diff --git a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
index f13e878510f33e398a0b124c56ea588ab5f5492f..c66a23a15ec2e8e3d2e5c68d46d483481116caad 100644
--- a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
     "sns.set_context(\"paper\", font_scale=1.4)\n",
+    "import cal_tools\n",
     "import seaborn as sns\n",
     "from cal_tools.agipdlib import (AgipdCorrections, get_acq_rate, get_gain_mode,\n",
     "                                get_gain_setting, get_num_cells)\n",
@@ -138,7 +139,6 @@
     "from cal_tools.cython import agipdalgs as calgs\n",
     "from cal_tools.enums import AgipdGainMode, BadPixels\n",
     "from cal_tools.step_timing import StepTimer\n",
-    "from cal_tools.tools import (get_dir_creation_date, map_modules_from_folder, module_index_to_qm)\n",
     "sns.set_context(\"paper\", font_scale=1.4)\n",
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
    "source": [
     "# Fill dictionaries comprising bools and arguments for correction and data analysis\n",
-    "# Here the herarichy and dependability for correction booleans are defined\n",
+    "# Here the hierarchy and dependability for correction booleans are defined\n",
     "corr_bools = {}\n",
     "# offset is at the bottom of AGIPD correction pyramid.\n",
@@ -195,8 +195,16 @@
     "    corr_bools[\"common_mode\"] = common_mode\n",
     "    corr_bools[\"melt_snow\"] = melt_snow\n",
     "    corr_bools[\"mask_zero_std\"] = mask_zero_std\n",
-    "    corr_bools[\"low_medium_gap\"] = low_medium_gap \n",
-    "    "
+    "    corr_bools[\"low_medium_gap\"] = low_medium_gap\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# Many corrections don't apply to fixed gain mode; will explicitly disable later if detected\n",
+    "disable_for_fixed_gain = [\n",
+    "    \"adjust_mg_baseline\",\n",
+    "    \"blc_set_min\",\n",
+    "    \"force_hg_if_below\",\n",
+    "    \"force_mg_if_below\",\n",
+    "    \"low_medium_gap\"\n",
+    "]"
@@ -245,8 +253,7 @@
     "    modules = [int(x[-2:]) for x in karabo_da]\n",
-    "print(\"Process modules: \", ', '.join(\n",
-    "    [module_index_to_qm(x) for x in modules]))\n",
+    "print(\"Process modules:\", ', '.join(cal_tools.tools.module_index_to_qm(x) for x in modules))\n",
     "print(f\"Detector in use is {karabo_id}\")\n",
     "print(f\"Instrument {instrument}\")\n",
     "print(f\"Detector instance {dinstance}\")"
@@ -279,9 +286,9 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "# set everything up filewise\n",
-    "mmf = map_modules_from_folder(str(in_folder), run, path_template,\n",
-    "                              karabo_da, sequences)\n",
-    "mapped_files, mod_ids, total_sequences, sequences_qm, _ = mmf\n",
+    "mapped_files, _, total_sequences, _, _ =  cal_tools.tools.map_modules_from_folder(\n",
+    "    str(in_folder), run, path_template, karabo_da, sequences\n",
+    ")\n",
     "file_list = []\n",
     "# ToDo: Split table over pages\n",
@@ -336,10 +343,9 @@
     "# Evaluate creation time\n",
     "creation_time = None\n",
     "if use_dir_creation_date:\n",
-    "    creation_time = get_dir_creation_date(str(in_folder), run)\n",
+    "    creation_time = cal_tools.tools.get_dir_creation_date(str(in_folder), run)\n",
     "    offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)\n",
-    "    delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour,\n",
-    "                      minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)\n",
+    "    delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)\n",
     "    creation_time += delta\n",
     "# Evaluate gain setting\n",
@@ -376,6 +382,19 @@
     "print(f\"• Photon Energy: {photon_energy}\")"
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "if gain_mode:\n",
+    "    for to_disable in disable_for_fixed_gain:\n",
+    "        if corr_bools.get(to_disable, False):\n",
+    "            print(f\"Warning: {to_disable} correction was requested, but does not apply to fixed gain mode\")\n",
+    "            corr_bools[to_disable] = False"
+   ]
+  },
    "cell_type": "markdown",
    "metadata": {},
@@ -389,10 +408,13 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "agipd_corr = AgipdCorrections(max_cells, max_pulses,\n",
-    "                              h5_data_path=h5path,\n",
-    "                              h5_index_path=h5path_idx,\n",
-    "                              corr_bools=corr_bools)\n",
+    "agipd_corr = AgipdCorrections(\n",
+    "    max_cells,\n",
+    "    max_pulses,\n",
+    "    h5_data_path=h5path,\n",
+    "    h5_index_path=h5path_idx,\n",
+    "    corr_bools=corr_bools\n",
+    ")\n",
     "agipd_corr.baseline_corr_noise_threshold = -blc_noise_threshold\n",
     "agipd_corr.hg_hard_threshold = hg_hard_threshold\n",
@@ -406,6 +428,15 @@
     "agipd_corr.ff_gain = ff_gain"
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "module_index_to_karabo_da = {mod: da for (mod, da) in zip(modules, karabo_da)}"
+   ]
+  },
    "cell_type": "code",
    "execution_count": null,
@@ -415,11 +446,10 @@
     "# Retrieve calibration constants to RAM\n",
     "agipd_corr.allocate_constants(modules, (3, mem_cells_db, 512, 128))\n",
-    "metadata = CalibrationMetadata(out_folder)\n",
+    "metadata = cal_tools.tools.CalibrationMetadata(out_folder)\n",
     "# NOTE: this notebook will not overwrite calibration metadata file\n",
     "const_yaml = metadata.get(\"retrieved-constants\", {})\n",
-    "# retrive constants\n",
     "def retrieve_constants(mod):\n",
     "    \"\"\"\n",
     "    Retrieve calibration constants and load them to shared memory\n",
@@ -427,13 +457,15 @@
     "    Metadata for constants is taken from yml file or retrieved from the DB\n",
     "    \"\"\"\n",
     "    err = \"\"\n",
-    "    k_da = karabo_da[mod]\n",
+    "    k_da = module_index_to_karabo_da[mod]\n",
     "    try:\n",
     "        # check if there is a yaml file in out_folder that has the device constants.\n",
     "        if k_da in const_yaml:\n",
+    "            print(f\"Pre-correction notebook already found constants for {k_da}\")\n",
     "            when = agipd_corr.initialize_from_yaml(k_da, const_yaml, mod)\n",
     "        else:\n",
-    "            # TODO: should we save what is found here in metadata?\n",
+    "            print(f\"Have to query database for constants for {k_da}\")\n",
+    "            # TODO: replace with proper retrieval (as done in pre-correction)\n",
     "            when = agipd_corr.initialize_from_db(\n",
     "                karabo_id,\n",
     "                k_da,\n",
@@ -466,7 +498,7 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "# allocate memory for images and hists\n",
-    "n_images_max = max_cells*256\n",
+    "n_images_max = max_cells * 256\n",
     "data_shape = (n_images_max, 512, 128)\n",
     "agipd_corr.allocate_images(data_shape, n_cores_files)"
@@ -590,7 +622,7 @@
     "timestamps = {}\n",
     "for i, (error, modno, when, k_da) in enumerate(const_out):\n",
-    "    qm = module_index_to_qm(modno)\n",
+    "    qm = cal_tools.tools.module_index_to_qm(modno)\n",
     "    # expose errors while applying correction\n",
     "    if error:\n",
     "        print(\"Error: {}\".format(error) )\n",
diff --git a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb
index 5a6300766a164bce6df7e247b44f1b9db58a28fa..0a2583b174e1f5d718c55468da8d9988daa102d5 100644
--- a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb
@@ -259,41 +259,54 @@
     "    # Retrieve multiple constants through an input dictionary\n",
     "    # to return a dict of useful metadata.\n",
     "    mdata_dict = dict()\n",
-    "    mdata_dict['constants'] = dict()\n",
-    "    mdata_dict['physical-detector-unit'] = None  # initialization\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    for cname, cval in const_dict.items():\n",
-    "        print(cname)\n",
-    "        print(cval)\n",
+    "    mdata_dict[\"constants\"] = dict()\n",
+    "    mdata_dict[\"physical-detector-unit\"] = None  # initialization\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    for const_name, (const_init_fun, const_shape, (cond_type, cond_param)) in const_dict.items():\n",
+    "        if gain_mode and const_name in (\"ThresholdsDark\",):\n",
+    "            print(f\"Note: skipping {const_name} for fixed gain mode\")\n",
+    "            continue\n",
+    "        \n",
     "        # saving metadata in a dict\n",
-    "        mdata_dict['constants'][cname] = dict()\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        if slopes_ff_from_files and cname in [\"SlopesFF\", \"BadPixelsFF\"]:\n",
-    "            mdata_dict['constants'][cname][\"file-path\"] = f\"{slopes_ff_from_files}/slopesff_bpmask_module_{qm}.h5\"\n",
-    "            mdata_dict['constants'][cname][\"creation-time\"] = \"00:00:00\"\n",
+    "        const_mdata = dict()\n",
+    "        mdata_dict[\"constants\"][const_name] = const_mdata\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        if slopes_ff_from_files and const_name in [\"SlopesFF\", \"BadPixelsFF\"]:\n",
+    "            const_mdata[\"file-path\"] = f\"{slopes_ff_from_files}/slopesff_bpmask_module_{qm}.h5\"\n",
+    "            const_mdata[\"creation-time\"] = \"00:00:00\"\n",
+    "            continue\n",
+    "        \n",
+    "        if gain_mode and const_name in (\"BadPixelsPC\", \"SlopesPC\", \"BadPixelsFF\", \"SlopesFF\"):\n",
+    "            param_copy = cond_param.copy()\n",
+    "            del param_copy[\"gain_mode\"]\n",
+    "            condition = getattr(Conditions, cond_type).AGIPD(**param_copy)\n",
+    "            print(f\"Note: {const_name} based on adaptive gain mode constants will be retrieved\")\n",
     "        else:\n",
-    "            condition = getattr(Conditions, cval[2][0]).AGIPD(**cval[2][1])\n",
-    "            co, mdata = tools.get_from_db(\n",
-    "                karabo_id,\n",
-    "                karabo_da,\n",
-    "                getattr(Constants.AGIPD, cname)(),\n",
-    "                condition,\n",
-    "                getattr(np, cval[0])(cval[1]),\n",
-    "                cal_db_interface,\n",
-    "                creation_time,\n",
-    "                meta_only=True,\n",
-    "                verbosity=1,\n",
+    "            condition = getattr(Conditions, cond_type).AGIPD(**cond_param)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        _, mdata = tools.get_from_db(\n",
+    "            karabo_id,\n",
+    "            karabo_da,\n",
+    "            getattr(Constants.AGIPD, const_name)(),\n",
+    "            condition,\n",
+    "            getattr(np, const_init_fun)(const_shape),\n",
+    "            cal_db_interface,\n",
+    "            creation_time,\n",
+    "            meta_only=True,\n",
+    "            verbosity=1,\n",
+    "        )\n",
+    "        mdata_const = mdata.calibration_constant_version\n",
+    "        # check if constant was sucessfully retrieved.\n",
+    "        if mdata.comm_db_success:\n",
+    "            const_mdata[\"file-path\"] = (\n",
+    "                f\"{mdata_const.hdf5path}\" f\"{mdata_const.filename}\"\n",
     "            )\n",
-    "            mdata_const = mdata.calibration_constant_version\n",
-    "            # check if constant was sucessfully retrieved.\n",
-    "            if mdata.comm_db_success:\n",
-    "                mdata_dict['constants'][cname][\"file-path\"] = f\"{mdata_const.hdf5path}\" \\\n",
-    "                                                 f\"{mdata_const.filename}\"\n",
-    "                mdata_dict['constants'][cname][\"creation-time\"] = f\"{mdata_const.begin_at}\"\n",
-    "                mdata_dict['physical-detector-unit'] = mdata_const.device_name\n",
-    "            else:\n",
-    "                mdata_dict['constants'][cname][\"file-path\"] = const_dict[cname][:2]\n",
-    "                mdata_dict['constants'][cname][\"creation-time\"] = None\n",
+    "            const_mdata[\"creation-time\"] = f\"{mdata_const.begin_at}\"\n",
+    "            mdata_dict[\"physical-detector-unit\"] = mdata_const.device_name\n",
+    "        else:\n",
+    "            const_mdata[\"file-path\"] = const_dict[const_name][:2]\n",
+    "            const_mdata[\"creation-time\"] = None\n",
+    "        print(const_mdata)\n",
     "    return qm, mdata_dict, karabo_da, acq_rate, local_max_cells, err"