diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1aea79f8b61bcf462424cb6c24bad07d30659697..8b904d3588660b4a197980a43de129b8ff08dfd8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,32 +46,34 @@ arduino-cli config init
 Then set up the required environment. Edit `~/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml` and add the following:
       - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/gh-pages/package_esp32_index.json
       - http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
+    enable_unsafe_install: true
+We enable unsafe installation to allow installation of packages outside of the Arduino package registry (ie. via git)
 Update the Arduino index with:
-arduino-cli core update-index
+	arduino-cli core update-index
 The required libraries are:
     arduino-cli lib install ethernet
-    arduino-cli lib install SNMP
+    arduino-cli lib install --git-url https://github.com/patricklaf/SNMP.git
 The project can be compiled so:
-    arduino-cli compile --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit icbm.ino -v
+    arduino-cli compile -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit icbm.ino -v
 And uploaded so:
-    arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB1 --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit
+    arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit
 ### Versioning
@@ -84,5 +86,5 @@ The git date can be set via `-DICBM_GIT_TIMESTAMP`.
 CI artefacts can be uploaded so:
-    unzip firmware.zip
-    arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB1 --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit --input-dir firmware
+    unzip icbm-0.0.0.zip
+    arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit --input-dir icbm-0.0.0