diff --git a/notebooks/AGIPD/Characterize_AGIPD_Gain_Darks_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/AGIPD/Characterize_AGIPD_Gain_Darks_NBC.ipynb
index c97abbb92ac04152700614ac0f28affca9a53fca..481c8dfb440b1cdb1599a4c9b097f50d43feb36e 100644
--- a/notebooks/AGIPD/Characterize_AGIPD_Gain_Darks_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/AGIPD/Characterize_AGIPD_Gain_Darks_NBC.ipynb
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "cluster_profile = \"noDB\" # The ipcluster profile to use\n",
-    "in_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/d/raw/SPB/202030/p900138\" # path to input data, required\n",
-    "out_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/AGIPDbad_sep64\" # path to output to, required\n",
+    "in_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/d/raw/DETLAB/202031/p900172/\" # path to input data, required\n",
+    "out_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/miniHalfAGIPD\" # path to output to, required\n",
     "sequences = [0] # sequence files to evaluate.\n",
     "modules = [-1]  # list of modules to evaluate, RANGE ALLOWED\n",
-    "run_high = 167 # run number in which high gain data was recorded, required\n",
-    "run_med = 168 # run number in which medium gain data was recorded, required\n",
-    "run_low = 169 # run number in which low gain data was recorded, required\n",
+    "run_high = 84 # run number in which high gain data was recorded, required\n",
+    "run_med = 87 # run number in which medium gain data was recorded, required\n",
+    "run_low = 88 # run number in which low gain data was recorded, required\n",
-    "karabo_id = \"SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1\" # karabo karabo_id\n",
+    "karabo_id = \"DETLAB_DET_AGIPD500K2G\" # karabo karabo_id\n",
     "karabo_da = ['-1']  # a list of data aggregators names, Default [-1] for selecting all data aggregators\n",
     "receiver_id = \"{}CH0\" # inset for receiver devices\n",
     "path_template = 'RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5' # the template to use to access data\n",
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
     "mem_cells = 0 # number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer\n",
     "bias_voltage = 300 # detector bias voltage\n",
-    "gain_setting = 0.1 # the gain setting, use 0.1 to try to auto-determine\n",
-    "acq_rate = 0. # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine\n",
+    "gain_setting = 0.0 # the gain setting, use 0.1 to try to auto-determine\n",
+    "acq_rate = 1.1 # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine\n",
     "interlaced = False # assume interlaced data format, for data prior to Dec. 2017\n",
     "rawversion = 2 # RAW file format version\n",
@@ -143,13 +143,19 @@
     "cal_db_interface = get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface)\n",
     "print(f'Calibration database interface: {cal_db_interface}')\n",
-    "loc = None\n",
     "instrument = karabo_id.split(\"_\")[0]\n",
+    "\n",
     "if instrument == \"SPB\":\n",
     "    dinstance = \"AGIPD1M1\"\n",
-    "else:\n",
+    "    nmods = 16\n",
+    "elif instrument == \"MID\":\n",
     "    dinstance = \"AGIPD1M2\"\n",
-    "    \n",
+    "    nmods = 16\n",
+    "# TODO: Remove DETLAB\n",
+    "elif instrument == \"HED\" or instrument == \"DETLAB\":\n",
+    "    dinstance = \"AGIPD500K\"\n",
+    "    nmods = 8\n",
+    "\n",
     "control_names = ['{}/r{:04d}/RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S00000.h5'.format(in_folder, r, r, karabo_da_control)\n",
     "                 for r in (run_high, run_med, run_low)] \n",
@@ -167,7 +173,6 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "gain_names = ['High', 'Medium', 'Low']\n",
     "runs = [run_high, run_med, run_low]\n",
     "if \"{\" in h5path_ctrl:\n",
@@ -210,7 +215,7 @@
    "source": [
     "if karabo_da[0] == '-1':\n",
     "    if modules[0] == -1:\n",
-    "        modules = list(range(16))\n",
+    "        modules = list(range(nmods))\n",
     "    karabo_da = [\"AGIPD{:02d}\".format(i) for i in modules]\n",
     "    modules = [int(x[-2:]) for x in karabo_da]\n",
@@ -286,6 +291,8 @@
     "                        acq_rate: float,\n",
     "                        h5path: str,\n",
     "                        h5path_idx: str,\n",
+    "                        control_names: List[str],\n",
+    "                        karabo_id_control: str,\n",
     "                        inp: Tuple[str, int, int]) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array, np.array, np.array, int, np.array, int, float]:\n",
     "    import numpy as np\n",
     "    import copy\n",
@@ -418,7 +425,8 @@
     "p = partial(characterize_module, IL_MODE, max_cells,\n",
     "           (thresholds_offset_hard, thresholds_offset_sigma,\n",
     "            thresholds_noise_hard, thresholds_noise_sigma),\n",
-    "            rawversion, karabo_id, acq_rate, h5path, h5path_idx)\n",
+    "            rawversion, karabo_id, acq_rate, h5path, h5path_idx,\n",
+    "           control_names, karabo_id_control)\n",
     "# Don't remove. Used for Debugging.\n",
     "#results = list(map(p, inp))\n",
@@ -622,12 +630,14 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "mnames=[]\n",
-    "for i in modules:\n",
-    "    qm = f\"Q{i//4+1}M{i % 4+1}\"\n",
-    "    mnames.append(qm)\n",
-    "    display(Markdown(f'## Position of the module {qm} and it\\'s ASICs##'))\n",
-    "show_processed_modules(dinstance, constants=None, mnames=mnames, mode=\"position\")"
+    "# TODO: add show_processed_modules diagram for Mini-Half AGIPD\n",
+    "if dinstance != \"AGIPD500K\":\n",
+    "    mnames=[]\n",
+    "    for i in modules:\n",
+    "        qm = f\"Q{i//4+1}M{i % 4+1}\"\n",
+    "        mnames.append(qm)\n",
+    "        display(Markdown(f'## Position of the module {qm} and it\\'s ASICs##'))\n",
+    "    show_processed_modules(dinstance, constants=None, mnames=mnames, mode=\"position\")"
diff --git a/notebooks/generic/overallmodules_Darks_Summary_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/generic/overallmodules_Darks_Summary_NBC.ipynb
index bacf630eaf9b0c4b61d0773ddd8c33d0d7310150..a40e1281c649d3625d1d65da961f0c2b0e00efdd 100644
--- a/notebooks/generic/overallmodules_Darks_Summary_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/generic/overallmodules_Darks_Summary_NBC.ipynb
@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@
     "#Author: K. Ahmed, M. Karnevsky, Version: 0.1\n",
     "#The following is a summary for the processing of dark images and calibration constants production.\n",
-    "cluster_profile = \"noDB\" # The ipcluster profile to use\n",
-    "out_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/agipd-test-report\" # path to output to, required\n",
-    "karabo_id = \"SPB_DET_AGIPDM-1\" # detector instance\n",
+    "out_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/miniHalfAGIPD\" # path to output to, required\n",
+    "karabo_id = \"DETLAB_DET_AGIPD500K2G\" # detector instance\n",
     "gain_names = ['High gain', 'Medium gain', 'Low gain'] # a list of gain names to be used in plotting\n",
     "threshold_names = ['HG-MG threshold', 'MG_LG threshold'] # a list of gain names to be used in plotting"
@@ -54,12 +53,17 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "SHOW=True\n",
     "if \"AGIPD\" in karabo_id:\n",
     "    if \"SPB\" in karabo_id:\n",
     "        dinstance = \"AGIPD1M1\"\n",
+    "        nmod = 16\n",
+    "        qm = f\"Q{i//4+1}M{i%4+1}\"\n",
     "    elif \"MID\" in karabo_id:\n",
     "        dinstance = \"AGIPD1M2\"\n",
+    "        nmod = 16\n",
+    "    elif \"HED\" in karabo_id or \"DETLAB\" in karabo_id :\n",
+    "        dinstance = \"AGIPD500K\"\n",
+    "        nmod = 8\n",
     "    display(Markdown(\"\"\"\n",
     "    \n",
     "# Summary of AGIPD dark characterization #\n",
@@ -112,6 +116,7 @@
     "    \n",
     "elif \"LPD\" in karabo_id:\n",
     "    dinstance = \"LPD1M1\"\n",
+    "    nmod = 16\n",
     "    display(Markdown(\"\"\"\n",
     "    \n",
     "# Summary of LPD dark characterization #\n",
@@ -154,6 +159,7 @@
     "elif \"DSSC\" in karabo_id:\n",
     "    dinstance = \"DSSC1M1\"\n",
+    "    nmod = 16\n",
     "    display(Markdown(\"\"\"\n",
     "    \n",
     "# Summary of DSSC dark characterization #\n",
@@ -180,7 +186,7 @@
     "old_cons = OrderedDict()\n",
     "mod_names = []\n",
     "# Loop over modules\n",
-    "for i in range(16):\n",
+    "for i in range(nmod):\n",
     "    qm = f\"Q{i//4+1}M{i%4+1}\"\n",
     "    # loop over constants\n",
     "    detinst = getattr(Detectors, dinstance)\n",
@@ -247,8 +253,10 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "display(Markdown('## Processed modules ##'))\n",
-    "show_processed_modules(dinstance, constants, mod_names, mode=\"processed\")"
+    "# TODO: add show_processed_modules diagram for Mini-Half AGIPD\n",
+    "if dinstance != \"AGIPD500K\":\n",
+    "    display(Markdown('## Processed modules ##'))\n",
+    "    show_processed_modules(dinstance, constants, mod_names, mode=\"processed\")"
@@ -297,6 +305,14 @@
     "gainstages = 1\n",
     "for const_name, const in constants.items():\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    #TODO: add a Summary figure across modules\n",
+    "    if dinstance == \"AGIPD500K\":\n",
+    "        display(Markdown(f'WARNING: No summary figures are available for AGIPD mini-half at the moment.'))\n",
+    "        break\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    \n",
     "    if const_name == 'BadPixelsDark':\n",
     "        continue\n",
     "    # Check if constant gain available in constant e.g. AGIPD, LPD\n",
@@ -317,8 +333,8 @@
     "            glabel = threshold_names\n",
     "        else:\n",
     "            glabel = gain_names\n",
-    "        for i in range(16):\n",
-    "            qm = f\"Q{i//4+1}M{i%4+1}\"\n",
+    "        for i in range(nmods):\n",
+    "            qm = qm.format(i)\n",
     "            if qm in mod_names:\n",
     "                m_idx = mod_names.index(qm)\n",
     "                # Check if constant shape of 5 indices e.g. AGIPD, LPD\n",
@@ -550,6 +566,20 @@
     "    md = display(Latex(tabulate.tabulate(\n",
     "        table, tablefmt='latex', headers=header)))"
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": []
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": []
  "metadata": {