diff --git a/notebooks/Timepix/Compute_Timepix_Event_Centroids.ipynb b/notebooks/Timepix/Compute_Timepix_Event_Centroids.ipynb
index 55b3f9ea1278153d817a3332289e2aa46c4f885e..036bb35f7d417d5afa27d3fc66f80c3c55dabc7a 100755
--- a/notebooks/Timepix/Compute_Timepix_Event_Centroids.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/Timepix/Compute_Timepix_Event_Centroids.ipynb
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     "karabo_id = 'SQS_EXP_TIMEPIX'\n",
     "in_fast_data = '{karabo_id}/DET/TIMEPIX3:daqOutput.chip0'\n",
     "out_device_id = '{karabo_id}/CAL/TIMEPIX3'\n",
-    "out_fast_data = '{karabo_id}/CAL/TIMEPIX3:outputChip0'\n",
+    "out_fast_data = '{karabo_id}/CAL/TIMEPIX3:daqOutput.chip0'\n",
     "out_aggregator = 'TIMEPIX01'\n",
     "out_seq_len = 2000\n",
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
     "clustering_epsilon = 2.0  # centroiding: The maximum distance between two samples for one to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other\n",
     "clustering_tof_scale = 1e7  # centroiding: Scaling factor for the ToA axis so that the epsilon parameter in DB scan works in all 3 dimensions\n",
     "clustering_min_samples = 2  # centroiding: minimum number of samples necessary for a cluster\n",
-    "clustering_n_jobs = 5  # centroiding: (DBSCAN) The number of parallel jobs to run.\n",
     "threshold_tot = 0 # raw data: minimum ToT necessary for a pixel to contain valid data\n",
     "raw_timewalk_lut_filepath = ''  # fpath to look up table for timewalk correction relative to proposal path or empty string,\n",
@@ -62,11 +61,13 @@
     "from datetime import datetime\n",
     "from pathlib import Path\n",
     "from time import monotonic\n",
+    "from os import cpu_count\n",
     "from warnings import warn\n",
     "import numpy as np\n",
     "import scipy.ndimage as nd\n",
     "import h5py\n",
+    "import pasha as psh\n",
     "from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN\n",
     "from extra_data import RunDirectory\n",
@@ -247,7 +248,6 @@
     "                      clustering_epsilon=2,\n",
     "                      clustering_tof_scale=1e7,\n",
     "                      clustering_min_samples=3,\n",
-    "                      clustering_n_jobs=1,\n",
     "                      centroiding_timewalk_lut=None):\n",
     "    # format input data\n",
     "    _tpx_data = {\n",
@@ -269,14 +269,43 @@
     "    # clustering (identify clusters in 2d data (x,y,tof) that belong to a single hit,\n",
     "    # each sample belonging to a cluster is labeled with an integer cluster id no)\n",
     "    _tpx_data = pre_clustering_filter(_tpx_data, tot_threshold=threshold_tot)\n",
-    "    _tpx_data[\"labels\"] = clustering(_tpx_data, epsilon=clustering_epsilon, tof_scale=clustering_tof_scale, min_samples=clustering_min_samples, n_jobs=clustering_n_jobs)\n",
+    "    _tpx_data[\"labels\"] = clustering(_tpx_data, epsilon=clustering_epsilon, tof_scale=clustering_tof_scale, min_samples=clustering_min_samples)\n",
     "    _tpx_data = post_clustering_filter(_tpx_data)\n",
     "    # compute centroid data (reduce cluster of samples to a single point with properties)\n",
     "    if _tpx_data[\"labels\"] is None or _tpx_data[\"labels\"].size == 0:\n",
     "        # handle case of no identified clusters, return empty dictionary with expected keys\n",
     "        return empty_centroid_data()\n",
     "    _centroids = get_centroids(_tpx_data, timewalk_lut=centroiding_timewalk_lut)\n",
-    "    return _centroids"
+    "    return _centroids\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
+    "def process_train(worker_id, index, train_id, data):\n",
+    "    events = data[in_fast_data]\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    sel = np.s_[:events['data.size']]\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    x = events['data.x'][sel]\n",
+    "    y = events['data.y'][sel]\n",
+    "    tot = events['data.tot'][sel]\n",
+    "    toa = events['data.toa'][sel]\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    if raw_timewalk_lut is not None:\n",
+    "        toa -= raw_timewalk_lut[np.int_(tot // 25) - 1] * 1e3\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    centroids = compute_centroids(x, y, toa, tot, **centroiding_kwargs)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    num_centroids = len(centroids['x'])\n",
+    "    fraction_centroids = np.sum(centroids[\"size\"])/events['data.size'] if events['data.size']>0 else np.nan\n",
+    "    missing_centroids = num_centroids > max_num_centroids\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    if num_centroids > max_num_centroids:\n",
+    "        warn('Number of centroids is larger than the defined maximum, some data cannot be written to disk')\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    for key in centroid_dt.names:\n",
+    "        out_data[index, :num_centroids][key] = centroids[key]\n",
+    "    out_stats[index][\"fraction_px_in_centroids\"] = fraction_centroids\n",
+    "    out_stats[index][\"N_centroids\"] = num_centroids\n",
+    "    out_stats[index][\"missing_centroids\"] = missing_centroids"
@@ -354,10 +383,12 @@
     "    clustering_epsilon=clustering_epsilon,\n",
     "    clustering_tof_scale=clustering_tof_scale,\n",
     "    clustering_min_samples=clustering_min_samples,\n",
-    "    clustering_n_jobs=clustering_n_jobs,\n",
     "    centroiding_timewalk_lut=centroiding_timewalk_lut)\n",
-    "print('Computing centroids and writing to file', flush=True, end='')\n",
+    "\n",
+    "psh.set_default_context('processes', num_workers=(num_workers := cpu_count() // 4))\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "print(f'Computing centroids with {num_workers} workers and writing to file', flush=True, end='')\n",
     "start = monotonic()\n",
     "for seq_id, seq_dc in enumerate(in_dc.split_trains(trains_per_part=out_seq_len)):\n",
@@ -371,38 +402,13 @@
     "                                 instrument_channels=[f'{out_fast_data}/data'])\n",
     "        seq_file.create_index(train_ids)\n",
     "            \n",
-    "        out_data = np.empty((len(train_ids), max_num_centroids), dtype=centroid_dt)\n",
+    "        out_data = psh.alloc(shape=(len(train_ids), max_num_centroids), dtype=centroid_dt)\n",
+    "        out_stats = psh.alloc(shape=(len(train_ids),), dtype=centroid_stats_dt)\n",
+    "        \n",
     "        out_data[:] = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 0, -1)\n",
-    "        out_stats = np.empty((len(train_ids),), dtype=centroid_stats_dt)\n",
     "        out_stats[:] = tuple([centroid_stats_template[key][1] for key in centroid_stats_template])\n",
     "        \n",
-    "        for index, (train_id, data) in enumerate(seq_dc.trains()):\n",
-    "            events = data[in_fast_data]\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            sel = np.s_[:events['data.size']]\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            x = events['data.x'][sel]\n",
-    "            y = events['data.y'][sel]\n",
-    "            tot = events['data.tot'][sel]\n",
-    "            toa = events['data.toa'][sel]\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            if raw_timewalk_lut is not None:\n",
-    "                toa -= raw_timewalk_lut[np.int_(tot // 25) - 1] * 1e3\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            centroids = compute_centroids(x, y, toa, tot, **centroiding_kwargs)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            num_centroids = len(centroids['x'])\n",
-    "            fraction_centroids = np.sum(centroids[\"size\"])/events['data.size'] if events['data.size']>0 else np.nan\n",
-    "            missing_centroids = num_centroids > max_num_centroids\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "            if num_centroids > max_num_centroids:\n",
-    "                warn('number of centroids larger than definde maximum, some data cannot be written to disk')\n",
-    "            \n",
-    "            for key in centroid_dt.names:\n",
-    "                out_data[key][index, :num_centroids] = centroids[key]\n",
-    "            out_stats[\"fraction_px_in_centroids\"][index] = fraction_centroids\n",
-    "            out_stats[\"N_centroids\"][index] = num_centroids\n",
-    "            out_stats[\"missing_centroids\"][index] = missing_centroids\n",
+    "        psh.map(process_train, seq_dc)\n",
     "        \n",
     "        # Create sources.\n",
     "        cur_slow_data = seq_file.create_control_source(out_device_id)\n",