diff --git a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
index aeafce49cdd1c00adea7ea7433fc4ef4ff5360c4..e38e3245e24c1af6486941f4c6120fcb6efa8dfd 100644
--- a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Correct_and_Verify.ipynb
@@ -36,19 +36,18 @@
     "slopes_ff_from_files = \"\" # Path to locally stored SlopesFF and BadPixelsFF constants, loaded in precorrection notebook\n",
-    "use_dir_creation_date = True # use the creation data of the input dir for database queries\n",
+    "creation_time = \"\"  # To overwrite the measured creation_time. Required Format: YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC e.g. \"2022-06-28 13:00:00\"\n",
     "cal_db_interface = \"tcp://max-exfl016:8015#8045\" # the database interface to use\n",
     "cal_db_timeout = 30000 # in milliseconds\n",
     "creation_date_offset = \"00:00:00\" # add an offset to creation date, e.g. to get different constants\n",
-    "mem_cells = 0  # Number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer\n",
-    "bias_voltage = 0  # bias voltage, set to 0 to use stored value in slow data.\n",
-    "acq_rate = 0. # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine\n",
+    "mem_cells = -1  # Number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer\n",
+    "bias_voltage = -1  # bias voltage, set to 0 to use stored value in slow data.\n",
+    "acq_rate = -1. # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine\n",
     "gain_setting = -1  # the gain setting, use -1 to use value stored in slow data.\n",
     "gain_mode = -1  # gain mode (0: adaptive, 1-3 fixed high/med/low, -1: read from CONTROL data)\n",
-    "overwrite = True # set to True if existing data should be overwritten\n",
     "max_pulses = [0, 352, 1] # range list [st, end, step] of memory cell indices to be processed within a train. 3 allowed maximum list input elements.\n",
-    "mem_cells_db = 0 # set to a value different than 0 to use this value for DB queries\n",
+    "mem_cells_db = -1  # set to a value different than 0 to use this value for DB queries\n",
     "integration_time = -1 # integration time, negative values for auto-detection.\n",
     "# Correction parameters\n",
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@
     "import matplotlib\n",
     "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
     "import yaml\n",
-    "from extra_data import H5File, RunDirectory, stack_detector_data, by_id\n",
+    "from extra_data import RunDirectory, stack_detector_data\n",
     "from extra_geom import AGIPD_1MGeometry, AGIPD_500K2GGeometry\n",
     "from matplotlib import cm as colormap\n",
     "from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm\n",
@@ -165,10 +164,12 @@
     "from cal_tools.ana_tools import get_range\n",
     "from cal_tools.enums import AgipdGainMode, BadPixels\n",
     "from cal_tools.step_timing import StepTimer\n",
-    "\n",
-    "sns.set()\n",
-    "sns.set_context(\"paper\", font_scale=1.4)\n",
-    "sns.set_style(\"ticks\")"
+    "from cal_tools.tools import (\n",
+    "    CalibrationMetadata,\n",
+    "    calcat_creation_time,\n",
+    "    map_modules_from_folder,\n",
+    "    module_index_to_qm,\n",
+    ")"
@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@
     "    modules = [int(x[-2:]) for x in karabo_da]\n",
-    "print(\"Process modules:\", ', '.join(cal_tools.tools.module_index_to_qm(x) for x in modules))\n",
+    "print(\"Process modules:\", ', '.join(module_index_to_qm(x) for x in modules))\n",
     "print(f\"Detector in use is {karabo_id}\")\n",
     "print(f\"Instrument {instrument}\")\n",
     "print(f\"Detector instance {dinstance}\")"
@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "# set everything up filewise\n",
-    "mapped_files, _, total_sequences, _, _ =  cal_tools.tools.map_modules_from_folder(\n",
+    "mapped_files, _, total_sequences, _, _ =  map_modules_from_folder(\n",
     "    str(in_folder), run, path_template, karabo_da, sequences\n",
     "file_list = []\n",
@@ -375,22 +376,21 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "# Evaluate creation time\n",
-    "creation_time = None\n",
-    "if use_dir_creation_date:\n",
-    "    creation_time = cal_tools.tools.get_dir_creation_date(str(in_folder), run)\n",
-    "    offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)\n",
-    "    delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)\n",
-    "    creation_time += delta\n",
-    "\n",
-    "if acq_rate == 0.:\n",
+    "# Run's creation time:\n",
+    "creation_time = calcat_creation_time(in_folder, run, creation_time)\n",
+    "offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)\n",
+    "delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)\n",
+    "creation_time += delta\n",
+    "print(f\"Creation time: {creation_time}\")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "if acq_rate == -1.:\n",
     "    acq_rate = agipd_cond.get_acq_rate()\n",
-    "if mem_cells == 0.:\n",
+    "if mem_cells == -1:\n",
     "    mem_cells = agipd_cond.get_num_cells()\n",
     "# TODO: look for alternative for passing creation_time\n",
     "if gain_setting == -1:\n",
     "    gain_setting = agipd_cond.get_gain_setting(creation_time)\n",
-    "if bias_voltage == 0.:\n",
+    "if bias_voltage == -1:\n",
     "    bias_voltage = agipd_cond.get_bias_voltage(karabo_id_control)\n",
     "if integration_time == -1:\n",
     "    integration_time = agipd_cond.get_integration_time()\n",
@@ -407,9 +407,9 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "if mem_cells is None:\n",
-    "    raise ValueError(f\"No raw images found in {filename}\")\n",
+    "    raise ValueError(f\"No raw images found for {instrument_src_mod}\")\n",
-    "mem_cells_db = mem_cells if mem_cells_db == 0 else mem_cells_db\n",
+    "mem_cells_db = mem_cells if mem_cells_db == -1 else mem_cells_db\n",
     "print(f\"Maximum memory cells to calibrate: {mem_cells}\")"
@@ -570,7 +570,6 @@
     "    Metadata for constants is taken from yml file or retrieved from the DB\n",
     "    \"\"\"\n",
-    "    err = \"\"\n",
     "    k_da = module_index_to_karabo_da[mod]\n",
     "    # check if there is a yaml file in out_folder that has the device constants.\n",
     "    if k_da in const_yaml:\n",
@@ -756,11 +755,8 @@
     "fst_print = True\n",
     "timestamps = {}\n",
-    "for i, (error, modno, when, k_da) in enumerate(const_out):\n",
-    "    qm = cal_tools.tools.module_index_to_qm(modno)\n",
-    "    # expose errors while applying correction\n",
-    "    if error:\n",
-    "        print(\"Error: {}\".format(error) )\n",
+    "for i, (modno, when, k_da) in enumerate(const_out):\n",
+    "    qm = module_index_to_qm(modno)\n",
     "    if k_da not in const_yaml:\n",
     "        if fst_print:\n",
@@ -769,14 +765,12 @@
     "        module_timestamps = {}\n",
-    "        # If correction is crashed\n",
-    "        if not error:\n",
-    "            print(f\"{qm}:\")\n",
-    "            for key, item in when.items():\n",
-    "                if hasattr(item, 'strftime'):\n",
-    "                    item = item.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M')\n",
-    "                when[key] = item\n",
-    "                print('{:.<12s}'.format(key), item)\n",
+    "        print(f\"{qm}:\")\n",
+    "        for key, item in when.items():\n",
+    "            if hasattr(item, 'strftime'):\n",
+    "                item = item.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M')\n",
+    "            when[key] = item\n",
+    "            print('{:.<12s}'.format(key), item)\n",
     "        # Store few time stamps if exists\n",
     "        # Add NA to keep array structure\n",
@@ -784,10 +778,7 @@
     "            if when and key in when and when[key]:\n",
     "                module_timestamps[key] = when[key]\n",
     "            else:\n",
-    "                if error is not None:\n",
-    "                    module_timestamps[key] = \"Err\"\n",
-    "                else:\n",
-    "                    module_timestamps[key] = \"NA\"\n",
+    "                module_timestamps[key] = \"NA\"\n",
     "        timestamps[qm] = module_timestamps\n",
     "seq = sequences[0] if sequences else 0\n",
diff --git a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb
index 4f155d4a8c82d35192fe855734d580ad065ff00b..bbb32e928c2784a85ea2c1b28b58a1c39cb8388f 100644
--- a/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/AGIPD/AGIPD_Retrieve_Constants_Precorrection.ipynb
@@ -20,28 +20,25 @@
     "in_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202030/p900119/raw\" # the folder to read data from, required\n",
     "out_folder =  \"/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/AGIPD_\"  # the folder to output to, required\n",
     "metadata_folder = \"\"  # Directory containing calibration_metadata.yml when run by xfel-calibrate\n",
-    "sequences =  [-1] # sequences to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed\n",
     "modules = [-1] # modules to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed\n",
     "run = 80 # runs to process, required\n",
     "karabo_id = \"SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1\" # karabo karabo_id\n",
     "karabo_da = ['-1']  # a list of data aggregators names, Default [-1] for selecting all data aggregators\n",
-    "path_template = 'RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5' # the template to use to access data\n",
     "ctrl_source_template = '{}/MDL/FPGA_COMP_TEST'  # path to control information\n",
     "instrument_source_template = '{}/DET/{}:xtdf'  # path in the HDF5 file to images\n",
     "receiver_template = \"{}CH0\" # inset for receiver devices\n",
     "karabo_id_control = \"SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1\" # karabo-id for control device\n",
-    "use_dir_creation_date = True # use the creation data of the input dir for database queries\n",
+    "# Parameters for calibration database.\n",
     "cal_db_interface = \"tcp://max-exfl016:8015#8045\" # the database interface to use\n",
     "creation_date_offset = \"00:00:00\" # add an offset to creation date, e.g. to get different constants\n",
+    "creation_time = \"\"  # To overwrite the measured creation_time. Required Format: YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC e.g. \"2022-06-28 13:00:00\"\n",
     "slopes_ff_from_files = \"\" # Path to locally stored SlopesFF and BadPixelsFF constants\n",
-    "calfile =  \"\" # path to calibration file. Leave empty if all data should come from DB\n",
-    "nodb = False # if set only file-based constants will be used\n",
-    "mem_cells = 0 # number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer\n",
-    "bias_voltage = 0  # bias voltage, set to 0 to use stored value in slow data.\n",
-    "acq_rate = 0. # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine\n",
+    "mem_cells = -1  # number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer\n",
+    "bias_voltage = -1  # bias voltage, set to 0 to use stored value in slow data.\n",
+    "acq_rate = -1.  # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine\n",
     "gain_setting = -1  # the gain setting, use -1 to use value stored in slow data.\n",
     "gain_mode = -1  # gain mode (0: adaptive, 1-3 fixed high/med/low, -1: read from CONTROL data)\n",
     "integration_time = -1 # integration time, negative values for auto-detection.\n",
@@ -53,7 +50,6 @@
     "blc_noise = False # if set, baseline correction via noise peak location is attempted\n",
     "blc_stripes = False # if set, baseline corrected via stripes\n",
     "blc_hmatch = False # if set, base line correction via histogram matching is attempted\n",
-    "match_asics = False # if set, inner ASIC borders are matched to the same signal level\n",
     "adjust_mg_baseline = False # adjust medium gain baseline to match highest high gain value"
@@ -90,10 +86,7 @@
     "from pathlib import Path\n",
     "from typing import Tuple\n",
-    "import matplotlib\n",
-    "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
     "import multiprocessing\n",
-    "import numpy as np\n",
     "from datetime import timedelta\n",
     "from dateutil import parser\n",
     "from extra_data import RunDirectory\n",
@@ -122,7 +115,9 @@
     "# slopes_ff_from_files left as str for now\n",
     "in_folder = Path(in_folder)\n",
     "out_folder = Path(out_folder)\n",
-    "metadata = tools.CalibrationMetadata(metadata_folder or out_folder)"
+    "metadata = CalibrationMetadata(metadata_folder or out_folder)\n",
+    "# Constant paths & timestamps are saved under retrieved-constants in calibration_metadata.yml\n",
+    "retrieved_constants = metadata.setdefault(\"retrieved-constants\", {})"
@@ -131,21 +126,17 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "creation_time = None\n",
-    "if use_dir_creation_date:\n",
-    "    creation_time = tools.get_dir_creation_date(str(in_folder), run)\n",
-    "    offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)\n",
-    "    delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)\n",
-    "    creation_time += delta\n",
-    "    print(f\"Using {creation_time} as creation time\")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "if sequences[0] == -1:\n",
-    "    sequences = None\n",
+    "# Run's creation time:\n",
+    "creation_time = calcat_creation_time(in_folder, run, creation_time)\n",
+    "offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)\n",
+    "delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)\n",
+    "creation_time += delta\n",
+    "print(f\"Creation time: {creation_time}\")\n",
     "    \n",
     "print(f\"Outputting to {out_folder}\")\n",
     "out_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)\n",
-    "melt_snow = False if corr_bools[\"only_offset\"] else agipdlib.SnowResolution.NONE"
+    "melt_snow = False if corr_bools[\"only_offset\"] else SnowResolution.NONE"
@@ -200,7 +191,7 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "agipd_cond = agipdlib.AgipdCtrl(\n",
+    "agipd_cond = AgipdCtrl(\n",
     "    run_dc=run_dc,\n",
     "    image_src=None,  # Not neededed, as we wont read mem_cells or acq_rate.\n",
     "    ctrl_src=ctrl_src,\n",
@@ -208,7 +199,7 @@
     "if gain_setting == -1:\n",
     "    gain_setting = agipd_cond.get_gain_setting(creation_time)\n",
-    "if bias_voltage == 0.:\n",
+    "if bias_voltage == -1:\n",
     "    bias_voltage = agipd_cond.get_bias_voltage(karabo_id_control)\n",
     "if integration_time == -1:\n",
     "    integration_time = agipd_cond.get_integration_time()\n",
@@ -373,39 +364,8 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "# Constant paths & timestamps are saved under retrieved-constants in calibration_metadata.yml\n",
-    "retrieved_constants = metadata.setdefault(\"retrieved-constants\", {})"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "pc_bools = [corr_bools.get(\"rel_gain\"),\n",
-    "            corr_bools.get(\"adjust_mg_baseline\"),\n",
-    "            corr_bools.get('blc_noise'),\n",
-    "            corr_bools.get('blc_hmatch'),\n",
-    "            corr_bools.get('blc_stripes'),\n",
-    "            melt_snow]\n",
-    "inp = []\n",
-    "only_dark = False\n",
-    "nodb_with_dark = False\n",
-    "if not nodb:\n",
-    "    only_dark = (calfile != \"\")\n",
-    "if calfile != \"\" and not corr_bools[\"only_offset\"]:\n",
-    "    nodb_with_dark = nodb\n",
-    "\n",
-    "da_to_qm = dict()\n",
-    "for module_index, k_da in zip(modules, karabo_da):\n",
-    "    da_to_qm[k_da] = tools.module_index_to_qm(module_index)\n",
-    "    if k_da in retrieved_constants:\n",
-    "        print(\n",
-    "            f\"Constant for {k_da} already in calibration_metadata.yml, won't query again.\")\n",
-    "        continue\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    inp.append((k_da, module_index))"
+    "with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nmods) as pool:\n",
+    "    results = pool.starmap(retrieve_constants, inp)"
diff --git a/notebooks/LPD/LPD_Correct_Fast.ipynb b/notebooks/LPD/LPD_Correct_Fast.ipynb
index 1364bbbf8f4c31ddba3635f9113caf89b576b07c..4b8dfa4576a2ce551562609a818c18da4063ee6e 100644
--- a/notebooks/LPD/LPD_Correct_Fast.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/LPD/LPD_Correct_Fast.ipynb
@@ -104,10 +104,6 @@
     "from extra_data.components import LPD1M\n",
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-    "from cal_tools.calcat_interface import CalCatError, LPD_CalibrationData\n",
->>>>>>> remove LPD changes
     "from cal_tools.lpdalgs import correct_lpd_frames\n",
     "from cal_tools.tools import CalibrationMetadata, calcat_creation_time\n",
     "from cal_tools.files import DataFile\n",
@@ -223,8 +219,6 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-<<<<<<< HEAD
     "metadata = CalibrationMetadata(metadata_folder or out_folder)\n",
     "# Constant paths & timestamps are saved under retrieved-constants in calibration_metadata.yml\n",
     "const_yaml = metadata.setdefault(\"retrieved-constants\", {})"
@@ -236,7 +230,6 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
->>>>>>> remove LPD changes
     "const_data = {}\n",
     "const_load_mp = psh.ProcessContext(num_workers=24)\n",
@@ -248,15 +241,6 @@
     "            dtype = np.uint32 if calibration_name.startswith('BadPixels') else np.float32\n",
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-    "            const_data[(da, calibration_name)] = dict(\n",
-    "                path=Path(ccv['path']),\n",
-    "                dataset=ccv['dataset'],\n",
-    "                data=const_load_mp.alloc(shape=(256, 256, mem_cells, 3), dtype=dtype)\n",
-    "            )\n",
-    "else:  # Retrieve constants from CALCAT.\n",
     "            const_data[(da, calibration_name)] = dict(\n",
     "                path=Path(ccv['file-path']),\n",
     "                dataset=ccv['dataset-name'],\n",
@@ -289,7 +273,6 @@
     "        dict(parameter_id=25, value=category)  # category\n",
     "    ]\n",
->>>>>>> remove LPD changes
     "    print('Querying calibration database', end='', flush=True)\n",
     "    start = perf_counter()\n",
     "    for calibrations, condition in [\n",
@@ -299,12 +282,8 @@
     "        resp = CalibrationConstantVersion.get_closest_by_time_by_detector_conditions(\n",
     "            client, karabo_id, list(calibrations.keys()),\n",
     "            {'parameters_conditions_attributes': condition},\n",
-<<<<<<< HEAD
     "            karabo_da='', event_at=creation_time.isoformat()\n",
     "        )\n",
-    "            karabo_da='', event_at=creation_time.isoformat(), snapshot_at=None)\n",
->>>>>>> remove LPD changes
     "        if not resp['success']:\n",
     "            raise RuntimeError(resp)\n",
@@ -323,63 +302,7 @@
     "            )\n",
     "        print('.', end='', flush=True)\n",
     "            \n",
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-    "else:\n",
-    "    lpd_cal = LPD_CalibrationData(\n",
-    "        detector_name=karabo_id,\n",
-    "        modules=karabo_da,\n",
-    "        sensor_bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
-    "        memory_cells=mem_cells,\n",
-    "        feedback_capacitor=capacitor,\n",
-    "        source_energy=photon_energy,\n",
-    "        category=category,\n",
-    "        event_at=creation_time,\n",
-    "        snapshot_at=creation_time,\n",
-    "        client=client,\n",
-    "    )\n",
-    "    const_data = lpd_cal.ndarray_map()\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Validate the constants availability and raise/warn correspondingly. \n",
-    "for mod, calibrations in const_data.items():\n",
-    "    missing_dark_constants = set(\n",
-    "        c for c in [\"Offset\", \"BadPixelsDark\"] if c not in calibrations.keys())\n",
-    "    missing_gain_constants = set(\n",
-    "        c for c in [\"BadPixelsFF\", \"GainAmpMap\", \"FFMap\", \"RelativeGain\"] if c not in calibrations.keys())  # noqa\n",
-    "    if missing_dark_constants:\n",
-    "        raise KeyError(\n",
-    "            f\"Dark constants {missing_dark_constants} are not available for correction. Module: {mod}\")  # noqa\n",
-    "    if missing_gain_constants:\n",
-    "        warning(\n",
-    "            f\"Gain constants {missing_gain_constants} were not retrieved. Module: {mod}\")\n",
-    "    if calibrations[\"BadPixelsDark\"].dtype != np.uint32:  # Old LPD constants are stored as float32.\n",
-    "        calibrations[\"BadPixelsDark\"] = calibrations[\"BadPixelsDark\"].astype(np.uint32)\n",
->>>>>>> add missing client input args
-    "total_time = perf_counter() - start\n",
-    "print(f'{total_time:.1f}s')"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "def load_constant_dataset(wid, index, const_descr):\n",
-    "    ccv_entry = const_data[const_descr]\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    with h5py.File(cal_db_root / ccv_entry['path'], 'r') as fp:\n",
-    "        fp[ccv_entry['dataset'] + '/data'].read_direct(ccv_entry['data'])\n",
-    "        \n",
-    "    print('.', end='', flush=True)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "print('Loading calibration data', end='', flush=True)\n",
-    "start = perf_counter()\n",
-    "const_load_mp.map(load_constant_dataset, list(const_data.keys()))\n",
->>>>>>> remove LPD changes
     "total_time = perf_counter() - start\n",
-    "\n",
@@ -722,9 +645,9 @@
  "metadata": {
   "kernelspec": {
-   "display_name": ".cal2_venv",
+   "display_name": "pycal",
    "language": "python",
-   "name": "python3"
+   "name": "pycal"
   "language_info": {
    "codemirror_mode": {
@@ -736,12 +659,7 @@
    "name": "python",
    "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
    "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
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index 54b59af989660bf95979b0d60549a6705a9382a3..7dfde91a4fdec82803f954e386b617f347b23008 100644
--- a/notebooks/LPD/LPD_retrieve_constants_precorrection.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/LPD/LPD_retrieve_constants_precorrection.ipynb
@@ -122,6 +122,28 @@
     "    dict(parameter_id=14, value=256),  # Pixels Y\n",
+    "illuminated_calibrations = {\n",
+    "    20: 'BadPixelsFF',\n",
+    "    42: 'GainAmpMap',\n",
+    "    43: 'FFMap',\n",
+    "    44: 'RelativeGain',\n",
+    "}\n",
+    "\n",
+    "illuminated_condition = dark_condition.copy()\n",
+    "illuminated_condition += [\n",
+    "    dict(parameter_id=3, value=photon_energy),  # Source energy\n",
+    "    dict(parameter_id=25, value=category)  # category\n",
+    "]"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "const_data = {}\n",
+    "\n",
     "print('Querying calibration database', end='', flush=True)\n",
     "start = perf_counter()\n",
     "for k_da in karabo_da:\n",
@@ -140,31 +162,27 @@
     "            {'parameters_conditions_attributes': condition},\n",
     "            karabo_da=k_da, event_at=creation_time.isoformat())\n",
-    "lpd_cal_metadata = lpd_cal.metadata()\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Validate the constants availability and raise/warn correspondingly. \n",
-    "for mod, ccv_dict in lpd_cal_metadata.items():\n",
-    "    missing_dark_constants = set(\n",
-    "        c for c in [\"Offset\", \"BadPixelsDark\"] if c not in ccv_dict.keys())\n",
-    "    missing_gain_constants = set(\n",
-    "        c for c in [\"BadPixelsFF\", \"GainAmpMap\", \"FFMap\", \"RelativeGain\"] if c not in ccv_dict.keys())  # noqa\n",
-    "    if missing_dark_constants:\n",
-    "        raise KeyError(\n",
-    "            f\"Dark constants {missing_dark_constants} are not available for correction. Module: {mod}\")  # noqa\n",
-    "    if missing_gain_constants:\n",
-    "        warning(\n",
-    "            f\"Gain constants {missing_gain_constants} were not retrieved. Module: {mod}\")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "for mod, ccv_dict in lpd_cal_metadata.items():\n",
-    "    mdata_dict = {\"constants\": dict()}\n",
-    "    for cname, ccv_metadata in ccv_dict.items():\n",
-    "        mdata_dict[\"constants\"][cname] = {\n",
-    "                \"path\": str(lpd_cal.caldb_root / ccv_metadata[\"path\"]),\n",
-    "                \"dataset\": ccv_metadata[\"dataset\"],\n",
-    "                \"creation-time\": ccv_metadata[\"begin_validity_at\"],\n",
-    "        }\n",
-    "    mdata_dict[\"physical-name\"] = ccv_metadata[\"physical_name\"]\n",
-    "    retrieved_constants[mod] = mdata_dict\n",
+    "        if not resp[\"success\"]:\n",
+    "            print(f\"ERROR: Constants {list(calibrations.values())} \"\n",
+    "            f\"were not retrieved, {resp['app_info']}\")\n",
+    "            for cname in calibrations.values():\n",
+    "                const_mdata[cname] = dict()\n",
+    "                const_mdata[cname][\"file-path\"] = None\n",
+    "                const_mdata[cname][\"dataset-name\"] = None\n",
+    "                const_mdata[cname][\"creation-time\"] = None     \n",
+    "            continue\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        for ccv in resp[\"data\"]:\n",
+    "            cc = ccv['calibration_constant']\n",
+    "            cname = calibrations[cc['calibration_id']]\n",
+    "            const_mdata[cname] = dict()\n",
+    "            const_mdata[cname][\"file-path\"] = str(Path(ccv['path_to_file']) / ccv['file_name'])\n",
+    "            const_mdata[cname][\"dataset-name\"] = ccv['data_set_name']\n",
+    "            const_mdata[cname][\"creation-time\"] = ccv['begin_at']\n",
+    "            pdu = ccv['physical_detector_unit']['physical_name']\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        print('.', end='', flush=True)\n",
+    "    retrieved_constants[k_da][\"physical-detector-unit\"] = pdu\n",
     "total_time = perf_counter() - start\n",
@@ -175,9 +193,9 @@
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--- a/notebooks/ePix100/ePix100_retrieve_constants_precorrection.ipynb
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