diff --git a/notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb
index 66db3ffb2b00ab49d9efd42a700d2c2bba9ec6ca..a41a37a6a61bf9716311114bf3bb961b1494edd1 100644
--- a/notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
     "from XFELDetAna.detectors.fastccd import readerh5 as fastccdreaderh5\n",
     "from iCalibrationDB import ConstantMetaData, Constants, Conditions, Detectors, Versions\n",
     "from iCalibrationDB.detectors import DetectorTypes\n",
-    "from cal_tools.tools import get_dir_creation_date, get_random_db_interface\n",
+    "from cal_tools.tools import get_dir_creation_date, get_random_db_interface, get_constant_from_db_and_time\n",
     "%matplotlib inline\n",
@@ -326,34 +326,32 @@
     "        constants['Offset'] = Offset\n",
     "        constants['Noise'] = Noise\n",
     "        constants['BadPixelsDark'] = BadPixelsDark\n",
-    "\n",
+    "        when = {}\n",
+    "        \n",
+    "        condition = Conditions.Dark.CCD(bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
+    "                            integration_time=integration_time,\n",
+    "                            gain_setting=gain,\n",
+    "                            temperature=fix_temperature,\n",
+    "                            pixels_x=pixels_x,\n",
+    "                            pixels_y=pixels_y)\n",
+    "        \n",
     "        for const in constants.keys():\n",
-    "            metadata = ConstantMetaData()\n",
-    "            dconst = getattr(Constants.CCD(DetectorTypes.pnCCD), const)()\n",
-    "            dconst.data = constants[const]\n",
-    "            metadata.calibration_constant = dconst\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            condition = Conditions.Dark.CCD(bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
-    "                                        integration_time=integration_time,\n",
-    "                                        gain_setting=gain,\n",
-    "                                        temperature=fix_temperature,\n",
-    "                                        pixels_x=pixels_x,\n",
-    "                                        pixels_y=pixels_y)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            device = Detectors.PnCCD1\n",
-    "            metadata.detector_condition = condition\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            metadata.calibration_constant_version = Versions.Timespan(device=device, start=creation_time)\n",
-    "            metadata.retrieve(cal_db_interface, when=creation_time.isoformat(), timeout=cal_db_timeout)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            constants[const] = dconst.data \n",
+    "            constants[const], when[const] = \\\n",
+    "                get_constant_from_db_and_time(Detectors.PnCCD1,\n",
+    "                                      getattr(Constants.CCD(DetectorTypes.pnCCD), const)(),\n",
+    "                                      condition,\n",
+    "                                      np.zeros((pixels_x, pixels_y, 1)),\n",
+    "                                      cal_db_interface,\n",
+    "                                      creation_time=creation_time)\n",
+    "        for parm in condition.parameters:\n",
+    "            if parm.name == \"Sensor Temperature\":\n",
+    "                print(f\"For run {run}: dark images for offset calculation \" \n",
+    "                      f\"were taken at temperature: {parm.value:0.2f} \"\n",
+    "                      f\"K @ {when['Offset']}\")\n",
     "    except Exception as e:\n",
     "        print(f\"Error: {e}\")\n",
-    "    for parm in condition.parameters:\n",
-    "        if parm.name == \"Sensor Temperature\":\n",
-    "            print(f\"For run {run}: dark images for offset calculation \" \n",
-    "                  f\"were taken at temperature: {parm.value:0.2f} \"\n",
-    "                  f\"K @ {metadata.calibration_constant_version.begin_at}\")     \n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
     "    return constants"
@@ -400,32 +398,25 @@
     "    metadata = ConstantMetaData()\n",
     "    relgain = Constants.CCD(DetectorTypes.pnCCD).RelativeGain()\n",
     "    metadata.calibration_constant = relgain\n",
-    "    try:\n",
-    "        # set the operating condition\n",
-    "        condition = Conditions.Illuminated.CCD(bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
-    "                                               integration_time=integration_time,\n",
-    "                                               gain_setting=gain,\n",
-    "                                               temperature=fix_temperature,\n",
-    "                                               pixels_x=pixels_x,\n",
-    "                                               pixels_y=pixels_y, \n",
-    "                                               photon_energy=photon_energy)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        device = Detectors.PnCCD1\n",
-    "        metadata.detector_condition = condition\n",
-    "\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        # specify the a version for this constant\n",
-    "        metadata.calibration_constant_version = Versions.Now(device=device)\n",
-    "        cal_db_interface = get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface)\n",
-    "        metadata.retrieve(cal_db_interface, timeout=cal_db_timeout)    \n",
-    "        constants[\"RelativeGain\"] = relgain.data\n",
-    "        print(\"Retrieved RelativeGain constant with creation time:\"\n",
-    "              f\"{metadata.calibration_constant_version.begin_at}\")\n",
-    "    except Exception as e:\n",
-    "        print(f\"Error: {e}.\\n\")\n",
-    "        if relgain.data is None:\n",
-    "            constants[\"RelativeGain\"] = np.ones((pixels_x, pixels_y))\n",
-    "            print(\"Relative was not retrieved and an empty constant of ones will be used.\")\n",
+    "    # set the operating condition\n",
+    "    condition = Conditions.Illuminated.CCD(bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
+    "                                           integration_time=integration_time,\n",
+    "                                           gain_setting=gain,\n",
+    "                                           temperature=fix_temperature,\n",
+    "                                           pixels_x=pixels_x,\n",
+    "                                           pixels_y=pixels_y, \n",
+    "                                           photon_energy=photon_energy)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    constants[\"RelativeGain\"], relgain_time = \\\n",
+    "        get_constant_from_db_and_time(Detectors.PnCCD1,\n",
+    "                                      Constants.CCD(DetectorTypes.pnCCD).RelativeGain(),\n",
+    "                                      condition,\n",
+    "                                      np.zeros((pixels_x, pixels_y)),\n",
+    "                                      cal_db_interface,\n",
+    "                                      creation_time=creation_time)\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    print(f\"Retrieved RelativeGain constant with creation time: {relgain_time}\")\n",
+    "\n",
     "    display(Markdown('### Relative Gain Map Retrieval'))\n",
     "    fig = xana.heatmapPlot(constants[\"RelativeGain\"], figsize=(8, 8), x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', lut_label='Relative Gain', \n",
     "                           aspect=1, x_range=(0, pixels_y), y_range=(0, pixels_x), vmin=0.8, vmax=1.2, \n",