diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5ed6201c3770acb36f478ab4e1fb45dea2a049f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+EPBFCat -- an EtherCAT master using EBPF and XDP
+EBPFCat is an EtherCAT master written entirely in Python, that uses EPBF and
+XDP to achieve real-time response times. As a corollary, it contains a
+Python based EBPF generator.
+.. toctree::
+    ebpfcat/ethercat.rst
+    ebpfcat/ebpf.rst
diff --git a/conf.py b/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89c42895ff1bc7872561917050f45601e4d877a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf.py
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+    'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
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+master_doc = 'README'
+project = 'EBPFCat'
+copyright = '2020, Martin Teichmann'
+author = 'Martin Teichmann'
+release = "0.1"
+version = "0.1.0"
+language = None
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+htmlhelp_basename = 'EBPFCat'
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ethercat.rst b/ebpfcat/ethercat.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6c78bd110732768d718c3233cff68ce3d3d33fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebpfcat/ethercat.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+The EtherCAT master
+Getting started
+Ethercat terminals are usually connected in a loop with the EtherCAT master.
+The EtherCAT master has to know the order and function of these terminals.
+The list of terminals then has to be given in correct order to the constructor
+of the EtherCAT master object as follows::
+    from ebpfcat.ebpfcat import FastEtherCat
+    from ebpfcat.terminals import EL4104, Generic
+    out = EL4104()
+    unknown = Generic()  # use "Generic" for terminals of unknown type
+    master = FastEtherCat("eth0", [out, unknown])
+Once we have defined the order of devices, we can connect to the loop and
+scan it to actually find all terminals. This takes time, so in a good
+asyncronous fashion we need to use await, which can only be done in an
+async function::
+    await master.connect()
+    await master.scan_bus()
+The terminals usually control some devices, where one terminal may control
+several devices, or one device is controlled by several terminals. The devices
+are represented by `Device` objects. Upon instantiation, they are connected to
+the terminals::
+    from ebpfcat.devices import AnalogOutput
+    ao = AnalogOutput(out.ch1_value)
+Devices are grouped into `SyncGroup`, which means that their terminals are
+always read and written at the same time. A device can only belong to one
+`SyncGroup`, but a terminal may be part of several devices or sync groups.
+The sync group is also responsible to constantly transfer data to and from
+the terminals such that they do not time out and go into a safe state::
+    from ebpfcat.ebpfcat import SyncGroup
+    sg = SyncGroup(master, [ao])  # this sync group only contains one terminal
+    sg.start()  # start operating the terminals
+The `AnalogOutput` in the examples is a pretty boring device, it can only
+output a value like so::
+    ao.value = 5  # set the value on the terminal
+Writing a device
+Equipment controlled via the EtherCAT terminals often requires that a dedicated
+device is written for it. Devices inherit from `ebpfcat.Device`. They declare
+which kind of data they want to communicate to the terminals as a `TerminalVar`
+like so::
+    from ebpfcat.ebpfcat import Device
+    class Motor(Device):
+        speed = TerminalVar()
+        position = TerminalVar()
+Before they can be used, their `TerminalVar`\ s need to be initialized::
+    motor = Motor()
+    motor.speed = outputTerminal.speed
+    motor.position = encoderTerminal.value
+whenever new data is read from the loop, the `update` method of the device is
+called, in which one can evaluate the `TerminalVar`\ s::
+    def update(self):
+        """a idiotic speed controller"""
+        self.speed = (self.position - self.target) * self.pConst
+Three methods of control
+The communication with the terminals can happen in three different ways:
+- out-of-order: the communication happens ad-hoc whenever needed. This is
+  done during initialization and for reading and writing configuration data,
+  like CoE.
+- slow: the data is sent, received and processed via Python. This is good
+  enough to around 100 Hz operation.
+- fast: the data is sent, received and processed using XDP in the Linux
+  Kernel. Only very limited operations can be done, but the loop cycle
+  frequency exceeds 10 kHz.