diff --git a/src/cal_tools/tools.py b/src/cal_tools/tools.py
index 9a20cfe1dc5009ff96439b6d66fb7b1f8cc29d12..f8e316ccf55a90e5916811587b4eaa5305495cab 100644
--- a/src/cal_tools/tools.py
+++ b/src/cal_tools/tools.py
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ from time import sleep
 from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
 from urllib.parse import urljoin
-import dateutil.parser
 import h5py
 import ipykernel
 import numpy as np
 import requests
 import yaml
 import zmq
+from extra_data import RunDirectory
 from iCalibrationDB import ConstantMetaData, Versions
 from metadata_client.metadata_client import MetadataClient
 from notebook.notebookapp import list_running_servers
@@ -246,8 +246,7 @@ def get_notebook_name():
 def get_run_info(proposal, run):
-    """
-    Return information about run from the MDC
+    """Return information about run from the MDC
     :param proposal: proposal number
     :param run: run number
@@ -265,66 +264,132 @@ def get_run_info(proposal, run):
-    runs = mdc.get_proposal_runs(proposal_number=proposal,
-                                 run_number=run)
-    run_id = runs['data']['runs'][0]['id']
+    mdc_response = mdc.get_proposal_runs(
+        proposal_number=proposal, run_number=run)
+    if mdc_response["success"]:
+        return mdc_response
+    else:  # empty dictionary for wrong proposal or run.
+        raise KeyError(mdc_response['app_info'])
+def creation_date_metadata_client(
+    proposal: int, run: int
+) -> datetime.datetime:
+    """Get run directory creation date from myMDC using metadata client.
+    using method `get_proposal_runs`.
+    :param proposal: proposal number e.g. 2656 or 900113.
+    :param run: run number.
+    :return Optional[datetime.datetime]: Run creation date.
+    """
+    run_info = get_run_info(proposal, run)
+    return datetime.datetime.strptime(
+        run_info['data']['runs'][0]['begin_at'],
+        "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z",
+    ).astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc)
+def creation_date_file_metadata(
+    dc: RunDirectory
+) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
+    """Get run directory creation date from
+    METADATA/CreationDate of the oldest file using EXtra-data.
+    # TODO: update after DAQ store the same date as myMDC.
+    :param dc: EXtra-data DataCollection for the run directory.
+    :return Optional[datetime.datetime]: Run creation date.
+    """
+    md_dict = dc.run_metadata()
+    if md_dict["dataFormatVersion"] != "0.5":
+        oldest_file = sorted(
+            dc.files, key=lambda x: x.metadata()["creationDate"])[0]
+        return datetime.datetime.strptime(
+            oldest_file.metadata()["creationDate"],
+            "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z",
+        )
+    else:
+        print("WARNING: input files contains old datasets. "
+              "No `METADATA/creationDate` to read.")
+def creation_date_train_timestamp(
+    dc: RunDirectory
+) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
+    """Get creation date from the timestamp of the first train.
+    :param dc: EXtra-data DataCollection for the run directory.
+    :return Optional[datetime.datetime]: Run creation date.
+    """
-    resp = mdc.get_run_by_id_api(run_id)
-    return resp.json()
+    creation_date = np.datetime64(
+        dc.select_trains(np.s_[0]).train_timestamps()[0], 'us').item()
+    if creation_date is None:
+        print("WARNING: input files contains old datasets without"
+              " trains timestamps.")
+        return None
+    return creation_date.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
 def get_dir_creation_date(directory: Union[str, Path], run: int,
                           verbosity: int = 0) -> datetime.datetime:
-    """
-    Return run start time from MyDC.
-    If not available from MyMDC, retrieve the data from the dataset's metadata
-    in [directory]/[run] or, if the dataset is older than 2020, from the oldest
-    file's modified time.
+    """Get the directory creation data based on 3 different methods.
+    1) Return run start time from myMDC. (get_runtime_metadata_client)
+    2) If myMDC connection is not set,
+    get the date from the files metadata. (get_runtime_metadata_file)
+    3) If data files are older than 2020 (dataformatversion == "0.5"),
+    get the data from the oldest file's modified time.
     If the data is not available from either source,
-    this function will raise a ValueError.
+    this function will raise a FileNotFoundError.
-    :param directory: path to directory which contains runs
-    :param run: run number
+    :param directory: path to a directory which contains runs
+    (e.g. /gpfs/exfel/data/exp/callab/202031/p900113/raw/).
+    :param run: run number.
     :param verbosity: Level of verbosity (0 - silent)
-    :return: (datetime) modification time
+    :return: creation datetime for the directory.
     directory = Path(directory)
     proposal = int(directory.parent.name[1:])
+    directory = directory / 'r{:04d}'.format(run)
+    # Validate the availability of the input folder.
+    # And show a clear error message, if it was not found.
+    try:
+        dc = RunDirectory(directory)
+    except FileNotFoundError as e:
+        raise FileNotFoundError(
+            "- Failed to read creation time, wrong input folder",
+            directory) from e
-        run_info = get_run_info(proposal, run)
-        return dateutil.parser.parse(run_info['begin_at'])
+        return creation_date_metadata_client(proposal, run)
     except Exception as e:
         if verbosity > 0:
-    directory = directory / 'r{:04d}'.format(run)
-    # Loop a number of times to catch stale file handle errors, due to
-    # migration or gpfs sync.
-    ntries = 100
-    while ntries > 0:
-        try:
-            rfiles = list(directory.glob('*.h5'))
-            # get creation time for oldest file,
-            # as creation time between run files
-            # should differ by a few seconds only.
-            rfile = sorted(rfiles, key=path.getmtime)[0]
-            with h5py.File(rfile, 'r') as fin:
-                cdate = fin['METADATA/creationDate'][0].decode()
-                cdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(
-                    cdate,
-                    "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ").replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
-            return cdate
-        except (IndexError, IOError, ValueError):
-            ntries -= 1
-        except KeyError:  # The files are here, but it's an older dataset
-            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(rfile.stat().st_mtime)
-    msg = 'Could not get the creation time from the directory'
-    raise ValueError(msg, directory)
+    cdate = creation_date_train_timestamp(dc)
+    if cdate is not None:
+        # Exposing the method used for reading the creation_date.
+        print("Reading creation_date from input files metadata"
+              " `METADATA/creationDate`")
+    else:  # It's an older dataset.
+        print("Reading creation_date from last modification data "
+              "for the oldest input file.")
+        cdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+            sorted(
+                [Path(f.filename) for f in dc.files],
+                key=path.getmtime
+            )[0].stat().st_mtime,
+            tz=datetime.timezone.utc,
+        )
+    return cdate
 def _init_metadata(constant: 'iCalibrationDB.calibration_constant',
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index a7cfeb0f1e81716dc083aeed46d6a3e45bb6179b..fd71bd602e4b7921a05c95639f2ddce0c797f558 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser):
         help="Skips tests marked as requiring GPFS access",
+    parser.addoption(
+        "--no-mdc",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=True,
+        help="Skips tests marked as requiring myMDC access",
+    )
 def pytest_configure(config):
@@ -25,6 +32,11 @@ def pytest_configure(config):
         "requires_caldb(): marks skips for tests that require calDB access",
+    config.addinivalue_line(
+        "markers",
+        "requires_mdc(): marks skips for tests that require calDB access",
+    )
 def server_reachable(server: str = "max-exfl017"):
@@ -46,3 +58,9 @@ def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
     if list(item.iter_markers(name="requires_caldb")) and not server_reachable():
         pytest.skip("caldb not available")
+    if (
+        list(item.iter_markers(name="requires_mdc")) and
+        item.config.getoption("--no-mdc")
+    ):
+        pytest.skip("myMDC not available")
diff --git a/tests/test_cal_tools.py b/tests/test_cal_tools.py
index 102f613b7b9f3b9bdb032f5ebe5ab218a8d1e098..6e7f44b279dbf59788acf1e1f73fd0e21e1cd7e9 100644
--- a/tests/test_cal_tools.py
+++ b/tests/test_cal_tools.py
@@ -5,11 +5,15 @@ from unittest.mock import patch
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
 import zmq
+from extra_data import open_run
 from iCalibrationDB import Conditions, ConstantMetaData, Constants
 from cal_tools.agipdlib import AgipdCorrections, CellRange
 from cal_tools.plotting import show_processed_modules
 from cal_tools.tools import (
+    creation_date_file_metadata,
+    creation_date_metadata_client,
+    creation_date_train_timestamp,
@@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ WRONG_AGIPD_MODULE = "AGIPD_**"
 CAL_DB_INTERFACE = "tcp://max-exfl017:8020"
 WRONG_CAL_DB_INTERFACE = "tcp://max-exfl017:0000"
+PROPOSAL = 900113
 def _agipd_const_cond():
@@ -57,20 +62,63 @@ def test_show_processed_modules():
 def test_dir_creation_date():
+    """This test is based on not connecting to MDC and failing to use
+    `creation_date_metadata_client()`
+    """
     folder = '/gpfs/exfel/exp/CALLAB/202031/p900113/raw'
     date = get_dir_creation_date(folder, 9983)
     assert isinstance(date, datetime)
-    assert str(date) == '2020-09-23 13:30:50+00:00'
+    assert str(date) == '2020-09-23 13:30:45.821262+00:00'
-    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
+    # The following data predates the addition of creation_time in metadata
+    date = get_dir_creation_date(folder, 9999)
+    assert isinstance(date, datetime)
+    assert str(date) == '2019-12-16 07:52:25.196603+00:00'
+def test_raise_dir_creation_date():
+    folder = '/gpfs/exfel/exp/CALLAB/202031/p900113/raw'
+    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as e:
         get_dir_creation_date(folder, 4)
     assert e.value.args[1] == Path(folder) / 'r0004'
-    # The following data predates the addition of creation_time in metadata
-    date = get_dir_creation_date(folder, 9999)
+def test_creation_date_metadata_client():
+    date = creation_date_metadata_client(PROPOSAL, 9983)
+    assert isinstance(date, datetime)
+    assert str(date) == '2020-09-23 13:30:00+00:00'
+def test_creation_date_file_metadata():
+    date = creation_date_file_metadata(open_run(PROPOSAL, 9983))
     assert isinstance(date, datetime)
-    assert str(date) == '2019-12-16 08:52:25.196603'
+    assert str(date) == '2020-09-23 13:30:50+00:00'
+    # Old run without METADATA/CreationDate
+    date = creation_date_file_metadata(open_run(PROPOSAL, 9999))
+    assert date is None
+def test_creation_date_train_timestamp():
+    date = creation_date_train_timestamp(open_run(PROPOSAL, 9983))
+    assert isinstance(date, datetime)
+    assert str(date) == '2020-09-23 13:30:45.821262+00:00'
+    # Old run without trainId timestamps
+    date = creation_date_train_timestamp(open_run(PROPOSAL, 9999))
+    assert date is None
 def _call_get_from_db(
@@ -132,7 +180,7 @@ def _call_send_to_db(
     return metadata
-# TODO add a marker for accessing zmq end_point
 def test_get_from_db_load_data(_agipd_const_cond):
     """ Test retrieving calibration constants with get_from_db
@@ -169,7 +217,7 @@ def test_get_from_db_load_data(_agipd_const_cond):
     assert isinstance(md, ConstantMetaData)
-# TODO add a marker for accessing zmq end_point
 def test_raise_get_from_db(_agipd_const_cond):
     """ Test error raised scenarios for get_from_db:"""