diff --git a/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_dark_analysis_all_gains_burst_mode_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_dark_analysis_all_gains_burst_mode_NBC.ipynb
index 1d35a5d198c94b0b4b83f851bf2aea3b31863dd1..2f1b0b0a48df7ccba136ecc2df98061618617a8c 100644
--- a/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_dark_analysis_all_gains_burst_mode_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/Jungfrau/Jungfrau_dark_analysis_all_gains_burst_mode_NBC.ipynb
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
     "    write_ccv,\n",
     "from cal_tools.enums import BadPixels, JungfrauGainMode\n",
+    "from cal_tools.inject import CCVAlreadyInjectedError, inject_ccv\n",
     "from cal_tools.jungfrau import jungfraulib\n",
     "from cal_tools.restful_config import (\n",
     "    extra_calibration_client,\n",
diff --git a/src/cal_tools/inject.py b/src/cal_tools/inject.py
index 57ee8d9b7bc068915035f5df4e28f1885953b27a..e7f927a912104b148be4121337bbc8d65a1dd8ae 100644
--- a/src/cal_tools/inject.py
+++ b/src/cal_tools/inject.py
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class ParameterConditionAttribute:
     value: str
     lower_deviation_value: float = 0
     upper_deviation_value: float = 0
-    flg_available: str = 'false'
+    flg_available: str = 'true'
     description: str = ''
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ParameterConditionAttribute:
 class Condition:
     name: str
     parameters_conditions_attributes: List[ParameterConditionAttribute] = field(default_factory=list)
-    flg_available: str = 'false'
+    flg_available: str = 'true'
     event_at: str = str(datetime.today())  # TODO: Why is this needed? it is not written in swagger.
     description: str = ''
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ class CalibrationConstant:
     detector_type_id: int
     calibration_id: int
     condition_id: int
-    flg_auto_approve: str = 'false'
-    flg_available: str = 'false'
+    flg_auto_approve: str = 'true'
+    flg_available: str = 'true'
     description: str = ""
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CalibrationConstant:
 class Report:
     name: str
     file_path: str
-    flg_available: str = 'false'
+    flg_available: str = 'true'
     description: str = ""
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class CalibrationConstantVersion:
     description: str = ''
-def generate_unique_name(detector_type, pdu_name, pdu_uuid, cond_params):
+def generate_unique_cond_name(detector_type, pdu_name, pdu_uuid, cond_params):
     # Generate condition name.
     unique_name = detector_type[:detector_type.index('-Type')] + ' Def'
     cond_hash = md5(pdu_name.encode())
@@ -152,13 +152,10 @@ def get_raw_data_location(proposal, runs):
 def _failed_response(resp):
-    # TODO: Add more variant errors.
+    # TODO: Add more errors if needed
     if CALIBRATION_CONSTANT_VERSIONS in resp.url.lstrip("/"):
         if resp.status_code == 422:
             raise CCVAlreadyInjectedError
-            warn(
-                "Calibration Constant Version has already been injected: "
-                f"{dir(resp)}\n{resp.reason}-{resp.status_code}-{resp.text}-{resp.url}", CCVAlreadyInjectedWarning)
     elif resp.status_code >= 400:
             d = json.loads(resp.content.decode("utf-8"))
@@ -267,8 +264,6 @@ class InjectAPI(CalCatAPIClient):
-        proposal,
-        runs,
@@ -277,18 +272,18 @@ class InjectAPI(CalCatAPIClient):
+        raw_data_location='',
         """Inject new CCV into CalCat."""
-        cond_name = generate_unique_name(
+        cond_name = generate_unique_cond_name(
             detector_type, pdu_name, pdu_uuid, cond_params)
         # Create condition table in database, if not available.
         resp = self.set_condition(cond_name, list(cond_params.values()))
-        # Prepare some parameters to set Calibration Constant.
         condition_id = resp['id']
+        # Prepare some parameters to set Calibration Constant.
         cal_id = self.calibration_by_name(calibration)['id']
         det_type_id = self.detector_type_by_name(detector_type)['id']
         cc_name = create_unique_cc_name(detector_type, calibration, cond_name)
@@ -302,7 +297,8 @@ class InjectAPI(CalCatAPIClient):
         report_id = None
         if report_to:
             report_path = Path(report_to).absolute().with_suffix('.pdf')
-            resp = self.get_or_create_report(name=report_path.stem, file_path=str(report_path))
+            resp = self.get_or_create_report(
+                name=report_path.stem, file_path=str(report_path))
             report_id = resp["id"]
         # Get PDU ID before creating new CCV.
@@ -316,7 +312,7 @@ class InjectAPI(CalCatAPIClient):
-            raw_data_location=get_raw_data_location(proposal, runs),
+            raw_data_location=raw_data_location,
@@ -356,43 +352,51 @@ class InjectAPI(CalCatAPIClient):
     def set_calibration_constant_version(self, ccv: CalibrationConstantVersion):
         return self.create_calibration_constant_version(ccv)
-    def get_ccv_info_from_file(self, cfile: Union[str, Path], pdu: str, ccv_root: str):
-        def to_string(value):
-            """Send only accepted value types to CALCAT."""
-            if isinstance(value, bool):
-                value = float(value)
-            return str(value)
-        with h5py.File(cfile, 'r') as const_file:
-            pdu_group = const_file[pdu]
-            pdu_uuid = pdu_group.attrs['uuid']
-            detector_type = pdu_group.attrs['detector_type']
-            ccv_group = const_file[ccv_root]
-            proposal, runs = ccv_group.attrs['proposal'], ccv_group.attrs['runs']
-            begin_at = ccv_group.attrs['begin_at']
-            cond_params = {}
-            condition_group = ccv_group['operating_condition']
-            # It's really not ideal we're mixing conditionS and condition now.
-            # Get parameter data and create a list of `ParameterConditionAttribute`s
-            for parameter in condition_group:
-                param_dset = condition_group[parameter]
-                param_name = param_dset.attrs['database_name']
-                cond_params[param_name] = ParameterConditionAttribute(
-                        parameter_id=self.parameter_by_name(param_name)['id'],
-                        value=to_string(param_dset[()]),
-                        lower_deviation_value=param_dset.attrs['lower_deviation'],
-                        upper_deviation_value=param_dset.attrs['upper_deviation'],
-                    )
-            det_uuid = 'Detector UUID'
-            # Add PDU "UUID" to parameters.
-            cond_params[det_uuid] = ParameterConditionAttribute(
-                value=to_string(unpack('d', pack('q', pdu_uuid))[0]),
-                parameter_id=self.parameter_by_name(det_uuid)['id'],
+def extract_parameter_conditions(client, ccv_group, pdu_uuid):
+    def _to_string(value):
+        """Send only accepted value types to CALCAT."""
+        if isinstance(value, bool):
+            value = float(value)
+        return str(value)
+    cond_params = {}
+    condition_group = ccv_group['operating_condition']
+    # It's really not ideal we're mixing conditionS and condition now.
+    # Get parameter data and create a list of `ParameterConditionAttribute`s
+    for parameter in condition_group:
+        param_dset = condition_group[parameter]
+        param_name = param_dset.attrs['database_name']
+        cond_params[param_name] = ParameterConditionAttribute(
+                parameter_id=client.parameter_by_name(param_name)['id'],
+                value=_to_string(param_dset[()]),
+                lower_deviation_value=param_dset.attrs['lower_deviation'],
+                upper_deviation_value=param_dset.attrs['upper_deviation'],
+    det_uuid = 'Detector UUID'
+    # Add PDU "UUID" to parameters.
+    cond_params[det_uuid] = ParameterConditionAttribute(
+        value=_to_string(unpack('d', pack('q', pdu_uuid))[0]),
+        parameter_id=client.parameter_by_name(det_uuid)['id'],
+    )
+def get_ccv_info_from_file(
+    client: InjectAPI, cfile: Union[str, Path], pdu: str, ccv_root: str):
-        return cond_params, begin_at, proposal, runs, pdu_uuid, detector_type
+    with h5py.File(cfile, 'r') as const_file:
+        pdu_group = const_file[pdu]
+        pdu_uuid = pdu_group.attrs['uuid']
+        detector_type = pdu_group.attrs['detector_type']
+        ccv_group = const_file[ccv_root]
+        raw_data_location = get_raw_data_location(
+            ccv_group.attrs['proposal'],
+            ccv_group.attrs['runs']
+        )
+        begin_at = ccv_group.attrs['begin_at']
+        cond_params = extract_parameter_conditions(client, ccv_group, pdu_uuid)
+    return cond_params, begin_at, pdu_uuid, detector_type, raw_data_location
 def inject_ccv(
@@ -404,11 +408,11 @@ def inject_ccv(
     if client is None:
         client = extra_calibration_client(inject=True)
-    pdu_name, calibration, key = ccv_root.lstrip('/').split('/')
+    pdu_name, calibration, _ = ccv_root.lstrip('/').split('/')
-        cond_params, begin_at, proposal, runs, pdu_uuid, detector_type
-    ) = client.get_ccv_info_from_file(const_src, pdu_name, ccv_root)
+        cond_params, begin_at, pdu_uuid, detector_type, raw_data_location
+    ) = client.get_ccv_info_from_file(client, const_src, pdu_name, ccv_root)
     const_rel_path = f'xfel/cal/{detector_type.lower()}/{pdu_name.lower()}'
     const_filename = f'cal.{time.time()}.h5'
@@ -416,21 +420,20 @@ def inject_ccv(
     const_dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     copyfile(const_src, const_dest)
-    resp = client.create_new_ccv(
-        cond_params,
-        begin_at,
-        proposal,
-        runs,
-        pdu_name,
-        pdu_uuid,
-        detector_type,
-        calibration,
-        const_rel_path,
-        const_filename,
-        ccv_root,
-        report_to,
-    )
-    if not resp['success']:
+    try:
+        client.create_new_ccv(
+            cond_params,
+            begin_at,
+            pdu_name,
+            pdu_uuid,
+            detector_type,
+            calibration,
+            const_rel_path,
+            const_filename,
+            ccv_root,
+            report_to,
+            raw_data_location,
+        )
+    except Exception as e:
-        raise RuntimeError(resp)
+        raise e