diff --git a/notebooks/ePix100/Correction_ePix100_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/ePix100/Correction_ePix100_NBC.ipynb
index f850adfdd6c506fdc152be638678e6bde86dfef8..baa4bc08c982e90ef187d5ae802cc34a6af0762c 100644
--- a/notebooks/ePix100/Correction_ePix100_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/ePix100/Correction_ePix100_NBC.ipynb
@@ -100,10 +100,9 @@
     "from cal_tools.calcat_interface import EPIX100_CalibrationData\n",
     "from cal_tools.epix100 import epix100lib\n",
     "from cal_tools.files import DataFile\n",
-    "from cal_tools.restful_config import restful_config\n",
     "from cal_tools.tools import (\n",
     "    calcat_creation_time,\n",
-    "    CalibrationMetadata,\n",
+    "    write_constants_fragment,\n",
     "from cal_tools.step_timing import StepTimer\n",
@@ -304,22 +303,11 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "# Record constant details in YAML metadata\n",
-    "epix_metadata = const_metadata[karabo_da]\n",
-    "CalibrationMetadata(metadata_folder or out_folder).add_fragment({\n",
-    "    \"retrieved-constants\": {\n",
-    "        karabo_da: {\n",
-    "            \"constants\": {\n",
-    "                cname: {\n",
-    "                    \"path\": str(epix_cal.caldb_root / ccv_metadata[\"path\"]),\n",
-    "                    \"dataset\": ccv_metadata[\"dataset\"],\n",
-    "                    \"creation-time\": ccv_metadata[\"begin_validity_at\"],\n",
-    "                    \"ccv_id\": ccv_metadata[\"ccv_id\"],\n",
-    "                } for cname, ccv_metadata in epix_metadata.items()\n",
-    "            },\n",
-    "            \"physical-name\": list(epix_metadata.values())[0][\"physical_name\"],\n",
-    "        }\n",
-    "    }\n",
-    "})"
+    "write_constants_fragment(\n",
+    "    out_folder=(metadata_folder or out_folder),\n",
+    "    det_metadata=const_metadata,\n",
+    "    caldb_root=epix_cal.caldb_root,\n",
+    "    )"
diff --git a/notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb b/notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb
index fe3c9eacb650af9d250d8feb5f6565a223ff9b4f..fe6db973a6b7004a4fa5cb953391f392cbe7e965 100644
--- a/notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb
@@ -107,22 +107,17 @@
     "%matplotlib inline\n",
+    "import cal_tools.restful_config as rest_cfg\n",
     "from XFELDetAna import xfelpyanatools as xana\n",
     "from XFELDetAna import xfelpycaltools as xcal\n",
     "from cal_tools import pnccdlib\n",
     "from cal_tools.files import DataFile\n",
+    "from cal_tools.calcat_interface import PNCCD_CalibrationData\n",
     "from cal_tools.tools import (\n",
     "    calcat_creation_time,\n",
-    "    get_dir_creation_date,\n",
-    "    get_constant_from_db_and_time,\n",
-    "    get_random_db_interface,\n",
-    "    load_specified_constants,\n",
-    "    CalibrationMetadata,\n",
+    "    write_constants_fragment,\n",
-    "from cal_tools.step_timing import StepTimer\n",
-    "from cal_tools import h5_copy_except\n",
-    "from iCalibrationDB import Conditions, Constants\n",
-    "from iCalibrationDB.detectors import DetectorTypes"
+    "from cal_tools.step_timing import StepTimer"
@@ -174,11 +169,6 @@
     "# Output Folder Creation:\n",
     "os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True)\n",
-    "# NOTE: this notebook shouldn't overwrite calibration metadata file.\n",
-    "metadata = CalibrationMetadata(metadata_folder or out_folder)\n",
-    "# Constant paths are saved under retrieved-constants in calibration_metadata.yml\n",
-    "const_yaml = metadata.get(\"retrieved-constants\", {})\n",
-    "\n",
     "# extract control data\n",
@@ -317,50 +307,36 @@
    "source": [
     "display(Markdown(\"### Constants retrieval\"))\n",
+    "constant_names = [\"OffsetCCD\", \"NoiseCCD\", \"BadPixelsDarkCCD\"]\n",
+    "if relgain:\n",
+    "    constant_names += [\"RelativeGainCCD\"]\n",
+    "\n",
+    "pnccd_cal = PNCCD_CalibrationData(\n",
+    "    detector_name=karabo_id,\n",
+    "    sensor_bias_voltage=bias_voltage,\n",
+    "    integration_time=integration_time,\n",
+    "    sensor_temperature=fix_temperature_top,\n",
+    "    gain_setting=gain,\n",
+    "    event_at=creation_time,\n",
+    "    source_energy=photon_energy,\n",
+    "    client=rest_cfg.calibration_client(),\n",
+    ")\n",
-    "conditions_dict = {\n",
-    "    \"bias_voltage\": bias_voltage,\n",
-    "    \"integration_time\": integration_time,\n",
-    "    \"gain_setting\": gain,\n",
-    "    \"temperature\": fix_temperature_top,\n",
-    "    \"pixels_x\": pixels_x,\n",
-    "    \"pixels_y\": pixels_y,\n",
-    "}\n",
-    "# Dark condition\n",
-    "dark_condition = Conditions.Dark.CCD(**conditions_dict)\n",
-    "# Add photon energy.\n",
-    "conditions_dict.update({\"photon_energy\": photon_energy})\n",
-    "illum_condition = Conditions.Illuminated.CCD(**conditions_dict)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# A dictionary for initializing constants. {cname: empty constant array}\n",
-    "empty_constants = {\n",
-    "    \"Offset\": np.zeros((pixels_x, pixels_y, 1), dtype=np.float32),\n",
-    "    \"Noise\": np.zeros((pixels_x, pixels_y, 1), dtype=np.float32),\n",
-    "    \"BadPixelsDark\": np.zeros((pixels_x, pixels_y, 1), dtype=np.uint32),\n",
-    "    \"RelativeGain\": np.zeros((pixels_x, pixels_y), dtype=np.float32),\n",
-    "}\n",
-    "\n",
-    "if const_yaml:  #  Used while reproducing corrected data.\n",
-    "    print(f\"Using stored constants in {metadata.filename}\")\n",
-    "    constants, when = load_specified_constants(\n",
-    "        const_yaml[karabo_da][\"constants\"], empty_constants\n",
-    "    )\n",
-    "else:\n",
-    "    constants = dict()\n",
-    "    when = dict()\n",
-    "    for cname, cempty in empty_constants.items():\n",
-    "        # No need for retrieving RelativeGain, if not used for correction.\n",
-    "        if not corr_bools.get(\"relgain\") and cname == \"RelativeGain\":\n",
-    "            continue\n",
-    "        constants[cname], when[cname] = get_constant_from_db_and_time(\n",
-    "            karabo_id,\n",
-    "            karabo_da,\n",
-    "            constant=getattr(Constants.CCD(DetectorTypes.pnCCD), cname)(),\n",
-    "            condition=illum_condition if cname == \"RelativeGain\" else dark_condition,\n",
-    "            empty_constant=cempty,\n",
-    "            cal_db_interface=get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface),\n",
-    "            creation_time=creation_time,\n",
-    "        )"
+    "pnccd_metadata = pnccd_cal.metadata(calibrations=constant_names)\n",
+    "constants = pnccd_cal.ndarray_map(metadata=pnccd_metadata)[karabo_da]\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# Validate the constants availability and raise/warn correspondingly. \n",
+    "missing_dark_constants = set(\n",
+    "    c for c in [\"OffsetCCD\", \"NoiseCCD\", \"BadPixelsDarkCCD\"] if c not in constants.keys())\n",
+    "\n",
+    "if missing_dark_constants:\n",
+    "    raise KeyError(\n",
+    "        f\"Dark constants {missing_dark_constants} are not available for correction.\")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "if corr_bools.get('relgain') and \"RelativeGainCCD\" not in constants.keys():\n",
+    "    warning(\"RelativeGainEPix100 is not found in the calibration database.\")\n",
+    "    corr_bools['relgain'] = False\n",
+    "step_timer.done_step(\"Constants retrieval\")"
@@ -369,33 +345,46 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "fig = xana.heatmapPlot(constants[\"Offset\"][:,:,0], x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', lut_label='Offset (ADU)', \n",
+    "# Record constant details in YAML metadata\n",
+    "write_constants_fragment(\n",
+    "    out_folder=(metadata_folder or out_folder),\n",
+    "    det_metadata=pnccd_metadata,\n",
+    "    caldb_root=pnccd_cal.caldb_root,\n",
+    "    )"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "fig = xana.heatmapPlot(constants[\"OffsetCCD\"][:,:,0], x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', lut_label='Offset (ADU)', \n",
     "                       aspect=1, \n",
     "                       x_range=(0, pixels_y), y_range=(0, pixels_x), vmax=16000, \n",
     "                       panel_x_label='Row Stat (ADU)', panel_y_label='Column Stat (ADU)', \n",
     "                       title = 'Dark Offset Map')\n",
-    "fig = xana.heatmapPlot(constants[\"Noise\"][:,:,0], x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', \n",
+    "fig = xana.heatmapPlot(constants[\"NoiseCCD\"][:,:,0], x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', \n",
     "                       lut_label='Corrected Noise (ADU)', \n",
     "                       aspect=1, x_range=(0, pixels_y), y_range=(0, pixels_x),  \n",
     "                       panel_x_label='Row Stat (ADU)', panel_y_label='Column Stat (ADU)', \n",
     "                       title = 'Dark Noise Map')\n",
-    "fig = xana.heatmapPlot(np.log2(constants[\"BadPixelsDark\"][:,:,0]), x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', \n",
+    "fig = xana.heatmapPlot(np.log2(constants[\"BadPixelsDarkCCD\"][:,:,0]), x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', \n",
     "                       lut_label='Bad Pixel Value (ADU)', \n",
     "                       aspect=1, x_range=(0, pixels_y), y_range=(0, pixels_x), \n",
     "                       panel_x_label='Row Stat (ADU)', panel_y_label='Column Stat (ADU)', \n",
     "                       title = 'Dark Bad Pixels Map')\n",
     "if corr_bools.get('relgain'):\n",
-    "    fig = xana.heatmapPlot(constants[\"RelativeGain\"], figsize=(8, 8), x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', \n",
+    "    fig = xana.heatmapPlot(constants[\"RelativeGainCCD\"], figsize=(8, 8), x_label='Columns', y_label='Rows', \n",
     "                            lut_label='Relative Gain', \n",
     "                            aspect=1, x_range=(0, pixels_y), y_range=(0, pixels_x), vmin=0.8, vmax=1.2, \n",
     "                            panel_x_label='Row Stat (ADU)', panel_y_label='Column Stat (ADU)', \n",
     "                            panel_top_low_lim = 0.5, panel_top_high_lim = 1.5, panel_side_low_lim = 0.5, \n",
     "                            panel_side_high_lim = 1.5, \n",
-    "                            title = f'Relative Gain Map for pnCCD (Gain = 1/{int(gain)})')\n",
-    "step_timer.done_step(\"Constants retrieval\")"
+    "                            title = f'Relative Gain Map for pnCCD (Gain = 1/{int(gain)})')"
@@ -411,13 +400,13 @@
     "                                             commonModeBlockSize,\n",
     "                                             commonModeAxis,\n",
     "                                             parallel=False, dType=np.float32, stride=1,\n",
-    "                                             noiseMap=constants[\"Noise\"].astype(np.float32), minFrac=0.25)\n",
+    "                                             noiseMap=constants[\"NoiseCCD\"].astype(np.float32), minFrac=0.25)\n",
     "if corr_bools.get('pattern_class'):\n",
     "    # Pattern Classifier Calculator:\n",
     "    # Left Hemisphere:\n",
     "    patternClassifierLH = xcal.PatternClassifier([pixels_x, pixels_y//2],\n",
-    "                                                 constants[\"Noise\"][:, :pixels_y//2],\n",
+    "                                                 constants[\"NoiseCCD\"][:, :pixels_y//2],\n",
     "                                                 split_evt_primary_threshold,\n",
     "                                                 split_evt_secondary_threshold,\n",
     "                                                 split_evt_mip_threshold,\n",
@@ -429,7 +418,7 @@
     "    # Right Hemisphere:\n",
     "    patternClassifierRH = xcal.PatternClassifier([pixels_x, pixels_y//2],\n",
-    "                                                 constants[\"Noise\"][:, pixels_y//2:],\n",
+    "                                                 constants[\"NoiseCCD\"][:, pixels_y//2:],\n",
     "                                                 split_evt_primary_threshold,\n",
     "                                                 split_evt_secondary_threshold,\n",
     "                                                 split_evt_mip_threshold,\n",
@@ -442,11 +431,11 @@
     "    patternClassifierLH._imagesPerChunk = 1\n",
     "    patternClassifierRH._imagesPerChunk = 1\n",
-    "    patternClassifierLH._noisemap = constants[\"Noise\"][:, :pixels_x//2]\n",
-    "    patternClassifierRH._noisemap = constants[\"Noise\"][:, pixels_x//2:]\n",
+    "    patternClassifierLH._noisemap = constants[\"NoiseCCD\"][:, :pixels_x//2]\n",
+    "    patternClassifierRH._noisemap = constants[\"NoiseCCD\"][:, pixels_x//2:]\n",
     "    # Setting bad pixels:\n",
-    "    patternClassifierLH.setBadPixelMask(constants[\"BadPixelsDark\"][:, :pixels_x//2] != 0)\n",
-    "    patternClassifierRH.setBadPixelMask(constants[\"BadPixelsDark\"][:, pixels_x//2:] != 0)"
+    "    patternClassifierLH.setBadPixelMask(constants[\"BadPixelsDarkCCD\"][:, :pixels_x//2] != 0)\n",
+    "    patternClassifierRH.setBadPixelMask(constants[\"BadPixelsDarkCCD\"][:, pixels_x//2:] != 0)"
@@ -586,10 +575,10 @@
     "data_path = \"INSTRUMENT/\"+instrument_src+\"/data/\"\n",
-    "offset = np.squeeze(constants[\"Offset\"])\n",
-    "noise = np.squeeze(constants[\"Noise\"])\n",
-    "bpix = np.squeeze(constants[\"BadPixelsDark\"])\n",
-    "relativegain = constants.get(\"RelativeGain\")"
+    "offset = np.squeeze(constants[\"OffsetCCD\"])\n",
+    "noise = np.squeeze(constants[\"NoiseCCD\"])\n",
+    "bpix = np.squeeze(constants[\"BadPixelsDarkCCD\"])\n",
+    "relativegain = constants.get(\"RelativeGainCCD\")"
diff --git a/notebooks/pnCCD/pnCCD_retrieve_constants_precorrection.ipynb b/notebooks/pnCCD/pnCCD_retrieve_constants_precorrection.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index eeac52fe3e033eb3bfef5a82fc3376ca1e8aecf4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/notebooks/pnCCD/pnCCD_retrieve_constants_precorrection.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
-  {
-   "cell_type": "markdown",
-   "metadata": {},
-   "source": [
-    "# pnCCD retrieve constants precorrection\n",
-    "\n",
-    "Author: European XFEL Detector Group, Version: 1.0\n",
-    "\n",
-    "The following notebook provides constants for the selected pnCCD modules before executing correction on the selected sequence files."
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "in_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/exp/SQS/202031/p900166/raw\"  # input folder\n",
-    "out_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/remove/pnccd_correct\"  # output folder\n",
-    "metadata_folder = \"\"  # Directory containing calibration_metadata.yml when run by xfel-calibrate\n",
-    "run = 347  # which run to read data from\n",
-    "sequences = [0]  # sequences to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed\n",
-    "\n",
-    "karabo_da = 'PNCCD01'  # data aggregators\n",
-    "karabo_id = \"SQS_NQS_PNCCD1MP\"  # detector Karabo_ID\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Conditions for retrieving calibration constants\n",
-    "fix_temperature_top = 0.  # fix temperature for top sensor in K, set to 0. to use value from slow data.\n",
-    "fix_temperature_bot = 0.  # fix temperature for bottom sensor in K, set to 0. to use value from slow data.\n",
-    "gain = -1  # the detector's gain setting. Set to -1 to use the value from the slow data.\n",
-    "bias_voltage = 0.  # the detector's bias voltage. set to 0. to use value from slow data.\n",
-    "integration_time = 70  # detector's integration time\n",
-    "photon_energy = 1.6  # Al fluorescence in keV\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Parameters for the calibration database.\n",
-    "cal_db_interface = \"tcp://max-exfl016:8015\"  # calibration DB interface to use\n",
-    "cal_db_timeout = 300000  # timeout on CalibrationDB requests\n",
-    "creation_time = \"\"  # The timestamp to use with Calibration DBe. Required Format: \"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss\" e.g. 2019-07-04 11:02:41\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Booleans for selecting corrections to apply.\n",
-    "only_offset = False  # Only, apply offset.\n",
-    "relgain = True  # Apply relative gain correction\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# parameters affecting stored output data.\n",
-    "overwrite = True  # keep this as True to not overwrite the output "
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "import datetime\n",
-    "from pathlib import Path\n",
-    "\n",
-    "from IPython.display import Markdown, display\n",
-    "from extra_data import RunDirectory\n",
-    "\n",
-    "from cal_tools import pnccdlib\n",
-    "from cal_tools.tools import (\n",
-    "    calcat_creation_time,\n",
-    "    get_dir_creation_date,\n",
-    "    get_from_db,\n",
-    "    get_random_db_interface,\n",
-    "    save_constant_metadata,\n",
-    "    CalibrationMetadata,\n",
-    ")\n",
-    "from iCalibrationDB import Conditions, Constants\n",
-    "from iCalibrationDB.detectors import DetectorTypes"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "metadata = CalibrationMetadata(metadata_folder or out_folder)\n",
-    "# NOTE: this notebook will not overwrite calibration metadata file,\n",
-    "# if it already contains details about which constants to use.\n",
-    "retrieved_constants = metadata.setdefault(\"retrieved-constants\", {})\n",
-    "if karabo_da in retrieved_constants:\n",
-    "    print(\n",
-    "        f\"Constant for {karabo_da} already in {metadata.filename}, won't query again.\"\n",
-    "    )  # noqa\n",
-    "    import sys\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    sys.exit(0)"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "# Here the correction booleans dictionary is defined\n",
-    "corr_bools = {}\n",
-    "\n",
-    "corr_bools[\"only_offset\"] = only_offset\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Apply offset only.\n",
-    "if not only_offset:\n",
-    "    corr_bools[\"relgain\"] = relgain"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "print(f\"Calibration database interface selected: {cal_db_interface}\")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Run's creation time:\n",
-    "creation_time = calcat_creation_time(in_folder, run, creation_time)\n",
-    "print(f\"Creation time: {creation_time}\")"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "run_dc = RunDirectory(Path(in_folder) / f\"r{run:04d}\", _use_voview=False)\n",
-    "ctrl_data = pnccdlib.PnccdCtrl(run_dc, karabo_id)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# extract control data\n",
-    "if bias_voltage == 0.0:\n",
-    "    bias_voltage = ctrl_data.get_bias_voltage()\n",
-    "if gain == -1:\n",
-    "    gain = ctrl_data.get_gain()\n",
-    "if fix_temperature_top == 0:\n",
-    "    fix_temperature_top = ctrl_data.get_fix_temperature_top()\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Printing the Parameters Read from the Data File:\n",
-    "display(Markdown(\"### Detector Parameters\"))\n",
-    "print(f\"Bias voltage: {bias_voltage:0.1f} V.\")\n",
-    "print(f\"Detector gain: {int(gain)}.\")\n",
-    "print(f\"Detector integration time: {integration_time} ms\")\n",
-    "print(f\"Top pnCCD sensor temperature: {fix_temperature_top:0.2f} K\")"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "display(Markdown(\"### Constants retrieval\"))\n",
-    "\n",
-    "conditions_dict = {\n",
-    "    \"bias_voltage\": bias_voltage,\n",
-    "    \"integration_time\": integration_time,\n",
-    "    \"gain_setting\": gain,\n",
-    "    \"temperature\": fix_temperature_top,\n",
-    "    \"pixels_x\": 1024,\n",
-    "    \"pixels_y\": 1024,\n",
-    "}\n",
-    "# Dark condition\n",
-    "dark_condition = Conditions.Dark.CCD(**conditions_dict)\n",
-    "# Add photon energy.\n",
-    "conditions_dict.update({\"photon_energy\": photon_energy})\n",
-    "illum_condition = Conditions.Illuminated.CCD(**conditions_dict)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "mdata_dict = dict()\n",
-    "mdata_dict[\"constants\"] = dict()\n",
-    "for cname in [\"Offset\", \"Noise\", \"BadPixelsDark\", \"RelativeGain\"]:\n",
-    "    # No need for retrieving RelativeGain, if not used for correction.\n",
-    "    if not corr_bools.get(\"relgain\") and cname == \"RelativeGain\":\n",
-    "        continue\n",
-    "    _, mdata = get_from_db(\n",
-    "        karabo_id=karabo_id,\n",
-    "        karabo_da=karabo_da,\n",
-    "        constant=getattr(Constants.CCD(DetectorTypes.pnCCD), cname)(),\n",
-    "        condition=illum_condition if cname == \"RelativeGain\" else dark_condition,\n",
-    "        empty_constant=None,\n",
-    "        cal_db_interface=get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface),\n",
-    "        creation_time=creation_time,\n",
-    "        verbosity=1,\n",
-    "        load_data=False,\n",
-    "    )\n",
-    "    save_constant_metadata(mdata_dict[\"constants\"], mdata, cname)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "mdata_dict[\"physical-detector-unit\"] = mdata.calibration_constant_version.device_name\n",
-    "retrieved_constants[karabo_da] = mdata_dict\n",
-    "metadata.save()\n",
-    "print(f\"Stored retrieved constants in {metadata.filename}\")"
-   ]
-  }
- ],
- "metadata": {
-  "kernelspec": {
-   "display_name": "Python 3.8.11 ('.cal4_venv')",
-   "language": "python",
-   "name": "python3"
-  },
-  "language_info": {
-   "codemirror_mode": {
-    "name": "ipython",
-    "version": 3
-   },
-   "file_extension": ".py",
-   "mimetype": "text/x-python",
-   "name": "python",
-   "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
-   "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
-   "version": "3.8.11"
-  },
-  "orig_nbformat": 4,
-  "vscode": {
-   "interpreter": {
-    "hash": "ccde353e8822f411c1c49844e1cbe3edf63293a69efd975d1b44f5e852832668"
-   }
-  }
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/src/cal_tools/tools.py b/src/cal_tools/tools.py
index b69502a037a9af5bc254f0a6440f6f463e4b99e6..de53ba77e02ca2879d2502299124c8988d91eb3e 100644
--- a/src/cal_tools/tools.py
+++ b/src/cal_tools/tools.py
@@ -962,6 +962,36 @@ def load_specified_constants(
     return const_data, when
+def write_constants_fragment(
+        out_folder: Path,
+        det_metadata: dict,
+        caldb_root: Path,
+    """Record calibration constants metadata to a fragment file.
+    Args:
+        out_folder (Path): The output folder to store the fragment file.
+        det_metadata (dict): A dictionary with the desired detector metadata.
+            {karabo_da: {constant_name: metadata}}
+        caldb_root (Path): The calibration database root path for constant files.
+    """
+    metadata = {"retrieved-constants": {}}
+    for karabo_da, const_metadata in det_metadata.items():
+        mod_metadata = {}
+        mod_metadata["constants"] = {
+            cname: {
+                "path": str(caldb_root / ccv_metadata["path"]),
+                "dataset": ccv_metadata["dataset"],
+                "creation-time": ccv_metadata["begin_validity_at"],
+                "ccv_id": ccv_metadata["ccv_id"],
+            } for cname, ccv_metadata in const_metadata.items()
+        }
+        mod_metadata["physical-name"] = list(
+                const_metadata.values())[0]["physical_name"]
+        metadata["retrieved-constants"][karabo_da] = mod_metadata
+    CalibrationMetadata(out_folder).add_fragment(metadata)
 def write_compressed_frames(
         arr: np.ndarray,
         ofile: h5py.File,
diff --git a/src/xfel_calibrate/notebooks.py b/src/xfel_calibrate/notebooks.py
index 9a5f29c2ffb68a605cc5c0164505f64a91adbe2b..ab00e99a87d5eac38ec9ee16649d07c3a6a4e0fc 100644
--- a/src/xfel_calibrate/notebooks.py
+++ b/src/xfel_calibrate/notebooks.py
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ notebooks = {
                             "cluster cores": 32},
         "CORRECT": {
-            "pre_notebooks": ["notebooks/pnCCD/pnCCD_retrieve_constants_precorrection.ipynb"],
             "notebook": "notebooks/pnCCD/Correct_pnCCD_NBC.ipynb",
             "concurrency": {"parameter": "sequences",
                             "default concurrency": [-1],
diff --git a/tests/test_cal_tools.py b/tests/test_cal_tools.py
index edf08193a951c8372a67287fc8f4cb9545a2b9da..36d9d324021b3ce650434d3d651ca1834207b972 100644
--- a/tests/test_cal_tools.py
+++ b/tests/test_cal_tools.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from unittest.mock import patch
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
+import yaml
 import zmq
 from extra_data import open_run
 from iCalibrationDB import Conditions, ConstantMetaData, Constants
@@ -18,8 +19,9 @@ from cal_tools.tools import (
-    send_to_db,
+    send_to_db,
+    write_constants_fragment,
 # AGIPD operating conditions.
@@ -484,3 +486,131 @@ def test_recursive_update():
     src = {"a": {"b": 3}, "e": 4}
     assert recursive_update(tgt, src) is True
     assert tgt == {"a": {"b": 1}, "c": 2, "e": 4}
+def test_write_constants_fragment(tmp_path: Path):
+    """Test `write_constants_fragment` with jungfrau.
+    This metadata is from constants used to correct FXE_XAD_JF1M
+    detector from proposal 900226, run 106.
+    tmp_path:
+        tmp_path (pathlib.Path): Temporary directory for file tests.
+        https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/how-to/tmp_path.html
+    """
+    jf_metadata = {
+        "JNGFR01": {
+            "Offset10Hz": {
+                "cc_id": 7064,
+                "cc_name": "jungfrau-Type_Offset10Hz_Jungfrau DefiFE6iJX",
+                "condition_id": 2060,
+                "ccv_id": 41876,
+                "ccv_name": "20200304_152733_sIdx=0",
+                "path": Path("xfel/cal/jungfrau-type/jungfrau_m233/cal.1583335651.8084984.h5"),
+                "dataset": "/Jungfrau_M233/Offset10Hz/0",
+                "begin_validity_at": "2020-03-04T15:16:34.000+01:00",
+                "end_validity_at": None,
+                "raw_data_location": "proposal:p900121 runs:136 137 138",
+                "start_idx": 0,
+                "end_idx": 0,
+                "physical_name": "Jungfrau_M233"},
+            "BadPixelsDark10Hz": {
+                "cc_id": 7066,
+                "cc_name": "jungfrau-Type_BadPixelsDark10Hz_Jungfrau DefiFE6iJX",
+                "condition_id": 2060,
+                "ccv_id": 41878,
+                "ccv_name": "20200304_152740_sIdx=0",
+                "path": Path("xfel/cal/jungfrau-type/jungfrau_m233/cal.1583335658.6813955.h5"),
+                "dataset": "/Jungfrau_M233/BadPixelsDark10Hz/0",
+                "begin_validity_at": "2020-03-04T15:16:34.000+01:00",
+                "end_validity_at": None,
+                "raw_data_location": "proposal:p900121 runs:136 137 138",
+                "start_idx": 0,
+                "end_idx": 0,
+                "physical_name": "Jungfrau_M233"
+                }
+            },
+        "JNGFR02": {
+            "Offset10Hz": {
+                "cc_id": 7067,
+                "cc_name": "jungfrau-Type_Offset10Hz_Jungfrau DefzgIVHz1",
+                "condition_id": 2061,
+                "ccv_id": 41889,
+                "ccv_name": "20200304_154434_sIdx=0",
+                "path": Path("xfel/cal/jungfrau-type/jungfrau_m125/cal.1583336672.760199.h5"),
+                "dataset": "/Jungfrau_M125/Offset10Hz/0",
+                "begin_validity_at": "2020-03-04T15:16:34.000+01:00",
+                "end_validity_at": None,
+                "raw_data_location": "proposal:p900121 runs:136 137 138",
+                "start_idx": 0,
+                "end_idx": 0,
+                "physical_name": "Jungfrau_M125",
+                },
+            "BadPixelsDark10Hz": {
+                "cc_id": 7069,
+                "cc_name": "jungfrau-Type_BadPixelsDark10Hz_Jungfrau DefzgIVHz1",
+                "condition_id": 2061,
+                "ccv_id": 41893,
+                "ccv_name": "20200304_154441_sIdx=0",
+                "path": Path("xfel/cal/jungfrau-type/jungfrau_m125/cal.1583336679.5835564.h5"),
+                "dataset": "/Jungfrau_M125/BadPixelsDark10Hz/0",
+                "begin_validity_at": "2020-03-04T15:16:34.000+01:00",
+                "end_validity_at": None,
+                "raw_data_location": "proposal:p900121 runs:136 137 138",
+                "start_idx": 0,
+                "end_idx": 0,
+                "physical_name": "Jungfrau_M125",
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    write_constants_fragment(
+        tmp_path,
+        jf_metadata,
+        Path("/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store")
+    )
+    fragments = list(tmp_path.glob("metadata_frag*yml"))
+    assert len(fragments) == 1
+    # Open YAML file
+    with open(fragments[0], "r") as file:
+        # Load YAML content into dictionary
+        yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(file)
+        assert yaml_dict == {
+            "retrieved-constants":{
+                "JNGFR01": {
+                    "constants": {
+                        "BadPixelsDark10Hz": {
+                            "ccv_id": 41878,
+                            "creation-time": "2020-03-04T15:16:34.000+01:00",
+                            "dataset": "/Jungfrau_M233/BadPixelsDark10Hz/0",
+                            "path": "/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store/xfel/cal/jungfrau-type/jungfrau_m233/cal.1583335658.6813955.h5",  # noqa
+                        },
+                        "Offset10Hz": {
+                            "ccv_id": 41876,
+                            "creation-time": "2020-03-04T15:16:34.000+01:00",
+                            "dataset": "/Jungfrau_M233/Offset10Hz/0",
+                            "path": "/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store/xfel/cal/jungfrau-type/jungfrau_m233/cal.1583335651.8084984.h5",  # noqa
+                        },
+                    },
+                    "physical-name": "Jungfrau_M233",
+                },
+                "JNGFR02": {
+                    "constants": {
+                        "BadPixelsDark10Hz": {
+                            "ccv_id": 41893,
+                            "creation-time": "2020-03-04T15:16:34.000+01:00",
+                            "dataset": "/Jungfrau_M125/BadPixelsDark10Hz/0",
+                            "path": "/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store/xfel/cal/jungfrau-type/jungfrau_m125/cal.1583336679.5835564.h5",  # noqa
+                        },
+                        "Offset10Hz": {
+                            "ccv_id": 41889,
+                            "creation-time": "2020-03-04T15:16:34.000+01:00",
+                            "dataset": "/Jungfrau_M125/Offset10Hz/0",
+                            "path": "/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store/xfel/cal/jungfrau-type/jungfrau_m125/cal.1583336672.760199.h5",  # noqa
+                        },
+                    },
+                    "physical-name": "Jungfrau_M125",
+                },
+            }
+        }