diff --git a/src/cal_tools/constants.py b/src/cal_tools/constants.py
index e10d96b1ceebf28bf01f845d9d3b2d30d9c4f363..cd4abb00f819ef75f2da7b3315adaf4f863bd3c6 100644
--- a/src/cal_tools/constants.py
+++ b/src/cal_tools/constants.py
@@ -197,131 +197,3 @@ def inject_ccv(const_src, ccv_root, report_to=None):
     if not resp['success']:
         const_dest.unlink()  # Delete already copied CCV file.
         raise RuntimeError(resp)
-def inject_ccv_legacy(in_folder, metadata_folder, runs, calibration, cond,
-                      pdu, const_input, begin_at):
-    """Inject new CCV into CalCat.
-    (from before most details were saved in CCV file itself)
-    metadata_folder
-    calibration -> in file, but pass anyway as there could be multiple
-    const_input -> doh!
-    Recommended way of running this from pycalibration notebooks:
-    inject_ccv(
-        in_folder,  # Same as notebook parameter
-        metadata_folder,  # Same as notebook parameter
-        [run_high, run_mid, run_low],
-        'Offset',
-        current_pdu,  # Element of calibration_client.from
-                      # get_all_phy_det_units_from_detector
-        out_folder / 'my-constant-file.h5',
-        get_dir_creation_date(in_folder, run_high)
-    )
-    Args:
-        in_folder (str or Path): Root for input data, i.e. *not*
-            containing r{run:04d} folder
-        metadata_folder (str or Path): Metadata location
-        runs (Iterable of str or int): Run number(s) used for characterization.
-        calibration (str): Calibration name, e.g. 'Offset', must exist in CalCat.
-        cond (ConditionsBase): Operating conditions for injected CCV.
-        pdu (dict): PDU information, should be passed as given by CalCat.
-        const_input (str or Path): Path to local calibration constant HDF file.
-        begin_at (datetime): Begin of calibration constant validity.
-    Returns:
-        None
-    Raises:
-        RuntimeError: If CalCat POST request fails.
-    """
-    cond_dict = cond.make_dict(cond.calibration_types[calibration])
-    pdu_name = pdu['physical_name']
-    detector_type = pdu['detector_type']['name']
-    const_root = f'xfel/cal/{detector_type.lower()}/{pdu_name.lower()}'
-    const_filename = f'cal.{time.time()}.h5'
-    report_path = Path(metadata_folder).with_suffix('.pdf')
-    _, proposal, _ = run_prop_seq_from_path(in_folder)
-    raw_data_location = 'proposal:{} runs: {}'.format(
-        proposal, ' '.join([str(x) for x in runs]))
-    # Generate condition name.
-    unique_name = detector_type[:detector_type.index('-Type')] + ' Def'
-    cond_hash = hashlib.md5(pdu_name.encode())
-    cond_hash.update(pdu['uuid'].to_bytes(
-        length=8, byteorder='little', signed=False))
-    for key, value in cond_dict.items():
-        cond_hash.update(str(key).encode())
-        cond_hash.update(str(value).encode())
-    unique_name += binascii.b2a_base64(cond_hash.digest()).decode()
-    unique_name = unique_name[:60]
-    # Build condition dict for CalCat.
-    cond_params = [
-        {
-            'parameter_name': key,
-            'value': value,
-            'lower_deviation_value': 0.0,
-            'upper_deviation_value': 0.0,
-            'flg_available': True
-        }
-        for key, value in cond_dict.items()
-    ]
-    # Add PDU "UUID" to parameters.
-    cond_params.append({
-        'parameter_name': 'Detector UUID',
-        'value': unpack('d', pack('q', pdu['uuid']))[0],
-        'lower_deviation_value': 0.0,
-        'upper_deviation_value': 0.0,
-        'flg_available': True
-    })
-    inject_h = {
-        'report': {
-            'name': report_path.stem,
-            'file_path': str(report_path)
-        },
-        'detector_condition': {
-            'name': unique_name,
-            'parameters': cond_params
-        },
-        'calibration_constant': {
-            'calibration_name': calibration,
-            'detector_type_name': detector_type,
-            'flg_auto_approve': True
-        },
-        'calibration_constant_version': {
-            'raw_data_location': raw_data_location,
-            'file_name': const_filename,
-            'path_to_file': const_root,
-            'data_set_name': f'{pdu_name}/{calibration}/0',
-            'start_idx': '0',
-            'end_idx': '0',
-            'begin_validity_at': begin_at.isoformat(),
-            'end_validity_at': '',
-            'begin_at': begin_at.isoformat(),
-            'pdu_physical_name': pdu_name,
-            'flg_good_quality': True
-        }
-    }
-    resp = CalibrationClient.inject_new_calibration_constant_version(
-        calibration_client(), inject_h)
-    if not resp['success']:
-        raise RuntimeError(resp)
-    const_path = _get_default_caldb_root() / const_root / const_filename
-    const_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    copyfile(const_input, const_path)