diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpf.py b/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
index c21bd3e651f777cb0070913e150f7555fe40f8db..879759f6bd15312360a94fb0190ad7af1974956f 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize
 from enum import Enum
 from . import bpf
+from .util import sub
 Instruction = namedtuple("Instruction",
                          ["opcode", "dst", "src", "off", "imm"])
@@ -229,6 +230,8 @@ class Opcode(Enum):
     ST = 0x62
     STX = 0x63
     XADD = 0xc3
+    LE = 0xd4
+    BE = 0xdc
     def __mul__(self, value):
         if value:
@@ -269,15 +272,15 @@ class AssembleError(Exception):
 def comparison(uposop, unegop, sposop, snegop):
     def ret(self, value):
-        valuefixed, value = fixedvalue(value)
+        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
         myself = self
-        if self.fixed != valuefixed:
+        if self.fixed != value.fixed:
             if self.fixed:
-                value = value * self.FIXED_BASE
+                value *= self.FIXED_BASE
-                myself = self * self.FIXED_BASE
+                myself *= self.FIXED_BASE
-        if self.signed or issigned(value):
+        if self.signed or value.signed:
             return SimpleComparison(self.ebpf, myself, value, (sposop, snegop))
             return SimpleComparison(self.ebpf, myself, value, (uposop, unegop))
@@ -369,7 +372,7 @@ class SimpleComparison(Comparison):
     def compare(self, negative):
         with self.left.calculate(None, None) as (self.dst, _):
             with ExitStack() as exitStack:
-                if isinstance(self.right, Expression):
+                if not self.right.small_constant:
                     self.src, _ = exitStack.enter_context(
                         self.right.calculate(None, None))
                 self.origin = len(self.ebpf.opcodes)
@@ -382,14 +385,15 @@ class SimpleComparison(Comparison):
         if self.opcode == Opcode.JMP:
             inst = Instruction(Opcode.JMP, 0, 0,
                                len(self.ebpf.opcodes) - self.origin - 1, 0)
-        elif isinstance(self.right, Expression):
+        elif self.right.small_constant:
             inst = Instruction(
-                self.opcode + Opcode.REG, self.dst, self.src,
-                len(self.ebpf.opcodes) - self.origin - 1, 0)
+                self.opcode, self.dst, 0,
+                len(self.ebpf.opcodes) - self.origin - 1,
+                int(self.right.value))
             inst = Instruction(
-                self.opcode, self.dst, 0,
-                len(self.ebpf.opcodes) - self.origin - 1, self.right)
+                self.opcode + Opcode.REG, self.dst, self.src,
+                len(self.ebpf.opcodes) - self.origin - 1, 0)
         self.ebpf.opcodes[self.origin] = inst
         if not retarget:
             self.ebpf.owners, self.owners = \
@@ -431,137 +435,110 @@ class InvertComparison(Comparison):
-def issigned(value):
+def ensure_expression(ebpf, value):
     if isinstance(value, Expression):
-        return value.signed
+        return value
-        return value < 0
-def fixedvalue(value):
-    try:
-        return False, index(value)
-    except TypeError:
-        try:
-            return True, int(float(value) * Expression.FIXED_BASE)
-        except TypeError:
-            return value.fixed, value
+        return Constant(ebpf, value)
 class Expression:
     """the base class for all numerical expressions"""
     FIXED_BASE = 100000
+    small_constant = False
     def _binary(self, value, opcode):
+        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
         return Binary(self.ebpf, self, value, opcode,
-                      self.signed or issigned(value), False)
+                      self.signed or value.signed, False)
     __ror__ = __or__ = lambda self, value: self._binary(value, Opcode.OR)
     __lshift__ = lambda self, value: self._binary(value, Opcode.LSH)
+    __rlshift__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) << self
     __rxor__ = __xor__ = lambda self, value: self._binary(value, Opcode.XOR)
     __gt__ = comparison(Opcode.JGT, Opcode.JLE, Opcode.JSGT, Opcode.JSLE)
     __ge__ = comparison(Opcode.JGE, Opcode.JLT, Opcode.JSGE, Opcode.JSLT)
     __lt__ = comparison(Opcode.JLT, Opcode.JGE, Opcode.JSLT, Opcode.JSGE)
     __le__ = comparison(Opcode.JLE, Opcode.JGT, Opcode.JSLE, Opcode.JSGT)
+    __ne__ = comparison(Opcode.JNE, Opcode.JEQ, Opcode.JNE, Opcode.JEQ)
     def _sum(self, value, opcode):
-        valuefixed, value = fixedvalue(value)
+        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
         myself = self
-        if self.fixed != valuefixed:
+        if self.fixed != value.fixed:
             if self.fixed:
-                value = value * self.FIXED_BASE
+                value *= self.FIXED_BASE
-                myself = self * self.FIXED_BASE
+                myself *= self.FIXED_BASE
         return Binary(self.ebpf, myself, value, opcode,
-                      self.signed or issigned(value), self.fixed or valuefixed)
-    def _rsum(self, value, opcode):
-        valuefixed, value = fixedvalue(value)
-        myself = self
-        if self.fixed != valuefixed:
-            if self.fixed:
-                value = value * self.FIXED_BASE
-            else:
-                myself = self * self.FIXED_BASE
-        return ReverseBinary(
-            self.ebpf, value, myself, opcode,
-            self.signed or issigned(value), self.fixed or valuefixed)
+                      self.signed or value.signed, self.fixed or value.fixed)
     __radd__ = __add__ = lambda self, value: self._sum(value, Opcode.ADD)
     __sub__ = lambda self, value: self._sum(value, Opcode.SUB)
-    __rsub__ = lambda self, value: self._rsum(value, Opcode.SUB)
+    __rsub__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) - self
     __mod__ = lambda self, value: self._sum(value, Opcode.MOD)
-    __rmod__ = lambda self, value: self._rsum(value, Opcode.MOD)
+    __rmod__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) % self
     def __mul__(self, value):
-        valuefixed, value = fixedvalue(value)
+        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
         ret = Binary(self.ebpf, self, value, Opcode.MUL,
-                     self.signed or issigned(value), self.fixed or valuefixed)
-        if self.fixed and valuefixed:
-            ret = ret / self.FIXED_BASE
+                     self.signed or value.signed, self.fixed or value.fixed)
+        if self.fixed and value.fixed:
+            ret /= self.FIXED_BASE
         return ret
     __rmul__ = __mul__
     def __truediv__(self, value):
-        valuefixed, value = fixedvalue(value)
+        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
         myself = self
-        if not self.fixed and valuefixed:
-            myself = myself * self.FIXED_BASE ** 2
-        elif self.fixed == valuefixed:
-            myself = myself * self.FIXED_BASE
+        if not self.fixed and value.fixed:
+            myself *= self.FIXED_BASE ** 2
+        elif self.fixed == value.fixed:
+            myself *= self.FIXED_BASE
         return Binary(self.ebpf, myself, value, Opcode.DIV,
-                      self.signed or issigned(value), True)
+                      self.signed or value.signed, True)
-    def __rtruediv__(self, value):
-        if self.fixed:
-            value = int(value * self.FIXED_BASE ** 2)
-        else:
-            value = int(value * self.FIXED_BASE)
-        return ReverseBinary(self.ebpf, value, self, Opcode.DIV,
-                             self.signed or issigned(value), True)
+    def _reverse(self, op, value):
+        return op(Constant(self.ebpf, value), self)
+    __rtruediv__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) / self
     def __floordiv__(self, value):
-        valuefixed, value = fixedvalue(value)
+        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
         myself = self
-        if not self.fixed and valuefixed:
-            myself = myself * self.FIXED_BASE
-        elif self.fixed and not valuefixed:
-            value = value * self.FIXED_BASE
+        if not self.fixed and value.fixed:
+            myself *= self.FIXED_BASE
+        elif self.fixed and not value.fixed:
+            value *= self.FIXED_BASE
         return Binary(self.ebpf, myself, value, Opcode.DIV,
-                      self.signed or issigned(value), False)
+                      self.signed or value.signed, False)
     def __rfloordiv__(self, value):
         if self.fixed:
-            value = int(value * self.FIXED_BASE)
+            value = Constant(self.ebpf, value)
+            if not value.fixed:
+                value *= self.FIXED_BASE
-            value = int(value)
-        return ReverseBinary(self.ebpf, value, self, Opcode.DIV,
-                             self.signed or issigned(value), False)
+            value = Constant(self.ebpf, int(value))
+        return Binary(self.ebpf, value, self, Opcode.DIV,
+                      self.signed or value.signed, False)
     def __rshift__(self, value):
         opcode = Opcode.ARSH if self.signed else Opcode.RSH
-        return Binary(self.ebpf, self, value, opcode, self.signed, False)
+        return Binary(self.ebpf, self, ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value),
+                      opcode, self.signed, False)
-    def __rrshift__(self, value):
-        opcode = Opcode.ARSH if value < 0 else Opcode.RSH
-        return ReverseBinary(self.ebpf, value, self, opcode, value < 0, False)
-    def __rlshift__(self, value):
-        return ReverseBinary(self.ebpf, value, self, Opcode.LSH,
-                             value < 0, False)
+    __rrshift__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) >> self
     def __and__(self, value):
-        return AndExpression(self.ebpf, self, value)
-    def __ne__(self, value):
-        return SimpleComparison(self.ebpf, self, value,
-                                (Opcode.JNE, Opcode.JEQ))
+        return AndExpression(self.ebpf, self,
+                             ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value))
     def __eq__(self, value):
         return ~(self != value)
@@ -569,10 +546,15 @@ class Expression:
     __rand__ = __and__
     def __neg__(self):
-        return Negate(self.ebpf, self)
+        return Negate(self)
     def __abs__(self):
-        return Absolute(self.ebpf, self)
+        return Absolute(self)
+    def switch_endian(self, fmt):
+        if isinstance(fmt, str) and len(fmt) > 1:
+            return SwitchEndian(self, fmt)
+        return self
     def __bool__(self):
         raise AssembleError("Expression only has a value at execution time")
@@ -611,7 +593,7 @@ class Expression:
         with self.ebpf.get_free_register(dst) as dst:
             with self.get_address(dst, long) as (src, fmt):
-                self.ebpf.append(Opcode.LD + Memory.fmt_to_opcode[fmt],
+                self.ebpf.append(Opcode.LD + fmt_to_opcode(fmt),
                                  dst, src, 0, 0)
                 yield dst, long
@@ -657,22 +639,16 @@ class Binary(Expression):
             with self.left.calculate(dst, long, True) as (dst, l_long):
                 if long is None:
                     long = l_long
-            if isinstance(self.right, Expression):
+            if self.right.small_constant:
+                self.ebpf.append(self.operator + Opcode.LONG * long,
+                                 dst, 0, 0, int(self.right.value))
+            else:
                 with self.right.calculate(None, long) as (src, r_long):
                         self.operator + Opcode.REG
                         + Opcode.LONG * ((r_long or l_long)
                                          if long is None else long),
                         dst, src, 0, 0)
-            elif -0x80000000 <= self.right < 0x100000000:
-                self.ebpf.append(self.operator + Opcode.LONG * long,
-                                 dst, 0, 0, self.right)
-            else:
-                with self.ebpf.get_free_register(None) as src:
-                    self.ebpf._load_value(src, self.right)
-                    self.ebpf.append(
-                        self.operator + Opcode.REG + Opcode.LONG,
-                        dst, src, 0, 0)
             if orig_dst is None or orig_dst == dst:
                 yield dst, long
@@ -684,60 +660,54 @@ class Binary(Expression):
                                           and self.right.contains(no))
-class ReverseBinary(Expression):
-    def __init__(self, ebpf, left, right, operator, signed, fixed):
-        self.ebpf = ebpf
-        self.left = left
-        self.right = right
-        self.operator = operator
-        self.signed = signed
-        self.fixed = fixed
+class Unary(Expression):
+    def __init__(self, arg):
+        self.arg = arg
+        self.ebpf = arg.ebpf
+        self.signed = arg.signed
+        self.fixed = arg.fixed
     def calculate(self, dst, long, force=False):
-        with self.ebpf.get_free_register(dst) as dst:
-            self.ebpf._load_value(dst, self.left)
-            with self.right.calculate(None, long) as (src, long):
-                self.ebpf.append(self.operator + Opcode.LONG * long
-                                 + Opcode.REG, dst, src, 0, 0)
+        with self.arg.calculate(dst, long, force) as (dst, long):
+            self.calculate_unary(dst, long)
             yield dst, long
     def contains(self, no):
-        return self.right.contains(no)
+        return self.arg.contains(no)
-class Negate(Expression):
-    def __init__(self, ebpf, arg):
-        self.ebpf = ebpf
-        self.arg = arg
+class Negate(Unary):
+    def __init__(self, arg):
+        super().__init__(arg)
         self.signed = True
-        self.fixed = arg.fixed
-    @contextmanager
-    def calculate(self, dst, long, force=False):
-        with self.arg.calculate(dst, long, force) as (dst, long):
-            self.ebpf.append(Opcode.NEG + Opcode.LONG * long, dst, 0, 0, 0)
-            yield dst, long
+    def calculate_unary(self, dst, long):
+        self.ebpf.append(Opcode.NEG + Opcode.LONG * long, dst, 0, 0, 0)
-    def contains(self, no):
-        return self.arg.contains(no)
+class Absolute(Unary):
+    def __init__(self, arg):
+        super().__init__(arg)
+        self.signed = False
-class Absolute(Expression):
-    def __init__(self, ebpf, arg):
-        self.ebpf = ebpf
-        self.arg = arg
-        self.fixed = arg.fixed
+    def calculate_unary(self, dst, long):
+        with self.ebpf.sr[dst] < 0:
+            self.ebpf.sr[dst] = -self.ebpf.sr[dst]
-    @contextmanager
-    def calculate(self, dst, long, force=False):
-        with self.arg.calculate(dst, long, force) as (dst, long):
-            with self.ebpf.sr[dst] < 0:
-                self.ebpf.sr[dst] = -self.ebpf.sr[dst]
-            yield dst, long
-    def contains(self, no):
-        return self.arg.contains(no)
+class SwitchEndian(Unary):
+    def __init__(self, arg, fmt):
+        super().__init__(arg)
+        self.fmt = fmt
+    def calculate_unary(self, dst, long):
+        endian, size = self.fmt
+        if endian == "<":
+            opcode = Opcode.LE
+        elif endian in ">!":
+            opcode = Opcode.BE
+        self.ebpf.append(opcode, dst, 0, 0, calcsize(size) * 8)
 class Sum(Binary):
@@ -746,11 +716,11 @@ class Sum(Binary):
     this is used to optimize memory addressing code.
     def __init__(self, ebpf, left, right):
-        super().__init__(ebpf, left, right, Opcode.ADD, right < 0, False)
+        super().__init__(ebpf, left, right, Opcode.ADD, right.value < 0, False)
     def __add__(self, value):
-            return Sum(self.ebpf, self.left, self.right + index(value))
+            self.right.value += index(value)
         except TypeError:
             return super().__add__(value)
@@ -758,7 +728,7 @@ class Sum(Binary):
     def __sub__(self, value):
-            return Sum(self.ebpf, self.left, self.right - index(value))
+            self.right.value -= index(value)
         except TypeError:
             return super().__add__(value)
@@ -816,6 +786,42 @@ class AndComparison(SimpleComparison):
         return self
+class Constant(Expression):
+    def __init__(self, ebpf, value):
+        try:
+            self.value = index(value)
+            self.fixed = False
+        except TypeError:
+            self.value = float(value) * Expression.FIXED_BASE
+            self.fixed = True
+        self.ebpf = ebpf
+        self.signed = value < 0
+    @property
+    def small_constant(self):
+        return -0x80000000 <= self.value < 0x80000000
+    def __imul__(self, value):
+        self.value *= value
+        return self
+    @contextmanager
+    def calculate(self, dst, long, force=False):
+        value = int(self.value)
+        with self.ebpf.get_free_register(dst) as dst:
+            if self.small_constant:
+                self.ebpf.append(Opcode.MOV + Opcode.LONG, dst, 0, 0, value)
+            else:
+                self.ebpf.append(Opcode.DW, dst, 0, 0, value & 0xffffffff)
+                self.ebpf.append(Opcode.W, 0, 0, 0, value >> 32)
+            yield dst, not (-0x80000000 <= value < 0x100000000)
+    def switch_endian(self, fmt):
+        if not isinstance(fmt, str) or len(fmt) == 1:
+            return self
+        return Constant(self.ebpf, *unpack(fmt, pack(fmt[-1], self.value)))
 class Register(Expression):
     """represent one EBPF register"""
     offset = 0
@@ -830,7 +836,7 @@ class Register(Expression):
     def __add__(self, value):
         if self.long and not self.fixed:
-                return Sum(self.ebpf, self, index(value))
+                return Sum(self.ebpf, self, Constant(self.ebpf, index(value)))
             except TypeError:
         return super().__add__(value)
@@ -840,7 +846,7 @@ class Register(Expression):
     def __sub__(self, value):
         if self.long and not self.fixed:
-                return Sum(self.ebpf, self, -index(value))
+                return Sum(self.ebpf, self, Constant(self.ebpf, -index(value)))
             except TypeError:
         return super().__sub__(value)
@@ -862,15 +868,24 @@ class Register(Expression):
 class IAdd:
     """represent an in-place addition"""
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        self.value = value
+    def __init__(self, ebpf, value):
+        if isinstance(value, Expression):
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = Constant(ebpf, value)
-class Memory(Expression):
-    bits_to_opcode = {32: Opcode.W, 16: Opcode.H, 8: Opcode.B, 64: Opcode.DW}
+def fmt_to_opcode(fmt):
     fmt_to_opcode = {'I': Opcode.W, 'H': Opcode.H, 'B': Opcode.B, 'Q': Opcode.DW,
                      'i': Opcode.W, 'h': Opcode.H, 'b': Opcode.B, 'q': Opcode.DW,
                      'A': Opcode.W, 'x': Opcode.DW}
+    if isinstance(fmt, str):
+        return fmt_to_opcode[fmt[-1]]
+    else:
+        return Opcode.B
+class Memory(Expression):
+    bits_to_opcode = {32: Opcode.W, 16: Opcode.H, 8: Opcode.B, 64: Opcode.DW}
     def __init__(self, ebpf, fmt, address):
         self.ebpf = ebpf
@@ -878,25 +893,30 @@ class Memory(Expression):
         self.address = address
     def __iadd__(self, value):
-        if self.fmt in "qQiI":
-            return IAdd(value)
+        if self.fmt in "qQiIx":
+            return IAdd(self.ebpf, value)
             return NotImplemented
     def __isub__(self, value):
-        if self.fmt in "qQiI":
-            return IAdd(-value)
+        if self.fmt in "qQiIx":
+            return IAdd(self.ebpf, -value)
             return NotImplemented
     def calculate(self, dst, long, force=False):
+        if self.has_endian():
+            with self.without_endian().switch_endian(self.fmt) \
+                 .calculate(dst, long, force) as (dst, long):
+                yield dst, long
+                return
         with ExitStack() as exitStack:
             if isinstance(self.address, Sum):
                 dst = exitStack.enter_context(self.ebpf.get_free_register(dst))
-                self.ebpf.append(
-                    Opcode.LD + self.fmt_to_opcode.get(self.fmt, Opcode.B),
-                    dst, self.address.left.no, self.address.right, 0)
+                opcode = fmt_to_opcode(self.fmt)
+                self.ebpf.append(Opcode.LD + opcode, dst, self.address.left.no,
+                                 self.address.right.value, 0)
                 dst, _ = exitStack.enter_context(
                     super().calculate(dst, long, force))
@@ -906,7 +926,7 @@ class Memory(Expression):
                     self.ebpf.r[dst] >>= self.fmt[0]
                 yield dst, "B"
-                yield dst, self.fmt in "QqA"
+                yield dst, self.fmt[-1] in "QqAx"
     def get_address(self, dst, long, force=False):
@@ -924,6 +944,14 @@ class Memory(Expression):
     def fixed(self):
         return isinstance(self.fmt, str) and self.fmt == "x"
+    def has_endian(self):
+        return isinstance(self.fmt, str) and len(self.fmt) > 1
+    def without_endian(self):
+        if self.has_endian():
+            return Memory(self.ebpf, self.fmt[-1], self.address)
+        return self
     def __invert__(self):
         if not isinstance(self.fmt, tuple) or self.fmt[1] != 1:
             return NotImplemented
@@ -936,6 +964,56 @@ class Memory(Expression):
             return Memory(self.ebpf, "B", self.address) & mask != 0
         return super().__ne__(value)
+    def _set(self, value):
+        opcode = Opcode.STX
+        with ExitStack() as exitStack:
+            if isinstance(self.fmt, tuple):
+                pos, bits = self.fmt
+                self.fmt = "B"
+                if bits == 1:
+                    try:
+                        if value:
+                            value = self | (1 << pos)
+                        else:
+                            value = self & ~(1 << pos)
+                    except AssembleError:
+                        exitStack.enter_context(self.ebpf.wtmp)
+                        with value as Else:
+                            self.ebpf.wtmp = self | (1 << pos)
+                        with Else:
+                            self.ebpf.wtmp = self & ~(1 << pos)
+                        value = self.ebpf.wtmp
+                else:
+                    mask = ((1 << bits) - 1) << pos
+                    value = (mask & (value << pos) | ~mask & self)
+            elif isinstance(value, IAdd):
+                value = value.value
+                opcode = Opcode.XADD
+            elif not isinstance(value, Expression):
+                value = Constant(self.ebpf, value)
+            if self.fmt == "x" and not value.fixed:
+                value *= Expression.FIXED_BASE
+            elif self.fmt != "x" and value.fixed:
+                value /= Expression.FIXED_BASE
+            if isinstance(self.address, Sum):
+                dst = self.address.left.no
+                offset = self.address.right.value
+            else:
+                dst, _ = exitStack.enter_context(
+                    self.address.calculate(None, True))
+                offset = 0
+            value = value.switch_endian(self.fmt)
+            if value.small_constant and opcode == Opcode.STX:
+                self.ebpf.append(Opcode.ST + fmt_to_opcode(self.fmt), dst, 0,
+                                 offset, int(value.value))
+                return
+            src, _ = exitStack.enter_context(
+                value.calculate(None, isinstance(self.fmt, str)
+                                      and self.fmt[-1] in 'qQx'))
+            self.ebpf.append(opcode + fmt_to_opcode(self.fmt),
+                             dst, src, offset, 0)
 class MemoryDesc:
     """A base class used by descriptors for memory
@@ -944,6 +1022,9 @@ class MemoryDesc:
     defined by the member variable `base_register` in deriving
+    fixed = False  # only selected memory can have fixe value vars
     def __get__(self, instance, owner):
         if instance is None:
             return self
@@ -952,54 +1033,10 @@ class MemoryDesc:
                       instance.ebpf.r[self.base_register] + addr)
     def __set__(self, instance, value):
-        ebpf = instance.ebpf
         fmt, addr = self.fmt_addr(instance)
-        bits = Memory.fmt_to_opcode.get(fmt, Opcode.B)
-        if isinstance(fmt, tuple):
-            before = Memory(ebpf, "B", ebpf.r[self.base_register] + addr)
-            if fmt[1] == 1:
-                try:
-                    if value:
-                        value = before | (1 << fmt[0])
-                    else:
-                        value = before & ~(1 << fmt[0])
-                except AssembleError:
-                    with ebpf.wtmp:
-                        with value as Else:
-                            ebpf.wtmp = before | (1 << fmt[0])
-                        with Else:
-                            ebpf.wtmp = before & ~(1 << fmt[0])
-            else:
-                mask = ((1 << fmt[1]) - 1) << fmt[0]
-                value = (mask & (value << self.fmt[0]) | ~mask & before)
-            opcode = Opcode.STX
-        elif isinstance(value, IAdd):
-            value = value.value
-            if not isinstance(value, Expression):
-                if self.fixed:
-                    value = int(value * self.FIXED_BASE)
-                with ebpf.get_free_register(None) as src:
-                    ebpf.r[src] = value
-                    ebpf.append(Opcode.XADD + bits, self.base_register,
-                                src, addr, 0)
-                return
-            opcode = Opcode.XADD
-        elif isinstance(value, Expression):
-            opcode = Opcode.STX
-        else:
-            if self.fixed:
-                value = int(value * Expression.FIXED_BASE)
-            ebpf.append(Opcode.ST + bits, self.base_register, 0,
-                        addr, value)
-            return
-        if self.fmt == "x" and not value.fixed:
-            value = value * Expression.FIXED_BASE
-        elif self.fmt != "x" and value.fixed:
-            value = value / Expression.FIXED_BASE
-        with value.calculate(None, isinstance(fmt, str) and fmt in 'qQx'
-                            ) as (src, _):
-            ebpf.append(opcode + bits, self.base_register, src, addr, 0)
+        memory = Memory(instance.ebpf, fmt,
+                        instance.ebpf.r[self.base_register] + addr)
+        memory._set(value)
 class LocalVar(MemoryDesc):
     """variables on the stack"""
@@ -1034,36 +1071,8 @@ class MemoryMap:
         self.fmt = fmt
     def __setitem__(self, addr, value):
-        with ExitStack() as exitStack:
-            if isinstance(addr, Sum):
-                dst = addr.left.no
-                offset = addr.right
-            else:
-                dst, _ = exitStack.enter_context(addr.calculate(None, True))
-                offset = 0
-            if isinstance(value, IAdd):
-                value = value.value
-                if self.fmt == "x":
-                    value = int(value * self.FIXED_BASE)
-                if not isinstance(value, Expression):
-                    with self.ebpf.get_free_register(None) as src:
-                        self.ebpf.r[src] = value
-                        self.ebpf.append(
-                            Opcode.XADD + Memory.fmt_to_opcode[self.fmt],
-                            dst, src, offset, 0)
-                    return
-                opcode = Opcode.XADD
-            elif isinstance(value, Expression):
-                opcode = Opcode.STX
-            else:
-                if self.fmt == "x":
-                    value = int(value * self.FIXED_BASE)
-                self.ebpf.append(Opcode.ST + Memory.fmt_to_opcode[self.fmt],
-                                 dst, 0, offset, value)
-                return
-            with value.calculate(None, None) as (src, _):
-                self.ebpf.append(opcode + Memory.fmt_to_opcode[self.fmt],
-                                 dst, src, offset, 0)
+        memory = Memory(self.ebpf, self.fmt, addr)
+        memory._set(value)
     def __getitem__(self, addr):
         if isinstance(addr, Register):
@@ -1151,17 +1160,13 @@ class RegisterArray:
     def __setitem__(self, no, value):
-        if isinstance(value, Expression):
-            if self.fixed and not value.fixed:
-                value = value * Expression.FIXED_BASE
-            if not self.fixed and value.fixed:
-                value = value / Expression.FIXED_BASE
-            with value.calculate(no, self.long, True):
-                pass
-        else:
-            if self.fixed:
-                value = int(value * Expression.FIXED_BASE)
-            self.ebpf._load_value(no, value)
+        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
+        if self.fixed and not value.fixed:
+            value *= Expression.FIXED_BASE
+        elif not self.fixed and value.fixed:
+            value /= Expression.FIXED_BASE
+        with value.calculate(no, self.long, True):
+            pass
     def __getitem__(self, no):
         return Register(no, self.ebpf, self.long, self.signed, self.fixed)
@@ -1262,9 +1267,19 @@ class EBPF:
     def append(self, opcode, dst, src, off, imm):
         self.opcodes.append(Instruction(opcode, dst, src, off, imm))
+    def append_endian(self, fmt, dst):
+        if not isinstance(fmt, str) or len(fmt) != 2:
+            return
+        endian, size = fmt
+        if endian == "<":
+            opcode = Opcode.LE
+        elif endian in ">!":
+            opcode = Opcode.BE
+        self.append(opcode, dst, 0, 0, calcsize(fmt) * 8)
     def assemble(self):
         """return the assembled program"""
-        self.program()
+        sub(EBPF, self).program()
         return b"".join(
             pack("<BBHI", i.opcode.value, i.dst | i.src << 4,
                  i.off % 0x10000, i.imm % 0x100000000)
@@ -1330,13 +1345,6 @@ class EBPF:
         raise AssembleError("not enough registers")
-    def _load_value(self, no, value):
-        if -0x80000000 <= value < 0x100000000:
-            self.append(Opcode.MOV + Opcode.LONG, no, 0, 0, value)
-        else:
-            self.append(Opcode.DW, no, 0, 0, value & 0xffffffff)
-            self.append(Opcode.W, 0, 0, 0, value >> 32)
     def save_registers(self, registers):
         oldowners = self.owners.copy()
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpf.rst b/ebpfcat/ebpf.rst
index 570e7c869768deced196013571e067ae9fbd8e57..8184d415aef76e63b2a9e19acd32b69e0a9d8ebc 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpf.rst
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpf.rst
@@ -126,6 +126,38 @@ packets::
                 self.count += 1
+as a simplification, if the class attribute ``minimumPacketSize`` is set,
+the ``program`` is called within a ``with`` statement like above, and all
+the packet variables appear as variables of the object. The class
+attribute ``defaultExitCode`` then gives the exit code in case the packet
+is too small (by default ``XDPExitCode.PASS``). So the above example becomes::
+    class Program(XDP):
+        minimumPacketSize = 16
+        userspace = HashMap()
+        count = userspace.globalVar()
+        def program(self):
+            with self.pH[12] == 8:
+                self.count += 1
+With the ``PacketVar`` descriptor it is possible to declare certain positions
+in the packet as variables. As parameters it takes the position within the
+packet, and the data format, following the conventions from the Python
+``struct`` package, including the endianness markers ``<>!``. So the above
+example simplifies to::
+    class Program(XDP):
+        minimumPacketSize = 16
+        userspace = HashMap()
+        count = userspace.globalVar()
+        etherType = PacketVar(12, "!H")  # use network byte order
+        def program(self):
+            with self.etherType == 0x800:
+                self.count += 1
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py b/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
index c61bb959b4ec94b3d99f0f7bca470aeeaa9bf53b..dbe2cdb8fe64d83df298a824d8fbfdb2dba1ab71 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from .ebpf import (
     AssembleError, EBPF, FuncId, Opcode, OpcodeFlags, Opcode as O, LocalVar,
     SubProgram, ktime)
 from .hashmap import HashMap
-from .xdp import XDP
+from .xdp import XDP, PacketVar
 from .bpf import ProgType, prog_test_run
@@ -192,7 +192,17 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
         e.r1 = e.r2 // e.x3
         e.x4 = e.x5 // e.x6
-        self.maxDiff = None
+        e.x1 = 3 / e.r2
+        e.x3 = 3.5 / e.r4
+        e.x5 = 3 / e.x6
+        e.x4 = 4.5 / e.x6
+        e.x1 = 3 // e.r2
+        e.x3 = 3.5 // e.r4
+        e.x5 = 3 // e.x6
+        e.x4 = 4.5 // e.x6
         self.assertEqual(e.opcodes, [
            Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.MOV+O.LONG, dst=1, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
            Instruction(opcode=O.ADD+O.LONG, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=3),
@@ -269,7 +279,30 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
            Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.LONG+O.REG, dst=1, src=3, off=0, imm=0),
            Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.REG+O.MOV, dst=4, src=5, off=0, imm=0),
            Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.LONG+O.REG, dst=4, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
-           Instruction(opcode=O.MUL+O.LONG, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=300000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=1, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=350000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=3, src=4, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DW, dst=5, src=0, off=0, imm=4230196224),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.W, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=6),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=5, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DW, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=2050327040),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.W, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=10),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=4, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=3),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=1, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.MOV+O.LONG, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=3),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.LONG+O.DIV, dst=3, src=4, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=5, src=0, off=0, imm=300000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=5, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=5, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=450000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=4, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
     def test_local(self):
@@ -317,6 +350,8 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
         with e.b:
             e.a = 0
+        e.a = e.b
         self.assertEqual(e.opcodes, [
            Instruction(opcode=O.LD+O.B, dst=0, src=10, off=-1, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=O.JSET, dst=0, src=0, off=1, imm=32),
@@ -344,6 +379,14 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
             Instruction(opcode=O.JMP, dst=0, src=0, off=3, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=O.LD+O.B, dst=0, src=10, off=-1, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=O.AND, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=-33),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.STX+O.B, dst=10, src=0, off=-1, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LD+O.B, dst=2, src=10, off=-2, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.JSET, dst=2, src=0, off=3, imm=120),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LD+O.B, dst=0, src=10, off=-1, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.AND, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=-33),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.JMP, dst=0, src=0, off=2, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LD+O.B, dst=0, src=10, off=-1, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.OR, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=32),
             Instruction(opcode=O.B+O.STX, dst=10, src=0, off=-1, imm=0)])
     def test_local_subprog(self):
@@ -374,6 +417,7 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
             a = LocalVar('I')
             b = LocalVar('q')
             c = LocalVar('h')
+            d = LocalVar('x')
         e = Local(ProgType.XDP, "GPL")
         e.a += 3
@@ -386,6 +430,9 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
         e.c += 3
         e.mB[e.r1] += e.r1
+        e.d -= 5
+        e.d += e.r1
         self.assertEqual(e.opcodes, [
            Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=3),
            Instruction(opcode=O.XADD+O.W, dst=10, src=0, off=-4, imm=0),
@@ -400,7 +447,13 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
            Instruction(opcode=O.STX+O.REG, dst=10, src=0, off=-18, imm=0),
            Instruction(opcode=O.B+O.LD, dst=0, src=1, off=0, imm=0),
            Instruction(opcode=O.ADD+O.REG, dst=0, src=1, off=0, imm=0),
-           Instruction(opcode=O.STX+O.B, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=0)])
+           Instruction(opcode=O.STX+O.B, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=-500000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.XADD+O.DW, dst=10, src=0, off=-32, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=0, src=1, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.MUL+O.LONG, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.XADD+O.DW, dst=10, src=0, off=-32, imm=0),
+        ])
     def test_jump(self):
@@ -632,7 +685,9 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
             Instruction(opcode=O.DW, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=878082192),
             Instruction(opcode=O.W, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=18),
             Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.REG+O.ADD, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=0),
-            Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=2415919104),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.DW, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=2415919104),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=0),
     def test_simple_binary(self):
@@ -809,12 +864,12 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
             Instruction(opcode=39, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=2),
             Instruction(opcode=31, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=191, dst=0, src=3, off=0, imm=0),
-            Instruction(opcode=O.MUL+O.LONG, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=2),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.MUL, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=2),
             Instruction(opcode=107, dst=10, src=0, off=-10, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=191, dst=0, src=10, off=0, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=15, dst=0, src=3, off=0, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=191, dst=2, src=3, off=0, imm=0),
-            Instruction(opcode=O.MUL+O.LONG, dst=2, src=0, off=0, imm=2),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.MUL, dst=2, src=0, off=0, imm=2),
             Instruction(opcode=107, dst=0, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=191, dst=5, src=10, off=0, imm=0),
@@ -899,6 +954,81 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
             Instruction(opcode=O.JMP, dst=0, src=0, off=1, imm=0),
             Instruction(opcode=O.MOV+O.LONG, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=77)])
+    def test_endian(self):
+        class P(XDP):
+            minimumPacketSize = 100
+            ph = PacketVar(20, "<H")
+            pi = PacketVar(28, ">i")
+            pq = PacketVar(36, "!q")
+            pp = PacketVar(100, "Q")
+            def program(self):
+                self.ph = 3
+                self.pi = 5
+                self.pq = 7
+                self.ph += 3
+                self.pi += 5
+                self.pq = self.ph
+        e = P(license="GPL")
+        e.assemble()
+        self.assertEqual(e.opcodes, [
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.LD, dst=9, src=1, off=0, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.LD, dst=0, src=1, off=4, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.LD, dst=2, src=1, off=0, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.ADD, dst=2, src=0, off=0, imm=100),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.JLE+O.REG, dst=0, src=2, off=19, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.ST+O.REG, dst=9, src=0, off=20, imm=3),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.ST, dst=9, src=0, off=28, imm=83886080),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.DW, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=117440512),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.DW+O.STX, dst=9, src=0, off=36, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LD+O.REG, dst=0, src=9, off=20, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LE, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=16),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.ADD, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=3),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LE, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=16),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.STX, dst=9, src=0, off=20, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.LD, dst=0, src=9, off=28, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.BE, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=32),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.ADD, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=5),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.BE, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=32),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.STX, dst=9, src=0, off=28, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LD+O.REG, dst=0, src=9, off=20, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LE, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=16),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.BE, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=64),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.DW+O.STX, dst=9, src=0, off=36, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=2),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.EXIT, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=0),
+        ])
+    def test_xdp_minsize(self):
+        class P(XDP):
+            minimumPacketSize = 100
+            pv = PacketVar(20, "H")
+            def program(self):
+                self.pv = self.pH[22]
+        p = P(license="GPL")
+        p.assemble()
+        self.assertEqual(p.opcodes, [
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.LD, dst=9, src=1, off=0, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.LD, dst=0, src=1, off=4, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.W+O.LD, dst=2, src=1, off=0, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.ADD, dst=2, src=0, off=0, imm=100),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.JLE+O.REG, dst=0, src=2, off=2, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.LD, dst=0, src=9, off=22, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.STX, dst=9, src=0, off=20, imm=0),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=2),
+            Instruction(opcode=O.EXIT, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=0),
+        ])
 class KernelTests(TestCase):
     def test_hashmap(self):
         class Global(EBPF):
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpfcat.py b/ebpfcat/ebpfcat.py
index 5bb9e438ebf8d325500edbcaf4d67694ff42ce87..77a9abb6575f08b32ad1b85e5ae114b9e0da8815 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpfcat.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpfcat.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from time import time
 from .arraymap import ArrayMap, ArrayGlobalVarDesc
 from .ethercat import ECCmd, EtherCat, Packet, Terminal
 from .ebpf import FuncId, MemoryDesc, SubProgram, prandom
-from .xdp import XDP, XDPExitCode
+from .xdp import XDP, XDPExitCode, PacketVar as XDPPacketVar
 from .bpf import (
     ProgType, MapType, create_map, delete_elem, update_elem, prog_test_run,
@@ -255,42 +255,44 @@ class EBPFTerminal(Terminal):
 class EtherXDP(XDP):
     license = "GPL"
+    minimumPacketSize = 30
     variables = ArrayMap()
     dropcounter = variables.globalVar("I")
     counters = variables.globalVar("64I")
     rate = 0
     DATA0 = 26
-    def program(self):
-        ETHERTYPE = 12
-        CMD0 = 16
-        ADDR0 = 18
+    ethertype = XDPPacketVar(12, "!H")
+    addr0 = XDPPacketVar(18, "I")
+    cmd0 = XDPPacketVar(16, "B")
+    data0 = XDPPacketVar(DATA0, "H")
+    def program(self):
         with prandom(self.ebpf) & 0xffff < self.rate:
             self.dropcounter += 1
-        with self.packetSize > 30 as p, p.pH[ETHERTYPE] == 0xA488, \
-                p.pB[CMD0] == 0:
-            self.r3 = p.pI[ADDR0]  # use r3 for tail_call
+        with self.ethertype == 0x88A4, self.cmd0 == 0:
+            self.r3 = self.addr0  # use r3 for tail_call
             with self.counters.get_address(None, False, False) as (dst, _), \
                     self.r3 < FastEtherCat.MAX_PROGS:
                 self.r[dst] += 4 * self.r3
                 self.r4 = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
                 # we lost a packet
-                with p.pH[self.DATA0] == self.r4 as Else:
+                with self.data0 == self.r4 as Else:
                     self.mI[self.r[dst]] += 1 + (self.r4 & 1)
                 # normal case: two packets on the wire
-                with Else, ((p.pH[self.DATA0] + 1 & 0xffff) == self.r4) \
-                           | (p.pH[self.DATA0] == 0) as Else:
+                with Else, ((self.data0 + 1 & 0xffff) == self.r4) \
+                           | (self.data0 == 0) as Else:
                     self.mI[self.r[dst]] += 1
                     with self.r4 & 1:  # last one was active
-                        p.pH[self.DATA0] = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
+                        self.data0 = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
                 with Else:
-                p.pH[self.DATA0] = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
+                self.data0 = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
                 self.r2 = self.get_fd(self.programs)
diff --git a/ebpfcat/util.py b/ebpfcat/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..840e9ec52d6ffaff6fbc60df6a3ce7bc4ac98816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebpfcat/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from itertools import chain
+class sub:
+    def __init__(self, cls, base, default=False):
+        self.cls = cls
+        self.base = base
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        mro = self.base.__class__.__mro__[::-1]
+        i = mro.index(self.cls)
+        for cls in chain(mro[i + 1 :], mro[:i + 1]):
+            func = cls.__dict__.get(name)
+            if func is not None:
+                return func.__get__(self.base, cls)
+        raise AttributeError(f"'sub' object has no attribute '{name}'")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    class A:
+        def g(self):
+            print("A.f")
+    class B(A):
+        def f(self):
+            print("B.f")
+    class C(A):
+        def f(self):
+            print("C.f")
+    class D(C, B):
+        def f(self):
+            print("D.f")
+    b = D()
+    print(D.__mro__)
+    sub(A, b).f()
+    sub(B, b).f()
+    sub(C, b).f()
+    sub(D, b).f()
diff --git a/ebpfcat/xdp.py b/ebpfcat/xdp.py
index dee0e1e7ee1b3187f1c06405b71b20c5e85e360e..0d2b518ae20a81f787d9e469c9666095b31797a8 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/xdp.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/xdp.py
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ from socket import AF_NETLINK, NETLINK_ROUTE, if_nametoindex
 import socket
 from struct import pack, unpack
-from .ebpf import EBPF
+from .ebpf import EBPF, MemoryDesc
 from .bpf import ProgType
+from .util import sub
 class XDPExitCode(Enum):
@@ -151,13 +152,39 @@ class PacketSize:
         return self > value - 1
+class PacketVar(MemoryDesc):
+    base_register = 9
+    def __init__(self, address, fmt):
+        self.address = address
+        self.fmt = fmt
+    def fmt_addr(self, instance):
+        return self.fmt, self.address
 class XDP(EBPF):
     """the base class for XDP programs"""
+    minimumPacketSize = None
+    defaultExitCode = XDPExitCode.PASS
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(prog_type=ProgType.XDP, **kwargs)
         self.packetSize = PacketSize(self)
+    def program(self):
+        if self.minimumPacketSize is None:
+            sub(XDP, self).program()
+        else:
+            with self.packetSize > self.minimumPacketSize as packet:
+                self.pB = packet.pB
+                self.pH = packet.pH
+                self.pI = packet.pI
+                self.pQ = packet.pQ
+                sub(XDP, self).program()
+            self.exit(self.defaultExitCode)
     async def _netlink(self, ifindex, fd, flags):
         future = Future()
         transport, proto = await get_event_loop().create_datagram_endpoint(