diff --git a/webservice/job_monitor.py b/webservice/job_monitor.py
index b9a6b5fcbce62a4e4b3b862368b51a486bc1b528..eca1ce0f0d6228652de034608d06cff7827620df 100644
--- a/webservice/job_monitor.py
+++ b/webservice/job_monitor.py
@@ -106,6 +106,84 @@ def slurm_job_status(jobid):
     return "NA", "NA", "NA"
+def parse_log_file(file_path):
+    results = []
+    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
+        for line in file:
+            try:
+                log_entry = json.loads(line.strip())
+                error_message = log_entry.get('message', '')
+                error_class = log_entry.get('class', '')
+                results.append((error_message, error_class))
+            except json.JSONDecodeError:
+                log.error(f"Skipping invalid JSON: {line.strip()}")
+    return results
+def get_report_dir(command):
+    args = shlex.split(command)
+    try:
+        return args[args.index("--report-to") + 1]
+    except (ValueError, IndexError):
+        log.error("Couldn't find report directory in %r", args)
+        return
+def process_log_file(job_id, karabo_id, report_dir, karabo_id_log, file):
+    if file.exists():
+        with open(file, 'r') as f:
+            for line in f:
+                try:
+                    json_line = json.loads(line)
+                    if "default" not in json_line['class'].lower():
+                        message = json_line['message']
+                        if message:
+                            karabo_id_log.setdefault(
+                                message, []).append(job_id)
+                except json.JSONDecodeError:
+                    log.error(
+                        f"Invalid JSON in errors file {file}:"
+                        f" {line.strip()}")
+    return karabo_id_log
+def compress_job_ids(job_ids):
+    """Compress list of job IDs to a shorter representation.
+    Args:
+        job_ids (list): List of job IDs
+    Returns:
+        str: Compressed representation like "16 jobs (11498126-11498141)"
+        or "2 jobs (11498142, 11498143)" for non-sequential IDs
+    """
+    if not job_ids:
+        return "0 jobs"
+    # Convert to integers and sort
+    ids = sorted(int(id) for id in job_ids)
+    # Check if they're sequential
+    if len(ids) > 2 and ids[-1] - ids[0] + 1 == len(ids):
+        return f"{len(ids)} jobs ({ids[0]}-{ids[-1]})"
+    if len(ids) > 4:
+        return f"{len(ids)} jobs (e.g. {ids[0]}, {ids[1]}...)"
+    return f"{len(ids)} jobs ({', '.join(str(id) for id in ids)})"
+def format_log_message(errors):
+    """Format log messages with compressed job IDs."""
+    formatted = {}
+    for karabo_id, messages in errors.items():
+        formatted[karabo_id] = {
+            msg: compress_job_ids(job_ids)
+            for msg, job_ids in messages.items()
+        }
+    return formatted
 class JobsMonitor:
     def __init__(self, config):
         log.info("Starting jobs monitor")
@@ -276,11 +354,65 @@ class JobsMonitor:
     def process_request_finished(self, req_id):
         """Send Kafka notifications and update myMDC that a request has finished."""
-        krb_id_successes = {r[0]: r[1] for r in self.job_db.execute(
-            "SELECT karabo_id, success FROM executions WHERE req_id = ?",
-            (req_id,)
-        ).fetchall()}
-        success = (set(krb_id_successes.values()) == {1})
+        execs = self.job_db.execute(
+            "SELECT karabo_id, success, command FROM executions WHERE req_id = ?",
+            (req_id,)).fetchall()
+        # both dicts will be structured as {karabo_id: {message: [Job IDs]}}
+        warnings = {}
+        errors = {}
+        krb_ids_failed = []
+        krb_ids_success = []
+        for karabo_id, exec_success, command in execs:
+            # Get status for all jobs in this execution
+            job_statuses = self.job_db.execute(
+                "SELECT job_id, status FROM slurm_jobs WHERE exec_id IN "
+                "(SELECT exec_id FROM executions WHERE karabo_id = ? AND req_id = ?)",
+                (karabo_id, req_id)
+            ).fetchall()
+            # Look at logs and check if there are warnings/errors
+            report_dir = get_report_dir(command)
+            if not report_dir:
+                log.error(f"Could not get report directory from command: {command}")
+                continue
+            report_dir = Path(report_dir)
+            if not report_dir.exists():
+                log.error(f"Report directory does not exist: {report_dir}")
+                continue
+            if exec_success:
+                krb_ids_success.append(karabo_id)
+            else:
+                krb_ids_failed.append(karabo_id)
+            for job_id, status in job_statuses:
+                if status == "COMPLETED":
+                    continue
+                if not exec_success:  # no errors expected for successful execution.
+                    karabo_id_err = errors.setdefault(karabo_id, {})
+                    if status == "FAILED":  # process error logs
+                        error_file = report_dir / f"errors_{job_id}.log"
+                        process_log_file(
+                            job_id, karabo_id, report_dir, karabo_id_err, error_file)
+                        if len(karabo_id_err) == 0:
+                            log.warning(f"Job {job_id} failed but no error log/messages found.")
+                            karabo_id_err.setdefault(
+                                "Job failed but no error logs found", []).append(job_id)
+                    else: # Job unsucessefull with a status other than `FAILED`
+                        karabo_id_err.setdefault(
+                            f"SLURM job terminated with status: {status}", []).append(job_id)
+                # Process warning logs
+                warning_file = report_dir / f"warnings_{job_id}.log"
+                process_log_file(
+                            job_id, karabo_id, report_dir, karabo_id_err, warning_file)
+        success = (not krb_ids_failed)
         r = self.job_db.execute(
             "SELECT * FROM requests WHERE req_id = ?", (req_id,)
@@ -302,25 +434,31 @@ class JobsMonitor:
         if success:
-            msg = "Calibration jobs succeeded"
+            if warnings:
+                msg = f"Calibration jobs succeeded with warnings: {json.dumps(format_log_message(warnings), indent=4)}"
+            else:
+                msg = "Calibration jobs succeeded"
             # List success & failure by karabo_id
-            krb_ids_ok = {k for (k, v) in krb_id_successes.items() if v == 1}
-            ok = ', '.join(sorted(krb_ids_ok)) if krb_ids_ok else 'none'
-            krb_ids_failed = {k for (k, v) in krb_id_successes.items() if v == 0}
-            msg = f"Succeeded: {ok}; Failed: {', '.join(sorted(krb_ids_failed))}"
+            ok = ', '.join(sorted(krb_ids_success)) if krb_ids_success else 'none'
+            msg = (
+                f"Succeeded: {ok}; Failed: {', '.join(sorted(krb_ids_failed))} :"
+                f" {json.dumps(format_log_message(errors), indent=4)}"
+            )
         log.debug("Update MDC for %s, %s: %s", r['action'], r['mymdc_id'], msg)
         if r['action'] == 'CORRECT':
             if success:
                 status = 'A'  # Available
-            elif set(krb_id_successes.values()) == {0, 1}:
+            elif (krb_ids_success and krb_ids_failed) or warnings:
+                # TODO: do we keep only an error when one detector fail?
                 status = 'AW' # Available with Warning (failed for some detectors)
                 status = 'E'  # Error
             self.mymdc_update_run(r['mymdc_id'], msg, status)
         else:  # r['action'] == 'DARK'
+            # TODO: add warning when available at myMDC.
             status = 'F' if success else 'E'  # Finished/Error
             self.mymdc_update_dark(r['mymdc_id'], msg, status)
@@ -348,13 +486,7 @@ class JobsMonitor:
             self, mymdc_run_id, command, karabo_id, success, request_time: str
         """Add report to MyMdC when a correction execution has finished"""
-        args = shlex.split(command)
-        try:
-            report_path = args[args.index("--report-to") + 1] + ".pdf"
-        except (ValueError, IndexError):
-            log.error("Couldn't find report path in %r", args)
-            return
+        report_path = get_report_dir(command) + ".pdf"
         if not os.path.isfile(report_path):
             log.error("Jobs finished, but report file %s missing", report_path)