From 960a74d240644b3c5667a08b926b144715662843 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ahmedk <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 14:17:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove precorrection notebook

- Remove precorrection notebook
- Remove function retrieving constant from YAML
- Use fragment file
- WIP: start moving constant retrieval function to the notebook
 .../AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb      | 105 ++--
 ...AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify_Summary_NBC.ipynb |  11 +-
 ...IPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb | 456 ------------------
 src/cal_tools/                     |  43 +-
 src/xfel_calibrate/               |   1 -
 5 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 543 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb

diff --git a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
index 943454e71..cfe04e181 100644
--- a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
     "cal_db_interface = \"tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015#8045\" # the database interface to use\n",
     "cal_db_timeout = 30000 # in milliseconds\n",
     "creation_date_offset = \"00:00:00\" # add an offset to creation date, e.g. to get different constants\n",
+    "cal_db_root = '/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store'  # The calibration database root path to access constant files. For example accessing constants from the test database.\n",
     "mem_cells = -1  # Number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer\n",
     "bias_voltage = -1  # bias voltage, set to 0 to use stored value in slow data.\n",
@@ -166,10 +167,10 @@
     "from cal_tools.enums import AgipdGainMode, BadPixels\n",
     "from cal_tools.step_timing import StepTimer\n",
     "from import (\n",
-    "    CalibrationMetadata,\n",
     "    calcat_creation_time,\n",
     "    map_modules_from_folder,\n",
     "    module_index_to_qm,\n",
+    "    write_constants_fragment,\n",
@@ -538,43 +539,79 @@
     "# Retrieve calibration constants to RAM\n",
     "agipd_corr.allocate_constants(modules, (3, mem_cells_db, 512, 128))\n",
-    "metadata = CalibrationMetadata(metadata_folder or out_folder)\n",
-    "# NOTE: this notebook will not overwrite calibration metadata file\n",
-    "const_yaml = metadata.get(\"retrieved-constants\", {})\n",
-    "def retrieve_constants(mod):\n",
-    "    \"\"\"\n",
-    "    Retrieve calibration constants and load them to shared memory\n",
+    "from cal_tools.calcat_interface import (\n",
+    "    AGIPD_CalibrationData,\n",
+    "    CalCatError,\n",
+    ")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "when = {}\n",
+    "cons_data = {}\n",
+    "variant = {}\n",
+    "\n",
+    "agipd_cal = AGIPD_CalibrationData(\n",
+    "    detector_name=karabo_id,\n",
+    "    modules=[karabo_da],\n",
+    "    sensor_bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
+    "    memory_cells=mem_cells,\n",
+    "    acquisition_rate=acq_rate,\n",
+    "    integration_time=integration_time,\n",
+    "    source_energy=photon_energy,\n",
+    "    gain_mode=gain_mode,\n",
+    "    gain_setting=gain_setting,\n",
+    "    event_at=creation_time,\n",
+    "    client=rest_cfg.calibration_client(),\n",
+    "    caldb_root=Path(cal_db_root),\n",
+    ")\n",
-    "    Metadata for constants is taken from yml file or retrieved from the DB\n",
-    "    \"\"\"\n",
-    "    k_da = module_index_to_karabo_da[mod]\n",
-    "    # check if there is a yaml file in out_folder that has the device constants.\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    if k_da in const_yaml:\n",
-    "        when = agipd_corr.initialize_from_yaml(k_da, const_yaml, mod)\n",
-    "        print(f\"Found constants for {k_da} in calibration_metadata.yml\")\n",
-    "    else:  # Contact the database for module's constants.\n",
-    "        when = agipd_corr.initialize_from_db(\n",
-    "            karabo_id=karabo_id,\n",
-    "            karabo_da=k_da,\n",
-    "            creation_time=creation_time,\n",
-    "            memory_cells=mem_cells_db,\n",
-    "            bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
-    "            photon_energy=9.2,\n",
-    "            gain_setting=gain_setting,\n",
-    "            acquisition_rate=acq_rate,\n",
-    "            integration_time=integration_time,\n",
-    "            gain_mode=gain_mode,\n",
-    "            module_idx=mod,\n",
-    "            client=rest_cfg.calibration_client(),\n",
-    "        )\n",
-    "        print(f\"Queried CalCat for {k_da}\")\n",
-    "    # `when` is expected to be None if dark constants are not available\n",
-    "    # and correction should be skipped for this module.\n",
-    "    return mod, when, k_da\n",
+    "dark_constants = [\"Offset\",\"Noise\", \"ThresholdsDark\", \"BadPixelsDark\"]\n",
+    "pc_constants = [\"SlopesPC\", \"BadPixelsPC\"]\n",
+    "ff_constants = agipd_cal.illuminated_calibrations\n",
+    "agipd_metadata = agipd_cal.metadata()\n",
+    "\n",
+    "agipd_metadata = agipd_cal.metadata(dark_constants)\n",
+    "for gain_constants in [pc_constants, ff_constants]:\n",
+    "    try:\n",
+    "        illum_metadata = agipd_cal.metadata(gain_constants)\n",
+    "        for key, value in illum_metadata.items():\n",
+    "            agipd_metadata.setdefault(key, {}).update(value)\n",
+    "    except CalCatError as e:  # TODO: replace when API errors are improved.\n",
+    "        warning(f\"CalCatError: {e}\")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "agipd_md = dict()\n",
+    "\n",
+    "for cname in self.all_constants:\n",
+    "    if cname in self.gain_constants:\n",
+    "        agipd_cal.gain_mode = None\n",
+    "    else:\n",
+    "        agipd_cal.gain_mode = gain_mode\n",
+    "    try:\n",
+    "        agipd_md = agipd_cal.metadata([cname])[karabo_da]\n",
+    "    except CalCatError as e:\n",
+    "        pass  # a validation of missing constants is done later.\n",
+    "    if agipd_md.get(cname):\n",
+    "        when[cname] = agipd_md[cname][\"begin_validity_at\"]\n",
+    "        dataset = agipd_md[cname][\"dataset\"]\n",
+    "        with h5py.File(agipd_cal.caldb_root / agipd_md[cname][\"path\"], \"r\") as cf:  # noqa\n",
+    "            cons_data[cname] = np.copy(cf[f\"{dataset}/data\"])\n",
+    "            variant[cname] = cf[dataset].attrs[\"variant\"] if cf[dataset].attrs.keys() else 0  # noqa\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# skip initializing the constants if a dark constant is missing.\n",
+    "if self.validate_constants_availability(cons_data, karabo_da):\n",
+    "    self.init_constants(cons_data, when, module_idx, variant)\n",
+    "    return when\n",
+    "else:\n",
+    "    # Avoid initializing the constants and return None\n",
+    "    # to skip correcting this module.\n",
+    "    return\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# Record constant details in YAML metadata\n",
+    "write_constants_fragment(\n",
+    "    out_folder=(metadata_folder or out_folder),\n",
+    "    det_metadata=jf_metadata,\n",
+    "    caldb_root=jf_cal.caldb_root)\n",
     "print(f'Preparing constants (FF: {agipd_corr.corr_bools.get(\"xray_corr\", False)}, PC: {any(agipd_corr.pc_bools)}, '\n",
     "      f'BLC: {any(agipd_corr.blc_bools)})')\n",
diff --git a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify_Summary_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify_Summary_NBC.ipynb
index 5de75ff6e..36e21e922 100644
--- a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify_Summary_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify_Summary_NBC.ipynb
@@ -27,22 +27,13 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "import re\n",
-    "import warnings\n",
     "from pathlib import Path\n",
-    "import dateutil.parser\n",
-    "import numpy as np\n",
     "import yaml\n",
-    "warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')\n",
-    "\n",
-    "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
-    "\n",
-    "%matplotlib inline\n",
     "import tabulate\n",
     "from import CalibrationMetadata\n",
-    "from IPython.display import Latex, Markdown, display"
+    "from IPython.display import Latex, display"
diff --git a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b2dad4a..000000000
--- a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
-  {
-   "cell_type": "markdown",
-   "metadata": {},
-   "source": [
-    "# AGIPD Retrieving Constants Pre-correction #\n",
-    "\n",
-    "Author: European XFEL Detector Group, Version: 1.0\n",
-    "\n",
-    "Retrieving Required Constants for Offline Calibration of the AGIPD Detector"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "in_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202030/p900119/raw\" # the folder to read data from, required\n",
-    "out_folder =  \"/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/AGIPD_\"  # the folder to output to, required\n",
-    "metadata_folder = \"\"  # Directory containing calibration_metadata.yml when run by xfel-calibrate\n",
-    "modules = [-1] # modules to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed\n",
-    "run = 80 # runs to process, required\n",
-    "\n",
-    "karabo_id = \"SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1\" # karabo karabo_id\n",
-    "karabo_da = ['-1']  # a list of data aggregators names, Default [-1] for selecting all data aggregators\n",
-    "ctrl_source_template = '{}/MDL/FPGA_COMP_TEST'  # path to control information\n",
-    "instrument_source_template = '{}/DET/{}:xtdf'  # path in the HDF5 file to images\n",
-    "receiver_template = \"{}CH0\" # inset for receiver devices\n",
-    "karabo_id_control = \"SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1\" # karabo-id for control device\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Parameters for calibration database.\n",
-    "cal_db_interface = \"tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015#8045\" # the database interface to use\n",
-    "creation_date_offset = \"00:00:00\" # add an offset to creation date, e.g. to get different constants\n",
-    "creation_time = \"\"  # To overwrite the measured creation_time. Required Format: YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC e.g. \"2022-06-28 13:00:00\"\n",
-    "\n",
-    "slopes_ff_from_files = \"\" # Path to locally stored SlopesFF and BadPixelsFF constants\n",
-    "mem_cells = -1  # number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer\n",
-    "bias_voltage = -1  # bias voltage, set to 0 to use stored value in slow data.\n",
-    "acq_rate = -1.  # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine\n",
-    "gain_setting = -1  # the gain setting, use -1 to use value stored in slow data.\n",
-    "gain_mode = -1  # gain mode (0: adaptive, 1-3 fixed high/med/low, -1: read from CONTROL data)\n",
-    "integration_time = -1 # integration time, negative values for auto-detection.\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Correction Booleans\n",
-    "only_offset = False # Apply only Offset correction. if False, Offset is applied by Default. if True, Offset is only applied.\n",
-    "rel_gain = False # do relative gain correction based on PC data\n",
-    "xray_gain = True # do relative gain correction based on xray data\n",
-    "blc_noise = False # if set, baseline correction via noise peak location is attempted\n",
-    "blc_stripes = False # if set, baseline corrected via stripes\n",
-    "blc_hmatch = False # if set, base line correction via histogram matching is attempted\n",
-    "adjust_mg_baseline = False # adjust medium gain baseline to match highest high gain value"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "# Fill dictionaries comprising bools and arguments for correction and data analysis\n",
-    "# Here the hierarichy and dependencies for correction booleans are defined \n",
-    "corr_bools = {}\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# offset is at the bottom of AGIPD correction pyramid.\n",
-    "corr_bools[\"only_offset\"] = only_offset\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Dont apply any corrections if only_offset is requested \n",
-    "if not only_offset:\n",
-    "    corr_bools[\"adjust_mg_baseline\"] = adjust_mg_baseline\n",
-    "    corr_bools[\"rel_gain\"] = rel_gain\n",
-    "    corr_bools[\"xray_corr\"] = xray_gain\n",
-    "    corr_bools[\"blc_noise\"] = blc_noise\n",
-    "    corr_bools[\"blc_hmatch\"] = blc_hmatch"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "from logging import warning\n",
-    "from pathlib import Path\n",
-    "\n",
-    "import multiprocessing\n",
-    "from datetime import timedelta\n",
-    "from dateutil import parser\n",
-    "from extra_data import RunDirectory\n",
-    "\n",
-    "import cal_tools.restful_config as rest_cfg\n",
-    "from cal_tools.agipdlib import AgipdCtrl, SnowResolution\n",
-    "from cal_tools.calcat_interface import AGIPD_CalibrationData, CalCatError\n",
-    "from cal_tools.step_timing import StepTimer\n",
-    "from import CalibrationMetadata, calcat_creation_time, module_index_to_qm\n",
-    "from cal_tools.enums import AgipdGainMode"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "# slopes_ff_from_files left as str for now\n",
-    "in_folder = Path(in_folder)\n",
-    "out_folder = Path(out_folder)\n",
-    "metadata = CalibrationMetadata(metadata_folder or out_folder)\n",
-    "# Constant paths & timestamps are saved under retrieved-constants in calibration_metadata.yml\n",
-    "retrieved_constants = metadata.setdefault(\"retrieved-constants\", {})"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "# Run's creation time:\n",
-    "creation_time = calcat_creation_time(in_folder, run, creation_time)\n",
-    "offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)\n",
-    "delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)\n",
-    "creation_time += delta\n",
-    "print(f\"Creation time: {creation_time}\")\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "print(f\"Outputting to {out_folder}\")\n",
-    "out_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "melt_snow = False if corr_bools[\"only_offset\"] else SnowResolution.NONE"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "ctrl_src = ctrl_source_template.format(karabo_id_control)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "print(f\"Detector in use is {karabo_id}\")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Extracting Instrument string\n",
-    "instrument = karabo_id.split(\"_\")[0]\n",
-    "# Evaluate detector instance for mapping\n",
-    "if instrument == \"SPB\":\n",
-    "    nmods = 16\n",
-    "elif instrument == \"MID\":\n",
-    "    nmods = 16\n",
-    "elif instrument == \"HED\":\n",
-    "    nmods = 8\n",
-    "\n",
-    "print(f\"Instrument {instrument}\")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "if karabo_da[0] == '-1':\n",
-    "    if modules[0] == -1:\n",
-    "        modules = list(range(nmods))\n",
-    "    karabo_da = [\"AGIPD{:02d}\".format(i) for i in modules]\n",
-    "else:\n",
-    "    modules = [int(x[-2:]) for x in karabo_da]"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "run_dc = RunDirectory(in_folder / f\"r{run:04d}\")\n",
-    "instrument_src = instrument_source_template.format(karabo_id, receiver_template)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "instr_dc =\"*\"))\n",
-    "\n",
-    "for m in modules:\n",
-    "    # Remove empty sources from `instr_dc`\n",
-    "    if instr_dc[instrument_src.format(m), ''].shape[0] == 0:\n",
-    "        instr_dc = instr_dc.deselect(instrument_src.format(m))\n",
-    "\n",
-    "if not instr_dc.all_sources:\n",
-    "    raise ValueError(f\"No images found for {in_folder / f'r{run:04d}'}\")"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "agipd_cond = AgipdCtrl(\n",
-    "    run_dc=run_dc,\n",
-    "    image_src=None,  # Not neededed, as we wont read mem_cells or acq_rate.\n",
-    "    ctrl_src=ctrl_src,\n",
-    ")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "if gain_setting == -1:\n",
-    "    gain_setting = agipd_cond.get_gain_setting(creation_time)\n",
-    "if bias_voltage == -1:\n",
-    "    bias_voltage = agipd_cond.get_bias_voltage(karabo_id_control)\n",
-    "if integration_time == -1:\n",
-    "    integration_time = agipd_cond.get_integration_time()\n",
-    "if gain_mode == -1:\n",
-    "    gain_mode = agipd_cond.get_gain_mode()\n",
-    "else:\n",
-    "    gain_mode = AgipdGainMode(gain_mode)"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "markdown",
-   "metadata": {},
-   "source": [
-    "## Retrieve Constants ##"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "pc_bools = [  # flags that points to the need for retrieving SlopesPC and BadPixelsPC constants.\n",
-    "    corr_bools.get(\"rel_gain\"),\n",
-    "    corr_bools.get(\"adjust_mg_baseline\"),\n",
-    "    corr_bools.get('blc_noise'),\n",
-    "    corr_bools.get('blc_hmatch'),\n",
-    "    corr_bools.get('blc_stripes'),\n",
-    "    melt_snow,\n",
-    "]\n",
-    "\n",
-    "da_to_qm = dict()\n",
-    "for module_index, k_da in zip(modules, karabo_da):\n",
-    "    da_to_qm[k_da] = module_index_to_qm(module_index)"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "def find_cells_acq_rate_module(idx):\n",
-    "    \"\"\"Find memory cells and acquisition rate for a module.\"\"\"\n",
-    "    agipd_cond.image_src = instrument_src.format(idx)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    if agipd_cond.image_src not in instr_dc.all_sources:\n",
-    "        warning(f\"No raw images found for {module_index_to_qm(idx)}({k_da}).\")\n",
-    "        return None, None\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    _mem_cells = agipd_cond.get_num_cells() if mem_cells == -1 else mem_cells\n",
-    "    _acq_rate = agipd_cond.get_acq_rate() if acq_rate == -1 else acq_rate\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    return _mem_cells, _acq_rate\n",
-    "\n",
-    "\n",
-    "all_mem_cells = set()\n",
-    "all_acq_rates = set()\n",
-    "\n",
-    "with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nmods) as pool:\n",
-    "    results =, modules)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "for (_mem_cells, _acq_rate) in results:\n",
-    "    all_mem_cells.add(_mem_cells)\n",
-    "    all_acq_rates.add(_acq_rate)\n",
-    "# Validate that mem_cells and acq_rate are the same for all modules.\n",
-    "if len(all_mem_cells) != 1 or len(all_acq_rates) != 1:\n",
-    "    warning(\n",
-    "        \"Number of memory cells or acquisition rate are not identical for all modules.\\n\"\n",
-    "        f\"different mem_cells values: {all_mem_cells}.\\ndifferent acq_rate values: {all_acq_rates}.\")\n",
-    "mem_cells = all_mem_cells.pop()\n",
-    "acq_rate = all_acq_rates.pop()"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "dark_constants = {\"Offset\", \"Noise\", \"BadPixelsDark\"}\n",
-    "if not gain_mode:\n",
-    "    dark_constants.add(\"ThresholdsDark\")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "gain_constants = set()\n",
-    "if pc_bools:\n",
-    "    gain_constants |= {\"SlopesPC\", \"BadPixelsPC\"}\n",
-    "if xray_gain:\n",
-    "    gain_constants |= {\"SlopesFF\", \"BadPixelsFF\"}\n",
-    "\n",
-    "all_constants = dark_constants.copy()\n",
-    "all_constants |= gain_constants"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "step_timer = StepTimer()\n",
-    "step_timer.start()\n",
-    "agipd_cal = AGIPD_CalibrationData(\n",
-    "    detector_name=karabo_id,\n",
-    "    modules=karabo_da,\n",
-    "    sensor_bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
-    "    memory_cells=mem_cells,\n",
-    "    acquisition_rate=acq_rate,\n",
-    "    integration_time=integration_time,\n",
-    "    source_energy=9.2,\n",
-    "    gain_mode=gain_mode,\n",
-    "    gain_setting=gain_setting,\n",
-    "    event_at=creation_time,\n",
-    "    client=rest_cfg.calibration_client(),\n",
-    ")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# The main metadata dict for all modules and retrieved CCVs.\n",
-    "agipd_metadata = {mod:{} for mod in agipd_cal.modules}\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# This is done to alter the condition for gain constants and avoid using gain_mode.\n",
-    "for cname in all_constants:\n",
-    "    if cname in gain_constants:\n",
-    "        agipd_cal.gain_mode = None\n",
-    "    else:\n",
-    "        agipd_cal.gain_mode = gain_mode\n",
-    "    try:\n",
-    "        a = agipd_cal.metadata([cname])\n",
-    "        for mod, ccv_entry in a.items():\n",
-    "            agipd_metadata[mod].update(ccv_entry)\n",
-    "    except CalCatError as e:\n",
-    "        pass  # Validating missing constants is done later."
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "missing_dark_modules = set()\n",
-    "# Validate the constants availability and raise/warn correspondingly. \n",
-    "for mod, ccv_dict in agipd_metadata.items():\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    missing_dark_constants = dark_constants - set(ccv_dict)\n",
-    "    if missing_dark_constants:\n",
-    "        warning(\n",
-    "            f\"Dark constants {missing_dark_constants} are not available to correct {mod}\")  # noqa\n",
-    "        missing_dark_modules.add(mod)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    missing_gain_constants = gain_constants - set(ccv_dict)\n",
-    "    if missing_gain_constants:\n",
-    "        warning(\n",
-    "            f\"Gain constants {missing_gain_constants} were not retrieved for {mod}\")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "if missing_dark_modules == set(karabo_da):\n",
-    "    raise ValueError(\n",
-    "        \"Dark constants are not available for all modules.\"\n",
-    "        \"No correction can be performed.\")"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "for mod, ccv_dict in agipd_metadata.items():\n",
-    "    mdata_dict = {\"constants\": dict()}\n",
-    "    for cname, ccv_metadata in ccv_dict.items():\n",
-    "        if slopes_ff_from_files and cname in [\"SlopesFF\", \"BadPixelsFF\"]:\n",
-    "            mdata_dict[\"constants\"][cname] = {\n",
-    "                \"path\": f\"{slopes_ff_from_files}/slopesff_bpmask_module_{module_index_to_qm(int(mod[-2:]))}.h5\",  # noqa\n",
-    "                \"dataset\": \"\",\n",
-    "                \"creation-time\": \"00:00:00\",\n",
-    "            }\n",
-    "        else:\n",
-    "            mdata_dict[\"constants\"][cname] = {\n",
-    "                \"path\": str(agipd_cal.caldb_root / ccv_metadata[\"path\"]),\n",
-    "                \"dataset\": ccv_metadata[\"dataset\"],\n",
-    "                \"creation-time\": ccv_metadata[\"begin_validity_at\"],\n",
-    "                \"ccv_id\": ccv_metadata[\"ccv_id\"],\n",
-    "            }\n",
-    "    mdata_dict[\"physical-name\"] = ccv_metadata[\"physical_name\"]\n",
-    "    retrieved_constants[mod] = mdata_dict"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "print(\"Using constants with creation times:\")\n",
-    "timestamps = {}\n",
-    "\n",
-    "for k_da, module_name in da_to_qm.items():\n",
-    "    if k_da not in retrieved_constants.keys():\n",
-    "        continue\n",
-    "    module_timestamps = timestamps[module_name] = {}\n",
-    "    module_constants = retrieved_constants[k_da]\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    print(f\"{module_name}:\")\n",
-    "    for cname, mdata in module_constants[\"constants\"].items():\n",
-    "        print(f'{cname:.<12s}', mdata[\"creation-time\"])\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    for cname in ['Offset', 'SlopesPC', 'SlopesFF']:\n",
-    "        if cname in module_constants[\"constants\"]:\n",
-    "            module_timestamps[cname] = module_constants[\"constants\"][cname][\"creation-time\"]\n",
-    "        else:\n",
-    "            module_timestamps[cname] = \"NA\"\n",
-    "\n",
-    "time_summary = retrieved_constants.setdefault(\"time-summary\", {})\n",
-    "time_summary[\"SAll\"] = timestamps\n",
-    "\n",
-    ""
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "print(\"\\nRetrieved constants for modules:\",\n",
-    "        ', '.join([module_index_to_qm(x) for x in modules]))\n",
-    "print(f\"Operating conditions are:\")\n",
-    "print(f\"• Bias voltage: {bias_voltage}\")\n",
-    "print(f\"• Memory cells: {mem_cells}\")\n",
-    "print(f\"• Acquisition rate: {acq_rate}\")\n",
-    "print(f\"• Gain mode: {}\")\n",
-    "print(f\"• Gain setting: {gain_setting}\")\n",
-    "print(f\"• Integration time: {integration_time}\")\n",
-    "print(f\"• Photon Energy: 9.2\")\n",
-    "step_timer.done_step(f\"Constant metadata is saved under \\\"retrieved-constants\\\" in {metadata.filename}\")"
-   ]
-  }
- ],
- "metadata": {
-  "kernelspec": {
-   "display_name": "Python 3",
-   "language": "python",
-   "name": "python3"
-  },
-  "language_info": {
-   "codemirror_mode": {
-    "name": "ipython",
-    "version": 3
-   },
-   "file_extension": ".py",
-   "mimetype": "text/x-python",
-   "name": "python",
-   "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
-   "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
-   "version": "3.8.12"
-  }
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 4
diff --git a/src/cal_tools/ b/src/cal_tools/
index 7ab0087de..530f86c52 100644
--- a/src/cal_tools/
+++ b/src/cal_tools/
@@ -1373,48 +1373,6 @@ class AgipdCorrections:
             return True
-    def initialize_from_yaml(
-        self, karabo_da: str, const_yaml: Dict[str, Any], module_idx: int,
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        """Initialize calibration constants from a yaml file
-        :param karabo_da: a karabo data aggregator
-        :param const_yaml: from the "retrieved-constants" part of a yaml file
-        from pre-notebook, which consists of metadata of either the constant
-        file path or the empty constant shape, and the creation-time of the
-        retrieved constants
-        :param module_idx: Index of module
-        :return when: dict of retrieved constants with their creation-time
-        """
-        cons_data = dict()
-        when = dict()
-        variant = dict()
-        # string of the device name.
-        db_module = const_yaml[karabo_da]["physical-name"]
-        for cname, mdata in const_yaml[karabo_da]["constants"].items():
-            base_key = f"{db_module}/{cname}/0"
-            when[cname] = mdata["creation-time"]
-            if when[cname]:
-                with h5py.File(mdata["path"], "r") as cf:
-                    cons_data[cname] = np.copy(cf[f"{base_key}/data"])
-                    # Set variant to 0 if the attribute is missing
-                    # as for old constants.
-                    if "variant" in cf[base_key].attrs.keys():
-                        variant[cname] = cf[base_key].attrs["variant"]
-                    else:
-                        variant[cname] = 0
-        # skip initializing the constants if a dark constant is missing.
-        if self.validate_constants_availability(cons_data, karabo_da):
-            self.init_constants(cons_data, when, module_idx, variant)
-            return when
-        else:
-            # Avoid initializing the constants and return None
-            # to skip correcting this module.
-            return
     def initialize_from_db(
         self, karabo_id: str, karabo_da: str,
         creation_time: datetime, memory_cells: float,
@@ -1457,6 +1415,7 @@ class AgipdCorrections:
             * Constants.AGIPD.BadPixelsPC
             Flat-Field Derived
+            ------------------
             * Constants.AGIPD.SlopesFF
             * Constants.AGIPD.BadPixelsFF
diff --git a/src/xfel_calibrate/ b/src/xfel_calibrate/
index 9e2ce6c83..fef99624c 100644
--- a/src/xfel_calibrate/
+++ b/src/xfel_calibrate/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ notebooks = {
                             "cluster cores": 16},
         "CORRECT": {
-            "pre_notebooks": ["notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb"],
             "notebook": "notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb",
             "dep_notebooks": [