diff --git a/cfel_crystfel.py b/cfel_crystfel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21951ef0ee7cc28a1f36111cc5390e1609ce8a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfel_crystfel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+#    This file is part of cfelpyutils.
+#    cfelpyutils is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    cfelpyutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with cfelpyutils.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Utilities for interoperability with the CrystFEL software package.
+This module contains reimplementation of Crystfel functions and utilities.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from math import inf, sqrt
+import re
+def load_crystfel_geometry(filename):
+    def assplode_algebraic(v):
+        items = [item for item in re.split('([+-])', v.strip()) if item != '']
+        if len(items) != 0 and items[0] not in ('+', '-'):
+            items.insert(0, '+')
+        return [''.join((items[x], items[x + 1])) for x in range(0, len(items), 2)]
+    def dir_conv(direction_x, direction_y, direction_z):
+        direction = [direction_x, direction_y, direction_z]
+        items = assplode_algebraic(value)
+        if len(items) == 0:
+            raise RuntimeError('Invalid direction: {}.'.format(value))
+        for item in items:
+            axis = item[-1]
+            if axis != 'x' and axis != 'y' and axis != 'z':
+                raise RuntimeError('Invalid Symbol: {} (must be x, y or z).'.format(axis))
+            if item[:-1] == '+':
+                v = '1.0'
+            elif item[:-1] == '-':
+                v = '-1.0'
+            else:
+                v = item[-1]
+            if axis == 'x':
+                direction[0] = float(v)
+            elif axis == 'y':
+                direction[1] = float(v)
+            elif axis == 'z':
+                direction[2] = float(v)
+        return direction
+    def set_dim_structure_entry(k, v, pan):
+        if pan['dim_structure'] is not None:
+            dim = pan['dim_structure']
+        else:
+            dim = []
+        dim_index = int(k[3])
+        if dim_index > len(dim)-1:
+            for index in range(len(dim), dim_index + 1):
+                dim.append(None)
+        if v == 'ss' or v == 'fs' or v == '%':
+            dim[dim_index] = v
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError('Invalid dim entry: {}.'.format(v))
+    def parse_field_for_panel(k, v, pan):
+        if k == 'min_fs':
+            pan['origin_min_fs'] = int(v)
+            pan['min_fs'] = int(v)
+        elif k == 'max_fs':
+            pan['origin_max_fs'] = int(v)
+            pan['max_fs'] = int(v)
+        elif k == 'min_ss':
+            pan['origin_min_ss'] = int(v)
+            pan['min_ss'] = int(v)
+        elif k == 'max_ss':
+            pan['origin_max_ss'] = int(v)
+            pan['max_ss'] = int(v)
+        elif k == 'corner_x':
+            pan['cnx'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'corner_y':
+            pan['cny'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'rail_direction':
+            try:
+                pan['rail_x'], pan['rail_y'], pan['rail_z'] = dir_conv(pan['rail_x'],
+                                                                       pan['rail_y'],
+                                                                       pan['rail_z'])
+            except RuntimeError as e:
+                raise RuntimeError('Invalid rail direction. ', e)
+        elif k == 'clen_for_centering':
+            pan['clen_for_centering'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'adu_per_eV':
+            pan['adu_per_eV'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'adu_per_photon':
+            pan['adu_per_photon'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'rigid_group':
+            pan['rigid_group'] = v
+        elif k == 'clen':
+            try:
+                pan['clen'] = float(v)
+                pan['clen_from'] = None
+            except ValueError:
+                pan['clen'] = -1
+                pan['clen_from'] = v
+        elif k == 'data':
+            if not v.startswith('/'):
+                raise RuntimeError('Invalid data location: {}'.format(v))
+            pan['data'] = v
+        elif k == 'mask':
+            if not v.startswith('/'):
+                raise RuntimeError('Invalid data location: {}'.format(v))
+            pan['mask'] = v
+        elif k == 'mask_file':
+            pan['mask_file'] = v
+        elif k == 'saturation_map':
+            pan['saturation_map'] = v
+        elif k == 'saturation_map_file':
+            pan['saturation_map_file'] = v
+        elif k == 'coffset':
+            pan['coffset'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'res':
+            pan['res'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'max_adu':
+            pan['max_adu'] = v
+        elif k == 'badrow_direction':
+            if v == 'x':
+                pan['badrow'] = 'f'
+            elif v == 'y':
+                pan['badrow'] = 's'
+            elif v == 'f':
+                pan['badrow'] = 'f'
+            elif v == 's':
+                pan['badrow'] = 's'
+            elif v == '-':
+                pan['badrow'] = '-'
+            else:
+                print('badrow_direction must be x, t, f, s, or \'-\'')
+                print('Assuming \'-\'.')
+                pan['badrow'] = '-'
+        elif k == 'no_index':
+            pan['no_index'] = bool(v)
+        elif k == 'fs':
+            try:
+                pan['fsx'], pan['fsy'], pan['fsz'] = dir_conv(pan['fsx'], pan['fsy'],
+                                                              pan['fsz'])
+            except RuntimeError as e:
+                raise RuntimeError('Invalid fast scan direction. ', e)
+        elif k == 'ss':
+            try:
+                pan['ssx'], pan['ssy'], pan['ssz'] = dir_conv(pan['ssx'], pan['ssy'],
+                                                              pan['ssz'])
+            except RuntimeError as e:
+                raise RuntimeError('Invalid slow scan direction. ', e)
+        elif k.startswith('dim'):
+            set_dim_structure_entry(k, v, pan)
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError('Unrecognised field: {}'.format(k))
+    def parse_top_level(k, v, det, b, pan):
+        if k == 'mask_bad':
+            try:
+                det['mask_bad'] = int(v)
+            except ValueError:
+                det['mask_bad'] = int(v, 16)
+        elif k == 'mask_good':
+            try:
+                det['mask_good'] = int(v)
+            except ValueError:
+                det['mask_good'] = int(v, 16)
+        elif k == 'coffset':
+            pan['coffset'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'photon_energy':
+            if v.startswith('/'):
+                b['photon_energy'] = 0.0
+                b['photon_energy_from'] = v
+            else:
+                b['photon_energy'] = float(v)
+                b['photon_energy_from'] = None
+        elif k == 'photon_energy_scale':
+            b['photon_energy_scale'] = float(v)
+        elif k == 'peak_info_location':
+            det['peak_info_location'] = v
+        elif k.startswith('rigid_group') and not k.startswith('rigid_group_collection'):
+            det['rigid_groups'][k[12:]] = v.split(',')
+        elif k.startswith('rigid_group_collection'):
+            det['rigid_group_collections'][k[23:]] = v.split(',')
+        else:
+            parse_field_for_panel(k, v, pan)
+    def check_bad_fsss(bad, is_fsss):
+        if bad['is_fsss'] == 99:
+            bad['is_fsss'] = is_fsss
+            return
+        if is_fsss != bad['is_fsss']:
+            raise RuntimeError("You can't mix x/y and fs/ss in a bad region")
+        return
+    def parse_field_bad(k, v, bad):
+        if k == 'min_x':
+            bad['min_x'] = float(v)
+            check_bad_fsss(bad, False)
+        elif k == 'max_x':
+            bad['max_x'] = float(v)
+            check_bad_fsss(bad, False)
+        elif k == 'min_y':
+            bad['min_y'] = float(v)
+            check_bad_fsss(bad, False)
+        elif k == 'max_y':
+            bad['max_y'] = float(v)
+            check_bad_fsss(bad, False)
+        elif k == 'min_fs':
+            bad['min_fs'] = int(v)
+            check_bad_fsss(bad, True)
+        elif k == 'max_fs':
+            bad['max_fs'] = int(v)
+            check_bad_fsss(bad, True)
+        elif k == 'min_ss':
+            bad['min_ss'] = int(v)
+            check_bad_fsss(bad, True)
+        elif k == 'max_ss':
+            bad['max_ss'] = int(v)
+            check_bad_fsss(bad, True)
+        elif k == 'panel':
+            bad['panel'] = v
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError('Unrecognised field: {}'.format(k))
+        return
+    def check_point(n, pan, fs, ss, min_d, max_d, det):
+        xs = fs * pan['fsx'] + ss * pan['ssx']
+        ys = fs * pan['fsy'] + ss * pan['ssy']
+        rx = (xs + pan['cnx']) / pan['res']
+        ry = (ys + pan['cny']) / pan['res']
+        dist = sqrt(rx * rx + ry * ry)
+        if dist > max_d:
+            det['furthest_out_panel'] = n
+            det['furthest_out_fs'] = fs
+            det['furthest_out_ss'] = ss
+            max_d = dist
+        elif dist < min_d:
+            det['furthest_in_panel'] = n
+            det['furthest_in_fs'] = fs
+            det['furthest_in_ss'] = ss
+            min_d = dist
+        return min_d, max_d
+    def find_min_max_d(det):
+        min_d = inf
+        max_d = 0.0
+        for n, pan in det['panels'].items():
+            min_d, max_d = check_point(n, pan, 0, 0, min_d, max_d, det)
+            min_d, max_d = check_point(n, pan, pan['w'], 0, min_d, max_d, det)
+            min_d, max_d = check_point(n, pan, 0, pan['h'], min_d, max_d, det)
+            min_d, max_d = check_point(n, pan, pan['w'], pan['h'], min_d, max_d, det)
+    fh = open(filename, 'r')
+    beam = {
+        'photon_energy': 0.0,
+        'photon_energy_from': None,
+        'photon_energy_scale': 1
+    }
+    detector = {
+        'panels': OrderedDict(),
+        'bad': OrderedDict(),
+        'mask_good': 0,
+        'mask_bad': 0,
+        'rigid_groups': {},
+        'rigid_group_collections': {}
+    }
+    default_panel = {
+        'cnx': None,
+        'cny': None,
+        'clen': None,
+        'coffset': 0.0,
+        'res': -1.0,
+        'badrow': '-',
+        'no_index': False,
+        'fsx': 1.0,
+        'fsy': 0.0,
+        'fsz': 0.0,
+        'ssx': 0.0,
+        'ssy': 1.0,
+        'ssz': 0.0,
+        'rail_x': None,
+        'rail_y': None,
+        'rail_z': None,
+        'clen_for_centering': None,
+        'adu_per_eV': None,
+        'adu_per_photon': None,
+        'max_adu': inf,
+        'mask': None,
+        'mask_file': None,
+        'satmap': None,
+        'satmap_file': None,
+        'data': None,
+        'dim_structure': None,
+        'name': ''
+    }
+    default_bad_region = {
+        'min_x': None,
+        'max_x': None,
+        'min_y': None,
+        'max_y': None,
+        'min_fs': 0,
+        'max_fs': 0,
+        'min_ss': 0,
+        'max_ss': 0,
+        'is_fsss': 99,
+        'name': ''
+    }
+    default_dim = ['ss', 'fs']
+    fhlines = fh.readlines()
+    for line in fhlines:
+        if line.startswith(';'):
+            continue
+        line_without_comments = line.strip().split(';')[0]
+        line_items = re.split('([ \t])', line_without_comments)
+        line_items = [item for item in line_items if item not in ('', ' ', '\t')]
+        if len(line_items) < 3:
+            continue
+        value = ''.join(line_items[2:])
+        if line_items[1] != '=':
+            continue
+        path = re.split('(/)', line_items[0])
+        path = [item for item in path if item not in '/']
+        if len(path) < 2:
+            parse_top_level(line_items[0], value, detector, beam, default_panel)
+            continue
+        curr_bad = None
+        curr_panel = None
+        if path[0].startswith('bad'):
+            if path[0] in detector['bad']:
+                curr_bad = detector['bad'][path[0]]
+            else:
+                curr_bad = default_bad_region.copy()
+                detector['bad'][path[0]] = curr_bad
+        else:
+            if path[0] in detector['panels']:
+                curr_panel = detector['panels'][path[0]]
+            else:
+                curr_panel = default_panel.copy()
+                detector['panels'][path[0]] = curr_panel
+        if curr_panel is not None:
+            parse_field_for_panel(path[1], value, curr_panel)
+        else:
+            parse_field_bad(path[1], value, curr_bad)
+    if len(detector['panels']) == 0:
+        raise RuntimeError("No panel descriptions in geometry file.")
+    num_placeholders_in_panels = None
+    for panel in detector['panels'].values():
+        if panel['dim_structure'] is not None:
+            curr_num_placeholders = panel['dim_structure'].values().count('%')
+        else:
+            curr_num_placeholders = 0
+        if num_placeholders_in_panels is None:
+            num_placeholders_in_panels = curr_num_placeholders
+        else:
+            if curr_num_placeholders != num_placeholders_in_panels:
+                raise RuntimeError('All panels\' data and mask entries must have the same number of placeholders.')
+    num_placeholders_in_masks = None
+    for panel in detector['panels'].values():
+        if panel['mask'] is not None:
+            curr_num_placeholders = panel['mask'].count('%')
+        else:
+            curr_num_placeholders = 0
+        if num_placeholders_in_masks is None:
+            num_placeholders_in_masks = curr_num_placeholders
+        else:
+            if curr_num_placeholders != num_placeholders_in_masks:
+                raise RuntimeError('All panels\' data and mask entries must have the same number of placeholders.')
+    if num_placeholders_in_masks > num_placeholders_in_panels:
+        raise RuntimeError('Number of placeholders in mask cannot be larget than for data.')
+    dim_length = None
+    for panel in detector['panels'].values():
+        if panel['dim_structure'] is None:
+            panel['dim_structure'] = default_dim.copy()
+        found_ss = False
+        found_fs = False
+        found_placeholder = False
+        for entry in panel['dim_structure']:
+            if entry is None:
+                raise RuntimeError('Not all dim entries are defined for all panels.')
+            elif entry == 'ss':
+                if found_ss is True:
+                    raise RuntimeError('Only one slow scan dim coordinate is allowed.')
+                else:
+                    found_ss = True
+            elif entry == 'fs':
+                if found_fs is True:
+                    raise RuntimeError('Only one fast scan dim coordinate is allowed.')
+                else:
+                    found_fs = True
+            elif entry == '%':
+                if found_placeholder is True:
+                    raise RuntimeError('Only one placeholder dim coordinate is allowed.')
+                else:
+                    found_placeholder = True
+    for panel in detector['panels'].values():
+        if panel['origin_min_fs'] < 0:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify the minimum fs coordinate for panel {}.'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['origin_max_fs'] < 0:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify the maximum fs coordinate for panel {}.'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['origin_min_ss'] < 0:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify the minimum ss coordinate for panel {}.'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['origin_max_ss'] < 0:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify the maximum ss coordinate for panel {}.'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['cnx'] is None:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify the corner X coordinate for panel {}.'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['clen'] is None and panel['clen_from'] is None:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify the camera length for panel {}.'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['res'] < 0:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify the resolution or panel {}.'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['adu_per_eV'] is None and panel['adu_per_photon'] is None:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify either adu_per_eV or adu_per_photon for '
+                               'panel {}.'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['clen_for_centering'] is None and panel['rail_x'] is not None:
+            raise RuntimeError('You must specify clen_for_centering if you specify the rail direction '
+                               '(panel {})'.format(panel['name']))
+        if panel['rail_x'] is None:
+            panel['rail_x'] = 0.0
+            panel['rail_y'] = 0.0
+            panel['rail_z'] = 1.0
+        if panel['clen_for_centering'] is None:
+            panel['clen_for_centering'] = 0.0
+        panel['w'] = panel['origin_max_fs'] - panel['origin_min_fs'] + 1
+        panel['h'] = panel['origin_max_ss'] - panel['origin_min_ss'] + 1
+    for bad_region in detector['bad']:
+        if bad_region['is_fsss'] == 99:
+            raise RuntimeError('Please specify the coordinate ranges for bad region {}.'.format(bad_region['name']))
+    for group in detector['rigid_groups'].keys():
+        for name in detector['rigid_groups'][group]:
+            if name not in detector['panels']:
+                raise RuntimeError('Cannot add panel to rigid_group. Panel not found: {}'.format(name))
+    for group_collection in detector['rigid_group_collections'].keys():
+        for name in detector['rigid_group_collections'][group_collection]:
+            if name not in detector['rigid_groups']:
+                raise RuntimeError('Cannot add rigid_group to collection. Rigid group not found: {}'.format(name))
+    for panel in detector['panels'].values():
+        d = panel['fsx'] * panel['ssy'] - panel['ssx'] * panel['fsy']
+        if d == 0.0:
+            raise RuntimeError('Panel {} transformation is singluar.')
+        panel['xfs'] = panel['ssy'] / d
+        panel['yfs'] = panel['ssx'] / d
+        panel['xss'] = panel['fsy'] / d
+        panel['yss'] = panel['fsx'] / d
+    find_min_max_d(detector)
+    fh.close()
+    return detector