#pragma once
#include "MCP23S08.h"

// Software SPI definitions
#define MOSI 13
#define MISO 12
#define SS 2
#define SCK 4

// MCP23S08 interrupt
#define ISR_PIN 15

//AlCon Logic Board interrupt

// LED pin on MCP23S08 expander
#define STATUS_LED_PIN 6

// Pin to inform SIB that a power down is about to happen, on MCP23S08 expander
#define ALERT_SIB_PIN 7

struct pins {
   bool sib;
   bool plc;
   bool ups;
   int last_triggered;
   String stage;
   bool ramping;
   bool canDoPowerFromREST;
extern struct pins PINS;

extern MCP23S08 MCP;
void IRAM_ATTR isr();
void initializeMCP();
void isr_check_loop();
void poll_port_expander();
void toggle_status_led();
void powerOffCheckLoop();