From ab4756dc8cd303dbb4ee6da145ee4bef02311389 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Teichmann <>
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2023 14:29:10 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] allow cyclic updates also for fast ethercat

even when using fast ethercat, some information may be perfectly
valid slow as well. This way we have the best of both worlds.
 ebpfcat/ |   7 ++-
 ebpfcat/ | 114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ebpfcat/ b/ebpfcat/
index c61fcb2..faec3e0 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/
+++ b/ebpfcat/
@@ -40,11 +40,16 @@ class AnalogInput(Device): = data
     def program(self):
-        self.value =
+        # it does not make much sense to copy data faster than
+        # we can process
+        return
     def update(self):
         self.value =
+    def fast_update(self):
+        self.value =
 class AnalogOutput(Device):
     """Generic analog output device
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ b/ebpfcat/
index df21ca4..570f621 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/
+++ b/ebpfcat/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 """The high-level API for EtherCAT loops"""
-from asyncio import ensure_future, gather, sleep
+from asyncio import ensure_future, gather, sleep, wait_for, TimeoutError
 from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize, pack_into, unpack_from
 from time import time
 from .arraymap import ArrayMap, ArrayGlobalVarDesc
@@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ class DeviceVar(ArrayGlobalVarDesc):
     def __get__(self, instance, owner):
         if instance is None:
             return self
-        elif instance.sync_group.current_data is None:
+        elif isinstance(instance.sync_group, FastSyncGroup):
             return super().__get__(instance, owner)
             return instance.__dict__.get(, 0)
     def __set__(self, instance, value):
-        if instance.sync_group.current_data is None:
+        if isinstance(instance.sync_group, FastSyncGroup):
             super().__set__(instance, value)
             instance.__dict__[] = value
@@ -226,6 +226,9 @@ class Device(SubProgram):
         return ret
+    def fast_update(self):
+        pass
 class EBPFTerminal(Terminal):
     compatibility = None
@@ -272,35 +275,42 @@ class EtherXDP(XDP):
     license = "GPL"
     variables = ArrayMap()
+    dropcounter = variables.globalVar("I")
     counters = variables.globalVar("64I")
     rate = 0
     def program(self):
+        ETHERTYPE = 12
+        CMD0 = 16
+        IDX0 = 17
+        ADDR0 = 18
         with prandom(self.ebpf) & 0xffff < self.rate:
             self.dropcounter += 1
-        with self.packetSize > 24 as p, p.pH[12] == 0xA488, p.pB[16] == 0:
-            self.r3 = p.pI[18]
+        with self.packetSize > 24 as p, p.pH[ETHERTYPE] == 0xA488, \
+                p.pB[CMD0] == 0:
+            self.r3 = p.pI[ADDR0]  # use r3 for tail_call
             with self.counters.get_address(None, False, False) as (dst, _), \
                     self.r3 < FastEtherCat.MAX_PROGS:
-                self.mH[self.r[dst] + 4 * self.r3] += 1
-                p.pB[17] += 2
-                with p.pB[17] & 1 as is_regular:
-                    self.mB[self.r[dst] + 4 * self.r3 + 3] += 1
-                    self.mB[self.r[dst] + 4 * self.r3 + 2] = 0
-                with is_regular.Else():
-                    self.mB[self.r[dst] + 4 * self.r3 + 2] += 1
-                    self.mB[self.r[dst] + 4 * self.r3 + 3] = 0
-                    with self.mB[self.r[dst] + 4 * self.r3 + 2] > 3 as exceed:
-                        p.pB[17] += 1  # turn into regular package
-                    with exceed.Else():
+                self.r[dst] += 4 * self.r3
+                self.r4 = self.mB[self.r[dst]]
+                # we lost a packet
+                with p.pB[IDX0] == self.r4 as cond:
+                    self.mI[self.r[dst]] += 1 + (self.r4 & 1)
+                # normal case: two packets on the wire
+                with cond.Else(), ((p.pB[IDX0] + 1 & 0xff) == self.r4) \
+                                  | (p.pB[IDX0] == 0) as c2:
+                    self.mI[self.r[dst]] += 1
+                    with self.r4 & 1:  # last one was active
+                        p.pB[IDX0] = self.mB[self.r[dst]]
-            self.r2 = self.get_fd(self.programs)
-            for i, o in enumerate(self.opcodes):
-                print(i, o)
+                with c2.Else():
+                    self.exit(XDPExitCode.PASS)
+                p.pB[IDX0] = self.mB[self.r[dst]]
+                self.r2 = self.get_fd(self.programs)
@@ -330,31 +340,18 @@ class FastEtherCat(SimpleEtherCat):
         fd, _ = sg.load(log_level=1)
         update_elem(self.programs, pack("<I", index), pack("<I", fd), 0)
         self.sync_groups[index] = sg
-        sg.assembled = packet.assemble(index)
         return index
-    async def watchdog(self):
-        lastcounts = [0] * 64
-        while True:
-            t0 = time()
-            counts = self.ebpf.counters
-            for i, sg in self.sync_groups.items():
-                if ((counts[i] ^ lastcounts[i]) & 0xffff == 0
-                        or (counts[i] >> 24) > 3):
-                    self.send_packet(sg.assembled)
-                    print("sent", i)
-                lastcounts[i] = counts[i]
-            await sleep(0.001)
     async def connect(self):
         await super().connect()
         self.ebpf = EtherXDP()
         self.ebpf.programs = self.programs
         self.fd = await self.ebpf.attach(self.addr[0])
-        ensure_future(self.watchdog())
 class SyncGroupBase:
+    missed_counter = 0
     def __init__(self, ec, devices, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(**kwargs) = ec
@@ -368,23 +365,31 @@ class SyncGroupBase:
         self.terminals = {t: None for t in
                           sorted(terminals, key=lambda t: t.position)}
+    async def run(self):
+        data = self.asm_packet
+        while True:
+            try:
+                data = await wait_for(,
+                                      timeout=0.01)
+            except TimeoutError:
+                self.missed_counter += 1
+                print("didn't receive in time", self.missed_counter)
+                continue
+            data = self.update_devices(data)
+            await sleep(0)
 class SyncGroup(SyncGroupBase):
     """A group of devices communicating at the same time"""
     packet_index = 1000
-    current_data = False  # None is used to indicate FastSyncGroup
-    async def run(self):
-        self.current_data = self.asm_packet
-        while True:
-            data = await
-            self.current_data = bytearray(data)
-            for dev in self.devices:
-                dev.update()
-            await sleep(0)
+    def update_devices(self, data):
+        self.current_data = bytearray(data)
+        for dev in self.devices:
+            dev.update()
+        return self.current_data
     def start(self):
@@ -422,9 +427,22 @@ class FastSyncGroup(SyncGroupBase, XDP):
+    async def run(self):
+        await super().run()
+    def update_devices(self, data):
+        self.current_data = data
+        for dev in self.devices:
+            dev.fast_update()
+        return self.asm_packet
     def start(self):
-, self.packet)
+        self.packet_index =, self.packet)
+        self.asm_packet = self.packet.assemble(self.packet_index)
+        ensure_future(
     def allocate(self):
         self.packet = Packet()