diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpf.py b/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
index 1fb6969b2a31330540cc87dfc1176a24d594fda3..a26e13f21c33e460e64e462ed067a44477001c43 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
@@ -333,14 +333,14 @@ class SimpleComparison(Comparison):
     def compare(self, negative):
         with self.left.calculate(None, None, None) as (self.dst, _, lsigned):
             with ExitStack() as exitStack:
-                if not isinstance(self.right, int):
+                if isinstance(self.right, int):
+                    rsigned = (self.right < 0)
+                else:
                     self.src, _, rsigned = exitStack.enter_context(
                             self.right.calculate(None, None, None))
-                    if rsigned != rsigned:
-                        raise AssembleError("need same signedness for comparison")
                 self.origin = len(self.ebpf.opcodes)
-                self.opcode = self.opcode[negative + 2 * lsigned]
+                self.opcode = self.opcode[negative + 2 * (lsigned or rsigned)]
         self.owners = self.ebpf.owners.copy()
     def target(self):
@@ -476,28 +476,29 @@ class Binary(Expression):
             dst = None
         with self.ebpf.get_free_register(dst) as dst:
             with self.left.calculate(dst, long, signed, True) \
-                    as (dst, l_long, signed):
-                pass
+                    as (dst, l_long, l_signed):
+                signed = signed or l_signed
             if self.operator is Opcode.RSH and signed:  # >>=
                 operator = Opcode.ARSH
                 operator = self.operator
             if isinstance(self.right, int):
+                r_signed = self.right < 0
                 self.ebpf.append(operator + Opcode.LONG * long,
                                  dst, 0, 0, self.right)
                 with self.right.calculate(None, long, None) as \
-                        (src, r_long, _):
+                        (src, r_long, r_signed):
                         operator + Opcode.REG
                         + Opcode.LONG * ((r_long or l_long)
                                          if long is None else long),
                         dst, src, 0, 0)
             if orig_dst is None or orig_dst == dst:
-                yield dst, long, signed
+                yield dst, long, signed or r_signed
         self.ebpf.append(Opcode.MOV + Opcode.REG + Opcode.LONG * long, orig_dst, dst, 0, 0)
-        yield orig_dst, long, signed
+        yield orig_dst, long, signed or r_signed
     def contains(self, no):
         return self.left.contains(no) or (not isinstance(self.right, int)
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py b/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
index f85dbb85063672a8f5cc5c0a32b6bf08a2e43229..2f772216ca92151842abb71be18693a7d44d6229 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
@@ -414,6 +414,19 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
             Instruction(opcode=O.MOV+O.REG, dst=1, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.ADD, dst=1, src=3, off=0, imm=0)])
+    def test_mixed_compare(self):
+        e = EBPF()
+        e.owners = {0, 1, 2, 3}
+        with e.r1 > e.sr2:
+            pass
+        with (e.r1 + e.sr2) > 3:
+            pass
+        self.assertEqual(e.opcodes, [
+            Instruction(opcode=O.JSLE+O.REG, dst=1, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.MOV+O.LONG+O.REG, dst=4, src=1, off=0, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.ADD+O.LONG+O.REG, dst=4, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.JSLE, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=3)])
     def test_reverse_binary(self):
         e = EBPF()