#include <WiFiUdp.h> #include <SNMP.h> #include "esp32_ethernet.hpp" WiFiUDP udp; SNMP::Manager snmp; // Use some SNMP classes using SNMP::IntegerBER; using SNMP::OctetStringBER; using SNMP::OpaqueBER; using SNMP::OpaqueFloatBER; using SNMP::VarBind; using SNMP::VarBindList; // This class encapsulates the MPOD SNMP interface class MPOD { public: // Simple helper class to handle OIDs class OID { public: enum { OUTPUTSTATUS, OUTPUTMEASUREMENTSENSEVOLTAGE, OUTPUTMEASUREMENTCURRENT, OUTPUTSWITCH, OUTPUTVOLTAGE, OUTPUTCURRENT, OUTPUTVOLTAGERISERATE, UNKNOWN, COUNT = UNKNOWN, }; static inline const char *NAMES[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", }; // Returns index of OID equals to name // Returns UNKNOWN if none static unsigned int match(const char *name) { for (unsigned int index = 0; index < COUNT; ++index) { if (strcmp(NAMES[index], name) == 0) { return index; } } return UNKNOWN; } }; // Create an SNMP SETREQUEST message to setup MPOD SNMP::Message* setup() { // Use read/write community, not read-only SNMP::Message* message = new SNMP::Message(SNMP::VERSION2C, "guru", SNMP::TYPE_SETREQUEST); // In SETREQUEST, use node type and set the value. // OUTPUT SWITCH, integer type, 0 is OFF and 1 is ON. message->add(OID::NAMES[OID::OUTPUTSWITCH], new IntegerBER(0)); // OUTPUT VOLTAGE is an opaque float embedded in an opaque node message->add(OID::NAMES[OID::OUTPUTVOLTAGE], new OpaqueBER(new OpaqueFloatBER(10.0))); // OUTPUT CURRENT is an opaque float embedded in an opaque node message->add(OID::NAMES[OID::OUTPUTCURRENT], new OpaqueBER(new OpaqueFloatBER(0.001))); // OUTPUT VOLTAGE RISE RATE is negative. Don't ask me why... message->add(OID::NAMES[OID::OUTPUTVOLTAGERISERATE], new OpaqueBER(new OpaqueFloatBER(-1.0))); return message; } // Create an SNMP GETREQUEST message SNMP::Message* read() { SNMP::Message* message = new SNMP::Message(SNMP::VERSION2C, "public", SNMP::TYPE_GETREQUEST); // In GETREQUEST, values are always of type NULL. message->add(OID::NAMES[OID::OUTPUTSTATUS]); message->add(OID::NAMES[OID::OUTPUTMEASUREMENTSENSEVOLTAGE]); message->add(OID::NAMES[OID::OUTPUTMEASUREMENTCURRENT]); return message; } // Create an SNMP SETREQUEST message to switch on or off the MPOD SNMP::Message* output(const bool on) { SNMP::Message* message = new SNMP::Message(SNMP::VERSION2C, "guru", SNMP::TYPE_SETREQUEST); // In SETREQUEST, use node type and set the value. // OUTPUT SWITCH, integer type, 0 is OFF and 1 is ON. message->add(OID::NAMES[OID::OUTPUTSWITCH], new IntegerBER(on ? 1 : 0)); return message; } // Parse incoming message bool message(const SNMP::Message *message) { unsigned int found = 0; unsigned int index = 0; // Get the variable binding list from the message. VarBindList *varbindlist = message->getVarBindList(); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < varbindlist->count(); ++index) { // Each variable binding is a sequence of 2 objects: // - First one is and ObjectIdentifierBER. It holds the OID // - Second is the value of any type VarBind *varbind = (*varbindlist)[index]; // There is a convenient function to get the OID as a const char* const char *name = varbind->getName(); switch (OID::match(name)) { case OID::OUTPUTSTATUS: { // OUTPUTSTATUS is defined in MIB as BITS but encoded as OCTETSTRING by MPOD OctetStringBER *status = static_cast<OctetStringBER*>(varbind->getValue()); _on = status->getBit(0); _up = status->getBit(11); _down = status->getBit(12); } found++; break; case OID::OUTPUTMEASUREMENTSENSEVOLTAGE: // Use private helper function to extract float value _measurementSenseVoltage = getFloatFromVarBind(varbind); found++; break; case OID::OUTPUTMEASUREMENTCURRENT: _measurementCurrent = getFloatFromVarBind(varbind); found++; break; case OID::OUTPUTSWITCH: // Use private helper function to extract integer value _on = getIntegerFromVarBind(varbind); found++; break; case OID::OUTPUTVOLTAGE: _voltage = getFloatFromVarBind(varbind); found++; break; case OID::OUTPUTCURRENT: _current = getFloatFromVarBind(varbind); found++; break; case OID::OUTPUTVOLTAGERISERATE: _voltageRiseRate = getFloatFromVarBind(varbind); found++; break; } } // Return true if nodes found, that means this is a valid response from MPOD return found; } // Getters bool isOn() const { return _on; } bool isUp() const { return _up; } bool isDown() const { return _down; } float getMeasurementSenseVoltage() const { return _measurementSenseVoltage; } float getMeasurementCurrent() const { return _measurementCurrent; } float getVoltage() const { return _voltage; } float getCurrent() const { return _current; } float getVoltageRiseRate() const { return _voltageRiseRate; } private: // Use appropriate cast to get integer value unsigned int getIntegerFromVarBind(const VarBind *varbind) { return static_cast<IntegerBER*>(varbind->getValue())->getValue(); } // Use appropriate casts to get embedded opaque float value float getFloatFromVarBind(const VarBind *varbind) { return static_cast<OpaqueFloatBER*>(static_cast<OpaqueBER*>(varbind->getValue())->getBER())->getValue(); } bool _on = false; bool _up = false; bool _down = false; float _measurementSenseVoltage = 0; float _measurementCurrent = 0; float _voltage = 0; float _current = 0; float _voltageRiseRate = 0; }; MPOD mpod; // Event handler to process SNMP messages void onMessage(const SNMP::Message *message, const IPAddress remote, const uint16_t port) { // Check if message is from MPOD if (mpod.message(message)) { Serial.println(); Serial.print("MPOD status"); Serial.print(mpod.isOn() ? " on" : " off"); if (mpod.isUp()) { Serial.print(" up"); } if (mpod.isDown()) { Serial.print(" down"); } Serial.println(); Serial.print("HV voltage "); Serial.print(mpod.getMeasurementSenseVoltage()); Serial.print(" V ("); Serial.print(mpod.getVoltage()); Serial.print(") current "); Serial.print(mpod.getMeasurementCurrent()); Serial.print(" A ("); Serial.print(mpod.getCurrent()); Serial.print(") rise rate "); Serial.print(mpod.getVoltageRiseRate()); Serial.println(" V/s"); } } unsigned long start; extern bool eth_connected; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); connectNetwork(); // SNMP snmp.begin(&udp); snmp.onMessage(onMessage); // Start while (!eth_connected) { Serial.print("-"); delay(100); } start = millis(); // MPOD SNMP::Message *message = mpod.setup(); snmp.send(message, IPAddress(10, 42, 0, 1), SNMP::PORT::SNMP); delete message; } enum { NONE, ON, OFF, }; void loop() { // Manager loop function must be called to process incoming messages snmp.loop(); // Serial if (Serial.available()) { uint8_t output = NONE; // Read command from serial String string = Serial.readString(); string.toLowerCase(); // Only two commands if (string == "on") { output = ON; } else if (string == "off") { output = OFF; } Serial.print(string); if (output != NONE) { // If ON or OFF, send SETREQUEST to MPOD SNMP::Message *message = mpod.output(output == ON); Serial.print("Sending message "); snmp.send(message, IPAddress(10, 42, 0, 1), SNMP::PORT::SNMP); Serial.println("Sent"); delete message; } } // Send a request every second if (millis() - start >= 1000) { start = millis(); // Create message to query MPOD and send it SNMP::Message* message = mpod.read(); snmp.send(message, IPAddress(10, 42, 0, 1), SNMP::PORT::SNMP); delete message; } }