diff --git a/webservice/config/serve_overview.yaml b/webservice/config/serve_overview.yaml
index a1e6b6b3ec82aa017bd37e030cddc2ea082c81e2..10dea021628f61ba79facd76e7f44d63dbbc7f78 100644
--- a/webservice/config/serve_overview.yaml
+++ b/webservice/config/serve_overview.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ shell-commands:
   total-jobs: "sinfo -p exfel -o %A --noheader"
   tail-log: "tail -5000 web.log"
   cat-log: "cat web.log"
+  tail-log-monitor: "tail -5000 monitor.log"
     - "--run-high"
diff --git a/webservice/job_monitor.py b/webservice/job_monitor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..802d74596d365fb6f98d3c88efe3a809c1299ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webservice/job_monitor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+"""Monitor calibration jobs in Slurm and send status updates"""
+import argparse
+import json
+import locale
+import logging
+import time
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from pathlib import Path
+from subprocess import run, PIPE
+from kafka import KafkaProducer
+from kafka.errors import KafkaError
+    from .config import webservice as config
+    from .messages import MDC, Errors, MigrationError, Success
+    from .webservice import init_job_db, init_md_client
+except ImportError:
+    from config import webservice as config
+    from messages import MDC, Errors, MigrationError, Success
+    from webservice import init_job_db, init_md_client
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class NoOpProducer:
+    """Fills in for Kafka producer object when setting that up fails"""
+    def send(self, topic, value):
+        pass
+def init_kafka_producer(config):
+    try:
+        return KafkaProducer(
+            bootstrap_servers=config['kafka']['brokers'],
+            value_serializer=lambda d: json.dumps(d).encode('utf-8'),
+            max_block_ms=2000,  # Don't get stuck trying to send Kafka messages
+        )
+    except KafkaError:
+        log.warning("Problem initialising Kafka producer; "
+                        "Kafka notifications will not be sent.", exc_info=True)
+        return NoOpProducer()
+def slurm_status(filter_user=True):
+    """ Return the status of slurm jobs by calling squeue
+    :param filter_user: set to true to filter ony jobs from current user
+    :return: a dictionary indexed by slurm jobid and containing a tuple
+             of (status, run time) as values.
+    """
+    cmd = ["squeue"]
+    if filter_user:
+        cmd += ["--me"]
+    res = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
+    if res.returncode == 0:
+        rlines = res.stdout.decode().split("\n")
+        statii = {}
+        for r in rlines[1:]:
+            try:
+                jobid, _, _, _, status, runtime, _, _ = r.split()
+                jobid = jobid.strip()
+                statii[jobid] = status, runtime
+            except ValueError:  # not enough values to unpack in split
+                pass
+        return statii
+def slurm_job_status(jobid):
+    """ Return the status of slurm job
+    :param jobid: Slurm job Id
+    :return: Slurm state, Elapsed.
+    """
+    cmd = ["sacct", "-j", str(jobid), "--format=JobID,Elapsed,state"]
+    res = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
+    if res.returncode == 0:
+        rlines = res.stdout.decode().split("\n")
+        log.debug("Job {} state {}".format(jobid, rlines[2].split()))
+        if len(rlines[2].split()) == 3:
+            return rlines[2].replace("+", "").split()
+    return "NA", "NA", "NA"
+def update_job_db(config):
+    """ Update the job database and send out updates to MDC
+    :param config: configuration parsed from webservice YAML
+    """
+    log.info("Starting jobs monitor")
+    conn = init_job_db(config)
+    mdc = init_md_client(config)
+    kafka_prod = init_kafka_producer(config)
+    kafka_topic = config['kafka']['topic']
+    time_interval = int(config['web-service']['job-update-interval'])
+    while True:
+        statii = slurm_status()
+        # Check that slurm is giving proper feedback
+        if statii is None:
+            time.sleep(time_interval)
+            continue
+        try:
+            c = conn.cursor()
+            c.execute("SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE status IN ('R', 'PD', 'CG') ")
+            combined = {}
+            log.debug(f"SLURM info {statii}")
+            for r in c.fetchall():
+                rid, jobid, proposal, run, status, _time, det, action = r
+                log.debug(f"DB info {r}")
+                cflg, cstatus, *_ = combined.setdefault((rid, action), (
+                    [], [], proposal, run, det
+                ))
+                if jobid in statii:
+                    slstatus, runtime = statii[jobid]
+                    query = "UPDATE jobs SET status=?, time=? WHERE jobid LIKE ?"
+                    c.execute(query, (slstatus, runtime, jobid))
+                    cflg.append('R')
+                    cstatus.append(f"{slstatus}-{runtime}")
+                else:
+                    _, sltime, slstatus = slurm_job_status(jobid)
+                    query = "UPDATE jobs SET status=? WHERE jobid LIKE ?"
+                    c.execute(query, (slstatus, jobid))
+                    if slstatus == 'COMPLETED':
+                        cflg.append("A")
+                    else:
+                        cflg.append("NA")
+                    cstatus.append(slstatus)
+            conn.commit()
+            flg_order = {"R": 2, "A": 1, "NA": 0}
+            dark_flags = {'NA': 'E', 'R': 'IP', 'A': 'F'}
+            for rid, action in combined:
+                if int(rid) == 0:  # this job was not submitted from MyMDC
+                    continue
+                flgs, statii, proposal, run, det = combined[rid, action]
+                # sort by least done status
+                flg = max(flgs, key=lambda i: flg_order[i])
+                if flg != 'R':
+                    log.info(
+                        "Jobs finished - action: %s, run id: %s, status: %s",
+                        action, rid, flg,
+                    )
+                    if action == 'CORRECT':
+                        try:
+                            kafka_prod.send(kafka_topic, {
+                                'event': 'correction_complete',
+                                'proposal': proposal,
+                                'run': run,
+                                'detector': det,
+                                'success': (flg == 'A'),  # A for Available
+                            })
+                        except KafkaError:
+                            log.warning("Error sending Kafka notification",
+                                            exc_info=True)
+                if all(s.startswith('PD-') for s in statii):
+                    # Avoid swamping myMdC with updates for jobs still pending.
+                    log.debug(
+                        "No update for action %s, rid %s: jobs pending",
+                        action, rid
+                    )
+                    continue
+                msg = "\n".join(statii)
+                msg_debug = f"Update MDC {rid}, {msg}"
+                log.debug(msg_debug.replace('\n', ', '))
+                if action == 'CORRECT':
+                    data = {'flg_cal_data_status': flg,
+                            'cal_pipeline_reply': msg}
+                    if flg != 'R':
+                        data['cal_last_end_at'] = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).isoformat()
+                    response = mdc.update_run_api(rid, data)
+                else:  # action == 'DARK' but it's dark_request
+                    data = {'dark_run': {'flg_status': dark_flags[flg],
+                                         'calcat_feedback': msg}}
+                    response = mdc.update_dark_run_api(rid, data)
+                if response.status_code != 200:
+                    log.error("Failed to update MDC for action %s, rid %s",
+                                  action, rid)
+                    log.error(Errors.MDC_RESPONSE.format(response))
+        except Exception:
+            log.error("Failure to update job DB", exc_info=True)
+        time.sleep(time_interval)
+def main(argv=None):
+    # Ensure files are opened as UTF-8 by default, regardless of environment.
+    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, ('en_US', 'UTF-8'))
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description='Start the calibration webservice'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument('--config-file', type=str, default=None)
+    parser.add_argument('--log-file', type=str, default='./monitor.log')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--log-level', type=str, default="INFO", choices=['INFO', 'DEBUG', 'ERROR'] # noqa
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+    if args.config_file is not None:
+        config.configure(includes_for_dynaconf=[Path(args.config_file).absolute()])
+    fmt = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s' # noqa
+    logging.basicConfig(
+        filename=args.log_file,
+        level=getattr(logging, args.log_level),
+        format=fmt
+    )
+    update_job_db(config)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/webservice/serve_overview.py b/webservice/serve_overview.py
index ded99ef5897692c578cd24974e8564d1ebc94810..2fdf7abeed59176fb1c86b080d2b51b0c1fb46c2 100644
--- a/webservice/serve_overview.py
+++ b/webservice/serve_overview.py
@@ -147,7 +147,16 @@ class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                         if ("Response error from MDC" not in l
                             and "DEBUG" not in l)]
         tmpl = Template(self.templates["log-output"])
-        log_output_r = tmpl.render(logout="<br>".join(last_n_lines[::-1]))
+        log_output_r = tmpl.render(service="Webservice", lines=last_n_lines)
+        last_n_lines_monitor = [l for l in check_output(
+                config["shell-commands"]["tail-log-monitor"], shell=True
+            ).decode('utf8').split("\n")
+            if "DEBUG" not in l
+        ]
+        log_output_monitor_r = tmpl.render(
+            service="Job monitor", lines=last_n_lines_monitor
+        )
         last_n_lines = check_output(self.cat_log_cmd,
@@ -280,6 +289,7 @@ class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         tmpl = Template(self.templates["main-doc"])
         message = tmpl.render(maxwell_status=maxwell_status_r,
+                              log_output_monitor=log_output_monitor_r,
diff --git a/webservice/templates/log_output.html b/webservice/templates/log_output.html
index 8d70880e92045c981e7d8768a7bd21122a3b1f46..59b5c4661de4d4ad650e48a596963b840f8c1de0 100644
--- a/webservice/templates/log_output.html
+++ b/webservice/templates/log_output.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <div class="block">
-   <h2> Webservice log </h2>
+   <h2> {{ service }} log </h2>
    <div class="log-out">
-   {{ logout }}
+   {{ lines | reverse | join("<br>") }}
diff --git a/webservice/templates/main_doc.html b/webservice/templates/main_doc.html
index 9537848a90f6daa3acd0a4e42e2c589bef982a27..6c7042a2516d75f898630ee7bfb236e0328c6bd3 100644
--- a/webservice/templates/main_doc.html
+++ b/webservice/templates/main_doc.html
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
 {{ last_characterizations }}
 {{ last_correction }}
 {{ log_output }}
+{{ log_output_monitor }}
diff --git a/webservice/webservice.py b/webservice/webservice.py
index 6e89c1ebe9f7a0c166ab9db4c187eccd6c0963d1..27407f6fdd2eccccdb63af1cee1d1154f380beaa 100644
--- a/webservice/webservice.py
+++ b/webservice/webservice.py
@@ -2,23 +2,18 @@ import argparse
 import ast
 import asyncio
 import copy
-import getpass
 import glob
 import inspect
 import json
 import locale
 import logging
 import os
-import re
 import sqlite3
 import sys
-import time
 import urllib.parse
 from asyncio import get_event_loop, shield
 from datetime import datetime, timezone
 from pathlib import Path
-from subprocess import PIPE, run
-from threading import Thread
 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
 import requests
@@ -27,8 +22,6 @@ import zmq
 import zmq.asyncio
 import zmq.auth.thread
 from git import InvalidGitRepositoryError, Repo
-from kafka import KafkaProducer
-from kafka.errors import KafkaError
 from metadata_client.metadata_client import MetadataClient
@@ -96,23 +89,6 @@ def init_config_repo(config):
     logging.info("Config repo is initialized")
-def init_kafka_producer(config):
-    try:
-        return KafkaProducer(
-            bootstrap_servers=config['kafka']['brokers'],
-            value_serializer=lambda d: json.dumps(d).encode('utf-8'),
-            max_block_ms=2000,  # Don't get stuck trying to send Kafka messages
-        )
-    except KafkaError:
-        logging.warning("Problem initialising Kafka producer; "
-                        "Kafka notifications will not be sent.", exc_info=True)
-        return NoOpProducer()
-class NoOpProducer:
-    """Fills in for Kafka producer object when setting that up fails"""
-    def send(self, topic, value):
-        pass
 async def upload_config(config, yaml, instrument, cycle, proposal) -> bytes:
@@ -250,48 +226,6 @@ async def run_proc_async(cmd: List[str]) -> Tuple[Optional[int], bytes, bytes]:
     return proc.returncode, stdout, stderr
-def slurm_status(filter_user=True):
-    """ Return the status of slurm jobs by calling squeue
-    :param filter_user: set to true to filter ony jobs from current user
-    :return: a dictionary indexed by slurm jobid and containing a tuple
-             of (status, run time) as values.
-    """
-    cmd = ["squeue"]
-    if filter_user:
-        cmd += ["-u", getpass.getuser()]
-    res = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
-    if res.returncode == 0:
-        rlines = res.stdout.decode().split("\n")
-        statii = {}
-        for r in rlines[1:]:
-            try:
-                jobid, _, _, _, status, runtime, _, _ = r.split()
-                jobid = jobid.strip()
-                statii[jobid] = status, runtime
-            except ValueError:  # not enough values to unpack in split
-                pass
-        return statii
-def slurm_job_status(jobid):
-    """ Return the status of slurm job
-    :param jobid: Slurm job Id
-    :return: Slurm state, Elapsed.
-    """
-    cmd = ["sacct", "-j", str(jobid), "--format=JobID,Elapsed,state"]
-    res = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
-    if res.returncode == 0:
-        rlines = res.stdout.decode().split("\n")
-        logging.debug("Job {} state {}".format(jobid, rlines[2].split()))
-        if len(rlines[2].split()) == 3:
-            return rlines[2].replace("+", "").split()
-    return "NA", "NA", "NA"
 def query_rid(conn, rid) -> bytes:
     c = conn.cursor()
     c.execute("SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE rid LIKE ?", (rid,))
@@ -353,116 +287,6 @@ def parse_config(cmd: List[str], config: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
     return cmd
-def update_job_db(config):
-    """ Update the job database and send out updates to MDC
-    This runs in its own thread.
-    :param config: configuration parsed from webservice YAML
-    """
-    logging.info("Starting config db handling")
-    conn = init_job_db(config)
-    mdc = init_md_client(config)
-    kafka_prod = init_kafka_producer(config)
-    kafka_topic = config['kafka']['topic']
-    time_interval = int(config['web-service']['job-update-interval'])
-    while True:
-        statii = slurm_status()
-        # Check that slurm is giving proper feedback
-        if statii is None:
-            time.sleep(time_interval)
-            continue
-        try:
-            c = conn.cursor()
-            c.execute("SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE status IN ('R', 'PD', 'CG') ")
-            combined = {}
-            logging.debug("SLURM info {}".format(statii))
-            for r in c.fetchall():
-                rid, jobid, proposal, run, status, _time, det, action = r
-                logging.debug("DB info {}".format(r))
-                cflg, cstatus, *_ = combined.setdefault((rid, action), (
-                    [], [], proposal, run, det
-                ))
-                if jobid in statii:
-                    slstatus, runtime = statii[jobid]
-                    query = "UPDATE jobs SET status=?, time=? WHERE jobid LIKE ?"
-                    c.execute(query, (slstatus, runtime, jobid))
-                    cflg.append('R')
-                    cstatus.append("{}-{}".format(slstatus, runtime))
-                else:
-                    _, sltime, slstatus = slurm_job_status(jobid)
-                    query = "UPDATE jobs SET status=? WHERE jobid LIKE ?"
-                    c.execute(query, (slstatus, jobid))
-                    if slstatus == 'COMPLETED':
-                        cflg.append("A")
-                    else:
-                        cflg.append("NA")
-                    cstatus.append(slstatus)
-            conn.commit()
-            flg_order = {"R": 2, "A": 1, "NA": 0}
-            dark_flags = {'NA': 'E', 'R': 'IP', 'A': 'F'}
-            for rid, action in combined:
-                if int(rid) == 0:  # this job was not submitted from MyMDC
-                    continue
-                flgs, statii, proposal, run, det = combined[rid, action]
-                # sort by least done status
-                flg = max(flgs, key=lambda i: flg_order[i])
-                if flg != 'R':
-                    logging.info(
-                        "Jobs finished - action: %s, run id: %s, status: %s",
-                        action, rid, flg,
-                    )
-                    if action == 'CORRECT':
-                        try:
-                            kafka_prod.send(kafka_topic, {
-                                'event': 'correction_complete',
-                                'proposal': proposal,
-                                'run': run,
-                                'detector': det,
-                                'success': (flg == 'A'),  # A for Available
-                            })
-                        except KafkaError:
-                            logging.warning("Error sending Kafka notification",
-                                            exc_info=True)
-                if all(s.startswith('PD-') for s in statii):
-                    # Avoid swamping myMdC with updates for jobs still pending.
-                    logging.debug(
-                        "No update for action %s, rid %s: jobs pending",
-                        action, rid
-                    )
-                    continue
-                msg = "\n".join(statii)
-                msg_debug = f"Update MDC {rid}, {msg}"
-                logging.debug(msg_debug.replace('\n', ', '))
-                if action == 'CORRECT':
-                    data = {'flg_cal_data_status': flg,
-                            'cal_pipeline_reply': msg}
-                    if flg != 'R':
-                        data['cal_last_end_at'] = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).isoformat()
-                    response = mdc.update_run_api(rid, data)
-                else:  # action == 'DARK' but it's dark_request
-                    data = {'dark_run': {'flg_status': dark_flags[flg],
-                                         'calcat_feedback': msg}}
-                    response = mdc.update_dark_run_api(rid, data)
-                if response.status_code != 200:
-                    logging.error("Failed to update MDC for action %s, rid %s",
-                                  action, rid)
-                    logging.error(Errors.MDC_RESPONSE.format(response))
-        except Exception:
-            logging.error("Failure to update job DB", exc_info=True)
-        time.sleep(time_interval)
 async def run_action(job_db, cmd, mode, proposal, run, rid) -> str:
@@ -1377,12 +1201,6 @@ def main(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None):
-    # Update job statuses from Slurm in a separate thread
-    slurm_monitor_thread = Thread(
-        target=update_job_db, args=(config,), daemon=True
-    )
-    slurm_monitor_thread.start()
     # Launch the ZMQ server to handle requests for calibration
     server = ActionsServer(config, mode)
     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()