diff --git a/webservice/README.md b/webservice/README.md
index fef79ac81a6c2c76b30755fff4dd1d6a2bdfb485..a2921c4bcb2c2b70c30d889ac30f20f7c0638f1a 100644
--- a/webservice/README.md
+++ b/webservice/README.md
@@ -155,3 +155,37 @@ Use
 to display a list of available options.
+There is a test environment on ``max-exfl017``, separate from the production
+ssh xcaltst@max-exfl017.desy.de
+cd /home/xcaltst/pycalibration
+# Get the code you want to test 
+git pull
+git checkout <branch-to-test>
+# Stop the already running server, start a new one with your code
+ps aux | grep webservice/webservice.py | awk '{ print $2}' | xargs kill
+source ~/pycalibration_venv/bin/activate
+nohup ~/pycalibration_venv/bin/python ~/pycalibration/webservice/webservice.py \
+  --mode prod --logging INFO --config-file ~/pycalibration/webservice/webservice.yaml &
+# Follow the logs
+tail -f ~/pycalibration/web.log
+The [test instance of myMdC](https://in.xfel.eu/test_metadata/) talks to this
+test service. Using data in the [CALLAB proposal](https://in.xfel.eu/test_metadata/proposals/259)
+there, request recalibration ([runs tab](https://in.xfel.eu/test_metadata/proposals/259#proposal-runs))
+and processing of dark runs ([calibration constants tab](https://in.xfel.eu/test_metadata/proposals/259#proposal-calibration))
+to send the 'correct' and 'dark_request' actions. The webservice logs and the
+status in myMdC should update as the processing occurs.
+The command ``squeue -u xcaltst`` will show running & pending Slurm jobs started
+by this test system.