diff --git a/src/exdf/data_reduction/writer.py b/src/exdf/data_reduction/writer.py
index 9282f304bb082d31aea574e9260c6c2fdbbba4ce..005f7dc9ebd07cf4ff408e32218f4f6799d6f058 100644
--- a/src/exdf/data_reduction/writer.py
+++ b/src/exdf/data_reduction/writer.py
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ class ReduceWriter(SourceDataWriter):
         # Only populated if trains/keys are selected/removed for sources.
         self._custom_keys = {}  # source -> set(<keys>)
         self._custom_trains = {}  # source -> list(<trains>)
+        self._custom_xtdf_masks = {}  # source -> dict(train_id -> mask)
+        self._custom_xtdf_counts = {}  # source -> ndarray
         self._custom_rows = {}  # source -> dict(train_id -> mask)
         self._rechunked_keys = {}  # (source, key) -> chunks
         self._partial_copies = {}  # (source, key) -> list(<regions>)
@@ -97,6 +99,27 @@ class ReduceWriter(SourceDataWriter):
                     self._get_row_masks(source, index_group,
                                         train_sel, row_sel))
+        for source_glob, train_sel, row_sel in self._filter_ops('select-xtdf'):
+            for source in fnmatch.filter(self._sources, source_glob):
+                if not source.endswith(':xtdf'):
+                    # Simply ignore matches without trailing :xtdf.
+                    continue
+                if not self._is_xtdf_source(source):
+                    # Raise exception if essentials are missing.
+                    raise ValueError(f'{source} is not a valid XTDF source')
+                self._touched_sources.add(source)
+                self._custom_xtdf_masks.setdefault(source, {}).update(
+                    self._get_row_masks(source, 'image', train_sel, row_sel))
+        if (
+            {x[0] for x in self._custom_rows.keys()} &
+            self._custom_xtdf_masks.keys()
+        ):
+            raise ValueError('source may not be affected by both select-rows '
+                             'and select-xtdf operations')
         for source_glob, key_glob, chunking in self._filter_ops(
@@ -153,6 +176,9 @@ class ReduceWriter(SourceDataWriter):
     def _filter_ops(self, op):
         return [args[1:] for args in self._ops if args[0] == op]
+    def _is_xtdf_source(self, source):
+        return self._data[source].keys() > {'header.pulseCount', 'image.data'}
     def _get_row_masks(self, source, index_group, train_sel, row_sel):
         train_ids = select_train_ids(
             self._custom_trains.get(source, list(self._data.train_ids)),
@@ -325,7 +351,9 @@ class ReduceWriter(SourceDataWriter):
             return orig_chunks
     def mask_instrument_data(self, source, index_group, train_ids, counts):
-        if (source, index_group) in self._custom_rows:
+        if source in self._custom_xtdf_masks and index_group == 'image':
+            custom_masks = self._custom_xtdf_masks[source]
+        elif (source, index_group) in self._custom_rows:
             custom_masks = self._custom_rows[source, index_group]
             return  # None efficiently selects all rows.
@@ -340,9 +368,25 @@ class ReduceWriter(SourceDataWriter):
+        if source in self._custom_xtdf_masks:
+            # Sources are guaranteed to never use both XTDF and general
+            # row slicing. In the XTDF case, the new data counts for the
+            # image index group must be determined to be filled into
+            # the respective header field.
+            self._custom_xtdf_counts[source] = {
+                train_id: mask.sum() for train_id, mask
+                in zip(train_ids, masks) if mask.any()}
         return masks
     def copy_instrument_data(self, source, key, dest, train_ids, data):
+        if source in self._custom_xtdf_counts and key == 'header.pulseCount':
+            custom_counts = self._custom_xtdf_counts[source]
+            for i, train_id in enumerate(train_ids):
+                data[i] = custom_counts.get(train_id, data[i])
             regions = self._partial_copies[source, key]
         except KeyError: