From b7c5f3b1896fb98143667d04231b79c36169affe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mikhail Karnevskiy <>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2020 15:00:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix: Add check for slurm exceptions

 webservice/ | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/webservice/ b/webservice/
index 4f0089235..fdb65cd81 100644
--- a/webservice/
+++ b/webservice/
@@ -288,54 +288,64 @@ async def update_job_db(config):"Starting config db handling")
     conn = await init_job_db(config)
     mdc = await init_md_client(config)
+    time_interval = int(config['web-service']['job-update-interval'])
     while True:
         statii = await slurm_status()
-        c = conn.cursor()
-        c.execute("SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE status IN ('R', 'PD', 'CG') ")
-        combined = {}
-        logging.debug("SLURM info {}".format(statii))
-        for r in c.fetchall():
-            rid, jobid, proposal, run, status, time, _, _ = r
-            logging.debug("DB info {}".format(r))
-            cflg, cstatus = combined.get(rid, ([], []))
-            if jobid in statii:
-                slstatus, runtime = statii[jobid]
-                query = "UPDATE jobs SET status='{status}', time='{runtime}' WHERE jobid LIKE '{jobid}'"  # noqa
-                c.execute(query.format(status=slstatus,
-                                       runtime=runtime,
-                                       jobid=jobid))
-                cflg.append('R')
-                cstatus.append("{}-{}".format(slstatus, runtime))
-            else:
-                _, sltime, slstatus = await slurm_job_status(jobid)
-                query = "UPDATE jobs SET status='{slstatus}' WHERE jobid LIKE '{jobid}'"  # noqa
-                c.execute(query.format(jobid=jobid, slstatus=slstatus))
-                if slstatus == 'COMPLETED':
-                    cflg.append("A")
+        # Check that slurm is giving proper feedback
+        if statii is None:
+            await asyncio.sleep(time_interval)
+            continue
+        try:
+            c = conn.cursor()
+            c.execute("SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE status IN ('R', 'PD', 'CG') ")
+            combined = {}
+            logging.debug("SLURM info {}".format(statii))
+            for r in c.fetchall():
+                rid, jobid, proposal, run, status, time, _, _ = r
+                logging.debug("DB info {}".format(r))
+                cflg, cstatus = combined.get(rid, ([], []))
+                if jobid in statii:
+                    slstatus, runtime = statii[jobid]
+                    query = "UPDATE jobs SET status='{status}', time='{runtime}' WHERE jobid LIKE '{jobid}'"  # noqa
+                    c.execute(query.format(status=slstatus,
+                                           runtime=runtime,
+                                           jobid=jobid))
+                    cflg.append('R')
+                    cstatus.append("{}-{}".format(slstatus, runtime))
-                    cflg.append("NA")
-                cstatus.append(slstatus)
-            combined[rid] = cflg, cstatus
-        conn.commit()
-        flg_order = {"R": 2, "A": 1, "NA": 0}
-        for rid, value in combined.items():
-            if int(rid) == 0:
-                continue
-            flgs, statii = value
-            flg = max(flgs, key=lambda i: flg_order[i])
-            msg = "\n".join(statii)
-            logging.debug("Update MDC {}, {}".format(rid,
-                                                     msg.replace('\n', ', ')))
-            response = mdc.update_run_api(rid, {'flg_cal_data_status': flg,
-                                                'cal_pipeline_reply': msg})
-            if response.status_code != 200:
-                logging.error(Errors.MDC_RESPONSE.format(response))
-        await asyncio.sleep(int(config['web-service']['job-update-interval']))
+                    _, sltime, slstatus = await slurm_job_status(jobid)
+                    query = "UPDATE jobs SET status='{slstatus}' WHERE jobid LIKE '{jobid}'"  # noqa
+                    c.execute(query.format(jobid=jobid, slstatus=slstatus))
+                    if slstatus == 'COMPLETED':
+                        cflg.append("A")
+                    else:
+                        cflg.append("NA")
+                    cstatus.append(slstatus)
+                combined[rid] = cflg, cstatus
+            conn.commit()
+            flg_order = {"R": 2, "A": 1, "NA": 0}
+            for rid, value in combined.items():
+                if int(rid) == 0:
+                    continue
+                flgs, statii = value
+                flg = max(flgs, key=lambda i: flg_order[i])
+                msg = "\n".join(statii)
+                msg_debug = f"Update MDC {rid}, {msg}"
+                logging.debug(msg_debug.replace('\n', ', '))
+                response = mdc.update_run_api(rid, {'flg_cal_data_status': flg,
+                                                    'cal_pipeline_reply': msg})
+                if response.status_code != 200:
+                    logging.error(Errors.MDC_RESPONSE.format(response))
+        except Exception as e:
+            e = str(e)
+            logging.error(f"Failure to update job DB: {e}")
+        await asyncio.sleep(time_interval)
 async def copy_untouched_files(file_list, out_folder, run):