diff --git a/ebpfcat/ethercat.py b/ebpfcat/ethercat.py
index 40cc708600c0d95754ac64bbfe6d5298d1390ab9..3f68be52da1676555e2403327cd4a4b81d1bb7a6 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ethercat.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ethercat.py
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ class EtherCat(Protocol):
         self.addr = (network, 0x88A4, 0, 0, b"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff")
         self.wait_futures = {}
+        self.used_addresses = set()
     async def connect(self):
         """connect to the EtherCAT loop"""
@@ -429,14 +430,29 @@ class EtherCat(Protocol):
         return no
     async def find_free_address(self):
-        """Find an absolute address currently not in use"""
+        """Find an absolute address not in use
+        an address once returned by this method is assumed to be used in the
+        future and will never be handed out again"""
         while True:
             i = randint(1000, 30000)
+            if i in self.used_addresses:
+                continue
+            self.used_addresses.add(i)
                 await self.roundtrip(ECCmd.FPRD, i, 0x10, "H", 0)
             except EtherCatError:
                 return i  # this address is not in use
+    async def assigned_address(self, position):
+        """return the set adress of terminal at position, if none set one"""
+        ret, = await self.roundtrip(ECCmd.APRD, position, 0x10, "H", 0)
+        if ret != 0:
+            return ret
+        ret = await self.find_free_address()
+        await self.roundtrip(ECCmd.APWR, position, 0x10, "H", ret)
+        return ret
     async def eeprom_read(self, position, start):
         """read 4 bytes from the eeprom of terminal `position` at `start`"""
         while (await self.roundtrip(ECCmd.APRD, position,
@@ -466,18 +482,28 @@ class Terminal:
     def __init__(self, ethercat):
         self.ec = ethercat
-    async def initialize(self, relative, absolute):
+    async def initialize(self, relative=None, absolute=None):
         """Initialize the terminal
         this sets up the connection to the terminal we represent.
         :param relative: the position of the terminal in the loop,
             a negative number counted down from 0 for the first terminal
+            If None, we assume the address is already initialized
         :param absolute: the number used to identify the terminal henceforth
+            If None take a free one
+        If only one parameter is given, it is taken to be an absolute
+        position, the terminal address is supposed to be already initialized.
         This also reads the EEPROM and sets up the sync manager as defined
-        therein. It still leaves the terminal in the init state. """
-        await self.ec.roundtrip(ECCmd.APWR, relative, 0x10, "H", absolute)
+        therein. It still leaves the terminal in the init state.
+        """
+        assert relative is not None or absolute is not None
+        if absolute is None:
+            absolute = await self.ec.find_free_address()
+        if relative is not None:
+            await self.ec.roundtrip(ECCmd.APWR, relative, 0x10, "H", absolute)
         self.position = absolute
         await self.set_state(0x11)
diff --git a/ebpfcat/scripts.py b/ebpfcat/scripts.py
index e8c090e47185a1b37bfdea664c3a2e57fcf286bf..c534d5091fcd1a7113cf0831dcdcc1f892a39718 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/scripts.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/scripts.py
@@ -48,12 +48,11 @@ async def info():
         terms = [Terminal(ec) for t in terminals]
         for t in terms:
             t.ec = ec
-        await asyncio.gather(*(t.initialize(-i, i + 7)
+        await asyncio.gather(*(t.initialize(-i)
                                for i, t in zip(terminals, terms)))
-        free = await ec.find_free_address()
         term = Terminal(ec)
-        await term.initialize(-args.terminal, free)
+        await term.initialize(-args.terminal)
         terms = [term]
     for i, t in enumerate(terms, args.terminal if args.terminal else 0):
@@ -120,20 +119,9 @@ async def eeprom():
     if args.terminal is None:
-        terminals = range(await ec.count())
-    else:
-        # former terminal: don't listen!
-        # this does not work with all terminals, dunno why
-        try:
-            await ec.roundtrip(ECCmd.FPRW, 7, 0x10, "H", 0)
-        except EtherCatError:
-            print('fine: no not used yet')
-        else:
-            print('had to silence former listener')
-        terminals = [args.terminal]
     t = Terminal(ec)
-    await t.initialize(-args.terminal, 7)
+    await t.initialize(-args.terminal)
     if args.read or args.check is not None:
         r, = unpack("<4xI", await t._eeprom_read_one(0xc))
@@ -165,7 +153,7 @@ async def create_test():
     for i in range(no):
         t = Terminal()
         t.ec = ec
-        await t.initialize(-i, await ec.find_free_address())
+        await t.initialize(-i)
         sdo = {}
         if t.has_mailbox():
             await t.to_operational(MachineState.PRE_OPERATIONAL)