :param rid: is the runid within the MDC database
-       :param sase: is the sase beamline
-       :param instrument: is the instrument
-       :param cycle: is the facility cycle
-       :param proposal: is the proposal id
-       :param did: is the detector karabo id
-       :param operation_mode: is the detector's operation mode, as defined in
-              CalCat
-       :param pdu_names: physical detector units for each modules
-       :param karabo_das: the Data Agreggators representing which detector
-              modules to calibrate
-       :param runnr: is the run number in integer form, i.e. without leading
-                    "r"
-    - upload-yaml, with parameters sase, instrument, cycle, proposal, yaml
-       where
-       :param sase: is the sase beamline
-       :param instrument: is the instrument
-       :param cycle: is the facility cycle
-       :param proposal: is the proposal id
-       :param yaml: is url-encoded (quotes and spaces) representation of
-                    new YAML file
-       This will create or replace the existing YAML configuration for the
-       proposal and cycle with the newly sent one, and then push it to the git
-       configuration repo.
-    """
-    init_config_repo(config['config-repo'])
-    job_db = await init_job_db(config)
-    mdc = await init_md_client(config)
-    context = zmq.asyncio.Context()
-    auth = zmq.auth.thread.ThreadAuthenticator(context)
-    if mode == "prod-auth":
-        auth.start()
-        auth.allow(config['web-service']['allowed-ips'])
+class ActionsServer:
+    def __init__(self, config, mode, job_db, mdc):
+        self.config = config
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.job_db = job_db
+        self.mdc = mdc
+        # Set up a ZMQ socket to listen for requests
+        self.zmq_ctx = zmq.asyncio.Context()
+        auth = zmq.auth.thread.ThreadAuthenticator(self.zmq_ctx)
+        if mode == "prod-auth":
+            auth.start()
+            auth.allow(config['web-service']['allowed-ips'])
+        self.socket = self.zmq_ctx.socket(zmq.REP)
+        self.socket.zap_domain = b'global'
+        self.socket.bind("{}:{}".format(config['web-service']['bind-to'],
+                                        config['web-service']['port']))
+    # __init__ can't be async - this is a workaround
+    @classmethod
+    async def ainit(cls, config, mode):
+        init_config_repo(config['config-repo'])
+        job_db = await init_job_db(config)
+        mdc = await init_md_client(config)
+        return cls(config, mode, job_db, mdc)
+    @classmethod
+    async def launch(cls, config, mode):
+        server = await cls.ainit(config, mode)
+        return await server.run()
+    async def run(self):
+        """The main server loop
+        The main server loop handles remote requests via a ZMQ interface.
+        Requests are the form of ZMQ.REQuest and have the format
+            command, *params
+        where *parms is a string-encoded python list as defined by the
+        commands.
+        """
+        while True:
+            req = await self.socket.recv_multipart()
+            logging.debug("Raw request data: %r", req)
+            try:
+                resp = await self.handle_one_req(req)
+            except Exception as e:
+                logging.error("Unexpected error handling request", exc_info=e)
+                resp = Errors.OTHER_ERROR.format(e).encode()
-    socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
-    socket.zap_domain = b'global'
-    socket.bind("{}:{}".format(config['web-service']['bind-to'],
-                               config['web-service']['port']))
+            logging.debug("Sending response: %r", resp)
+            await self.socket.send(resp)
-    while True:
-        response = await socket.recv_multipart()
-        if isinstance(response, list) and len(response) == 1:
+    async def handle_one_req(self, req: List[bytes]) -> bytes:
+        if len(req) == 1:
             try:  # protect against unparseable requests
-                response = eval(response[0])
+                req = eval(req[0])
             except SyntaxError as e:
-                socket.send(Errors.REQUEST_FAILED.encode())
-                continue
+                return Errors.REQUEST_FAILED.encode()
-        if len(response) < 2:  # catch parseable but malformed requests
-            logging.error(Errors.REQUEST_MALFORMED.format(response))
-            socket.send(Errors.REQUEST_MALFORMED.format(response).encode())
-            continue
+        if len(req) < 2:  # catch parseable but malformed requests
+            logging.error(Errors.REQUEST_MALFORMED.format(req))
+            return Errors.REQUEST_MALFORMED.format(req).encode()
-        # FIXME: action should be an enum
-        action, payload = response[0], response[1:]
+        action, *payload = req
-        if action not in ['correct', 'dark', 'dark_request', 'query-rid',
-                          'upload-yaml', 'update_conf']:
+        if action not in self.accepted_actions:
-            socket.send(Errors.UNKNOWN_ACTION.format(action).encode())
-            continue
+            return Errors.UNKNOWN_ACTION.format(action).encode()
-        logging.debug('{}, {}'.format(action, payload))
+        logging.info("Handling request for action %s", action)
+        logging.debug('Running action %s, payload %r', action, payload)
-        if action == "query-rid":
-            rid = payload[0]
-            await query_rid(job_db, socket, rid)
-            continue
+        handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + action.replace('-', '_'))
-        async def do_action(action, payload):  # FIXME: this needn't be nested
-            in_folder = None
-            run_mapping = {}
-            priority = None  # TODO: Investigate argument
-            if action == 'update_conf':
-                updated_config = None
-                try:
-                    sase, karabo_id, instrument, cycle, proposal, config_yaml, apply = payload  # noqa
-                    updated_config = json.loads(config_yaml)
-                    await change_config(socket, config['config-repo'],
-                                        updated_config, karabo_id, instrument,
-                                        cycle, proposal,
-                                        apply.upper() == "TRUE")
-                except Exception as e:
-                    e = str(e)
-                    err_msg = (f"Failure applying config for {proposal}:"
-                               f" {e}: {updated_config}")
-                    logging.error(err_msg)
-                    logging.error(f"Unexpected error: {traceback.format_exc()}")  # noqa
-                    socket.send(yaml.dump(err_msg,
-                                          default_flow_style=False).encode())
-            if action in ['dark', 'correct', 'dark_request']:
-                request_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
-                try:
-                    wait_runs: List[str] = []
-                    rid, sase, instrument, cycle, proposal, *payload = payload
-                    if action == 'correct':
-                        runnr, priority = payload
-                        runnr = runnr.strip('r')
-                        wait_runs = [runnr]
-                    if action == 'dark':
-                        karabo_ids, karabo_das, *runs = payload
-                        karabo_ids = karabo_ids.split(',')
-                        karabo_das = karabo_das.split(',')
-                        for i, run in enumerate(runs):
-                            erun = eval(run)
-                            if isinstance(erun, (list, tuple)):
-                                typ, runnr = erun
-                                if typ == "reservation":
-                                    continue
-                                runnr = runnr.strip('r')
-                                run_mapping[typ] = runnr
-                                wait_runs.append(runnr)
-                            else:
-                                run_mapping['no_mapping_{}'.format(i)] = erun
-                                wait_runs.append(erun)
-                    if action == 'dark_request':
-                        karabo_id, operation_mode, *payload = payload
-                        payload = eval(','.join(payload))
-                        pdus, karabo_das, wait_runs = payload
-                        karabo_das = [val.strip() for val in karabo_das]
-                        wait_runs = [str(val) for val in wait_runs]
-                    proposal = proposal.strip('p')
-                    proposal = "{:06d}".format(int(proposal))
-                    logging.info(f'{action} of {proposal} run {wait_runs} at '
-                                 f'{instrument} is requested. Checking files.')
-                    # Read calibration configuration from yaml
-                    conf_file = Path(config['config-repo']['local-path'],
-                                     cycle, f'{proposal}.yaml')
-                    if not conf_file.exists():
-                        conf_file = Path(config['config-repo']['local-path'],
-                                         "default.yaml")
-                    with open(conf_file, "r") as f:
-                        pconf_full = yaml.load(f.read(),
-                                               Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
-                    # FIXME: remove once MyMDC sends `dark` action
-                    action_ = 'dark' if action == 'dark_request' else action
-                    data_conf = pconf_full['data-mapping']
-                    if instrument in pconf_full[action_]:
-                        pconf = pconf_full[action_][instrument]
-                    else:
-                        socket.send(Errors.NOT_CONFIGURED.encode())
-                        logging.info(f'Instrument {instrument} is unknown')
-                        return
+        # Verify that requests contains the right number of parameters
+        sig = inspect.signature(handler)
+        try:
+            sig.bind(*payload)
+        except TypeError:
+            logging.error(
+                "Wrong number of arguments for action %s", action, exc_info=True
+            )
+            return Errors.REQUEST_MALFORMED.format(req).encode()
+        res = handler(*payload)
+        if asyncio.iscoroutine(res):
+            res = await res
+        return res
+    accepted_actions = {
+        'correct', 'dark', 'dark_request', 'query-rid', 'upload-yaml',
+        'update_conf',
+    }
+    # Handler methods for each available action ------------------------------
+    async def handle_correct(
+            self, rid, _sase, instrument, cycle, proposal, runnr, priority
+    ):
+        """Launch detector correction
+        :param rid: is the runid within the MDC database
+        :param _sase: is the sase beamline
+        :param instrument: is the instrument
+        :param cycle: is the facility cycle
+        :param proposal: is the proposal id
+        :param runnr: is the run number in integer form, e.g. without leading
+                     "r"
+        This will trigger a correction process to be launched for that run in
+        the given cycle and proposal.
+        """
+        request_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+        try:
+            runnr = runnr.strip('r')
-                    in_folder = config[action_]['in-folder'].format(
-                        instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal)
+            proposal = self._normalise_proposal_num(proposal)
+            pconf_full = self.load_proposal_config(cycle, proposal)
-                    msg = Success.QUEUED.format(proposal, wait_runs)
-                    socket.send(msg.encode())
-                    logging.debug(msg)
+            data_conf = pconf_full['data-mapping']
+            if instrument in pconf_full['correct']:
+                pconf = pconf_full['correct'][instrument]
+            else:
+                logging.info(f'Instrument {instrument} is unknown')
+                return Errors.NOT_CONFIGURED.encode()
-                    if action in ['correct', 'dark_request']:
-                        await update_mdc_status(mdc, action, rid, msg)
+            in_folder = self.config['correct']['in-folder'].format(
+                instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal)
+            out_folder = self.config['correct']['out-folder'].format(
+                instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal,
+                run='r{:04d}'.format(int(runnr))
+            )
-                except Exception as e:
-                    e = str(e)
-                    msg = Errors.JOB_LAUNCH_FAILED.format(action, e)
-                    logging.error(msg)
-                    socket.send(msg.encode())
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = Errors.JOB_LAUNCH_FAILED.format('correct', e)
+            logging.error(msg, exc_info=e)
+            asyncio.ensure_future(
+                update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'correct', rid, msg)
+            )
+            return msg.encode()
-                    if action in ['correct', 'dark_request']:
-                        await update_mdc_status(mdc, action, rid, msg)
-                    return
+        queued_msg = Success.QUEUED.format(proposal, [runnr])
+        logging.debug(queued_msg)
-                # Check if all files for given runs are transferred
-                all_transfers = []
-                # FIXME: this loop should be an asyncio.gather
-                for runnr in wait_runs:
-                    rpath = "{}/r{:04d}/".format(in_folder, int(runnr))
-                    transfer_complete = await wait_on_transfer(rpath)
-                    all_transfers.append(transfer_complete)
-                    if not transfer_complete:
-                        logging.error(
-                            Errors.TRANSFER_EVAL_FAILED.format(proposal,
-                                                               runnr))
-                        if action in ['correct', 'dark_request']:
-                            await update_mdc_status(mdc, action, rid,
-                                                    MDC.MIGRATION_TIMEOUT)
-                if not all(all_transfers):
-                    logging.error(Errors.TRANSFER_EVAL_FAILED.format(proposal, ','.join(wait_runs)))  # noqa
+        async def _continue():
+            """Runs in the background after we reply to the 'correct' request"""
+            await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'correct', rid, queued_msg)
+            try:
+                transfer_complete = await wait_transfers(
+                    [runnr], in_folder, proposal
+                )
+                if not transfer_complete:
+                    # Timed out
+                    await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'correct', rid,
+                                            MDC.MIGRATION_TIMEOUT)
-            logging.debug(f"Now doing: {action}")
-            ts = datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S')
-            if action == 'dark':
+                rpath = "{}/r{:04d}/".format(in_folder, int(runnr))
+                # Prepare configs for all detectors in run
+                fl = glob.glob(f"{rpath}/*.h5")
+                corr_file_list = set()
+                copy_file_list = set(fl)
                 detectors = {}
-                out_folder = config[action]['out-folder'].format(
-                    instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal,
-                    runs="_".join(wait_runs))
+                for karabo_id in pconf:
+                    dconfig = data_conf[karabo_id]
+                    # check for files according to mapping in raw run dir.
+                    if any(y in x for x in fl
+                           for y in dconfig['karabo-da']):
+                        for karabo_da in dconfig['karabo-da']:
+                            tfl = glob.glob(f"{rpath}/*{karabo_da}*.h5")
+                            corr_file_list = corr_file_list.union(set(tfl))
+                        thisconf = copy.copy(dconfig)
+                        if isinstance(pconf[karabo_id], dict):
+                            thisconf.update(copy.copy(pconf[karabo_id]))
+                        thisconf["in-folder"] = in_folder
+                        thisconf["out-folder"] = out_folder
+                        thisconf["karabo-id"] = karabo_id
+                        thisconf["run"] = runnr
+                        if priority:
+                            thisconf["priority"] = str(priority)
-                # Run over all available detectors
-                if karabo_ids[0] == 'all':
-                    karabo_ids = list(pconf.keys())
+                        detectors[karabo_id] = thisconf
+                copy_file_list = copy_file_list.difference(corr_file_list)
+                asyncio.ensure_future(copy_untouched_files(copy_file_list,
+                                                           out_folder,
+                                                           runnr))
+            except Exception as corr_e:
+                logging.error(f"Error during correction", exc_info=corr_e)
+                await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'correct', rid,
+                                        Errors.REQUEST_FAILED)
+                return
+            if len(detectors) == 0:
+                msg = Errors.NOTHING_TO_DO.format(rpath)
+                logging.warning(msg)
+                await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'correct', rid, msg)
+                return
+            ret, _ = await self.launch_jobs(
+                [runnr], rid, detectors, 'correct', instrument, cycle, proposal,
+                request_time,
+            )
+            await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'correct', rid, ret)
+        # END of part to run after sending reply
+        asyncio.ensure_future(_continue())
+        return queued_msg.encode()
+    async def handle_dark(
+            self, rid, _sase, instrument, cycle, proposal, karabo_ids,
+            karabo_das, *runs
+    ):
+        request_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+        try:
+            run_mapping = {}
+            wait_runs = []
+            karabo_ids = karabo_ids.split(',')
+            karabo_das = karabo_das.split(',')
+            for i, run in enumerate(runs):
+                erun = eval(run)
+                if isinstance(erun, (list, tuple)):
+                    typ, runnr = erun
+                    if typ == "reservation":
+                        continue
+                    runnr = runnr.strip('r')
+                    run_mapping[typ] = runnr
+                    wait_runs.append(runnr)
+                else:
+                    run_mapping['no_mapping_{}'.format(i)] = erun
+                    wait_runs.append(erun)
-                # Prepare configs for all requested detectors
-                for karabo_id in karabo_ids:
+            proposal = self._normalise_proposal_num(proposal)
+            pconf_full = self.load_proposal_config(cycle, proposal)
-                    # use selected karabo_das
-                    if karabo_das[0] == 'all':
-                        karabo_da = data_conf[karabo_id]["karabo-da"]
+            data_conf = pconf_full['data-mapping']
+            if instrument in pconf_full['dark']:
+                pconf = pconf_full['dark'][instrument]
+            else:
+                logging.info(f'Instrument {instrument} is unknown')
+                return Errors.NOT_CONFIGURED.encode()
-                    # Check if any files for given karabo-das exists
-                    if check_files(in_folder, wait_runs, karabo_da):
-                        thisconf = copy.copy(data_conf[karabo_id])
+            # Run over all available detectors
+            if karabo_ids[0] == 'all':
+                karabo_ids = list(pconf.keys())
-                        if (karabo_id in pconf and
-                                isinstance(pconf[karabo_id], dict)):
-                            thisconf.update(copy.copy(pconf[karabo_id]))
+            in_folder = self.config['dark']['in-folder'].format(
+                instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal)
+            out_folder = self.config['dark']['out-folder'].format(
+                instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal,
+                runs="_".join(wait_runs))
-                        thisconf["in-folder"] = in_folder
-                        thisconf["out-folder"] = '/'.join((out_folder,
-                                                           karabo_id.replace('-', '_')))  # noqa  FIXME Make use of pathlib
-                        thisconf["karabo-id"] = karabo_id
-                        thisconf["karabo-da"] = karabo_da
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = Errors.JOB_LAUNCH_FAILED.format('dark', e)
+            logging.error(msg, exc_info=e)
+            return msg.encode()
+        async def _continue():
+            """Runs in the background after we reply to the 'dark' request"""
+            transfer_complete = await wait_transfers(
+                wait_runs, in_folder, proposal
+            )
+            if not transfer_complete:
+                return  # Timed out
+            detectors = {}
+            # Prepare configs for all requested detectors
+            for karabo_id in karabo_ids:
+                # use selected karabo_das
+                karabo_das_for_id = karabo_das
+                if karabo_das[0] == 'all':
+                    karabo_das_for_id = data_conf[karabo_id]["karabo-da"]
+                # Check if any files for given karabo-das exists
+                if check_files(in_folder, wait_runs, karabo_das_for_id):
+                    thisconf = copy.copy(data_conf[karabo_id])
+                    if (karabo_id in pconf and
+                            isinstance(pconf[karabo_id], dict)):
+                        thisconf.update(copy.copy(pconf[karabo_id]))
+                    thisconf["in-folder"] = in_folder
+                    thisconf["out-folder"] = os.path.join(
+                        out_folder, karabo_id.replace('-', '_')
+                    )
+                    thisconf["karabo-id"] = karabo_id
+                    thisconf["karabo-da"] = karabo_das_for_id
+                    run_config = []
+                    for typ, run in run_mapping.items():
+                        if "no_mapping" in typ:
+                            run_config.append(run)
+                        else:
+                            thisconf[typ] = run
+                    if len(run_config):
+                        thisconf["runs"] = ",".join(run_config)
+                    detectors[karabo_id] = thisconf
+                else:
+                    logging.warning(
+                        "File list for %s in proposal %s runs %s is empty",
+                        karabo_id, proposal, wait_runs
+                    )
+            if len(detectors) == 0:
+                logging.warning(Errors.NOTHING_TO_DO.format(wait_runs))
+                return
+            await self.launch_jobs(
+                wait_runs, 0, detectors, 'dark', instrument, cycle, proposal,
+                request_time,
+            )
+        # END of part to run after sending reply
+        asyncio.ensure_future(_continue())
+        msg = Success.QUEUED.format(proposal, wait_runs)
+        logging.debug(msg)
+        return msg.encode()
+    async def handle_dark_request(
+            self, rid, _sase, instrument, cycle, proposal, karabo_id,
+            operation_mode, *extra
+    ):
+        """Launch dark run processing
+        :param rid: is the runid within the MDC database
+        :param _sase: is the sase beamline
+        :param instrument: is the instrument
+        :param cycle: is the facility cycle
+        :param proposal: is the proposal id
+        :param karabo_id: is the detector karabo id
+        :param operation_mode: is the detector's operation mode, as defined in
+               CalCat
+        :param pdu_names: physical detector units for each modules
+        :param karabo_das: the Data Agreggators representing which detector
+               modules to calibrate
+        :param runnr: is the run number in integer form, i.e. without leading
+                     "r"
+        """
+        request_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+        try:
+            pdus, karabo_das, wait_runs = eval(','.join(extra))
-                        run_config = []
-                        for typ, run in run_mapping.items():
-                            if "no_mapping" in typ:
-                                run_config.append(run)
-                            else:
-                                thisconf[typ] = run
-                        if len(run_config):
-                            thisconf["runs"] = ",".join(run_config)
+            karabo_das = [val.strip() for val in karabo_das]
+            runs = [str(val) for val in wait_runs]
-                        detectors[karabo_id] = thisconf
-                    else:
-                        logging.warning("File list for {} at {} is empty"
-                                        .format(karabo_id,
-                                                "{}/*.h5".format(rpath)))
-                if len(detectors) == 0:
-                    logging.warning(Errors.NOTHING_TO_DO.format(rpath))
-            if action == 'correct':
-                try:
-                    runnr = wait_runs[0]
-                    rpath = "{}/r{:04d}/".format(in_folder, int(runnr))
-                    out_folder = config[action]['out-folder'].format(
-                        instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal,
-                        run='r{:04d}'.format(int(runnr)))
-                    # Prepare configs for all detectors in run
-                    fl = glob.glob(f"{rpath}/*.h5")
-                    corr_file_list = set()
-                    copy_file_list = set(fl)
-                    detectors = {}
-                    for karabo_id in pconf:
-                        dconfig = data_conf[karabo_id]
-                        # check for files according to mapping in raw run dir.
-                        if any(y in x for x in fl
-                               for y in dconfig['karabo-da']):
-                            for karabo_da in dconfig['karabo-da']:
-                                tfl = glob.glob(f"{rpath}/*{karabo_da}*.h5")
-                                corr_file_list = corr_file_list.union(set(tfl))
-                            thisconf = copy.copy(dconfig)
-                            if isinstance(pconf[karabo_id], dict):
-                                thisconf.update(copy.copy(pconf[karabo_id]))
-                            thisconf["in-folder"] = in_folder
-                            thisconf["out-folder"] = out_folder
-                            thisconf["karabo-id"] = karabo_id
-                            thisconf["run"] = runnr
-                            if priority:
-                                thisconf["priority"] = str(priority)
-                            detectors[karabo_id] = thisconf
-                    copy_file_list = copy_file_list.difference(corr_file_list)
-                    asyncio.ensure_future(copy_untouched_files(copy_file_list,
-                                                               out_folder,
-                                                               runnr))
-                    if len(detectors) == 0:
-                        logging.warning(Errors.NOTHING_TO_DO.format(rpath))
-                        await update_mdc_status(mdc, action, rid,
-                                                MDC.NOTHING_TO_DO)
-                        return
-                except Exception as corr_e:
-                    logging.error(f"Error during correction: {str(corr_e)}")
-                    await update_mdc_status(mdc, action, rid,
-                                            Errors.REQUEST_FAILED)
-            if action == 'dark_request':
-                runs = [str(r) for r in wait_runs]
-                # Notebooks require one or three runs, depending on the
-                # detector type and operation mode.
-                triple = any(det in karabo_id for det in
-                             ["LPD", "AGIPD", "JUNGFRAU", "JF", "JNGFR"])
-                if triple and len(runs) == 1:
-                    runs_dict = {'run-high': runs[0],
-                                 'run-med': '0',
-                                 'run-low': '0'}
-                elif triple and len(runs) == 3:
-                    runs_dict = {'run-high': runs[0],
-                                 'run-med': runs[1],
-                                 'run-low': runs[2]}
-                else:  # single
-                    runs_dict = {'run': runs[0]}
-                out_folder = config['dark']['out-folder'].format(
-                    instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal,
-                    runs='_'.join(runs))
-                out_folder = str(Path(out_folder,
-                                      karabo_id.replace('-', '_')))
-                # We assume that MyMDC does not allow dark request if the data
-                # is not migrated, thus skipping some validation here.
-                thisconf = copy.copy(data_conf[karabo_id])
-                if (karabo_id in pconf
-                   and isinstance(pconf[karabo_id], dict)):
-                    thisconf.update(copy.copy(pconf[karabo_id]))
-                thisconf['in-folder'] = in_folder
-                thisconf['out-folder'] = out_folder
-                thisconf['karabo-id'] = karabo_id
-                thisconf['karabo-da'] = karabo_das
-                thisconf['operation-mode'] = operation_mode
-                thisconf.update(runs_dict)
-                detectors = {karabo_id: thisconf}
-            if action in ['correct', 'dark', 'dark_request']:
-                # run xfel_calibrate
-                action_ = 'dark' if action == 'dark_request' else action
-                for karabo_id, dconfig in detectors.items():
-                    detector = dconfig['detector-type']
-                    del dconfig['detector-type']
-                    cmd = config[action_]['cmd'].format(
-                        detector=detector,
-                        sched_prio=str(config[action_]['sched-prio']),
-                        action=action_, instrument=instrument,
-                        cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal,
-                        runs="_".join([f"r{r}" for r in wait_runs]),
-                        time_stamp=ts,
-                        det_instance=karabo_id,
-                        request_time=request_time
-                    ).split()
-                    cmd = parse_config(cmd, dconfig)
-                    rid = rid if action in ['correct', 'dark_request'] else 0
-                    ret = await run_action(job_db, cmd, mode,
-                                           proposal, runnr, rid)
-                    if action == 'correct':
-                        await update_mdc_status(mdc, action, rid, ret)
-                    if action == 'dark_request':
-                        await update_mdc_status(mdc, action, rid, ret)
-                        report_idx = cmd.index('--report-to') + 1
-                        report = cmd[report_idx] + '.pdf'
-                        await update_darks_paths(mdc, rid, in_folder,
-                                                 out_folder, report)
-            # TODO: moving this block further up reduces the need of so
-            #       many nested ifs. Move up and return directly
-            if action == 'upload-yaml':
-                sase, instrument, cycle, proposal, this_yaml = payload
-                this_yaml = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(this_yaml)
-                await upload_config(socket, config['config-repo'], this_yaml,
-                                    instrument, cycle, proposal)
+            proposal = self._normalise_proposal_num(proposal)
-        try:
-            asyncio.ensure_future(
-                do_action(copy.copy(action), copy.copy(payload)))
-        except Exception as e:  # actions that fail are only error logged
-            logging.error(str(e))
+            pconf_full = self.load_proposal_config(cycle, proposal)
+            data_conf = pconf_full['data-mapping']
+            if instrument in pconf_full['dark']:
+                pconf = pconf_full['dark'][instrument]
+            else:
+                logging.info(f'Instrument {instrument} is unknown')
+                return Errors.NOT_CONFIGURED.encode()
+            in_folder = self.config['dark']['in-folder'].format(
+                instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal)
+            out_folder = self.config['dark']['out-folder'].format(
+                instrument=instrument, cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal,
+                runs='_'.join(runs))
+            out_folder = str(Path(out_folder, karabo_id.replace('-', '_')))
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = Errors.JOB_LAUNCH_FAILED.format('dark_request', e)
+            logging.error(msg, exc_info=e)
+            asyncio.ensure_future(
+                update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'dark_request', rid, msg)
+            )
+            return msg.encode()
+        queued_msg = Success.QUEUED.format(proposal, runs)
+        logging.debug(queued_msg)
+        async def _continue():
+            """Runs in the background after we reply to the 'dark_request' request"""
+            await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'dark_request', rid, queued_msg)
+            transfer_complete = await wait_transfers(
+                runs, in_folder, proposal
+            )
+            if not transfer_complete:
+                # Timed out
+                await update_mdc_status(
+                    self.mdc, 'dark_request', rid, MDC.MIGRATION_TIMEOUT
+                )
+                return
+            # Notebooks require one or three runs, depending on the
+            # detector type and operation mode.
+            triple = any(det in karabo_id for det in
+                         ["LPD", "AGIPD", "JUNGFRAU", "JF", "JNGFR"])
+            if triple and len(runs) == 1:
+                runs_dict = {'run-high': runs[0],
+                             'run-med': '0',
+                             'run-low': '0'}
+            elif triple and len(runs) == 3:
+                runs_dict = {'run-high': runs[0],
+                             'run-med': runs[1],
+                             'run-low': runs[2]}
+            else:  # single
+                runs_dict = {'run': runs[0]}
+            # We assume that MyMDC does not allow dark request if the data
+            # is not migrated, thus skipping some validation here.
+            thisconf = copy.copy(data_conf[karabo_id])
+            if (karabo_id in pconf
+                    and isinstance(pconf[karabo_id], dict)):
+                thisconf.update(copy.copy(pconf[karabo_id]))
+            thisconf['in-folder'] = in_folder
+            thisconf['out-folder'] = out_folder
+            thisconf['karabo-id'] = karabo_id
+            thisconf['karabo-da'] = karabo_das
+            thisconf['operation-mode'] = operation_mode
+            thisconf.update(runs_dict)
+            detectors = {karabo_id: thisconf}
+            ret, report_path = await self.launch_jobs(
+                runs, rid, detectors, 'dark', instrument, cycle, proposal,
+                request_time
+            )
+            await update_mdc_status(self.mdc, 'dark_request', rid, ret)
+            if report_path is None:
+                logging.warning("Failed to identify report path for dark_request")
+            else:
+                await update_darks_paths(self.mdc, rid, in_folder,
+                                         out_folder, report_path)
+        # END of part to run after sending reply
+        asyncio.ensure_future(_continue())
+        return queued_msg.encode()
+    def handle_query_rid(self, rid):
+        return query_rid(self.job_db, rid)
+    def handle_upload_yaml(self, _sase, instrument, cycle, proposal, this_yaml):
+        """Reconfigure detector calibration for the specified proposal
+        :param _sase: is the sase beamline
+        :param instrument: is the instrument
+        :param cycle: is the facility cycle
+        :param proposal: is the proposal id
+        :param yaml: is url-encoded (quotes and spaces) representation of
+                     new YAML file
+        This will create or replace the existing YAML configuration for the
+        proposal and cycle with the newly sent one, and then push it to the git
+        configuration repo.
+        """
+        this_yaml = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(this_yaml)
+        return upload_config(
+            self.config['config-repo'], this_yaml, instrument, cycle, proposal
+        )
+    async def handle_update_conf(
+            self, sase, karabo_id, instrument, cycle, proposal, config_yaml,
+            apply
+    ):
+        updated_config = None
+        try:
+            updated_config = json.loads(config_yaml)
+            return change_config(self.config['config-repo'],
+                                updated_config, karabo_id, instrument,
+                                cycle, proposal,
+                                apply.upper() == "TRUE")
+        except Exception as e:
+            err_msg = (f"Failure applying config for {proposal}:"
+                       f" {e}: {updated_config}")
+            logging.error(err_msg, exc_info=e)
+            return yaml.dump(err_msg, default_flow_style=False).encode()
+    # Helper methods for handlers ---------------------------------------------
+    @staticmethod
+    def _normalise_proposal_num(p: str) -> str:
+        return "{:06d}".format(int(p.strip('p')))
+    def load_proposal_config(self, cycle, proposal) -> Dict:
+        # Read calibration configuration from yaml
+        conf_file = Path(
+            self.config['config-repo']['local-path'], cycle, f'{proposal}.yaml'
+        )
+        if not conf_file.exists():
+            conf_file = Path(
+                self.config['config-repo']['local-path'], "default.yaml"
+            )
+        logging.debug("Loading config for cycle %s, proposal %s from %s",
+                      cycle, proposal, conf_file)
+        with open(conf_file, "r") as f:
+            return yaml.load(f.read(), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
+    async def launch_jobs(
+            self, run_nrs, rid, detectors, action, instrument, cycle, proposal,
+            request_time
+    ) -> (str, Optional[str]):
+        # run xfel_calibrate
+        for karabo_id, dconfig in detectors.items():
+            detector = dconfig['detector-type']
+            del dconfig['detector-type']
+            cmd = self.config[action]['cmd'].format(
+                detector=detector,
+                sched_prio=str(self.config[action]['sched-prio']),
+                action=action, instrument=instrument,
+                cycle=cycle, proposal=proposal,
+                runs="_".join([f"r{r}" for r in run_nrs]),
+                time_stamp=datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S'),
+                det_instance=karabo_id,
+                request_time=request_time
+            ).split()
+            cmd = parse_config(cmd, dconfig)
+            ret = await run_action(self.job_db, cmd, self.mode,
+                                   proposal, run_nrs[-1], rid)
+            if '--report-to' in cmd[:-1]:
+                report_idx = cmd.index('--report-to') + 1
+                report = cmd[report_idx] + '.pdf'
+            else:
+                report = None
+            return ret, report
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
     description='Start the calibration webservice')
@@ -1028,7 +1181,7 @@ parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, default="sim", choices=['sim', 'prod'])
 parser.add_argument('--logging', type=str, default="INFO",
                     choices=['INFO', 'DEBUG', 'ERROR'])
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+def main():
     args = vars(parser.parse_args())
     conf_file = args["config_file"]
     with open(conf_file, "r") as f:
@@ -1041,5 +1194,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
-    loop.run_until_complete(server_runner(config, mode))
+    loop.run_until_complete(ActionsServer.launch(config, mode))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()